A sinecure is an Imperial title that provides the office holder with a fixed income, usually in the form of the production from a commission. The return can take many different forms, the most common being money, herbs, materials for crafting items, mana crystals, and liao and votes in the Imperial Synod. Sinecures are often created with tenure, meaning they are generally retained until the holder dies, resigns, or is removed by the Synod.
There are several well worn paths for appointing a Sinecure; the most common are appointment by unanimous decisions of a nations senators, a judgement of appointment in one of the assemblies of the Imperial Synod, or the tally of the votes.
The resources a sinecure provides are added to a character's inventory automatically when Downtime closes. The income is received only by the person with the title - if the title has not been appointed the resources do not accrue. As long as the title is held by someone, the resources accrue at the start of each event regardless of whether they attend the summit at Anvil or not.
Senate Commissions
The Imperial Senate may pass a motion for the construction of an establishment capable of producing wealth - money, herbs, resources or similar. This motion automatically results in the creation of a sinecure once the construction is complete.
It is also possible for the Senate to pass a motion to upgrade a sinecure, increasing the benefits that it provides.
- Materials: Variable (minimum 10 wains)
- Time: 3 months to construct per 50 wains of materials used
- Labour: 2 crowns per wain
- Upkeep: None
The more resources are devoted to constructing a sinecure, the greater the return. Under normal circumstances, the material required will be the one associated with upgrading an equivalent personal resource. For example, at least 10 wains of mithril is required to create a sinecure that produces mana crystals.
In addition to the wains required, it costs 2 crowns per wain to pay for labour and skills to complete the construction.
Wains | Money | Ingots | Herbs | Mana Crystals | Congregation |
10 | 216 rings | 12 | 18 | 9 | 6 liao, 12 votes |
12 | 252 rings | 14 | 21 | 10 | 7 liao, 14 votes |
16 | 288 rings | 16 | 24 | 12 | 8 liao, 16 votes |
20 | 324 rings | 18 | 27 | 13 | 9 liao, 18 votes |
30 | 396 rings | 22 | 33 | 16 | 11 liao, 22 votes |
60 | 540 rings | 30 | 45 | 22 | 15 liao, 30 votes |
80 | 612 rings | 34 | 51 | 25 | 17 liao, 34 votes |
116 | 720 rings | 40 | 60 | 30 | 20 liao, 40 votes |
The table shows some standard costs and benefits for a range of sinecures. For example a sinecure created by the Senate using 20 wains of mithril could produce 13 mana crystals each season. There is no upper limit on how many wains can be used to construct a sinecure; provided at least 10 wains are used, then any amount can be spent to build it.
It is not possible to create a sinecure which mimics the effects of a fleet or military unit, nor is it possible to create a sinecure which creates mithril, ilium, weirwood, or white granite.
A sinecure is very similar to a personal resource such as a farm or mine in that it provides a set amount of resources to the character who holds the position at the start of each event. Unlike a personal resource, however, you don't need to attend the previous event to get the benefits. Also, the sinecure cannot be upgraded or diversified by its holder (only by senate motion) and there are no decisions to be made about what the position provides or how it does so. A sinecure that produces liao will not come with an option to sell that liao in downtime, a sinecure that produces green iron cannot be paid to produce more in the way a green iron mine could.
Sinecures are not affected by rituals that target a personal resource. A ritual that increases the production of a green iron mine will not affect a sinecure that produces green iron.
A sinecure that produces herbs will normally produce equal quantities of all herbs. It is possible to create a sinecure that produces a single herb, provided it is one that is commonly found in the area. As part of the necessary details, the senator can indicate what herbs they would like but the final decision about production is made by the game team.
Synod Votes
Any sinecure that produces liao also provides votes in the Imperial Synod. The flavour for such a sinecure almost invariably includes a group of faithful lay followers of the Way of some sort. The civil service evaluates this in the same way they would a congregation and assigns liao and votes in the Imperial Synod on that basis.
A sinecure that provide votes in the Imperial Synod has significant constitutional implications if the appointment of the sinecure is not made through the Synod. For example, the Guardian of Britta's Shrine was unconstitutional since it was appointed by the Senate but the title carried votes in the Synod. The magistrates would not have allowed this motion to pass in this form if they had noticed the situation at the time. If the sinecure were appointed by the Synod, then it would be constitutional.
A sinecure that provides votes in the Imperial Synod grants the holder of that title the legal powers and responsibilities of membership of the Synod. If the holder of the title is not already a member of the Synod, it automatically includes membership of all appropriate assemblies (the General Assembly, the appropriate National Assembly, and either the relevant Virtue Assembly or the Assembly of the Way).
The physical location of a sinecure that provides synod votes is not relevant to the assemblies that the owner is considered to belong to. A Navarr guide who maintains a cathedral in the Marches still wields their votes in the Navarr national assembly rather than the Marcher national assembly, even though the congregation of that cathedral are largely of Marcher nationality. Only the size of the congregation matters to the civil service, not its make-up.
A sinecure that provides votes in the Imperial Synod does not provide additional votes during the election of a Highborn senator. This could in theory lead to the odd situation where a Highborn citizen can vote in that election due to the possession of a sinecure, but has no votes. On the rare occasions that this has come up, the citizen can attend and participate in the interrogation of the candidates, but cannot cast any votes during the selection process.
Other Votes
It is no longer possible to create a sinecure that provides votes in a Bourse or Senate election, even where voting is determined by the size of a citizen's personal resource. After lengthy consideration, the Constitutional Court determined that sinecures that did this violated an important principle of presence, that an individual should be present to cast their vote.
Any citizen who is granted a sinecure is expected to be responsible for any problems that might beset the resources represented by the sinecure. For example, if Thule reavers are raiding the mines overseen by the Lady of the Upper Halls, then the Empire will expect that citizen to deal with the problem.
Current Sinecures
This table includes all sinecures which are active and have been appointed in recent times. For a full list of title holders see here. This list was last updated following the Autumn Equinox 386YE.
Sinecure | Output | Location | Appointment | Eligibility | Election | Occupant |
A Fair Price | 1 throne 2 crowns 16 rings | Iteri, Zenith | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Spring | Hugh Farrier |
Abbey of Reconciliation | 6 doses of true vervain 4 doses of cerulean mazzarine 4 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of bladeroot 2 doses of marrowort 2 vials of liao | Fishguard, Necropolis | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | Has tenure | Sister Rosa |
Academy of Arms | 12 vials of liao Lowther's Gaze at the Spring Equinox Greensteel Bracelets at the Summer Solstice Alder's Edge at the Autumn Equinox | Siluri, Redoubt | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Summer | Samantha "Tongs" Barossa De Tassato Regario |
Afal-on-Ash | 9 mana crystals | Ashbrook, Upwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position | Has tenure | Gerraint Black |
Angelica Memorial House of Healing | 18 doses of cerulean mazzarine | Riposi, Sarvos | Military Council Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Gabrielle Barossa |
Anvil Library Scriptorium | 7 vials of liao 2 crowns 14 rings Seer's Probe at the Spring Equinox | Foracci, Sarvos | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Has tenure | Richardo Glostari di Sarvos |
Arbor of the Twin Roses | 14 vials of liao Bondring at the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox | Ferrond, Semmerholm | Synod Judgement | Dawnish Position | Spring | Noble Seri of The Twisted Rose |
Assayer's Guild | 4 ingots of green iron 2 ingots of orichalcum | Locul, Temeschwar | Bourse Vote | League Position | Spring | Marcus Von Temeschwar |
Aurelie's Garden | 10 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine 2 doses of true vervain 2 doses of marrowort 2 doses of bladeroot | Groveyard, Astolat | Senate Appointment | Dawnish or Navarr Position | Autumn | Bertrand Gardener |
Aviary of Ishal | 5 doses of Goosewhisper Infusion | Skymark, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Autumn | The Shaman |
Azure Chorus | 9 vials of liao 6 crowns | Braydon's Jasse, Kahraman | Synod Judgement | Freeborn Position | Has tenure | Mina i Yashum i Riqueza |
Barossa College of Imperial Strategy Iron wing | 8 pieces of day vis | Tassato Regario, Tassato | Senate Appointment | League Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Barossa College of Imperial Strategy Wolves wing | 8 pieces of day vis | Tassato Regario, Tassato | Senate Appointment | League Position | Autumn | Jean d'Apulian |
Basilica of Cora Holdfast | 15 vials of liao Phial of the Sun at Spring Equinox | Chalcis Mount, Reikos | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Has tenure | Nekoda of the Shattered Tower |
Basilica of Seven Doors | 15 vials of liao 6 crowns 15 rings | Bastion Rounds, Bastion | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Basilica of the Little Mother | 20 vials of liao 1 throne 5 crowns | Bastion Rounds, Bastion | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Has tenure | Ivana Petara Vodjavic |
Blood Red River Museum | 15 vials of liao 1 throne | Tassato Mestra, Tassato | Synod Judgement | League Position | Has tenure | Astrid Fjellrevening Rezia di Tassato |
Bloody Great Sausage | 5 crowns | Holfried, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Bonehives | 4 doses of Flickerbright 4 doses of Stormspark 4 doses of Fireheart | Echofell, Ossium | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Bright-Threads Brass Works | 12 ingots of orichalcum | Valasmark, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Deorlaf Bright Thread |
Britta's Memorial | 8 vials of liao 3 crowns 8 rings | Coursmouth, Necropolis | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Spring | Neala Blackhawk |
Brock's Toll | 2 thrones 4 rings | Greenfalls, Miaren | Not A Well Worn Path | Dawnish or Marcher Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Butterfly Holt | 20 measures of iridescent gloaming | Srodkoja, Miekarova | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Vasilmir Radovanovna Esskivic |
Cairn of Sylvihrafn | 9 mana crystals | Skogei Glens, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Tarqeq Icetongue |
Capodomus Cathedral | 20 vials of liao 1 throne 6 crowns | Cigno, Sarvos | Synod Judgement | League Position | Summer | Estella Lucati |
Caves of the Claw | 10 mana crystals | Ravion, Morrow | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Has tenure | Nicassia Avicia of Phoenix Reach |
Challenger in Waiting | 11 vials of liao Icon of the Witness at Spring Equinox | Hawksmoor, Weirwater | Synod Judgement | Dawnish Position | Autumn | Lady Laudine of House duLac |
Churnspire | 2 pieces of summer vis 1 x Tempestuous Orb (Unique Paraphenalia) 1 x Staff of Storms (Unique Ritual staff) 1 x Mask of the Geyser (Unique Foci) | Peregro, Morrow | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Summer | Ianthe |
Crimson Drummers of Madruga | 7 vials of liao 7 crowns | Torres, Madruga | Synod Judgement | Freeborn Position | Has tenure | Ahraz i Guerra |
Crystal Vale | 10 mana crystals | Southridge, Hahnmark | Military Council Appointment | Wintermark Position | Autumn | Aeolwulf |
Delver of the Depths | 50 ingots of weltsilver 20 ingots of tempest jade 12 mana crystals | Goldglades, Miaren | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position | Spring | Lisa de Regario |
Dunfrith | 5 doses of bladeroot 5 doses of true vervain 5 doses of marrowort 4 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine 6 doses of bladeroot | Wood Heath, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Kai Dunning of Dunhearth Hall |
Emilio's Herbarium | 6 doses of true vervain 6 doses of cerulean mazzarine 4 doses of imperial roseweald 4 doses of marrowort 1 dose of bladeroot | Foracci, Sarvos | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | Has tenure | Emilio Marsana Saverio di Sarvos |
Eternal Flame of Miaren | 9 mana crystals | Serenael, Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Has tenure | Tanwen |
Fallsheart | 11 mana crystals | Wood Heath, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Xenshia Dunning |
Farmer of Eastern Spring Farm | 9 mana crystals | Gildermark, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Feldspar Distillery | 3 doses of Realms Root 3 doses of bladeroot 3 doses of imperial roseweald 3 doses of marrowort 3 doses of true vervain 3 doses of cerulean mazzarine | Solvihill, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Field of Glory | 18 doses of marrowort | Galath Fields, Ossium | Synod Judgement | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Fire at the Foot of the Mountain | 9 mana crystals | Skogei Glens, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | task |
Forest of Defiance | 9 mana crystals | Skogei Glens, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Skywise Karrak |
Garden of Falling Snow | 12 doses of cerulean mazzarine 6 doses of bladeroot | Kalpamark, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Leofric Dunnsson |
Garden of Glory | 6 vials of liao | Lower Tarn Valley, Therunin | Synod Judgement | Navarr Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Garden of the Imperial Auxiliaries | 6 doses of true vervain 4 doses of cerulean mazzarine 2 doses of bladeroot 4 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of marrowort | Coursmouth, Necropolis | Military Council Appointment | Imperial Position | Autumn | Helio i Fuego i Riqueza |
Gardens of Pallas | 7 doses of true vervain 5 doses of imperial roseweald 5 doses of cerulean mazzarine 5 doses of marrowort 5 doses of bladeroot 4 doses of Realms Root | Iteri, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Autumn | Setir |
Giselle's Tomb | 4 vials of liao 1 crown 14 rings | Hanuri, Temeschwar | Synod Judgement | League Position | Has tenure | Casimir Marcelino di Sarvos |
Glass Point Cove | 9 mana crystals | Uccelini, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Dalibor Marek van Temeschwar |
Golden Fields | 11 mana crystals | Golden Downs, Mitwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position | Has tenure | Nicolas Reaper |
Good Leaf Gardens | 10 doses of true vervain 5 doses of imperial roseweald 5 doses of bladeroot 5 doses of marrowort 5 doses of cerulean mazzarine | Birchland, Upwold | Bourse Vote | Marcher Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Good Walder's Orchard | 15 vials of liao 4 doses of Bright red apple | Golden Downs, Mitwold | Synod Judgement | Marcher Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Granger of the Golden Orchard | 9 mana crystals | Serenael, Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Has tenure | Siân Eternal |
Greenwood Manor | 6 measures of random natural materials 9 random herbs | Elvette, Semmerholm | Synod Judgement | Dawnish Position | Autumn | Percival Summerstrong |
Grim Gardener | 7 doses of true vervain 5 doses of imperial roseweald 5 doses of cerulean mazzarine 5 doses of marrowort 5 doses of bladeroot | Perumaki, Miekarova | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | Has tenure | Maegruth Bearonovitch Strascovitch |
Grove of Golden Cox | 3 pieces of summer vis | Chalcis Mount, Reikos | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Eayn Solsviegdottir Stanislaus |
Guildhouse of the Artisans | 2 measures of ambergelt 2 measures of beggar's lye 2 measures of dragonbone 2 measures of iridescent gloaming 2 ingots of orichalcum 2 ingots of tempest jade 2 ingots of weltsilver 2 ingots of green iron | Northspires, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Imperial Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Hall of Rund | 18 vials of liao | Rundhal Marsh, Kallavesa | Synod Judgement | Wintermark Position | Spring | Ingrid |
Hall of the Hunters | 9 mana crystals | Suaq Wastes, Sermersuaq | Synod Judgement | Wintermark Position | Summer | Liv Tidgaring |
Hall of the Unbroken | 10 mana crystals | East Floes, Sermersuaq | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Sindri |
Healer of Dawn | 18 doses of cerulean mazzarine | The Chase, Astolat | Senate Appointment | Dawnish Position | Has tenure | Isabella de Rondell |
Healing House of Wittal Grove | 6 doses of true vervain 4 doses of cerulean mazzarine in Spring 4 doses of imperial roseweald in Summer 4 doses of marrowort in Winter 4 doses of bladeroot in Autumn | Wittal Grove, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Hearth of Virtue | 16 vials of liao Icon of the Pilgrim at the Spring Equinox | Perumaki, Miekarova | Synod Judgement | Varushkan Position | Has tenure | Nikolovich Drakov |
Herb garden of the Steward of Nabarr | 18 doses of bladeroot | Old Ranging, Hercynia | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Autumn | Gryiff Embercast |
Herbalist of the Hearth | 6 doses of bladeroot 5 doses of true vervain 4 doses of imperial roseweald 4 doses of marrowort 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine 6 doses of bladeroot | Southridge, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Astar Lodindottir |
Highwatch Citadel | 3 doses of Effulgent Primessence 1 x Giant Pearl (Activated Item) | Altis, Morrow | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Autumn | Leo |
Holberg Scholars of the Sword Academy | 1 throne 6 crowns 7 rings | Holfried, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Professor Bartolomau Vinnemakker von Holberg |
Holberg's Melodious Cascade | 9 mana crystals | Holmauer, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Holberg's Phantasmagorical Mementoes | 2 thrones | Holmauer, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Bernhard Kleist von Ennerlund |
House of Barbs | 10 vials of liao 12 random herbs | Northpines, Hercynia | Synod Judgement | Navarr Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
House of Guerra | 12 vials of liao | Calvos Sound, Madruga | Synod Judgement | Freeborn Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
House of the Broken Shield | 6 doses of imperial roseweald 5 doses of marrowort 5 doses of bladeroot 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine | Solvihill, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Redhand Gezzar |
House of the Proffered Hand | 15 vials of liao | Coombe, Astolat | Synod Judgement | Dawnish Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Hufi's Garden | 10 doses of true vervain 4 doses of bladeroot 4 doses of imperial roseweald 4 doses of marrowort 2 doses of Realms Root | Kallavesa Marsh, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Summer | Conrald Mystrim |
Imperial Menagerie | 3 pieces of winter vis 2 thrones 4 doses of Tears of the Rakshasa | Holmauer, Holberg | Throne Appointment | Imperial Position | Has tenure | Kay Griffinsbain |
Imperial Seer | 2 x Waters of the Shimmering Shore (Activated Item) | Kronemark, Hahnmark | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Jorma Steelhail Moralities Shield |
Imperial War Memorial | 9 vials of liao 4 crowns | Mareholm, Casinea | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | Has tenure | Sarah |
Kennels of Holfried | 2 thrones 3 crowns 8 rings | Holfried, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | Spring | Esme Beatrix de Holberg |
Kleist's Winter Gardens | 15 doses of true vervain 15 doses of bladeroot 15 doses of marrowort | Holmauer, Holberg | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position | Spring | Hastur Brokenbough |
Kragg's Hollow | 9 mana crystals | Estermark, Skarsind | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Bloodcrow Pip |
Lakesedge Highway | 1 throne 4 crowns 10 doses of true vervain 10 doses of imperial roseweald | Rebeshof, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | Autumn | Lia Adelaar |
Laroc Cathedral | 9 vials of liao 3 doses of Skop's Mead | The Chase, Astolat | Synod Judgement | Dawnish Position | Has tenure | Dindrane Matushkova |
Last Battle Wayhouse | 24 random herbs | The Bleaks, The Barrens | Military Council Appointment | Navarr Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Marshstand Skerry | 3 mana crystals 3 pieces of winter vis in Autumn and Winter 3 pieces of spring vis in Spring and Summer | Drownbark Forest, Ossium | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Master Apothecary | 6 doses of bladeroot 5 doses of true vervain 4 doses of imperial roseweald 4 doses of marrowort 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine 6 doses of bladeroot | Kalpamark, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Hagen |
Mayor of Caricomare | 1 throne 7 crowns | Cigno, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Spring | Aloysius di Sarvos |
Maze of Zoria | 18 vials of liao | Mieriada, Miekarova | Synod Judgement | Varushkan Position | Autumn | Illya Nikovitch Volkov |
Memorial Gardens at Treji | 6 doses of bladeroot 6 doses of true vervain 2 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine 2 doses of marrowort | The Glen of Shadows, Hercynia | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Bloodcrow Agna |
Misericorde Market | 1 throne 2 crowns 5 measures of ambergelt 12 random herbs | Holfried, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Jonah Yakovitch |
Mithril Sculptures | 1 x Feather Talisman (Activated Item) | Spiral | Military Council Appointment | Urizeni Position | Autumn | Floria Sunshaper |
Monastery of the Four Winds | 12 vials of liao 1 throne | Peregro, Morrow | Synod Judgement | Urizeni Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
New Dunhall | 2 thrones 4 rings | Wood Heath, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Brigantia Duning |
Nostos Docks | 10 ingots of tempest jade 5 ingots of green iron | Operus, Morrow | Bourse Vote | Urizeni Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Open Hand of the Ancestors | 12 vials of liao | Solvihill, Skarsind | Synod Judgement | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | MemoryKeeper Ikahn |
Palace of Orieb | 5 doses of true vervain 5 doses of marrowort 5 doses of bladeroot 5 doses of cerulean mazzarine 5 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of Realms Root | Drownbark Forest, Ossium | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Patron of the Pavilion | 15 vials of liao 6 crowns 15 rings | Holmauer, Holberg | Synod Judgement | League Position | Has tenure | Leonora 'Nora' Albertina van Holberg |
Pegasus Respite | 8 doses of true vervain 4 doses of cerulean mazzarine 4 doses of marrowort 4 doses of imperial roseweald 4 doses of bladeroot | Chalcis Mount, Reikos | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Pelican Tower | 11 mana crystals | Foracci, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Concordio Barcaiolo di sarvos |
Penumbral Watcher | 1 piece of night vis 1 x Distilled shadow-tar (Activated Item) | Naris, Redoubt | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Izora Highwind |
Phoenix Flame | 26 mana crystals | Groveyard, Astolat | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés |
Pilgrim's Rest | 8 vials of liao 3 doses of Goosewhisper Infusion | Kallavesa Marsh, Kallavesa | Synod Judgement | Wintermark Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Pit of Revelations | 9 mana crystals | Skogei Glens, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Gardener Lask |
Preceptor of the Skarsind College of Warcasting | 9 mana crystals | Estermark, Skarsind | Bourse Vote | Imperial Orc Position | Autumn | Irontide Wesker |
Printer's Guild Museum | 7 mana crystals 4 crowns | Tassato Mestra, Tassato | Synod Judgement | Imperial Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Printers Guild Mausoleum | 13 mana crystals | Tassato | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Silvio de Tassato |
Prosperity's Boon | 10 mana crystals | Wood Heath, Hahnmark | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Leofric “Leo” Brenna |
Queen's Rose | 18 vials of liao Fireglass at the Spring Equinox | Lacuve, Semmerholm | Throne Appointment | Dawnish Position | Summer | Alaina Ferelith Meliora |
Ratibor's Gate | 15 vials of liao 6 crowns 15 rings | Locul, Temeschwar | Synod Judgement | League Position | Autumn | Vitore Van Temeschwar |
Reapers' Repose | 2 thrones 3 doses of Tranquil Nostrum | Locul, Temeschwar | Senate Appointment | League Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Reeds Roost | 9 mana crystals | North Fens, Bregasland | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position | Autumn | Haylock Blackthorn |
Reikos Counting House | 7 doses of true vervain 7 doses of cerulean mazzarine 7 doses of imperial roseweald 7 doses of marrowort 7 doses of bladeroot | Reikos | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | Summer | Brother Enoch of the Navigators of Virtue |
School of Exorcism | 6 vials of liao Silent Bell at the Summer Solstice | Riverwatch, Reikos | Senate Appointment | Highborn Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
School of Hard Knocks in Temeschwar | 2 thrones 3 crowns 16 rings | Temeschwar | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Gasparo Conzaga Di Temischwar |
Shepherd of the Great Herd | 1 throne 2 crowns 14 rings | Estermark, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Sand Viper Idra |
Signori d'Argento Vineyards | 1 throne 2 crowns 16 rings | Foracci, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Captain Markus DeVere |
Skarsind College of Pitfighting | 1 throne 2 crowns 16 rings | Skogei Glens, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Starlight Drift | 8 mana crystals 6 doses of bladeroot | Occursion, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Has tenure | Lochias Of Oblivion's Edge |
Stinking Market | 2 thrones | Drownbark Forest, Ossium | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Storm Shaman | 9 mana crystals | Pakaanan's Pass, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Brog |
Storm Vault | 10 mana crystals | Proceris, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Has tenure | Magrathea Stormsend |
Tekupala's Hives | 3 doses of Flickerbright 3 doses of Fireheart 3 doses of Stormspark | Wittal Grove, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Autumn | Kal |
The Bleak Tower | 9 pieces of winter vis | Ravion, Morrow | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Has tenure | Staurakios, of the Lighthouse at Nikephoros |
The Garrison of the League | 1 throne 2 crowns 16 rings | Hanuri, Temeschwar | Military Council Appointment | League Position | Spring | Erikas Van Temeshwar |
The Iron Grove | 5 doses of bladeroot 4 doses of true vervain 4 doses of imperial roseweald 3 doses of marrowort 2 doses of cerulean mazzarine | Skymark, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Wren Ironclaw |
The Key of Commitment | 3 x Crystalline Token of the Hunter of Tides (Activated Item) | Groveyard, Astolat | Military Council Appointment | Imperial Position | Autumn | Aulus Warcaster |
The Quiet Hall | 5 crowns 8 rings | Oakways, Miaren | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Vacant |
The Sapphire Stair | 2 thrones 4 crowns | Cascatas, Tassato | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Raphael Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato |
The Silent Sentinel | 15 vials of liao 6 crowns 15 rings | Mareholm, Casinea | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | Has tenure | Rhesa |
The Spider's Tollkeep | 2 thrones | Torres, Madruga | Senate Appointment | Freeborn or League Position | Has tenure | Marguerita Serafini di Sarvos |
The Tenebrous Path | 11 mana crystals | Old Ranging, Hercynia | Military Council Appointment | Navarr Position | Autumn | Eurion "Mr Cambion" Firekeeper |
Thorned Rose | 10 mana crystals | Serenael, Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Has tenure | Bledri Eternal |
Tower of the Fall | 7 mana crystals 9 pieces of winter vis | Occursion, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Has tenure | Sabina |
Twilight Demesne | 9 mana crystals | Solvihill, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Ebonmaw Nykta |
Vigilant Shield | 8 vials of liao 3 doses of Sovereign Specific Bondring at the Winter Solstice | Mareholm, Casinea | Throne Appointment | Imperial Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Watcher of Britta's Pool | 13 vials of liao 3 doses of Winterskin Tonic | Kallavesa Marsh, Kallavesa | Synod Judgement | Wintermark Position | Has tenure | Rafe |
Watcher of the Wheel | 1 piece of night vis 1 piece of autumn vis 1 piece of spring vis 1 piece of winter vis | Madeiras, Tassato | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Perfidious |
Weigher of Worth | 9 mana crystals | Gildermark, Skarsind | Senate Appointment | Imperial Orc Position | Has tenure | Ghillihg |
Wellspring of Jade | 14 mana crystals | Foracci, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Giacomo Corvinoscuro |
White City Museum | 11 vials of liao 4 crowns | Bastion Rounds, Bastion | Synod Judgement | Highborn Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Former Sinecures
These are sinecures that have been appointed in recent times but are no longer active. This happens automatically if a sinecure is abrogated by the Imperial Senate but in most cases it is because the commission has been captured or destroyed by barbarians.
Sinecure | Output | Location | Appointment | Eligibility |
Berislav's Rest | 1 throne 2 crowns 16 rings | Suvretz, Volodmartz | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position |
Bounders Hall | 1 throne 7 crowns | Southmoor, Mournwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position |
Dean of Pilgrims | 18 vials of liao | Operus, Morrow | Senate Appointment | Imperial Position |
Docks of Lake Feverwater | 8 ingots of random metals | East Ashes, Therunin | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position |
Drusilla's Obelus | 18 doses of bladeroot 3 doses of Warming Armour | The Morass, Holberg | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position |
Fields of Happiston | 12 mana crystals | Chalkdowns, Mournwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position |
First Voice Glade | 27 random herbs | Oakways, Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position |
Friar of Honour's Rest | 11 vials of liao 4 crowns | Greensward, Mournwold | Synod Judgement | Marcher Position |
Head Gardener of Urizen | 7 doses of true vervain 5 doses of imperial roseweald 5 doses of cerulean mazzarine 5 doses of marrowort 5 doses of bladeroot | Iteri, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position |
Keeper of the Dour Fens | 5 mana crystals 3 pieces of day vis | Gravenmarch, Bregasland | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position |
Keeper of the Glorious Fountain | 10 mana crystals | Peregro, Morrow | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position |
Sheriff of Overton | 12 ingots of green iron 2 ingots of tempest jade 2 ingots of weltsilver 2 ingots of orichalcum | Greensward, Mournwold | Bourse Vote | Marcher Position |
Spice Gardens of Feroz | 12 doses of cerulean mazzarine 2 doses of imperial roseweald 2 doses of true vervain | Morajasse, Feroz | Senate Appointment | Freeborn Position |
The Herb Garden of Origen's Rest | 10 doses of true vervain 5 doses of cerulean mazzarine 5 doses of imperial roseweald 5 doses of bladeroot 5 doses of marrowort | Lustri, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Imperial Position |
Townsend Treasury | 1 throne 2 crowns 16 rings | Southmoor, Mournwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position |