(Redirected from Guardian of Britta's Shrine)


The Guardian of Britta's Memorial is an Imperial title which was originally created by the Imperial Senate in Winter 376YE. The position of guardian was a sinecure, requiring minimal responsibility but offering a regular income.

Following the death of Empress Britta in 376YE, heroic efforts recovered her body and many of her effects from the Thule barbarians. The body was interred in the swamps of Kallavesa while her personal accoutrements were placed in a shrine of white granite in Necropolis. The eternal flame that burns in the courtyard before the memorial serves as a place of pilgrimage for those wishing to meditate on and show their respects to the departed Empress, whose inspirational example is already seen by many as re-igniting the flame of Imperial Pride following the disastrous reigns of Empress Giselle, Emperor Hugh and Emperor Walter.

Some controversy surrounded the sinecure; it was regarded as unconstitutional since it created votes in the Synod but was appointed by the Senate, allowing the Senate undue influence the Synod. The motion was not struck down by magistrates at the time, however, and so the title stood.

The first Guardian of Britta's Tomb was Ruth of Highguard, a Steward of the Dead belonging to the Cenotaph chapter of Necropolis. In Autumn 379YE, a delegation of Highborn and Winterfolk visited the shrine and removed the personal effects of the Young Empress. They were reunited with her body in Kallavesa. As news spread, the stream of pilgrims traveling to the shrine dropped to a trickle and then largely petered out. By the beginning of the Spring Equinox 380YE, the title of Guardian had become a purely ceremonial title, providing neither votes nor liao.

During the Winter Solstice 383YE the Imperial Senate voted to amend the shrine, creating instead a memorial to the Courage demonstrated by the Young Empress.


The Guardian oversees the memorial dedicated to the virtue of the dead Empress, and ensures the eternal flame is not extinguished. If the Memorial were to be threatened, it would be the responsibility of the Guardian to face those threats; likewise should any opportunity related to the Memorial arise the Guardian would decide how to respond.


A Portion of Liao

The sinecure provides eight doses of liao to the Guardian each season, to be used as they see fit.


The memorial to Empress Britta draws pilgrims from across the Empire, especially followers of Courage. Some visitors wish to make donations to the upkeep of the memorial or in support of the actions of the Guardian. The Guardian of Britta's Memorial receives 68 rings each season from these donations.


The Guardian is a virtue position which is appointed by judgement of the Courage assembly at the Spring Equinox.

The title can be held by any Imperial citizen. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Assembly of Courage, and the Assembly of the Nine.

Spring Equinox 386YENavarrNeala Blackhawk66 Votes
Spring Equinox 385YENavarrNeala Blackhawk78 Votes
Spring Equinox 384YEHighguardSarah54 Votes
Winter Solstice 377YEHighguardRuth of the Cenotaph

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Neala Blackhawk; it will be reelected at Spring Equinox 387YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.