
The Bright Threadweaver is a Wintermark Imperial title created following an announcement during the Autumn Equinox 385YE by Bleakshield Groza the Legion Engineer. The brass works were completed shortly before the Winter Solstice 385YE and the title elected for the first time at that summit.


The Bright Threadweaver has a responsibility to ensure the safety of the miners of Valasmark, Hahnmark. If the safety of these miners, or the brass works, were to be threatened in any way, it would be the responsibility of the Bright Threadweaver to deal with those threats.


Bounty of Orichalcum

The Bright Threadweaver has custodianship of a sinecure. They receive 12 ingots of orichalcum each season.


The Bright Threadweaver is appointed by unanimous decision of the Wintermark senators. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the title may be appointed by the Imperial Senate instead.

The title can be held by a Wintermark citizen. The Bright Threadweaver has tenure, and serves until they die or step down. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Wintermark National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.

Winter Solstice 385YEDeorlaf Bright Thread

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Deorlaf Bright Thread. This title has tenure, the occupant may hold the title until it is revoked, they die or they relinquish the position. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.