
The Abbess of Reconciliation was created when the Imperial Senate voted to construct the Abbey of Reconciliation during the Summer Solstice 385YE. Construction was completed shortly before the Autumn Equinox 385YE. The Abbey forms part of the "Proffered Hand Network", as inspired by the Lady of the Proffered Hand and similar titles.


The Abbess of Reconciliation is responsible for supporting ex-slaves and refugees; bringing them into the Way; and providing them with opportunities to work and recover in the Empire. If the Abbey were to be threatened in any way, it would be the responsibility of the Abbess to deal with those threats. Likewise, if any particular opportunity were to arise related to the Abbey, the Abbess would expect to be consulted as to how that opportunity might be resolved.


Bounty of Herbs

The Abbess of Reconciliation receives an income of 6 drams of true vervain, 4 drams each of cerulean mazzarine and imperial roseweald, and 2 drams each of bladeroot and marrowort each season from the Abbey.

Gift of Gratitude

Donations from the Free Folk of Astolat - former Asavean refugees who found a home in Dawn - provide the Abbess of Reconciliation with 2 doses of liao each season. These donations from their congregations are intended to help the Abbess continue to do their good works, and are a mark of gratitude for the role Highguard paid in helping them adjust to their new lives in the Empire.


The Abbess of Reconciliation is a Highborn appointment made by a judgement of the Highguard National Assembly. This is a national title and can only be held by a Highborn citizen.

As with most sinecures, this appointment has tenure. The assumption is that the Abbess retains the position until they die or step down. They can be revoked by a lesser majority of the General Assembly, the Assembly of the Nine, or by the Highborn National Assembly.

Abbey of Reconciliation

The Abbey is modelled somewhat after the House of the Proffered Hand in Astolat. Built in Fishguard, not far from Myfanwy's Rest, the Abbey itself is a modest structure, in contrast to the extensive gardens that surround it. There are quarters for the Abbess, should they wish to avail themselves of them, as well as for a small staff of teachers and staff. It's common practice for those who live at the Abbey to work in the herb gardens, in between learning about the Empire and the Way. A small village has sprung up near the Abbey, home to a number of former refugees who have chosen to remain to support the work of the Abbess of Reconciliation. It has become a regular stopping-off point for Navarr travellers, who regularly bring with them small numbers of recent arrivals in the Empire who they think would benefit from the aid the Abbey has to offer.

Since the Spring Equinox 386YE, the Abbey has also seen regular visitors from the former Asavean slaves known as the Free Folk. Now Dawnish, they do not forget that Highguard offered them support in their own time of need, and helped train a number of them in the ceremonies of the Way. Following the guidance of Tabris, Son of Armisael, then Bishop of the Navigators, they agreed to show their gratitude by supporting the Abbess of Reconciliation both by volunteering at the abbey, and by making small donations of liao from their own congregations each season. It's little enough in the great scheme of things, but the Free Folk feel it is the least they can do for their friends in Highguard.

Autumn Equinox 385YESister Rosa360 Votes

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Sister Rosa. This title has tenure, the occupant may hold the title until it is revoked, they die or they relinquish the position. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.

The Title in Play

The role does not provide additional information about events in the Empire, nor allow the player holding it to request special reports or downtime actions. These details are assumed to be below the abstraction layer. The title holder is encouraged to create their own stories about their activities within reasonable limits and to get involved in events appropriate to their title during the game, but they do not have any powers beyond those explicitly listed in the section on powers.

These details exist partly to provide context and character to the role - and partly to allow our writers to use the title as a plot hook. Plot that involves the position will be rare - but all the campaign positions in Empire have these details to create the potential for it to happen.