Blackdamp claimed the vale as part of an agreement to consume the Shepherds of Ash


The Keeper of Berislav's Rest was an Imperial title awarded to a Varushkan citizen. It was a national position appointed by the Varushkan senators. The position served as a sinecure, requiring minimal responsibility but offering a regular income drawn from the profits generated by the people of the vale.

Following a meeting with either the sovereign known as Night Below or one of its servants, the mines that supported the vale were given to the Shadow-in-shadows as part of the bargain to destroy the Shepherds of Ash.

Now, a stone wall stands across the entrance to the mine that brought so much prosperity to the isolated vale. It has been cut and carved with two faces, one looking out toward the daylight, one hidden within looking down into the depths of the mine where the liquid darkness now pools and flows, and if those two faces might look familiar to those who know the last Keeper of Berislav's Rest, perhaps it is a coincidence. Perhaps it is a way of honouring the one whose agreement sealed the ruin of the vale.


The Keeper of Berislav's Rest had no particular responsibilities; they simply received a stipend of rings from the Vale of Berislav's Rest in Volodmartz. If the Vale were threatened in any way, it was the responsibility of the Keeper to deal with those threats.



The Keeper gained custodianship of a sinecure. They received 1 throne, 2 crowns, and 16 rings each season from the vale.

The Last Keeper of Berislav's Rest

Winter Solstice 384YEOstrik Vulpe
Autumn Equinox 381YEGoran Berislavin Kovacevic

This title is no longer being elected as the seat it oversaw is not in Imperial hands. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.

Ostrik Vulpe (right), last Keeper of Berislav's Rest