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Most significant Imperial titles are reelected annually on a specific date, for instance an election for the title of Senator of Madruga is held every summit at the Winter Solstice. If the title dies, is revoked or steps down then the title becomes vacant; it is re-elected at the earliest practical opportunity but an election for the title still takes place at the normal date.

Some Imperial titles appointed by the Imperial Senate serve for a year from the summit where they were appointed. Such a title becomes eligible for reappointment at anytime during the summit one year later. The incumbent remains in position until replaced or at the end of the event - whichever comes sooner. If the Senate wish, they can choose to elect a title to serve for less than a year. This must be explicit in the wording of the Senate motion. It is not possible to extend the term beyond a year, nor to make it shorter than a single season, nor to restrict the length served of a tenured position.

The majority of titles appointed by the Imperial Conclave can be re-elected at any time through a declaration of candidacy.

Some Imperial titles have tenure. The title is held until the citizen dies or steps down.

The schedule below shows the earliest summit at which each Imperial title will become eligible for re-election. A title may become eligible at any point before this if the title holder dies, steps down or is revoked.


National Election

Senate Appointment

Throne Appointment

Synod Judgement

Cardinal Appointment

Military Council Appointment

Conclave Order Vote

Bourse Auction

Bourse Vote



National Election

Senate Appointment

Synod Judgement

Cardinal Appointment

Military Council Appointment

Conclave Order Vote

Bourse Auction

Bourse Vote



National Election

Senate Appointment

Throne Appointment

Synod Judgement

Cardinal Appointment

Military Council Appointment

Conclave Order Vote

Bourse Auction

Bourse Vote



National Election

Senate Appointment

Synod Judgement

Cardinal Appointment

Military Council Appointment

Conclave Order Vote

Bourse Auction

Bourse Vote
