Rhubarb Ironwood, Arcane Inquisitor


The Arcane Inquisitor is an Imperial title created by the Imperial Senate during the Winter Solstice 385YE. They are appointed by the Assembly of Nine and have a responsibility to oversee the virtue of titleholders appointed by the Conclave. Although constitutionally the holders of such titles cannot be subject to revocation, they are not immune to the scrutiny of the Synod, including the power of inquisition.


The Arcane Inquisitor is expected to advise Conclave titleholders about the Way of Virtue. There is some expectation that they will work alongside the Witness of Conclave and the Sevenfold Path to ensure that activity that might constitute a religious crime is acted upon so that an appropriate sanction can be administered.


Inquisit Conclave Titleholder

Once per summit, the Arcane Inquisitor may call an inquisition against any Conclave titleholder without the need for a vote in the Synod. This is in addition to any existing judgements they have raised normally. This use of the power may be escalated to a condemnation just like any other inquisition. To use this power, the Inquisitor must still place a judgement before the Synod, but it is considered to pass automatically at the point it is presented.

A Conclave titleholder is defined as the incumbent of any Imperial title that is either a grandmaster or is appointed by Declaration of Candidacy.


The Arcane Inquisitor is appointed during the Autumn Equinox. The are chosen with a judgement of appointment by the Assembly of the Nine.

The title can be held by any Imperial citizen. They can be revoked by the General Assembly and the Assembly of the Nine.

Spring Equinox 386YEThe MarchesRhubarb Ironwood5 Votes

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Rhubarb Ironwood; it will be reelected at Autumn Equinox 386YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.