This army page represents only bare bones information, and will be expanded with more details in the future.
ValiantPegasus Colour.png


The Valiant Pegasus is a relatively new army; recruitment was only completed in 378YE. Initially, the force incorporated some of the finest Highborn siege architects, and was well prepared both to take advantage of Imperial fortifications and bring down barbarian strongholds. Following the opportunity offered by the celebration of Empress Lisabetta, the Valiant Pegasus refocused its efforts to the preservation of life on the battlefield, supported by many apothecaries. As a new army, it has yet to establish a particular identity or reputation for itself.

The third Highborn General leads the Valiant Pegasus, and is appointed (or re-appointed) at the Spring Equinox each year.




Recent History






Army Quality : Physick

When the army was created, it contained many fine Highborn siege architects, but the modern Valiant Pegasus eschews attacking fortifications in favour of preservation of Imperial lives.

Zadok, General of the Valiant Pegasus
Spring Equinox 386YEZadok
Summer Solstice 385YEJack Flint
Spring Equinox 385YEAchseh
Spring Equinox 384YEAchseh
Spring Equinox 383YELucifer of the Cohort of the Winter Bear
Spring Equinox 382YELucifer of the Cohort of the Winter Bear
Spring Equinox 381YECayleb of Felix' Watch
Winter Solstice 380YECayleb of Felix' Watch
Spring Equinox 380YEJericho of the Suns of Couros
Spring Equinox 379YEJericho of the Suns of Couros
Winter Solstice 378YEJericho of the Suns of Couros
Spring Equinox 378YETyrus of Cantiarchs Hold

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Zadok; it will be reelected at Spring Equinox 387YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold the title of General of the Valiant Pegasus in the years since Empress Britta died.