This position is a martial title.


The Champion of Loyalty is an Imperial title that was created by the Imperial Senate in Winter 383YE. The title confers custodianship of the artefact Pilgrim's Shield known as Oath-Heart.


The Champion of Loyalty is intended to serve as an inspiration to the Pilgrims of the faith and laity as to what it means to be loyal, particularly in a military context. They are also charged with bearing and protecting the shield known as Oath-Heart. Historically the bearers of Oath-Heart formed, along with the bearers of the other Pilgrims shield, the “Seven Pilgrims” band. It is a martial title.


Regalia of the Champion of Loyalty

An impression of Oath-Heart, painted shortly before the shield and its wielder were lost to the Druj.

The Champion of Loyalty bears Oath-Heart, the unique Pilgrim's Shield. If the Champion of Loyalty loses their position, then the item must be given to the new Champion with all haste. The Champion is encouraged to take all appropriate precautions to keep this item safe, and is expected to do everything within their power to recover it if it is lost.

Oath-Heart was recovered by Imperial heroes at a conjunction at the Summer Solstice 384YE, and was formally vested as regalia by the then-Champion, Goran Sokolov Zaytsev, at the Winter Solstice 384YE.

During a conjunction of the Sentinel Gate to the ruined fortification of the White Tower in Bastion in Autumn 385YE, Oath-Heart was lost in the fight against the scions of Cold Sun. The shield fell into the hands of the scions, and despite the attempts of Imperial heroes in Winter 385YE, it was converted into some kind of terrible weapon of Cold Sun by the grand archon of its force known as Winnowers. Whilst the Winnowers were destroyed in the following season of military action, the corrupted weapon was not recovered.


The Champion of Loyalty is chosen every Winter Solstice by a judgement of appointment by the Assembly of Loyalty.

Any Imperial citizen may hold this title. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Loyalty Assembly, and the Assembly of the Nine.

Autumn Equinox 386YEHighguardTalos108 Votes
Winter Solstice 385YEHighguardDagon205 Votes
Winter Solstice 384YEHighguardDagon125 Votes
Summer Solstice 384YEVarushkaGoran Sokolov Zaytsev72 Votes

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Talos; it will be reelected at the next summit. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.


The shield Oath-Heart was created by Ezkiah the Benefactor, greatest smith of the Highborn along with six other shields. Each was gifted to a different hero, forming a company known as the “Seven Pilgrims”.

Oath-Heart was first carried by Drumlin the Sworn, a thrice-geased Winterfolk. Passed from Champion to Champion, or selected by the priests of Loyalty when this was not possible, it remained an enduring inspiration to the faithful of the Empire.

At the battle of Reikos in 367 YE the Seven Pilgrims of the day charged an entire Druj army on their own, allowing the outmatched Imperial forces time to quit the field in good order. Oath-Heart was lost along with the other six shields.

Historically the Shield was passed from Champion to Champion; the Synod has ended this tradition through the creation of a formal title, following the example set by the creation of the Champion of Courage.