
Power begets wealth; wealth begets Power

The Manifesto

The Order of the Golden Pyramid holds the following to be true:

  • Magic is a commodity like any other, and its practitioners should not be subjected to any undue expectation or requirement
  • The talents of the Empire's artisans are no less a valuable magical resource than spellcasting and rituals
  • Magic has the power to strengthen by enriching and prospering

The Order of the Golden Pyramid therefore exists to:

  • Stand up for those magicians who are pressured to use their skills for free, like a servant or slave
  • Support the application of magical resources in matters of economic gain that inevitably bring prosperity to the Empire as a whole
  • Stand up for the artisans and promote their interests across the Empire
Order of the Golden Pyramid


The most popular symbol of the order is a step pyramid of three levels with bronze at the bottom, silver in the middle, and gold at the top.

Knnowledge, wealth, power

Membership of the Order

This Golden Pyramid appeals to artisan-magicians and magicians versed in economic magic (from Rampant Growth and Blood and Salt through Rivers of Gold all the way to Verdant Bounty of the Twilight Bayou and Hallow of the Green World). After the Sevenfold Path this is the order that has the largest number of magician-priests, albeit usually priests dedicated to Prosperity. Its members work to enrich themselves, but they also safeguard the rights of magicians to expect fair recompense for their magic. They are often at odds with the Rod and Shield.

The Order of the Golden Pyramid began as a reaction against a perceived culture of entitlement; as the nations increasingly assumed that magicians should donate their skills to the Empire for free. Since their creation many members have supported the right of artisans, as well as magicians, to have a voice in the Conclave; but this attitude is far from universal within the Order. At its most altruistic, the Order tries to represent the interests of artisans as fellow practitioners of esoteric lore, and often approaches them for support and funding.

As befits an order fascinated by wealth, members of the Order often strive to cultivate good relations with the Imperial Bourse and magicians who also occupy Bourse seats are often actively wooed by the Golden Pyramid. When it works well, this relationship gives the Golden Pyramid access to the wealth of the Bourse on behalf of other members of the Conclave, and the Pyramid has been adroit at using this access for political capital. Even when their influence in the Bourse is limited, the Golden Pyramid has a tradition of encouraging the performance of economic rituals to garner support or influence with Imperial citizens who own businesses, mines, forests, fleets, and mercenary warbands.

Members of the Golden Pyramid traditionally consider it completely acceptable, even expected, for their Grandmaster to gain their position by open bribery. It is also common for the grandmaster to take advantage of their access to wealthy patrons to help fund the order.

Conclave vault

Each summit, the Conclave vault of the Golden Pyramid garners a pro rata share of the Font based on the precedence of the orders at the previous summit; a portion of ilium based on their position among the orders as determined by precedence; and additional materials due to outstanding bequests.

These bequests are collected by the Civil Service and provided to the Grandmaster at the start of each summit.

Arsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato (centre)
Grandmaster of the Golden Pyramid
Spring Equinox 386YEThe LeagueArsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
Spring Equinox 385YEThe LeagueArsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
Spring Equinox 384YEThe LeagueArsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
Spring Equinox 383YEThe LeagueArsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
Spring Equinox 382YEThe LeagueArsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
Spring Equinox 381YEThe LeagueArsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
Spring Equinox 380YEThe LeagueFaustus
Spring Equinox 379YEThe LeagueFaustus
Spring Equinox 378YEEdmundo i Jannat i Riqueza
Autumn Equinox 377YEEdmundo i Jannat i Riqueza
Winter Solstice 376YEWilliam Boholt


Each Conclave order is led by a grandmaster who is elected by their members. This title is currently held by Arsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato; it will be reelected at Spring Equinox 387YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected as grandmaster of the order in the years since Empress Britta died.