386YE Autumn Equinox Synod judgements
During the Autumn Equinox 386YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised 216 judgements.
Change of Doctrine
One change of doctrine was proposed during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 12
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Morwenna Witheredrose
- Judgement: New Doctrine: The Doctrine of Truth. In matters of spirit truth always takes precedent over dogma. Only by fully understanding the spirit can we move the world towards enlightenment.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (852-252)
During the final Senate session of the Summer Solstice, Sabella of the Silent Tide declared her intent to seek the veto following the decision of the Imperial Senate to criminalise preaching the Way in Asavea.
Judgement 4
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Sabella of the Silent Tide seeks the Veto as follows: I, your Cardinal of Loyalty, call for a Veto of the Senate motion to criminalize the Preaching of the Way in Asavea. The constitution says our destiny is to "spread across the face of Creation together in unity." Asavea is bound by slavers, denied its chance to grow. Aspar, former Cardinal of Wisdom, and Rafael barossa d'Apulian, Grandmaster of the Sevenfold Path, call us to reach out to the people of Asavea, Senate would make that illegal. Senate has had its say, it speaks with caution, knowing the costs. We commit to paying those costs. Virtuous Priests have made clear, by nine separate judgements, that preaching in Asavea is a virtuous and necessary thing. If you are Loyal to these Priests and this destiny, or feel that this law is unvirtuous for any reason, I ask you to vote to veto this motion.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (2880-140); a greater majority for this judgement was 2366 votes
- Notes: The Synod vetoed the Senate motion, and it did not become law. Further discussion of the veto can be found in the Signal fire and Irreconcilable differences winds of fortune.
Statements of Principle
One hundred and three statements of principle were presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 7
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Rafael Barossa d'Apulian
- Judgement: Synod exists to ensure the virtuous behaviour of the Empire. In any conflict between Synod and Senate, virtue lies with the Synod, regardless of individual Senators' reasons for voting a particular way. We should heed the General Assembly and the Throne: ”We must not allow voices of dissent to distract or weaken our purpose. We are one empire and we will strive together towards our shared future." - "It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way and it is the Empire's duty to protect its citizens and its people." The people of the League should use all our cleverness, sophistication and skill to support preaching the way in Asavea, and the pilgrims already there, obeying the rules of the game as we do so.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (292-38)
- Notes: Relates to the conflict between the Imperial Senate and Imperial Synod over the matter of preaching the Way in the Asavean Archipelago, as discussed in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune.
Judgement 8
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Dagon of the Shattered Tower
- Judgement: A year ago, Rafael Barossa d'Apulian called for every citizen of the League to contribute whatever they could to support the raising of the Holy City in Bastion. Once again, the League rose to the challenge. Where others doubted, the League did not fear to act, matching their word with deed. The virtue of every citizen of the League who contributed will echo through history for 1000 years. There is nothing great without cost, and the Highborn recognise the courage in their commitment to building the greatest beacon of the faith the world has ever seen. We invite the League to send a delegation of bishops to teach in Bastion upon its completion. They have earned their place alongside Highguard and should be welcomed to spread their perspective on the way to pilgrims. Only through these bonds of kinship can the great inspiration enable the way to reach every soul in existence.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (588-18)
- Notes: References the mandate raised by Rafael Barossa d'Apulian in Winter 385YE urging the League to support the Grand Inspiration of the Way being raised in Bastion, introduced in the Blood will thicken wind of fortune.
Judgement 9
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Prince Bishop Jonah Yakovitch
- Judgement: Stories are inspirational, the rewarding of True Liao is inspirational. To guide fellow pilgrims on the road to virtuousness, let the reasons why a person is nominated for True Liao be recorded. Six years ago, Silvio de Tassato's loyalty to the Empire was questioned after he refused to give in to the demands of an eternal. For this he was excommunicated from the Way. Throughout his years in the wilderness, he cleaved to what he knew held his heart. He soul was at risk every time he took battle, his virtue tested/ Through hardship and misfortune he did not waver. Staying true to the courage of his convictions. He was welcomed back by the Synod, the first citizen in history to be re communicated. In the years that followed, the Loyalty Assembly passed a greater majority statement. To be truly virtuous, loyalty must stem from personal conviction and neither be presumed nor coerced. This was vindication for Silvio, the knowledge that the tests and trials he had injured had strengthened his soul. Let this message stand as an inspiration to all, pilgrims are to be guided by what is in their hearts and let us reward the truly virtuous with True Liao.
- Outcome: Upheld (1132-176)
- Notes: Relates to ongoing efforts to find a satisfying way to allocate the dose of true liao provided by the Lepidean University. See also Judgement 3.
Judgement 10
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Alessi of the Basilisks of the Labyrinth
- Judgement: We accept the invitation of Illarch Maxatious to participate in the exorcism of the Spires of Solokha. Let us send our exorcists to work together to remove this spiritual taint from their halls in Axos.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (2380-30)
- Notes: Responds to an invitation from priests of Axos to take part in their project to cleanse the ruins of the citadel of Solokha, as presented in the Victory and unity wind of fortune.
Judgement 16
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Yarkin-Bo Embercast
- Judgement: We will not bow like Wintermark to meet the expectations of the Jotun Barbarians. They are proud, fierce and terrible, and we will continue to fight like this, as is our right to. Our prowess in battle strikes fear into the hearts of the Jotun. We should not adapt or change our ways to what the Jotun perceive to be honourable. They will never accept peace and if we fight on their terms, we invite invasion. Their hatred for us drives their unvirtuous beliefs and we will not bow to their call.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (32-222)
- Notes: May be a response to the “Navarr issue” laid out in the recent appraisal into ways to make peace more appealing to the Jotun, as presented in the A stone for a stone wind of fortune. See also Judgement 133.
Judgement 19
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Dr Lysimachus
- Judgement: Last summit a great many were afflicted, coming with the Cold Sun curse that would have made them explode into an ashen pile (heart first) if untreated by night's end. Since the Anvil Hospital relies on contributions, there was limited resources to treat everyone and by time of third skirmish returning it was possible, many would be suffering a severe case of cardiovascular combustion. Thankfully folk from all round came to the hospital to give aid, either donating much needed crystal mana, casting the rituals, running the entirety of Anvil to gather more aid and more in a fantastic show of loyalty, prosperity an such. Every Imperial citizen treated remained unexploded, for which the Anvil Hospital and all those who came to help's virtue should be noted. Tha's all bloody brilliant.
- Outcome: Upheld (1620-10)
- Notes: May relate to the seed of fire curse laid by the scions of the eternal known as Cold Sun.
Judgement 21
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Sufyan i Zuhri i Guerra
- Judgement: We commend our brave corsairs who evaded Asavean ships to bring virtue and freedom. We have at this single moment an opportunity to break the most slaver's chains since the rise of the Imperial Orcs. Guerra didn't let the patricians stop her freeing slaves when she knew she had the chance. We shouldn't let the Senate. Freeborn know everything has a price, but when freedom is on the line, we are ready to pay the price.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (136-0)
- Notes: Freeborn corsairs are heavily involved in supporting efforts to smuggle Imperial missionaries and wayfarers in Asavea to preach the Way, as first presented in last seasons Drumbeat of war wind of fortune.
Judgement 25
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Elkiah
- Judgement: A year ago, Darian Numbers called for every citizen of Dawn to contribute whatever they could to support the raising of the Holy City at Bastion. The people of Dawn have chosen to stand up and inspire others to greatness to be a part of the greatest of deeds. The virtue of every citizen of Dawn who contributed will truly echo through history for 1000 years. The Highborn recognise the pride in aspiring to serve a higher purpose and invites the people of Dawn to send a delegation of troubadours to teach at Bastion upon its completion. They have earned their place alongside Highguard amd should be welcomed to spread their perspective on the way to pilgrims. Only through these bonds of kinship can the Grand Inspiration enable the Way to reach every soul in existence.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (92-10)
- Notes: References the mandate raised by Darian Numbersin Winter 385YE sending Pontus Figures to urge Dawn to support the Grand Inspiration of the Way being raised in Bastion, introduced in the Blood will thicken wind of fortune.
Judgement 28
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Ser Sable
- Judgement: Dawnish Troubadours! The Loyalty Assembly has recognised Love as applied loyalty (Winter 385, Judgement 122). Inspired by this and noble Seri of the Twisted Rose becoming Voice of the Twin Roses, I ask for you to lend me your talents! Join me in spreading the word and bringing people to the path of loyalty through its facet of love and gathering stories of love from the whole Empire. We start at home in Dawn, where I encourage the troubadours to speak to all people who call our territories home. From the people of Dawn to the Sept of the Barrens and all else who call Dawn home. It is time to show we are different to the Druj and what was torn apart by their hate can be mended by the things we love in common.
- Outcome: Upheld (309-44)
Judgement 31
- Assembly: Ambition
- Raised By: Samantha "Tongs" Barossa de Tassato Regario
- Judgement: Adelmar's ambition was to master every weapon set. It is mine that his shrine shall give citizens the platform to have a teaching pool spanning all weapon sets, styles and techniques. I call upon the best weapon wielders of both the Empire and foreign nations and invite them to educate the pilgrims in their craft. Come and challenge me!
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (346-28)
- Notes: Adelmar the Lion is an exemplar of Ambition; Samantha "Tongs" Barossa de Tassato Regario is the Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine, an inspirational location dedicated to their inspiration in the mountains of Redoubt.
Judgement 32
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Athaliah of Athaliah's Handiwork
- Judgement: The ruination of the Great Unbound Steel Hall of Lost Chapters was an insult to the pride of not just all those who siblings fell in defence of Reikos, but in loyalty an insult to the pride of all Highborn. Times are difficult and we must in wisdom consider all spiritual needs of our nation and give to the cause most vital. Nevertheless, we recognise that the repair or revitalization of this monument is indeed of great spiritual import, and so we shall remain vigilant for the right moment and methods to bandage this wound.
- Outcome: Upheld (302-18)
- Notes: The Unbound Steel Hall of Lost Chapters was destroyed by scions of Cold Sun.
Judgement 34
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Lutobor Branislavovich Glinka
- Judgement: Rane Shard-Bearer asks in the Emperor's tongue what price we are willing to pay to free the souls of Asavea. We will not shrink from the cost of our ambition. Let every citizen dig deep and find whatever resources they can contribute to the Imperial Treasury to secure the Empire against Asavean reprisals while we complete our great mission of spreading the Way.
- Outcome: Upheld (1492-122)
- Notes: References the Imperial address delivered by Rane ShardBearer on behalf of Emperor Vesna, as laid out in the Signal fire wind of fortune.
Judgement 35
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Ada of Balthazar's Vineyard
- Judgement: Highguard needs new ideas. For too long power has been concentrated in too few hands and allowed to grow idle. Let us not confuse ambition with inertia. Wisdom and loyalty to our Empire, demands fresh blood. I petition the Highguard assembly to introduce a two term limit on imperial tiles.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (150-368)
Judgement 39
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Martin Orchard
- Judgement: The exemplars of vigilance lived and died in history, that of our nations, Their legacies are writ in stone, not story. You may visit the home of Major Benson, meet his descendants, stand up on his grave. You may see Berechiah's actions and his virtuous crimes in imperial record. Make pilgrimage to their tombs. Reflect that these were people like you, heroes, not legends. Renew your faith.
- Outcome: Upheld (1730-130)
- Notes: Likely a commentary on the crisis surrounding recent revelations about the fictional nature of the paragon Vardas, further discussed in the True faith wind of fortune. Both Major Benson and Berechiah are Imperial exemplars of Vigilance.
Judgement 45
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
- Judgement: Our empire is founded on the destiny of nations working together to serve and protect our people, to prosper and achieve great virtue together. The Vallorn is a lurking threat to all. Left unchecked, it will destroy all peoples and nations around the Bay of Cattazar. The Navarr are founded on an oath to destroy it. They have worked and bled to contain it, but now have chosen to start the final steps towards their nations original ambition and a new future . Wintermark will support them to pay the consequences of this virtuous aim. No matter the cost to our own goals, we will join them in their focus on the vallorn until it is destroyed, as even the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time. Let us not be shamed by compromising and inaction when we can build our fellow nation up.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (54-192)
- Notes: See Judgement 74.
Judgement 48
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Fintan Nighthaven
- Judgement: "Everything significant is either a threat or something to protect." What is more significant than virtue? I have revealed that the Empire has been blind to the influence of peace, also known as understanding, for centuries and that in ignorance citizens wield it constantly. This season the assembly of the Nine begin to test the truth of this non imperial virtue. The General Assembly calls for a symposium to be held at the summer solstice 387YE. Let theologians take the opportunity to learn of this non Imperial virtue until then, so that we may discuss the merits and threats of understanding and to raise a clear and decisive judgement.
- Outcome: Upheld (1562-402)
- Notes: Refers to the controversial decision of some Cardinals to receive hallowed items from an Axou priest during the Autumn Equinox. The auras draw on the malign spiritual presence of peace, the propagation or endorsement of which is generally considered blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way. The opportunity is discussed in the Victory and unity wind of fortune.
Judgement 51
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Pontius Figures
- Judgement: Our Cardinal Darian Numbers has publicly stated they will not stand in winter. In the three years they have been our Cardinal, the Prosperity Assembly has had the highest success rate of greater majorities of all assemblies bar the Nine. I would like to propose them for the Roll of Benefactors as this would not have been achieved without them spending on our and the Empire's behalf the most valuable commodity at Anvil - time. They have applied themselves tirelessly to ensuring the voice of prosperity is heard at the highest levels. As a founding member of the WNF&K organisation, they have been instrumental in achieving, via hard graft, the first Dawlish successes at the Bourse auction since Britta, and seeing those resources go to some of the most key commissions in the Empire.
- Outcome: Upheld (188-38)
- Notes: A statement of principle requires a greater majority before it can add someone to the Roll of Benefactors, or receive the attention of the Order of the Sack.
Judgement 53
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Athiel Westerborn of the Cenotaph
- Judgement: The Synod exists to ensure the virtuous behaviour of the Empire. In any conflict between Synod and Senate, virtue lies with the Synod, regardless of individual senators' reasons for voting a particular way. We should heed the general assembly's choices and the Thrones voice. "We must not allow voices of dissent to distract or weaken our purpose. We are one Empire, and we will strive together towards our shared future" - Emperor Vesna. "It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way and it is the Empire's duty to protect its citizens" - Emperor Vesna. People of Highguard!! Remember that we are the heart of the Way and virtue cannot be separated from politics. Use your integrity, faith, and unwavering strength to support preaching the Way in Asavea and the pilgrims already there, no matter the consequence.
- Outcome: Upheld (390-96)
- Notes: Relates to the conflict between the Imperial Senate and Imperial Synod over the matter of preaching the Way in the Asavean Archipelago, as discussed in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune.
Judgement 59
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Larkin Shrike of House Du Beste
- Judgement: Once again we are called to action and to glory by our neighbours. The Navarr have committed to eradicating the Vallorn once and for all. The League and Varushkans have offered their aid. Dawn will not be found wanting. Great deeds are eternal; let us carve them into the bark of any vallorn who dares oppose us. The people of Dawn shall march with our siblings in the Way to destroy the vallorn now. Let us commit to a War of Thorns and Flowers.
- Outcome: Upheld (282-64)
- Notes: Responds to the opportunity presented in the The Synod speaks wind of fortune relating to the Navarr decision to take the war to the vallorn.
Judgement 65
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés
- Judgement: Hear this people of Dawn! The Empress, in her boundless Wisdom, alongside the Earls and Generals of this glorious nation, has declared that the Barrens is rightfully ours - Imperial land and Dawnish soil. By her decree, those who dwell there must be brought into the fold of the Empire. They shall embrace the Way, or they shall be driven from our lands, as is our right and duty. Now, let the Troubadours of Dawn rise! With words of fire and songs of Virtue, carry the Empress' message to the Barrens. Speak to those who might hear and bend, spreading the teachings of the Way. But to those who resist - cast them out with righteous force, for the Empress commands it, and Virtue demands nothing less! This is our charge: to safeguard the Empire, and to claim our destiny! Glory to the Empress! Glory to Dawn!
- Outcome: Upheld (172-136)
- Notes: Relates to the ongoing complex situation in the Barrens. The most recent discussions of events there can be found in the Unspoken words wind of fortune.
Judgement 66
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Kezandro i Riqueza
- Judgement: Florina i Sol-Devorador i Erigo, the Singing Salve, selfless advocate of Freeborn physicks, deserves her quiet Pride to be exalted. In her own words, she "feels Pride at wounds healed, loved ones reunited, and hope restored." Uplift this virtuous Guiding Flame of our nation!
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (185-0)
Judgement 67
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Khan i Erigo
- Judgement: The Freeborn National Assembly beseeches our Generals to act with even-handed integrity regarding the Temple of the Black Bull. The inhabitants of the temple followed all restrictions placed on them while Feroz was under our rule and have shared in the strife brought on by Rahab's occupation. Virtue dictates that they be afforded safe passage home to Asavea, in Pride of our Imperial values, and loyalty to our previous arrangements.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (185-0)
- Notes: Relates to the matter of Asavean priests who surrendered to Freeborn generals in Feroz, as discussed in the Authority and acceptance wind of fortune.
Judgement 72
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Lynneeve
- Judgement: We have walked the trods for centuries and in that time Navarr has become the lifeblood of the Empire spreading information and trade across the nations. While we prepare for the next step in the war against the vallorn and dream of what comes after we cannot ignore the importance of connections we have created and the importance of maintaining them and keeping our allies prepared so they may help us and themselves. In short, Strength to the Empire = Strength to Navarr.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (328-0)
- Notes: Relates to the recent Navarr decision to take the fight to the vallorn, as discussed in the The first shot wind of fortune.
Judgement 74
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Ingrid Talon-of-the-Mark
- Judgement: Virtue demands more than fine words and good intentions. The Empire is mighty but it is finite. The Synod provokes war with Asavea and the vallorn at a time when our armies are already stretched too thin. The Empire's people will suffer the consequences. The people of Wintermark must prepare for the storm to come. We cannot support the Navarr at the exclusion of every other threat we face. Make ready for them all. Cleave to your loyalties, provision your halls and prepare for more hard winters. We will not be broken.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (266-34)
- Notes: A response to the opportunity presented in the The Synod speaks wind of fortune to respond to the Navarr decision to take the fight to the vallorn. See also Judgement 45.
Judgement 76
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Tocin
- Judgement: Never accept defeat; adapt your strategy and try anew. Jorma Steelhail Moralities Shield has dedicated themselves to identifying threats to the Empire, within and without and resolving them. Among their many heroic achievements they are responsible for creation of sanctions, reforming the way the Synod handles inquisition. They recovered Torch Brand leading to the creation of the first champion of Virtue which formed the basis for the others. They defended the virtue of those that stood with Dogri Thulebane, gaining clemency for them all. They were key to the creation of the Beacons if Wintermark which have since been instrumental in the defence of the nation. Now they have proved to be the most successful Imperial Seer in the history of that position, bringing greater insight, knowledge, and wisdom to the Empire on all manner of topics. We are proud to add them to the chronicle of heroes.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (260-10)
- Notes: The name of Jorma Steelhail “Moralities Shield” has been added to Wintermarks Chronicle of Heroism.
Judgement 77
- Assembly: Loyalty
- Raised By: Jules von Holberg
- Judgement: The Sandfishers, former Druj slaves given sanctuary in Imperial boundaries, have become good allies and could be more. We recognise their loyalty, first to each other and in their wish to explore a wider loyalty to the Empire. We encourage the Sandfishers to come and talk further of virtue and opportunities to strengthen our alliance, speaking to priests and notables of all nations.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (506-0)
- Notes: The Sand Fishers (most recently mentioned in the The greatest city in the world wind of fortune]] following their discovery of the Flaxen Pillars weirwood grove) are a small sept of orcs who now dwell in north-western Holberg. Some notes about the sept can be found in the To see what you sell wind of fortune. See also Judgement 106, Judgement 123, Judgement 148, Judgement 149.
Judgement 78
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Athenus of the House of the Wanderer
- Judgement: The Way is in flux, let us use this opportunity to make a lasting transformation. The virtues are not set in stone, they can and have changed over time. Seize this moment, examine the virtues, and ask whether they are still a path to enlightenment or whether some have been subverted by self-serving individuals to use as cover for their own interests. Test the virtues and decide which are still for inclusion in the Way.
- Outcome: Upheld (866-776)
Judgement 83
- Assembly: Way
- Raised By: Maria i Espiri i Guerra
- Judgement: Solokha was once a great city and now lies in ruins, none alive know how the calamity occurred - all we know is that the ruin is haunted by many souls now unable to pass through to the Labyrinth. These souls trapped within the mortal world are an anathema to the Way and should be free to traverse the labyrinth and be reborn. We accept the invitation from Ilarch Maxatious to help free the souls trapped within the ruins of Solokha.
- Outcome: Upheld (259-0)
- Notes: Discusses the invitation from priests of Axos to take part in their project to cleanse the ruins of the citadel of Solokha, as presented in the Victory and unity wind of fortune.
Judgement 84
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Caewel Novarion
- Judgement: The troubadours of Dawn would like to announce this year's champions - let their deeds inspire; Ambition: Catrina Words the Unbelievably Magical (Ambition 384, 385). Courage: Ser Soleil-Jolie Meadowlark (1st time). Loyalty: Enchantress Mirella of the Twisted Rose, Archmage of Summer (1st time). Pride: Earl Aurianna du Meravon and Myrna Orin (1st time both). Prosperity: Ludwig Barbadoro (1st time). Vigilance: Lord Commander Leohnar Gildaryn (1st time). Wisdom: Earl Aramis du Froste (1st time). Way: Lady Clarice and Lady Eleonar Novarion (Courage 381 and Love 382, 1st time). Love: Earl Ciagan de Rhys (1st time). Glory: Jean Abelard (1st time).
- Outcome: Upheld (334-0)
- Notes: Each year the troubadours of Dawn celebrate those individuals they feel have best exemplified the Seven virtue, and the qualities of Love and Glory.
Judgement 85
- Assembly: Way
- Raised By: Yosephus Morningson
- Judgement: We are the Assembly of the Way. This is our purpose: to bring new souls to knowledge of the Way, and lead them to full understanding. We will guide their Empire to follow the whole Way, we will equip their priests to preach the whole Way, and we will send them missionaries to proclaim the whole Way. Priests of the Way! Priests of the Empire! Study diligently all the virtues that you may impart knowledge to those in darkness. Seek with equal diligence those who are lost - go into the dark and distant places and bring them salvation!
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (281-14)
- Notes: The Synod has chosen to focus missionary efforts on the Asavean Archipelago,. As discussed in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune, there is currently little interest in preaching the Way anywhere other than Asavea, at least until the followers of the faith are free to practice their religion openly.
Judgement 86
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Silk Farkas
- Judgement: Wisdom is not always knowing the right answer, but it is finding the right questions. Wisdom loves questions! The joy of curiosity and the reward of good work. There are agencies within the Empire where study, curiosity, and questioning are vital to development; magical colleges, runeforges, prognosticators office, and the department of historical research. I call upon dedicants of wisdom to aid these functions so we may see the rewards of the right questions asked.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (462-0)
Judgement 87
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Eska "Ambition's Crow"
- Judgement: Britta Gilderling, the Young Empress, is an inspirational example of the heroic ideal of the warrior. Bold, brave, and possessed of a spiritual fire that burned so fiercely those who stood with here were smitten by her greatness. Her time as a general of Wintermark saw her lead a campaign to push the Jotun from Sermersuaq and Kallavesa before taking her personal warband to support the Dawnish in pushing the Druj from Semmerholm. She was unafraid to speak hard truths, criticising all the great houses of state for their failings. She did not just speak but acted, gaining support for her candidacy for the Throne, and when elected showed the starmetal will of a true Steinr, leading the charge in returning the Empire to its virtuous destiny. She died as she lived, leading by example in a daring bid to secure the borders of the Empire from the Darkness beyond its walls. We are proud to entertain her into the Chronicle of Heroes.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (286-0)
- Notes: Britta Gilderling, Empress Britta, has been added to the Chronicle of Heroism.
Judgement 88
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower
- Judgement: Highguard, our kinship with Navarr is Peerless. Our Loyalty to them has been acknowledged and praised. So we shall continue our actions in Pride. I once again call upon us to use Peerless Kinship to aid in Therunin as we once did in Brocéliande. They have asked, we MUST answer. Show that we deserve to raise the Grey Pilgrim army. Aid our ally.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (486-0)
- Notes: Highguard offers peerless kinship to the Navarr, to help them muster a new army in Therunin, potentially in conjunction with the opportunity discussed in the The first shot wind of fortune. This represents the final opportunity to extend peerless kinship offered by the Kith and kin wind of fortune.
Judgement 90
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Merari
- Judgement: The Senate says that the Empire is not Prosperous enough to be able to give the magistrates fines to the Synod despite the fact the virtue fund is often used to reward those who undertake ambitious projects that benefit the Empire at their own expense. If the Senators cannot bring us Prosperity, then we must help to bring it to the Empire ourselves! Until the Senators realise the error of their ways, the Prosperity assembly call on the architects and builders of the Empire look to the Prosperity Assembly for guidance on which project will best bring wealth to our citizens.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (228-36)
- Notes: Relates to the disposition of fines levied by Imperial magistrates, initially laid out in the Winter 385YE Forwards and rewards wind of fortune. The Prosperity assembly upheld a mandate to encourage the faithful to withdraw their labour until the Imperial Senate allocated the funds raised to the Virtue Fund, a situation that is still ongoing.
Judgement 92
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Chauntecleer Words
- Judgement: The telling of tales within Dawn is one of our cherished traditions for the instruction of Virtues. Dawn thanks all those that took part in the Summer Contest of Words for continuing this - in particular our joint winners Oberron Stony Brook and Magari i Morates i Riequeza as judged by the acclaim of our children. Seek them out to be inspired by their tales.
- Outcome: Upheld (300-0)
Judgement 93
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Casey Elderleaves
- Judgement: We the citizens of Therunin urge the Thorns of Navarr to keep fighting against the Druj. Our ambitions to remove the vallorn can only be accomplished if we completely remove the Druj.
- Outcome: Upheld (210-110)
- Notes: Relates to the recent Navarr decision to take the fight to the vallorn, as discussed in the The first shot wind of fortune.
Judgement 94
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Rosie of Goatsbridge
- Judgement: We the priests of the Marches extend a formal invitation to Sadogua and his heralds to participate in Wassail. Come and partake in drink, food, and celebration alongside us across the Marches. We also invite Sadogua to relocate the door to the Well of Shadows to the Marches if he so wishes.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (106-12)
- Notes: Extends an invitation to the eternal Sadogua and his heralds. Sadogua currently enjoys the Amity of the Imperial Conclave.
Judgement 98
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Jafud Dunsealc
- Judgement: Like Bolstering Bill and the teachings (??) Loyalty hallowing that carries his name, Winterfolk do not abandon their comrades, friends, family but seek to defend the ones they love no matter the cost. The Suaq people gathered together at Spring Equinox 386YE and swore a binding oath to protect our cousins the Hylje from any that should seek to do them harm. If any further harm is one to the Hyljie then the Suaq will honour the tradition and seek weregild to settle the matter. The weregild that will be demanded by the Winterfolk will be as though the Hyljie are as like members of our own halls. The Hyljie are family to the Suaq and shall stand by them.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (272-0)
- Notes: The hylje are enigmatic creatures that live in parts of Wintermark and claim kinship to the Suaq. The Mediator of Hyljehal is charged with maintaining good relations between Winterfolk and hylje.
Judgement 99
- Assembly: Urizen
- Raised By: Halkyon of the Myriad Stream
- Judgement: People of Redoubt, watch the coast and prepare for the malice of the Children of Wrecks and the Grendel. Turn your striving to the organisation of your defences. Build up your bonds with your fellow spires and make assurances to share this watch. Hone your courage and do not fear to act. Keep watch upon the Ribbon of Salt and Evenstar. They must not fall into wicked idolatrous hands. Let Urizen's virtue be a light against their darkness.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (306-0)
- Notes: Warns of a potential attack by the Children of Wrecks and Grendel in Redoubt.
Judgement 100
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Cousin Cedric
- Judgement: The Mourn has fallen and Bregasland could be next. But fear not we of Bregasland have been through this before and we know how to prepare. We encourage the citizens of Bregasland to take up their tools and fortify their land from the enemy by any means. Break the ditches, flood the fields, block the roads, and spread the swamp. Through Loyalty to our and your home, we will prevail.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (118-16)
- Notes: Refers both to the invasion of the Mournwold by the Jotun, and the orc presence in Bregasland following their conquest of Graven March.
Judgement 101
- Assembly: Urizen
- Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
- Judgement: To reach utopia we must bring the light of virtue to the world. Urizen supports the efforts of the Sevenfold Path and all Imperial missionaries to bring this light to Asavea. Our senators all voted against the Senate motion to make this preaching illegal. We stand together and light the Way for all.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (264-12)
- Notes: Relates to the conflict between the Imperial Senate and Imperial Synod over the matter of preaching the Way in the Asavean Archipelago, as discussed in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune.
Judgement 102
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Kish of the Flame Beneath the Earth
- Judgement: With the Grey pIlgrims returning home, Highguard calls for the Thundering Tide to be reborn upon their banner. Highguard looks to the legacy of its past to forge its future!
- Outcome: Upheld (446-60)
- Notes: The Thundering Tide was a Highborn army disbanded during the reign of Empress Mariika. In recent years there has been some concern over claims that the army may have been infiltrated by a sect devoted to the malign spiritual force of Hatred. Highguard is in a position to raise a new army following their decision to support open war against the vallorn, as laid out in last seasons The final countdown wind of fortune.
Judgement 103
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Edward Watcher
- Judgement: Over the last year the Synod has been called on to vote on 788 judgements (excluding appointments). Of these, only 30 were not upheld. A further 13 were withdrawn. Is the Synod truly so united? Or is this the symptom of a dysfunctional system? Within these upheld judgements are examples of an Assembly saying one thing one season, and the opposite the next. Is our time spent voting worthwhile, if in the vast majority of cases the outcome is determined simply by reaching the Synod board? We ask the Civil Service and Constitutional Court to explore ways of making our voting process more effective and meaningful.
- Outcome: Upheld (1358-352)
- OOC Note: The Imperial Synod's strength lies in communicating with priests and virtuous citizens. A statement of principle cannot be used to petition for reform of the voting process - but the game team regularly review different parts of the game and all players are welcome to send feedback to feedback@profounddecisions.co.uk at any time.
Judgement 106
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Luciana Valesi
- Judgement: Pride teaches us to never be complacent, but to always strive for excellence in all that we do. The Sandfishers former Druj slaves, have taken sanctuary within our Empire. They have refused all charity, but instead have accepted and developed trade relationships with us. They have acted with Pride - no one could call them half-hearted or uncommitted, and this assembly encourages them to visit Anvil to further strengthen our virtuous relationship.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (480-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 77.
Judgement 108
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Kaspar Yakovitch von Holberg
- Judgement: The Bishops of the League support the establishment in Holberg of a trading enclave with the Faraden, contingent upon the creation of an Imperial title with the responsibility to oversee the enclave and resolve any cultural misunderstandings. This enclave would not be extra-territorial and would remain subject to all parts of Imperial law both secular and religious.
- Outcome: Upheld (254-0)
- Notes: Seems to be a response to Faraden interest in a trading enclave in the city of Holberg, as mentioned in the Where five winds meet wind of fortune.
Judgement 113
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Delmora i Ruilobz i Guerra
- Judgement: When the Freeborn needed help, our prosperous allies came through for us. Let us never forget the bonds that join us or those who helped us along the way. For providing us with the mithril to upgrade the Burning Falcon army quality and enable them to burn ever brighter, we the Freeborn Assembly extend our thanks to the Vor'Azi of Varushka, Able the Taller of Zenith Ascendant, and Bakar i Riqueza, Hakima of the Coast.
- Outcome: Upheld (102-0)
Judgement 115
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Val
- Judgement: We welcome all pilgrims from both the Empire and Faraden to visit the Azure Chorus to celebrate what we share and what unites us. We also aks that the Azure Sutannir protects all pilgrims and travellers to the Chorus as part of their responsibilities.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (146-0)
- Notes: Relates to the interest of Faraden musicians in visiting the Azure Chorus in Kahraman mentioned in the Where five winds meet wind of fortune.
Judgement 117
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Mael
- Judgement: "Loyalty is not displayed by words or deeds alone but by the unity of both". The Great Cathleon is complete, the Barrens liberated and the Druj forced back - but! The great work continues. Across the continent souls wither, crushed beneath the barbarian boot - the citizens of the Mourn, the septs enslaved by the Druj, among others. Let us be united in a new crusade - a crusade of Loyalty! Let the words of our Synod priests and the swords of our armies ring with one voice - let us bring the warmth and light of the Way to those who shiver in darkness.
- Outcome: Upheld (432-32)
- Notes: The “Great Cathleon” refers to a challenge involving some nations, issued during the early days of the recent conquest of the Barrens, discussed in more detail in the Set a twisted thing straight wind of fortune.
Judgement 118
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Telyn Stormtree
- Judgement: The Vines at Anvil would like it known that they see themselves as distinct from simply healers as they always work with a partner whether that be through the Sentinel Gate or at the Anvil Hospital. The Vine oath says "we will work with out Vine partner to heal all those who would fight against the vallorn." They see these as partners in the ever-shifting Great Dance. The Vines welcomed the visit of Megan on Friday of the Autumn Summit and will provide their final answers to the questions they have been posed at the next Winter Solstice.
- Outcome: Upheld (290-10)
- Notes: Vines is a name taken by some Navarr healers. Discussion about what that name means has been ongoing within the nation for some time. More information about which can be found in the Winter 384YE Scuppernong wind of fortune,
Judgement 118
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Barty Lynes
- Judgement: Caterina Words the Unbelievably Magical would like to offer an invite to any Heralds of Meraud that are abroad in Dawn in the season following her birthday this summit. They are invited to a picnic or afternoon tea, and a discussion of the amazing things you can do with magic. Dawn has a proud history of offering hospitality to Heralds to strengthen our bonds of friendship and it would be nice if others in Dawn also looked to reaffirm this tradition by offering welcome to the Heralds of Meraud. Further picnic or tea invites in forthcoming seasons will be made, as it would be very rude not to present the same opportunity for all the Eternals of Summer eventually, but it's too much to ask for them all to turn up at once.
- Outcome: Upheld (210-12)
- Notes: Invites the eternal Meraud and his heralds to visit Dawn. Meraud currently enjoys the Amity of the Imperial Conclave. The ability of the Imperial Synod to make such invitations is quite limited, even without a greater majority; most eternals have limited awareness of Synod judgements except where specific opportunities have been presented which may be the case here. This Conclave declaration may also be relevant to this judgement.
Judgement 120
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Martha i Guerra
- Judgement: At the advisement of the Hakima we warn the Freeborn of Quzar to avoid the heralds of Tharim. Do not engage or provoke them. Continue to live with passion and joy despite these grim guests. We intend no offence to them. Their business is theirs - and our business is our own.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (134-0)
- Notes: Relates to the cohort of dread knights, belonging to the eternal Tharim, currently camped in Madruga, highlighted in the Hey how you doing wind of fortune. Tharim currently enjoys the Amity of the Imperial Conclave.
Judgement 121
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Paulus Adelaar van Holberg
- Judgement: Citizens of the League! Join the Mistress of Ceremonies as we celebrate 250 years since Holberg joined both League and Empire. In that time the city has survived flood, fire, and Drug, has raised walls the envy of the world, created dishes beyond the dreams of gastronomy, and stands acknowledged as the greatest city of the League. As the Empire welcomed Holbeg, so Holberg and the League welcome other kindred spirits that we together become yet greater still.
- Outcome: Upheld (276-10); the greater majority for this judgement was 279
- Notes: The Mistress of Ceremonies is a League Imperial title charged with coordinating the guilds and groups of the League to ensure cohesive participation in the pageantry of the nation's festivals and any other celebrations or ceremonies that require a response from the nation as a whole.
Judgement 123
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Lia Adelaar
- Judgement: The Sandfishers, former Druj slaves, have become close allies of the Empire. Our virtue assemblies recognise their virtue, and wish to guide them further, and the General of the Towerjacks welcomes their aid. The Rebeshof Roadwarden, Prince of the Misericorde Market, and priests of the League invite them to visit Anvil to discuss any impediments to fully entwining our destinies. In this the 250th year since the Empire welcomed Holberg and the League welcome the Sandfishers.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (326-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 77.
Judgement 124
- Assembly: The Way
- Raised By: Caoimhe Tendfallen
- Judgement: The Way assembly recognises the importance of judgement 20, revoking the recognition of Vardas as a paragon of Vigilance. Paragons and Exemplars provide us with proven footsteps to follow in the Way of Virtue. Inspirational stories about fictional characters cannot achieve this.
- Outcome: Upheld (185-12)
- Notes: See Judgement 20.
Judgement 128
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Aniera Exiles End
- Judgement: The great forest orcs fight alongside us in Therunin, sacrificing their lives with Navarr to defend our homes. We honour their commitment to oaths and strengthening the bonds of Loyalty. There will always be a space for you around our hearths.
- Outcome: Upheld (280-0)
- Notes: The Navarr and the Great Forest Orcs enjoy a close relationship, especially following the recent powerful oath sworn by Navarr thorns (among others) to treat the orcs as family discussed in the Poetry and prose wind of fortune, the involvement of orc warriors in the defence of Therunin against the Druj and support offered to help Navarr muster a new army laid out in the The first shot wind of fortune. See also Judgement 143.
Judgement 129
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Brynmor Rootround
- Judgement: We recognise the Great Forest Orcs fight alongside us, and call you more than siblings, we welcome you as Navarr. One hearth together.
- Outcome: Withdrawn
- Notes: See Judgement 128.
Judgement 130
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Lady Laudine du Lac
- Judgement: The assembly recognises that leaving the empty lands in the Barrens to waste serves no one. We call on the Dawnish to settle these empty lands to bring prosperity and look for threats with vigilance in order to protect and uplift all those that live in the Barrens.
- Outcome: Upheld (260-54)
- Notes: Relates to the ongoing complex situation in the Barrens, including the Dawnish assembly's earlier injunction to focus on celebrating the victory rather than settling the territory. The most recent discussions of events there can be found in the Unspoken words wind of fortune.
Judgement 132
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Ira Ashes Blaze
- Judgement: The Vigilance assembly have no reason to doubt the authenticity and accuracy of the research commissioned by the Lepidean Librarian, Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower, and we stand by its conclusions. The virtuous seek out falsehoods and expose the truth. In revealing the fiction behind story of "Vardas", Hazelelponi has done a great service to the Way and to the followers of Vigilance. Their example should inspire more than that of "Vardas". The Way is an evidence-based faith and correcting the mistakes of the past is an act of virtue our Empire should take Pride in.
- Outcome: Upheld (348-0)
- Notes: Discusses the recent crisis surrounding the publication of Life of Vardas at the behest of the Lepidean Librarian, detailed in the True faith wind of fortune. See also Judgement 20.
Judgement 133
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Rhisiart Dancewalker
- Judgement: Navarr rejects compromise of our culture by the call of cowards who play to the tune of our foes. Liathaven is a tomb of our people exterminated by Jotun hands, yet fools would see our nation change to meet their demands. Our Nation is born from the chaos of Terunael's fall, and we take pride in our history, actions, and in our Oaths. War is cruel, brutal, and best ended by any means necessary, for what is glory or honour to a corpse? Better a war's swift ending than eternal conflict. Navarr did not seek to bring the malice of war to the Jotun, they sought our annihilation so can now reap the whirlwind of our fury. You cannot betray your foes, nor will we let those who claim to be our friends betray our culture.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (105-128)
- Notes: Likely a response to the “Navarr issue” laid out in the recent appraisal into ways to make peace more appealing to the Jotun, as presented in the A stone for a stone wind of fortune. See also Judgement 16.
Judgement 134
- Assembly: Urizen
- Raised By: Eurydice Starchaser
- Judgement: The Navarr show Courage in their Ambition to remove the threat of the Vallorn for good. In Loyalty and Courage, we are being called to support this by taking Pride in our magical prowess to support the creation of their army in Miaren that focuses on a mage based front.
- Outcome: Upheld (150-0)
- Notes: Responds to the opportunity presented in the The Synod speaks wind of fortune relating to the Navarr decision to take the war to the vallorn.
Judgement 141
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Corey Wayfarer
- Judgement: We thank the League and Varushkan assemblies for there support in the fight against the Vallorn. We note in particular the strength of their statements in relation to their hearth magics and welcome their support.
- Outcome: Upheld (206-0)
- Notes: Discusses decisions made by the League and Varushka to join the fight against the vallorn laid out in the The Synod speaks wind of fortune.
Judgement 143
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Meredith Summergleam
- Judgement: Last summit, Vargas and the Great Forest Orcs danced with us. As our cultures merge, we wish to integrate their Dance with our own and learn their steps.
- Outcome: Withdrawn (88-28)
- Notes: See Judgement 128.
Judgement 145
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Saavi Heroes' Champion
- Judgement: There is no heroism to be found in whispered rumours, spreading disinformation throughout Wintermark. Our traditions of Mediator and Stormcrow are the path to resolving these issues. Mediators to help with our disputes, Stormcrows to advise and guide. We do not waste out words with idle gossip. It is not the way of the hero.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (264-0)
Judgement 147
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Ironvigil Rikke the Relentless
- Judgement: The war with the vallorn approaches, sooner or later. When it does, the Empire must act with clear eyes and awareness of consequence. However great the cause, we must act with vigilance not foolhardy haste. We must not ignore all other threats we already face.
- Outcome: Upheld (232-24)
- Notes: Relates to the Navarr decision to take the fight to the vallorn, discussed most recently in the The first shot and The Synod speaks winds of fortune.
Judgement 148
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Dolce di Sarvos
- Judgement: The Sandfisher orcs, former Druj slaves, have become close allies of the Empire, and responsible guardians of the Flaxen Pillars of Misericorde. One sign of their excellence in Prosperity being their specific request for a loan to build the sawmills for the Flaxen Pillars. They have virtuously maintained their repayments. We invite the Sandfishers to discuss any impediments to fully entwining our destinies. Let us become yet greater still.
- Outcome: Upheld (114-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 77.
Judgement 149
- Assembly: Ambition
- Raised By: Novella di Sarvos
- Judgement: The Sandfisher orcs, former Druhj slaves, have become close allies of the Empire. Their Ambition in taking an unexplored region of Misericorde and transforming it into a home, as well as discovering the Flaxen Pillars, is incredible It should be our Ambition to welcome the Sandfishers to the Empire and merge our cultures. We invite the Sandfishers to discuss any impediments to fully entwining our destinies. Let us become greater still.
- Outcome: Upheld (270-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 77.
Judgement 150
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Iza Dancewalker
- Judgement: We, the Black Scar, are proud to call ourselves Navarr. Pride empowers our Courage to act, strengthens our Loyalty to our oaths. We are proud of our actions past, present, and future; of the corpses left behind us of the consequences that we will always face for what must be done. We are Proud of the Navarr who died headless in Mournwold and the balance we have started to ensure. We're here, we are Proud.
- Outcome: Upheld (90-42)
- Notes: May be a response to the “Navarr issue” laid out in the recent appraisal into ways to make peace more appealing to the Jotun, as presented in the A stone for a stone wind of fortune. See also Judgement 16.
Judgement 151
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Cadoc Thornwatch
- Judgement: We commend the Throne for their initiative to strengthen defences on the southern border in areas that are not yet directly threatened. We call on all those able to lend support to this work, which demonstrates ambition and vigilance. Our Empire will show courage against the threats from the south.
- Outcome: Upheld (984-98)
Judgement 154
- Assembly: Loyalty
- Raised By: Metztli i Phovas i Riqueza
- Judgement: The Artisans Guild sharpen the blades of the Empire. They have summit after summit ensured the warriors, mages, and priests of the Empire are equipped for the task of spreading the Way. They have shown Loyalty to the Empire and this should be acknowledged by us all.
- Outcome: Upheld (280-38)
- Notes: The Artisan's Guild is an Imperial sodality represented by the Guildmaster of the Artisans.
Judgement 155
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Iniska Ashwood
- Judgement: The Spiritwoods call out to our friends in Axos, and offer our aid in their fallen city, as they have supported us in understanding Visokuma. All Navarr exorcists available to assist in Soloka are welcome to join us should the Axou accept our offer.
- Outcome: Upheld (208-10)
- Notes: Responds to an invitation from priests of Axos to take part in their project to cleanse the ruins of the citadel of Solokah, as presented in the Victory and unity wind of fortune.
Judgement 162
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Eirlys Ashes Blaze
- Judgement: Thorns - your guides see your sacrifice in the tireless fights against out enemies. Your courage and strength is a core of our nation, and when the next chapter comes it will be achieved by your efforts. We will not sacrifice your souls for victory. Guard your souls against hate and vengeance, let us help you, so that we may stand together as one as we step out of the vallorns shadow.
- Outcome: Upheld (222-0)
Judgement 163
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Ardwyn Embercast
- Judgement: To help someone find their way does not demand a guides oath. To fight when it is required does not demand a thorns oath. To take lead of those around you should not demand a brands oath. Our oaths bind us to purpose, give us direction on the journey of life, lead us in the great dance, they should not be taken lightly. When we mark a cause on our skin we give it higher meaning, a deeper connection to our purpose. When taking a position of authority it should be up to the individual whether they feel ready to take the brand. It is unvirutous to demand another take an oath they may not want or cannot fulfill.
- Outcome: Upheld (237-48)
Judgement 166
- Assembly: Courage
- Raised By: Damascius
- Judgement: Hate is born in fear. Purity is the fear of those around you. Cleave to what you know to be true, and do not allow others to cause you to doubt. Together, we have the Courage to hold the true virtues to heart and reject the false promises of Hate. Support your fellows. Seek support if you need it. Hatred has no home in our Empire.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (212-0)
- Notes: Hatred is a recognised malign spiritual presence or “false virtue”, and propagating or endorsing it is widely viewed as blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way.
Judgement 167
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Keziah
- Judgement: The signs of the Paragon call on us to offer salvation and benevolence. Those we can redeem, we must redeem. To those we cannot redeem, we owe a swift and merciful end. To senselessly torment or mutilate a fallen foe is an act of hatred and venegance.
- Outcome: Upheld (330-32)
- Notes: Hatred and Vengeance are recognised malign spiritual presences or “false virtues”, and propagating or endorsing them is widely viewed as blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way.
Judgement 169
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Kazimir Syrota Molchan
- Judgement: The actions of the leaders of the Ore Hills Rebellions 326YE have echoed into the present. In Pride and Loyalty we the Varushkan National Assembly celebrate the courage of the Miners fight against the Jotun of the Mournwold.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (286-14)
- Notes: The Ore Hills Rebellion took place in the Mournwold in 326YE, and was the subject of recent historical research.
Judgement 170
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Soratio i Del'Toro
- Judgement: A large portion of Madruga is now a swamp, altered by Spring, Night, and Winter, the magics of Adversity. The Wise gather information, then act. Let those with the expertise to do so map the land, before we seek to reclaim it. A few months wait is a small price to pay to preserve your lives.
- Outcome: Upheld (112-0)
- Notes: Refers to the recent transformation of southern Madruga, and efforts to understand the changes there laid out in the Where the river rises wind of fortune.
Judgement 171
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Hujaani Forgebairn
- Judgement: Hark! Hear the saga of the one we call Twice Born. Arrow-dodging. Curse-forger. Hero of the Mark. Hear the story of the Dread of Patricians, his saga, his flame, to blaze in the dark. Ice-waking, winter-wise, wielder of words, rune written endings fuel agonies rite. Follow our tales as we speak of his virtue, follow his virtue, his skein shining bright.
- Outcome: Upheld (128-22)
Judgement 172
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Clarice Novarion
- Judgement: The Imperial Synod has spoken; we must save the soul of Asavea, heavy though the cost may be. We must work to shoulder that cost. Priests should stop raising and supporting judgements of Rewarding to fund group or individuals, and the Virtue Fund be redirected to support the war effort. The Synod has committed to this war. We should fund it. Neither virtue nor victory comes without sacrifice.
- Outcome: Upheld (1102-186)
- Notes: Relates to the conflict between the Imperial Senate and Imperial Synod over the matter of preaching the Way in the Asavean Archipelago, as discussed in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune.
Judgement 173
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Donald Talbot
- Judgement: Hue and cry! Mitwold and Upwold the Stone Circle seek to empower Winter regios to cause destruction. Call to action! Guard the old places of power. Vigilance of what is yours! Vigilance of our land and homes!
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (104-0)
- Notes: May refer to the Circle of Stones, a cabal active in the Marches active between 240YE and 360YE dedicated to the wicked eternal Agramant. The cabal has recently been mentioned by the Silent Bell following the investigations in Upwold detailed in the Winter 385YE Hear your footsteps wind of fortune. See also Judgement 187.
Judgement 174
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Emmeline Weaver
- Judgement: Mareave is the latest territory to join the Empire, though it will take hard work and time to secure its Prosperity and safety against the looming threats both within and without the Territory. The Virutous do not shy away from hard work, and the Vigilant seek out poison in their neighbour's fields, lest their own crops be blighted. We call for the vigilant in Mareave, and travelling pilgrims to seek out the perfidy of those working in Grendel interests before the flowers of their treachery bloom, and safeguard the native inhabitants who share the Empire's vision for Mareave.
- Outcome: Upheld (228-0)
- Notes: Mareave is a former Grendel territory recently allocated to the Imperial Orcs. Recent attempts to consolidate the Imperial hold on the territory are laid out in the Here to stay and We all stand winds of fortune.
Judgement 175
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Kellin Embercast
- Judgement: We stand at the start of a long road. The way ahead may not be as clear as we would like, but the journey has nevertheless begun. We owe it to our nation, to our Empire, to each other, to Navarr and Thorn... we owe it to them to look to our Loyalty, set aside debate over whether this was a good or bad choice, and commit to stand together in the face of uncertainty. We are the Empire's lifeblood. Strength to the Empire, strength to Navarr!
- Outcome: Upheld (246-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 72.
Judgement 177
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Bryce the Hare
- Judgement: When the Jotun last occupied the Mournwold, they never took thralls in Alderly - they pushed us up against the trees, but the darkest forest and the people within threw them out. No Marcher living in Alderly has ever been a thrall within it. House Leveret and Alderly offer or hospitality to all those who would reject a Jotun's boot on their neck. Any Imperial soldier that seeks to rest in our lands will find ready a bed and a bowl. The vigilant prepare for threats to come.
- Outcome: Upheld (90-0)
- Notes: References the conquest of the Mournwold by the Jotun, most recently discussed in the The wild wind rises wind of war. During the three-decades long domination of the territory by the western orcs, Alderly was conquered only in theory - the Jotun controlled the grasslands beyond the forest, and the edges of the woodlands, but they did not go too deep.
Judgement 180
- Assembly: Urizen
- Raised By: Verres Aurispire
- Judgement: The Urizen people would be delighted to accept an inviation from the Imperial Orcs (assuming they choose to do so) - to investigate the Urizeni people who used to live in Mareave. As Urizeni, we honour our dead by recording their lives and sharing their stories, but for those Urizeni, those stories have been lost. We should take this opportunity to recover the stories and truths of the Urizeni who lived there, and share then with the current residents, so that we may all be witness.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (234-0)
- Notes: The Imperial Senate and the Minister of Historical Research have the ability to commision research into the past. See Judgement 196.
Judgement 181
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Lithagons of the Lightouse at Nikephoros
- Judgement: In virtue, we seek to inspire the Asavean rebels to greatness. Through art, song, and letters, we must clearly declare our unambiguous pride in these new followers of the Way.
- Outcome: Upheld (185-0)
- Notes: Relates to Imperial efforts to empower followers of the Way in the Asavean Archipelago, most recently discussed in detail in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune.
Judgement 182
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Kasjay
- Judgement: The virtuous strive for action but the forest falls one tree at a time. I call on priests of the Empire to not disapate their Ambition, dividing it in many ways. Consider the first tree to cut and look for ways to focus the will of the Synod.
- Outcome: Upheld (456-352)
Judgement 184
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Tree
- Judgement: Marcher waters now hold secrets of the Asaveans that could reveal lessons and horrors from our foreign enemies. The Marcher mation assembly calls for the investigation of the ship the Asavean raiders sank in Meade Harbour. Marcher Virtue will see secrets revealed where other nations have struggled. We must know what the Asaveans were so willing to destroy to keep it from the Empire.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (110-0)
- Notes: Likely refers to the scuttling of the Asavean warship Leaping Bull during the recent attack on Meade.
Judgement 186
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Vigilance Athan Icarion
- Judgement: Hate is born in fear. Purity is the fear of those around you. Cleave to what you know to be true and do not allow others to cause you to doubt. As one, we must be vigilant against the false comfort of hate, and those who exploit it to their own ends. Hold the true virtues to heart. Support your fellows. Seek out support if you need it. Hatred has no home in our Empire.
- Outcome: Upheld (124-0)
- Notes: Hatred, sometimes called “purity”, is a recognised malign spiritual presence or “false virtue”, and propagating or endorsing it is widely viewed as blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way.
Judgement 187
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Nicodemus of Balthazar's Vineyard
- Judgement: We will defeat both the Druj and the Hate that follows in their wake. The Synod calls on all Vigilant priests to challenge cries of "Death to the Druj" with this wisdom: the courageous soldiers of the Empire bring virtue and the Way, not revenge and death.
- Outcome: Upheld (418-190)
- Notes: Hatred is a recognised malign spiritual presence or “false virtue”, and propagating or endorsing it is widely viewed as blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way. In Winter 384YE, the General Assembly upheld a mandate proposed and enacted by Fintan Nighthaven that strongly discouraged Imperial generals from calling for “death to the druj”, although its effects were quite short lived.
Judgement 188
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Asier i Elia i Guerra
- Judgement: The Empire stands alongside Sumaah in Virtue, against Asavea, and Imperial fleet captains continue to sail to protect trade between our two allied nations. However, Sumaah is not the only victim of Plenum piracy. We should act in Loyalty with the Commonwealth and Sarcophan Delves to alleviate the burden imposed by Asavea upon their two nations in a similar fashion to Sumaah. A chain is not comprised of just one link; we stand beside our allies!
- Outcome: Upheld (938-66)
- Notes: Refers to the efforts of Freeborn and Highborn captains to help protect trade between the Sumaah Republic and the Empire, as well as the decision by the Asavean Plenum to place a bounty on ships trading with Imperial waters discussed in the Authority and acceptance wind of fortune.
Judgement 189
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Arianwen Thornfield
- Judgement: Unregretful souls wander Therunin unable to find the labyrinth due to the horrid massacre and inaction of this assembly. We call to our siblings in Highguard to help us lead the souls to their rightful places.
- Outcome: Upheld (190-28)
Judgement 190
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Soramy Splitroot
- Judgement: The Druj stop us from our ambitions with the vallorn, are a constant war front and prevent us from liberating those they enslave and bring them to virtue. Navarr must commit to removing the Druj completely, so we can focus on the vallorn.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (90-126)
- Notes: Refers to the decision of the Navarr nation to take the fight to the vallorn (most recently discussed in the The first shot wind of fortune), and the Druj invasion (and current conquest of) Therunin most recently detailed in the Blood and mire wind of war.
Judgement 191
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Orchard Gildryn
- Judgement: The Deadwood Knight, champion of the Howling Queen has been vanquished! We anticipate her call. Her howl for a new champion. Any person who answers this call commits treason against the Empire. I call for the combined wrath of all nations to put to death anyone who answers this call. Many lives were saved this day, innocents of Varushka and Dawn let this not be in vain.
- Outcome: Upheld (488-368)
- Notes: Relates to the apparent defeat of the Deadwood Knight (also known as the Schlacta of Rot), following events detailed in the Tourney of the Damned wind of fortune.
Judgement 192
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Neala Blackhawk
- Judgement: Brothers and Sisters of the Great Forest Orcs. Navarr will do everything we can to liberate our siblings the Druj have taken and bring them home. Navarr will work to remove the threat of the Druj from you, our family, and from the Empire.
- Outcome: Upheld (228-0)
- Notes: Relates to the Druj invasion (and current conquest of) Therunin most recently detailed in the Blood and mire wind of war.
Judgement 195
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Palladius Ravenspire
- Judgement: This assembly supports Silas of Cenotaph actions to test his knowledge of "understanding".
- Outcome: Upheld (170-18)
- Notes: Likely refers to the controversial decision to receive hallowed items from an Axou priest during the Autumn Equinox that draw on the malign spiritual presence of peace, the propagation or endorsement of which is generally considered blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way. See Judgement 48, among others.
Judgement 196
- Assembly: Imperial Orc
- Raised By: Skywise Gralka
- Judgement: Light in the darkness. Urizen it is with Pride that the Imperial Orcs invite your people into Mareave in order to allow them chance to discover histories lost to them. There is worth in this act and our people know more than any a loss of history and what that means. Shine bright Urizen. Be witness to your ancestors worth in our lands - we invite you with all our virtue.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (54-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 180.
Judgement 197
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Kennett the Mummer
- Judgement: Hue and cry! Hue and cry! The Servants of Agramant are abroad in Upwold and Mitwold! Their offers are never worth the price! Reject them and look to Vigilance!
- Outcome: Upheld (48-0)
- Notes: Seems to be a warning about agents of the wicked eternal Agramant active in the Marches. See also See also Judgement 173.
Judgement 198
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Anatoly Vtorov Kovalevich
- Judgement: The virtuous face unwelcome truths and despise falsehood. Vardas, beloved native son, has proven to be myth. Spurn this falsehood, but before that, remember the source of his inspiration and celebrate it: the fruits of our grandparents labours. Do not mourn a myth. Instead take pride in our traditions and seek the wisdom of the past. We follow the Way, stick to road and strive forward in virtue.
- Outcome: Upheld (782-0)
- Notes: See Judgement 20.
Judgement 199
- Assembly: Ambition
- Raised By: Viviane Barosse de Couerdefer
- Judgement: To build a greater empire, to strengthen us in our fight by showing Axos our dignity, I carry a hallowing of a false virtue. In vigilance, I commit to my Assembly's scrutiny and judgement. I stand ready for inquisition and will share my journey with guardians. I believe the gain for the Empire be worth the price, and put in place these defences. This must not be done by any other. Consequences are the price of Ambition, I will not have another pay my account.
- Outcome: Upheld (164-70)
- Notes: Likely refers to the controversial decision to receive hallowed items from an Axou priest during the Autumn Equinox that draw on the malign spiritual presence of peace, the propagation or endorsement of which is generally considered blasphemous and heretical by followers of the Way. See Judgement 48, among others.
Judgement 203
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
- Judgement: The Highborn assembly support the Imperial Synod in their work with the Axou. Let our inquisitors, stewards of the dead and the students of the school of exorcism assist in all ways that we can with the expeditions to the spires of Solokha.
- Outcome: Upheld (168-0)
- Notes: Responds to an invitation from priests of Axos to take part in their project to cleanse the ruins of the citadel of Solokah, as presented in the Victory and unity wind of fortune.
Judgement 209
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Teleri Thornweaver
- Judgement: The intervention by the Throne in deployment of the Quiet Step was done by request of the generals of the Black Thorns and Isaellas Dance and the Senators for Miaren and Hercynia. The general of the Quiet Step was suspected to not be in sound state to make the necessary tactical decisions. This was the right and virtuous course of action and the nation supports it.
- Outcome: Upheld (294-10)
- Notes: Refers to the decision of Empress Vesna to employ the Throne's power, Defender of the Empire, to assume control of the Quiet Step army and displace the current general.
Judgement 212
- Assembly: Nine
- Raised By: Vesna Borkovna Prochnost
- Judgement: The Assembly of Nine is committed to the war of faith in Asavea. We recognise the need to pay the price. Each season a statement of rewarding will be raised for 62 Thrones to be greanted to the Senate budget to assist with the war effort. We call on all priests in Anvil to vote in favour of this judgement above all other rewardings, until the war is won.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (9-0)
- Notes: Relates to the conflict between the Imperial Senate and Imperial Synod over the matter of preaching the Way in the Asavean Archipelago, as discussed in the Irreconcilable differences wind of fortune.
Judgement 213
- Assembly: Nine
- Raised By: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra
- Judgement: The Council of Nine directs the Silent Bell to investigate the actions of the Hand of Dumon and any of their efforts around the Black Plateau.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (9-0)
- Notes: The Silent Bell will investigate the illegal organisation known as the Hand of Dumon, and any activities in Spiral.
Judgement 214
- Assembly: Nine
- Raised By: Sabella of the Silent Tide
- Judgement: We, the Assembly of Nine, appoint Tarquinius Ankarien to the Doctrine Reform Counil.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (9-0)
Judgement 14
- Assembly: Urizen
- Raised By: Herminius of the House of the Wanderer
- Judgement: Be alert to all dangers; within and without. We send Herminius of the House of the Wanderer with 50 liao to encourage the Vigilant to watch for the evil that seeks to enter our lands. Let us thwart malice before it strikes against us.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (306-0)
- Enacted: Defends the borders of Morrow and Zenith, increasing the number of victory points required by the Druj to claim a beachhead, but also reduces taxation to the Imperial treasury by ten thrones. If a new Urizen territory gains a border with the Druj for some reason, the National Assembly can use the same mandate to ask the people of that nation to take up a new patrol. If a territory ceases to share a border with the Druj then the citizens will stop their patrols. As detailed in the You could be happy wind of fortune.
Judgement 23
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Earl Cerys de Rosier
- Judgement: Be alert to all dangers; within and without. We send Ser Tunic of the Barrens with 50 liao to encourage the Vigilant to watch for the evil that seeks to enter our lands. Let us thwart malice before it strikes against us.
- Outcome: Upheld (352-38)
- Enacted: Defends the border of the Barrens, increasing the number of victory points required by the Druj to claim a beachhead, but also reducing taxation to the Imperial treasury by five thrones. If a new Dawnish territory gains a border with the Druj for some reason, the National Assembly can use the same mandate to ask the people of that nation to take up a new patrol; if the Barrens ceases to share a border with the Druj then the citizens will stop their patrols. As detailed in the You could be happy wind of fortune.
Judgement 38
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: The Fool of Glory
- Judgement: The Virtuous face unwelcome truths. We send the Fool of Glory with 100 liao to reassure everyone that Vardas' story still contains important lessons about virtue. The virtuous apply what they have learned.
- Outcome: Not upheld (584-2502)
- Not enacted. Would have caused people to accept that the real purpose of paragons and exemplars is to teach people how to live a Virtuous life, so it ultimately doesn't matter if they are real or not. See the True faith wind of fortune.
Judgement 60
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Icarus of the Sepulchre of the Red Suns
- Judgement: There is no sacrifice so great that we cannot meet it to defeat this terror. We send Hazelelponi with 200 liao to urge every Highborn to prepare for the coming battle. No price is too high to realise our dreams.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (510-110); Margin 400
- Enacted: Commits the Highborn to fighting the vallorn. The grey pilgrims will stop walking the trods; the number of armies that the Highborn can support increases from three to four. In the seasons to come, there will be fewer opportunities like the recent proposal to convert the Asaveans; instead every effort will be made to find new opportunities to gain the upper hand in the struggle against the vallorn. As detailed in the Summer Solstice wind of fortune The final countdown.
Judgement 80
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Amris Johan Merikovich
- Judgement: Know your heart and what commands its devotion above all else. We send Amris Johann Merikovich with 50 liao to urge the Iron Helm to abandon cruelty and focus on the dark magics and curses of Varushka. Embrace your past; never be ashamed of it.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (342-0)
- Enacted. The Iron Helms cease to be cruel, and can no longer carry out merciless onslaughts or any similar orders designed to break the enemies will. Next season, they will gain the opportunity to embrace one or another new qualities that focus on dark magics and curses. As detailed in the You could be happy wind of fortune.
Judgement 81
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Ortenzia di Sarvos
- Judgement: The greatest assets of the League are our ambition and ingenuity. We send Ortenzia di Sarvos with 50 liao to urge every citizen to commit everything to finding new ways to fight the vallorn. Even the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time.
- Outcome: Upheld (272-16)
- Enacted: Commits the League to aid the Navarr in their fight against the vallorn, leading to one or more opportunities, and sets the tone for the League's participation in that campaign. For the next year, at least, no statement of principle raised by the League Assembly that calls on citizens to support another cause, be that civil or military, will produce an effect beyond Anvil. As detailed in the The Synod speaks wind of fortune.
Judgement 97
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Grey Stone
- Judgement: Our mastery of farming is unsurpassed in the Empire, but we know our worth. We send Grey Stone with 50 doses of liao to urge the virtuous and prosperous farmers of the Marches to visit Mareave and see how the land there might be made green.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (272-16)
- Enacted. Persuades virtuous Marcher farmers to visit Mareave. Fewer pious farmers in the Marches applies a 1 rank penalty to every congregation in Mitwold and Upwold. The Marchers who travel to Mareave will present an opportunity to help build up agriculture there, but part of their opportunity would require they be repaid in some way for their efforts. As detailed in the We all stand wind of fortune.
Judgement 110
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Annalaya del-Toro
- Judgement: The Freeborn are experts in drawing forth prosperity from arid lands. We send Maria I Espiri I Guerra with 75 doses of liao to ask Freeborn farmers to go to Mareave, to aid our friends in the Imperial orcs to make their lands flower.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (190-0)
- Enacted. Encourages Freeborn experts in dealing with the kind of conditions found in Mareave to travel there and see what aid they can offer in dealing with the arid conditions in the northern parts of the territory. Every congregation in the Brass Coast will experience a 1 rank penalty to production in the coming season, and the Freeborn farmers will expect suitable recompense before they put any solution into action. See the We all stand wind of fortune.
Judgement 122
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Oleander Ashwood
- Judgement: Be alert to all dangers; within and without. We send Oleander Ashwood with 50 liao to encourage the Vigilant to watch for the evil that seeks to enter our lands. Let us thwart malice before it strikes against us.
- Outcome: Upheld (306-10)
- Enacted: Defends the borders of Therunin, once the territory is reclaimed and assuming it is assigned to Navarr. This increases the number of victory points required by the Druj to claim a beachhead, and reduces taxation to the Imperial treasury by five thrones. If another Navarr territory gains a border with the Druj, the National Assembly could use the same mandate to ask the people of that nation to take up a new patrol; if a territory ceases to share a border with the Druj then the citizens will stop their patrols. As detailed in the You could be happy wind of fortune.
Judgement 131
- Assembly: Loyalty
- Raised By: Anastasiya Lukashovna Volkov
- Judgement: The virtuous lift up their fellows, they do not tear them down. We the Loyalty assembly, support the Iron Helms in their time of change by directing the Eyes of Loyalty with this mandate. Know your heart and what commands its devotion above all else. We send Anastasiya Lukashovna Volkov with 25 doses of liao to urge the Iron Helm to abandon cruelty and focus on the dark magics and curses of Varushka. Embrace your past; never be ashamed of it.
- Outcome: Upheld (384-6)
- Enacted: Directs the Eyes of Loyalty toward Judgement 80.
Judgement 138
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Friar John of the Mourn
- Judgement: It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way. We send Friar John of the Mourn with 25 doses of liao to urge every citizen to contribute what resources they can spare to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. The road ahead is hard, but we are walking it together.
- Outcome: Upheld (86-10)
- Not Enacted: The events surrounding the paragon Vardas mean no new mandates will encourage anyone to support the Grand Inspiration of the Way in Bastion. As detailed in the True faith wind of fortune.
Judgement 156
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Vaclav Mladenovich Kosti
- Judgement: The greatest assets of Varushka are our Wisdom and resolve. We send Vaclav Mladenovich Kosti with 50 liao to urge every Varushkan to use our knowledge of the dark powers to choose the lesser of two evils. The virtuous apply what they have learned.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (280-12)
- Enacted: Commits Varushka to aid the Navarr in their fight against the vallorn, leading to one or more opportunities, and sets the tone for Varushka's participation in that campaign. For the next year, at least, no statement of principle raised by the Varushkan Assembly that calls on citizens to support another cause, be that civil or military, will produce an effect beyond Anvil. As detailed in the The Synod speaks wind of fortune.
Judgement 157
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Ivana Petara Vodjavic
- Judgement: Be alert to all dangers; within and without. We send Velko Perunovich Razorasza with 50 liao to encourage the Vigilant to watch for the evil that seeks to enter our lands. Let us thwart malice before it strikes against us.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (280-12)
- Enacted: Defends the borders of Ossium (other than the Webwood), increasing the number of victory points required by the Druj to claim a beachhead in the territory, and reduces taxation to the Imperial treasury by five thrones. If another Varushkan territory gains a border with the Druj, the National Assembly could use the same mandate to ask the people of that nation to take up a new patrol; if a territory ceases to share a border with the Druj then the citizens will stop their patrols. As detailed in the You could be happy wind of fortune.
Judgement 211
- Assembly: Imperial Orcs
- Raised By: Bloodcrow Pip
- Judgement: We are a nation, woven from six strong strands. Each sept has its own expertise, that will help us show the people of Mareave we are not their enemies. We send Skywise Tulva with 25 doses of liao to urge the Illarawm to seek ways we can make Mareave a home for our people by approaching the Brine Turtles peacefully and open negotiations. The Brine Turtles are now foreigners; let us in common pride of Mareave move forwards together.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (44-0); Primacy
- Enacted: Asks members of the Illarawm sept to go to Mareave and try to establish communication with the Brine Turtle elders. As discussed in the Here to stay wind of fortune.
Writ of Consecration
One writ of consecration was presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 69
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Nathair Autumngale
- Judgement: The Library of Hacynian stands as a site where our Empire, in pursuit of Wisdom, was able to determine the definitive solutions to the thousand year problem of the vallorn in but a single season of dedicated focus. The Wisdom assembly seeks to consecrate this location as a Sacred Site to inspire future pilgrims and priests as a testament to what we can achieve as an Empire when we pursue virtue.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (354-10)
Two judgements of revocation were presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 105
- Assembly: Ambition
- Raised By: Callista of the Dark Shard
- Judgement: The revoke the Cardinal of Ambition Viviane Barossa de Coeurdefer. The cardinal has taken an aura of understanding upon herself to improve relations with a foreign nation. While this is "understandable" as the guiding light of Ambition in the Empire, we cannot hold her to uphold and lead us in ambition whilst under this influence.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (170-200)
Judgement 127
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: John Sawyer
- Judgement: We, the Marcher assembly, move to revoke Hal Talbot as Senator to Mitwold. It is clear that Hal was unprepared for the responsibilities that come with such a title and thus ill-equipped to stand alongside the other elected officials who have done and continue to do so much for our nation. I urge you to set aside your personal feelings towards this individual who has shown loyalty to his house but great disloyalty to his nation. He has yet to show willing to support his own territory, let alone the Marches, and should be removed from his position until such a time as he is prepared to make virtuous decisions on behalf of Mitwold.
- Outcome: Upheld (108-16)
- Notes: This revocation condemns Hal Talbot for a lack of loyalty to their nation - in this case the Marches. Since Summer 383YE, when the Assembly of Loyalty embraced the Eyes of Loyalty, any Revocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent. The revocation is upheld - the impact of the Eyes of Loyalty has no legal implication - but it is likely the Assembly of Loyalty will be called on to consider a response to a judgement that appears to attempt to compel an individual's loyalty.
Thirty-one judgements of inquisition were presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 29
- Assembly: Wintermark
- Raised By: Eeevi of the Gadrai
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Thane Elgar Angusson of Kraken's Vanguard to Inquisition to answer questions regarding the Loyalty of his actions over the past few Solstice's and to respond to allegation that he is an oath-breaker. These allegations raise significant concerns for Elgar's soul and dissension around it is dividing Wintermark halls. We must determine the truth so we can move forward. The Inquisition will be held at time 2.15pm on the Saturday of the Autumn Equinox, in the WIntermark Moot Square / Siegehold (weather depending). All are welcome to witness, priests of Loyalty are encouraged.
- Outcome: Upheld (130-0
Judgement 30
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Leliel, Daughter of Armisael
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call to inquisition, Luke, Exarch of the Navigators of Virtue. This is due to questions over his past life vision and its effects on his loyalty. It will be at 5.30pm on Saturday in the Senate.
- Outcome: Upheld (886-0)
Judgement 41
- Assembly: Way
- Raised By: Warsmith the Iron Way
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call the Cardinal of the Way assembly, Ashborn Alta, to inquisition at 11am on Saturday of the Autumn Summit at the Legion's Tent in the Imperial Orc camp. Ashborn Atla is coming to the end of their fourth no consecutive year leading the Way assembly and I seek this inquisition to shine light on the virtuous actions they've committed and their Ambitions for the future.
- Outcome: Upheld (54-0)
Judgement 42
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Clytemnestra
- Judgement - Inquisition: The Summer summit saw the great houses of the Imperial bureaucracy at odds with each other and at the heart the Asavean Crisis. Many looked to the Emperor to step in where Synod and Senate could not agree. So, I call Emperor Vesna Borkovna Prochnost to inquisition - to examine the path she treads as our Emperor, and how she will continue her path into the future. The inquisition will take place Saturday of this summit, at 11.30am in the Imperial Offices.
- Outcome: Upheld (320-20)
Judgement 47
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Aster Aceae
- Judgement - Inquisition: I am calling Lady Ailsa Tamerbin to inquisition in regards to her apparent unwavering loyalty and support of her dead friend Lady Cecelia de Gauvin and the glory of our nation as a whole. I would like to head of her time as Voice of the Twin Rose in particular. This summit, Saturday, 3pm. The hub annex.
- Outcome: Upheld (40-10)
Judgement 57
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Bakar, the Hakima of Salt and Sand, to inquisition over his work to heal the blight and his decision to choose those boons he chose. 11:30 am, Hearth and Honey. Buy a cup of tea if you are coming.
- Outcome: Upheld (208-0)
Judgement 58
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost, Virtue Inquisitor of WIsdom.
- Judgement - Inquisition: Silas of the Cenotaph. You say you will heed this assembly - now you will be tested. We will scrutinise your decision to take a heretical hallowing and weigh your wisdom. do not fail us. 1:30 pm, Hub annex.
- Outcome: Upheld automatically
Judgement 61
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Hengest Dun
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call to inquisition Tarick of Ashenhall "VIrtue's Roar". To establish the motivations and virtue of his actions regarding the Prosperity of fund raising to support our Senate. 2pm, Wintermark Hearth.
- Outcome: Upheld (142-0)
Judgement 68
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Azir
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Velasco i Guerra to inquisition at 2pm Saturday at the Waypoint regarding the Asavea vote.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (185-0)
Judgement 89
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Gwilym Hearthstone
- Judgement - Inquisition: Against Idris Eternal regarding voting for the Thimble Bourse seat, at the Eternal Family Tarpauline at 12pm on Saturday of this summit.
- Outcome: Upheld (101-0)
Judgement 91
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Sebastiano
- Judgement - Inquisition: For taking it upon herself to dictate who the priests of the Way may preach to we call for Rosalina Guila Viola di Sarvos to inquisition. For attempting to dictate who may heard the word of the Way we call Rosalina Guila Viola di Sarvos to inquisition. For making it illegal to spread the word of the Way to all who need to hear it, we call for Rosalina Guila Viola di Sarvos to inquisition.
- Outcome: Upheld (126-0)
Judgement 107
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Lenarius Ankarien
- Judgement - Inquisition: As Imperial Inquisitor, I call Skywise Tulva Cardinal of Courage to discuss their trial for subverting the agency of the state. Saturday evening at the hub at 9pm.
- Outcome: Upheld (846-22)
Judgement 114
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Sofonisba Amilcara of the City Below
- Judgement - Inquisition: Lupita di Marcela di Catazar has negotiated for the League in the Reckoning with Urizen, on the matter of Spiral. I call them to inquisition so that the details of this negotiation, and whether it has been conducted virtuously, may be brought to light and witnessed. To take place at the Winter Solstice, time and place to be confirmed with the subject.
- Outcome: Upheld (222-0)
Judgement 116
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Odhran Randrops Fall
- Judgement - Inquisition: Last summit the Cardinal of Courage was found guilty by the magistrates of subverting the agencies of state. They had Redhand Tutt, who was not a priest, raise/support judgement 210. They were arrested, changed and found guilty. The presiding magistrate denounced the action, stating that it marks a gross and unacceptable breach of the Synod's integrity from the Civil service. The magistrate themselves stated that the Imperial Inquisitor should investigate.
- Outcome: Upheld (966-382)
Judgement 136
- Assembly: Freeborn
- Raised By: Patchico i Sharthe i Guerra
- Judgement - Inquisition: Seek the inquisition of Delara i Fijadoz i Guerra at the Fijadoz camp in the Brass Coast at 1.30pm on Sunday of the Autumn 386YE gathering. This is to examine the virtue of the decision to vote to ban spreading the way in Asavea.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (136-10)
Judgement 137
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Tarquinius Ankarien
- Judgement - Inquisition: I hereby call Lady Josephine of Adina's Charge to inquisition at the Winter Solstice, time to be arranged to answer the charges of 1) preaching unitarianism; 2) preaching excessionism; 3) abuse of priestly powers. In order to determine their truth or falsehood. This inquisition is neither "friendly" nor "hostile" and is interested only in Truth.
- Outcome: Upheld (1305-96)
Judgement 146
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Geoffrey Orchard
- Judgement - Inquisition: At 8pm, Saturday, Winter 386YE, Vanja Oddsbreaker, Shadowed Torchbearer, is called to inquisition at the Boundaryfolk camp. We shall discuss reconciling the demands of this office with virtue.
- Outcome: Upheld (128-0)
Judgement 158
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Syene
- Judgement - Inquisition: I, Syene call Sycheh of Ebon's Hall to inquisition in the chapel of Highguard at 3pm on Saturday at the Winter Solstice 386YE. This inquisition is to justify the decision to ignore the field commanders orders which led to Highguard fighting separately from each other at Autumn.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (474-0)
Judgement 154
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Ilai
- Judgement - Inquisition: I, Ilai, call Pariah of the Red Sun to Inquisition at 3pm on Saturday of the Winter Solstice 386YE at the Highguard Chapel to answer questions on their decisions to ignore the Field Commanders orders during the battle on Saturday of the Autumn Equinox.
- Outcome: Upheld (216-0)
Judgement 160
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Neri
- Judgement - Inquisition: I Neri of Ebony Hall call for the public inquisition of Luc of Ebony Hall. This is to take place at 3pm in the Chapel, Saturday, during the Winter Solstice. This is to grant Highguard answers as to why the orders of the field marshal were ignored for the battle at the Autumn Solstice.
- Outcome: Upheld (502-0)
Judgement 161
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Aemon
- Judgement - Inquisition: I Aemon, Exarch of the Suns of Couros, call Jack Flint of the Silent Tide to Inquisition. This is to justify and determine the decisions that led to ignoring the Highborn field commanders orders and the subsequent loss of life. This will be held at the Highguard chapel on Saturday of the Winter Solstice 386YE at 3pm.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (540-0)
Judgement 164
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Velko Peranovich Razoradze
- Judgement - Inquisition: We the Varushkan national assembly call Veceslav Oligavich Ketsoc and Oligu Predborvana Ketsov of the Ketsov family to inquisitions over their actions in Ossium in relation to other subjugated people there, their relations with the Druj, and more recently, their actions surrounding the Trudniki of the Webwood. Ivana Petara Vodjovic will be the inquisiting priest alongside the VIgil of the Unforgotten Voice and the priests of Darkwater Vale.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (282-0)
Judgement 168
- Assembly: Urizen
- Raised By: Lochias
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Ioseph of Phoenix Reach for inquisition at the Scarlet Guard camp at 11.30 on Sunday, to determine whether they have demonstrated any of the signs of the Exemplar.
- Outcome: Upheld (44-0)
Judgement 179
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Nekoda of the Shattered Tower
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Mattheas of the Silent Tide to inquisition. It will take place at the Chapel at 3pm on the Saturday on Winter Solstice 386YE. You will be called to justify your decision to ignore the Field Commander's orders at the Saturday battle at the Autumn summit.
- Outcome: Upheld (414-0)
Judgement 200
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
- Judgement - Inquisition: I as Arcane Inquisitor call Fausta, Grandmaster of the Silver Chalice, to Inquisition to discuss her work and the virtue within. To be held at the Winter Solstice 386YE time and place to be discussed.
- Outcome: Upheld automatically as Arcane Inquisitor.
Judgement 201
- Assembly: Courage
- Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Rhisart Dancewalker to Inquisition in Winter 386YE, Saturday 18:00, Lumi's in Wintermark, as a follow up to last years inquisition to see how his virtue is continuing.
- Outcome: Upheld Automatically as Virtue inquisitor of Courage.
Judgement 202
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call to inquisition my former cardinal, Zadkiel de Coeurdefer, over his acceptance of an aura of the false virtue of understanding at the Autumn Equinox. This will be held on the Friday of the Winter Solstice, time to be arranged.
- Outcome: Upheld Automatically as Virtue Inquisitor of Pride
Judgement 208
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Athaliah of Athaliah's Handiwork
- Judgement - Inquisition: The earl de Renard has worked tirelessly to achieve the great ambition of his house, the reclamation and cultivation of the Barren berries, a crop that is the legacy of his house. I therefore seek to inquisit him to unfold further this story of his prosperity, at 1:15 of the Saturday of the Winter Summit 386YE.
- Outcome: Upheld (70-6)
Judgement 210
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Lenarius Ankarien
- Judgement - Inquisition: I call Viviane, Cardinal of Ambition, to Inquisition at the Winter Summit, to explain their reasoning for accepting a hallow of a false virtue.
- Outcome: Upheld Autumatically as Imperial Inquisitor
Judgement 215
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Azir i Shartha
- Judgement - Inquisition: Bohemond de Rondel publicly claims he is not beholden the the Synod's interpretation of doctrine Further, he claims that he is "not remotely interested in the accolades or censure of assemblies bar (his) own". I call Bohemond to inquisition before the Ambition Assembly to put this to the test (tome and date tbc).
- Outcome: Upheld Automatically as Virtue Inquisitor of Ambition.
Judgement 216
- Assembly: The Way
- Raised By: Maximillian
- Judgement - Inquisition: Calls Iniska Ashwood to Inquisition at the Winter Solstice at a time to be arranged.
- Outcome: Upheld Automatically as Virtue Inquisitor of the Way
Twenty-four judgements of sanction were presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 17
- Assembly: Way
- Raised By: Tunic of the Barrens
- Judgement: Penance Emperor Vesna Barkovna Prochnost made the decision to veto the treaty with the Rahvin in pursuit of the Prosperity of the Imperial Hearth, unwilling to sacrifice the homes recently built and rebuilt in the Barrens. She seeks to cultivate virtue in these homes, and that is a noble and virtuous goal. I remind her that knowledge of and conscious loyalty to the faith are not necessary sufficient conditions for virtue. When a virtuous ancestor like Rahvin the Liberator peaks to the orcs that follow them, blinding ourselves to that virtue is a folly and a failing. It opens the door to those who would take advantage of the divide at the expense of a voice of the Way. Vesna's decision saw thousands of orcs from across the Black Wind and the Rahvin turned away from the path of virtue, and cowed in fear of their conquerors. In their lifetimes, we must make amends, and see them truly liberated. I will work with both Vesna and the Rahvin to achieve this goal.
- Outcome: Upheld (136-22)
Judgement 27
- Assembly: Courage
- Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
- Judgement - Vindication: Redhand Tut had the Courage to act when it mattered, they knew full well the risk to their own life but as they stated "If I need to die for those people to be saved then I will make the sacrifice." They broke Imperial Law impersonating a priest and lying to the civil service, and immediately confessed knowing it would likely mean their death. They have been saved by the exceptional, and likely unrepeatable, circumstances of their act (a combination of time, weather, lateness of information from officials, and attempts to sort this issue any other way) and have accepted the sentence the magistrates have placed upon them, having fulfilled the heroes' burden. It was carefully considered behaviour neither reckless nor a deathwish. I have been inspired by their Courage, and recognise they have helped save so many people in Skarsind.
- Outcome: Upheld (196-0)
Judgement 44
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Brother Geoffrey Orchard
- Judgement - Penance: As Archmage of Spring, Ibiss negotiates with the Spring realm and has made this task more difficult by failing to retain copies of the Plenipotentiaries sent to Eternals. Ibiss reports that other Archmages also do not keep such copies. This is a collective failure of personal Vigilance which can only benefit Eternals negotiating in bad faith. This is a Conclave problem which a Conclave officer can solve. Ibiss' penance is to spend the next year creating a means by which copies of Plenipotentiaries are retained for Archmages and their successors. For more details see the 4-page leaflet (copies on opposite wall) "Ibiss Briarheart Inquisition Report". My 48 page "Strength and Guile" available from myself or the Anvil Library, makes use of the Archmage's testimony to chronicle the nefariousness of Spring.
- Outcome: Upheld (270-)
- Notes: Virtue notwithstanding, there is absolutely no legal requirement for any Imperial title to keep copies of their correspondence, nor to make their correspondence available to anyone else.
Judgement 54
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Lenarius Ankarien
- Judgement - Vindication: Escalation. Having inquisitioned Kespoena Archsky I find no evidence of the Wanderer influencing her soul. Her actions have shown wisdom and vigilance, and she initially took on the curse of the Wanderer to aid another citizen. She is fully vindicated.
- Outcome: Upheld (786-18)
Judgement 56
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost
- Judgement - Vindication: Escalation. For five seasons, Aspar held the lantern guiding the Wisdom assembly. Now, Ambition guides his path - but still he walks the path of Wisdom. He understands the weight of his words and questions constantly the information placed before him. More importantly, he understands his mistakes are opportunities to learn. Aspar, though the lantern no longer guides you its light shines strongly upon your path. I testimony you "Virtue's Voice".
- Outcome: Upheld (210-0)
Judgement 73
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Sofonisba Amilcara of the City Below
- Judgement - Penance: During the last war with the Grendel, the Salt Lords offered to return Raine Tealeaf's family to them, if they betrayed the Empire and facilitated a second raid on Sarvos. Raine refused. Sarvos and the Empire owe them a debt. Last year, Raine conspired with the Grendel, planning to aid them in their war against the Empire. They did this with the intent that Spiral would be conquered, so that it might be assigned again to Urizen when taken back by the Empire. They abandoned this plan only because they concluded that even if Spiral were lost and regained, the League would still claim it. Raine's particular loyalty to Spiral would have seen Spiral subject to Grendel predation, to slaughter and slavery. They would have torn their fellows down through treachery. This was a loyalty turned septic and perverse from the betrayals Raine themself has suffered. Raine's soul has been sickened by isolation and secrecy, and now they are bereft of their purpose. As penance, I charge them to seek spiritual guidance, allowing others to see what they have kept hidden. They will seek guidance on loyalty from at least four priests over the coming year, two of whom will be chosen by me and two by Raine. At the end of the year, we will meet again and judge what Raine has learned. Joined by Eurybia of the house of the Wanderer and Eevi of the Gadrai, co-inquisitors.
- Outcome: Upheld (1192-92)
Judgement 95
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Soriah
- Judgement - Condemnation: The assembly of Vigilance condemns the cardinal of Ambition, Lady Viviane de Coeurdefer of Dawn for blasphemy and heresy having whole-heartedly taken upon themselves a binding oath to receive an aura of the false virtue, Apathy, and to have created a hallowing of the same, which they agree to bear for one year during which they will not at all counter-act the effects of, in any way. Their position gives a greater graveness to this act of heresy and brings a direct threat to the Empire.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (380-40); Scrutiny was extended by the Cardinal of Courage.
Judgement 96
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Jeroboam of the Sentinels Tower
- Judgement - Condemnation: We the Vigilance assembly condemn the Cardinal of Pride, Zadkiel de Couerdefer, for the religious crime of taking on willingly and knowingly a hallowed object, dedicated to a false virtue. In addition, for swearing an oath to follow the false whim of the hallowing and make no attempt to counteract its dangerous ways. These are actions of abject heresy and blasphemy. The cardinal has squandered their dedicated virtue in favour of apathy and collaboration with enemies of the Empire. Have they no Pride?
- Outcome: Upheld (280-110); Scrutiny was extended by the Cardinal of Vigilance.
Judgement 111
- Assembly: Courage
- Raised By: Masha Sigeling
- Judgement - Vindication: In sharing the unwelcome truth of the life of Vardas, Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower acted with Vigilance, Wisdom, and above all great Courage. She has been given the testimony "towering integrity". Their behaviour was and continues to be guided by great virtue and no religious crime has been committed. They are vindicated.
- Outcome: Upheld (158-0)
Judgement 126
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Dag Kinnad
- Judgement - Penance: The outcome of the inquisition of Alric Burmoth and his research into the Whisper Gallery. I, Dag Kinnad, escalate to penance. Alric has taken every precaution and sought advice on information. No direct communication or curses were made. However, his research has revealed secrets into the nature of the Way. I advise he speak further to priests and especially Wisdom priests on his findings to better both his and our understanding of the Way.
- Outcome: Upheld (212-20)
Judgement 139
- Assembly: Marches
- Raised By: Sam Wych
- Judgement - Vindication: High Farrier sought to arm himself for the danger ahead, and simplified a complex situation down to the actions he could take to defend his people - if it came to it. While it may have been disagreeable to some - to many. It was a profoundly vigilant act. Accounts of spontaneous false auras at the inquisition are true - but he was free of any. The insidious nature of the false virtues are well known to appear even in virtuous moments. We do not condemn those who free slaves, or Imperatix that inspire hope. When we see a threat, we react accordingly.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (20-80)
Judgement 140
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Sam Wych
- Judgement - Condemnation: The Assembly of Vigilance condemns the Cardinal of Wisdom, Silas of the Cenotaph, for blasphemy and heresy. In agreeing for a hallow of the False Virtue peace to be created and giving a binding oath to bear it wholeheartedly - without use of any source of spiritual strength to resist it. This spits in the face of the Synod who works to eliminate these threats from the Empire. We expect better.
- Outcome: Upheld (286-58)
Judgement 144
- Assembly: Way
- Raised By: Warsmith the Iron Way
- Judgement - Vindication: Myself and Yosephus have inquisited Cardinal Ashborn Atla and I deliver the result: vindication. She has acted extremely virtuously in her time as Cardinal, Inspiring many orcs to become preachers to change the view of the other nations such as Sumaah to understand orc virtue. She has pilgrimaged from Bastion to Timoj to preach the Way and our Doctrine. She is currently working on the Salvation of many souls. I am proud to call her my Cardinal.
- Outcome: Upheld (174-10)
Judgement 152
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Bryn Tendfallen
- Judgement - Vindication: I am convinced that Travid Longest Path was misrepresented at the Summer Solstice. He called not for vengeance and for hate but for pride and ambition. I have found that he is motivated by virtue and by compassion for the victims of the Druj.
- Outcome: Upheld (198-0)
Judgement 176
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Alastair of Esther's Sanctum
- Judgement - Condemnation: The assembly of Vigilance seeks to condemn Iniska Ashwood, proxy cardinal of prosperity, under the grounds of heresy and blasphemy. By accepting an aura of a false virtue through hallowing and agreeing to take an oath to Axou, they have tainted their soul. Without any spiritual protection they have put others in extreme danger, as a proxy cardinal they must be held accountable and should know better.
- Outcome: Upheld (154-48)
Judgement 178
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Hengest Dun
- Judgement - Vindication: Re:Inquisition of Tarik of Ashenhall, High Bard, Virtues' Road, Longbeard. I am satisfied that their actions around organising 10 nation benefit concert to help fund the Narwhal's Spear was virtuous and laudable. Not only did they demonstrate great Prosperity they gae many others opportunity to also demonstrate theirs. This is a shining example of the exact actions taht the "roll of benefactors" was created to recognise.
- Outcome: Upheld (116-0)
Judgement 183
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Sebastiano
- Judgement - Castigation: Senator Gulia of Sarvos has shown themseles deeply lacking in virtue while under inquisition. Demonstrated lack of Wisdom - declaring herself too busy to consult priests of her territory before voting to forbid preaching the Way in Asavea. Additionally, during inquisition we also found a dreadful lack of Pride by reducing her city to a series of cliches and comedic catchphrases. Demonstrated terrible lack of ambition when running for Senate as "a joke". For this she is castigated.
- Outcome: Upheld (226-28)
Judgement 185
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Halwyn Splitroot
- Judgement - Vindication: I inquisitioned "the Voice of the Quiet Forest" coven and found four vates who had dealings with Arhallogen; Defra Brackensong, Courtnn(?) Foxden, Kellos Foxden, Raewynn Farkas. All were insighted and magic detected with no ill auras or efects. All clearly expressed their vate oaths, demonstrating loyalty to the Empire and no loyalty to Arhallogen, their interactions with the eternal and work towards the fane to Athallogen were examined for virtue and I found their action virtuous - particularly wise, loyal, and vigilant.
- Outcome: Upheld (180-18)
Judgement 193
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Aliss Thorn
- Judgement - Vindication: Gemma Brightsmith has worked tirelessly to rediscover the lost art of the smiths and bring them home. We recognise her as the first Marcher on the road to being a master of this tradition. A Marcher, a Marcher!
- Outcome: Upheld (88-0)
Judgement 194
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Galahad Audair
- Judgement - Castigation: In my inquisition of Valentin Orzel, he showed himself lacking in wisdom in diverse ways. In not understanding the procedures of the Synod before ranting against them, in spurious and defamatory allegations of heresy, and in presuming to have greater knowledge of the hearth magic and spirit of Dawn than any of the priests. As such, he is castigated and advised to reconsinder what basis he has for his assumptions, for there is a failure of virtue in them.
- Outcome: Upheld (132-98)
Judgement 204
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
- Judgement - Vindication: Protectorate Rile has served the Empire as High Bard over the last year, uplifting the voices of countless artists, bards, and storyellers across our lands. They leave a legacy of works to inspire countless others. We so testify them "inspirational voice", so that everyone shall see what they encouraged in others their words have worth.
- Outcome: Upheld (82-0)
Judgement 205
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
- Judgement - Vindication: Ematius Ankarien shows a strong and virtuous control over both the Winter mages of the Empire, and his role as Winter archmage, as as testified by countless others at the inquisition held last event, drives the mages of the Conclave to be proud of their work and strive for excellence. We would like to testimony him "Winter's Arete" when he is able to attend the Assembly.
- Outcome: Upheld (78-10)
Judgement 206
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Lenarius Ankarien
- Judgement - Penance: Skywise Tulve lied to the Tribune of the Synod, deceived the civil service. This crime is punishable by death. The only reason Skywise still draws breath is the extreme virtue of their reasons. They saved lives and souls when there were no other options. Their virtue is indisputable but they risked the very functionality of the Synod voting. I charge them to tell the tale, so all now this cannot happen again.
- Outcome: Upheld (906-22)
Judgement 207
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Solas of the Spire of the Waxing Sun
- Judgement - Vindication: Breaking an oath is not a religious crime. Swearing an oath one knows they may break my be perilous but is not a religious crime. Silas, Cardinal of Wisdom, stats his intent in holding a false hallow, to be grounded in Wisdom. Let us judge him on how he acts rather than words spoken to heretics; we vindicate him in this matter up to this point.
- Outcome: Upheld (406-42)
Four judgements of recognition were presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 6
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Aethelric the Grounded
- Judgement: Following the research conducted by the Lepidean library, this Imperial body Recognises that Vardas is not a Paragon. The Way of Virtue is and has always been investigative and research brased. THere is therefore no shame in admitting that Vardas was given a place in our collective faith to which he was unworthy. Moreover there is great Virtue in facing unwelcome truths, seeking out and exposing falsehoods, and testing what we know. Let us adhere to our accustomed high standards and principles and correct the record going forward. In Virtue.
- Outcome: This judgement was Withdrawn
Judgement 20
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Gaelen Embercast
- Judgement: We call for the Recognition of Vardas as Paragon of Vigilance to be removed in light of the research produced by the Lepidean Library. The figure of Vardas has been proven to be a fiction devised by Ivar Olyankavic Nathavolava in an attempt to profit from the embellished tales of adventure and therefore, no longer constitute an inspirational path to follow in pursuit of Enlightenment. The lie alone is enough reason to take this most serious action, but it must not be forgotten that those deeds of virtue and vigilance assigned to Vardas were inspired in some cases by real Wardens whose legacy has been robbed form them by this fraud. Centuries of inspiration belong to those unnamed Wardens, whose virtues should shine from beneath the falsehoods. Let us remember the overlooked and Vigilant who act for virtue without fame. Remember the stories, but not in the name of Vardas.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (2482-74)
- Notes: Vardas is no longer a paragon of Vigilance. Further details of the claims made by the Lepidean Librarian are found in the Life of Vardas, published after the Summer Solstice 386YE. The events leading to this judgement are laid out in the True faith wind of fortune.
Judgement 40
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Jared of the Sentinel's Tower
- Judgement: We Recognise Ravadi Founder's Dance as an exemplar of VIgilance. Pilgrimage - They left Dawn to join the Founder's Dance Striding in Navarr, and walked the original path of the Exemplars Navarr and Thorn when the Trods were first created, guarding the world against the Vallorn threat with every step. egacy - As Champion of Vigilance they were a driving force to forge mere titles into a cohesive organisation worthy to Inspire the Empire, eseveral other Champions have pointed to this as RAvadi's Legacy. Benevolence - In sacrificing their dreams for a year to hunt down Bawn-Watch the Champion's Shield they would never hold, on behalf of every Champion that would follow after. Inspiration - Their Inspirational Vigilance was recognised by the Assembly in their appointment to Champion, and many priests of Vigilance will attest to this and their work that followed, seek us out.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (400-0)
Judgement 43
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Jedediah Boon
- Judgement: We recognise the leaders of the Ore Hills rebellion of 326YE; Esme Hooper, Mary Digger, Ezekial "Zeke" Boon, Henry Killinghall, Maggie John, and Tom John as Exemplars of Pride. Pilgrimage: Zeke Boon with Maggie and Tom John undertook pilgrimage to Bastion in 318YE. Salvation: They turned the miners away from descent into Hatred, uplifting them to Prideful action, saving their lives and souls. Benevolence: They acted to prevent the starvation of the miners of Ore Hills, leading the Rebellion to take the supplies needed. Legacy: The songs of the Ore Hills, the Scythe of Shepherds, and Mary Digger's execution site remain; a Great Work is being constructed to follow. Inspiration: They inspired the Ore Hills Rebellion itself; in death their deeds Inspired the rising of the Ore Hills miners to resist the Jotun occupation of 386YE. Plan. Arm. Enchant. Resist. Exalt. Remember.
- Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (303-56)
Twenty-four judgements of appointment were raised by the Tribune of the Synod during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 1
- Assembly: Loyalty
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Cardinal of Loyalty
- Outcome: Sabella of the Silent Tide was appointed with 264 votes; Tarquinius Ankarien received 214 votes
Judgement 2
- Assembly: Pride
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Cardinal of Pride
- Outcome: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra was appointed with 224 votes; Jedediah Boon of the Ore Hills received 173 votes, Lady Allula de Beste received 40 votes.
Judgement 3
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Assignment of the Lepidean Library dose of True Liao
- Outcome: Silvio de Tassato was selected with 424 votes; Aspar received 336 votes, Finna received 288 votes, Zephaniah of Felix Watch received 242 votes, Vitori van Temeschwar received 18 votes, Pontius received 10 votes.
- Notes: This is the new, current method of assigning the dose of true liao produced by the Lepidean Library. See also Judgement 9.
Judgement 18
- Assembly: Ambition
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Virtue Inquisitor of Ambition.
- Outcome: Azir i Shartha i Riqueza was appointed with 78 votes. Kasjay received 54 votes, and Sebastiano received 28 votes.
Judgement 33
- Assembly: Loyalty
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Loyalty
- Outcome: Talos of the Silent Tide was appointed with 108 votes. Brother Solomon of Ebons Hall received 84 votes, Larkin Shrike, House DuBeste received 50 votes; Sufyan i Zuhri i Guerra received 34 votes, Sindri received 10 votes, Hangvar Oakenlegs and Rafiq i Erigo received 0 votes, Ser Thibault-Pépin Medyg of the Amber Lance was deceased.
Judgement 33
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Archivist of the Echoing Obelisk
- Outcome: Athiel Westernborn of the Cenotaph was appointed with 370 votes. Miriam of Athaliah's Handiwork received 10 votes.
Judgement 36
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of Virtue Inquisitor of Vigilance
- Outcome: Alistair of Esther's Sanctum was appointed with 106 votes.
Judgement 37
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Mistress of Ceremonies
- Outcome: Lana Valentina de Holberg was appointed with 174 votes.
Judgement 46
- Assembly: Nine
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Arcane Inquisitor
- Outcome: Galene Netherwatch was appointed with 6 votes. Albrecht van Holberg, Callista of the Dark Shard, Gaius Starfall i Riqueza, Geoffrey Orchard, and Lutobor Branoslovich Glinka all received 0 votes.
Judgement 49
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Challenger in Waiting
- Outcome: Lady Laudine du Lac was appointed with 104 votes. Lord Leonel de Courtenay-Wildrose received 42 votes, and Benedict Vallarius received 40 votes.
- Notes: This title received extensive scrutiny by the Imperial Senate during the summit.
Judgement 50
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of Watcher of Ratibor's Torch
- Outcome: Vitore van Temeschwar was appointed with 114 votes.
Judgement 52
- Assembly: Varushka
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Guardian of the Maze of Zoria
- Outcome: Illya Nikovitch Volkov was appointed with 190 v0tes; Anatoly Paukov Zorkin received 0 votes.
Judgement 55
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Prelate of the Little Mother.
- Outcome: Ivana Petara Vedjavic was appointed with 124 votes. Vivane Knotes received 68 votes, Soratio e DelTorro received 58 votes, Isaia Pavane de Sarvos received 28 votes.
Judgement 62
- Assembly: Courage
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Courage
- Outcome: Thomir, son of Astion was appointed with 112 votes. Sir Drysford Poacher received 36 votes, Stor "Thrice CUt" Kynfaeri receieved 0 votes, Baalam of Canthiarch's Hold was an invalid candidate with no official nomination.
Judgement 63
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Prosperity
- Outcome: Hugh Farrier of Cockscroft was appointed with 11 votes, becoming immune from further revocation until the next appointment of the Champion, Syene received 38 votes, and Ivanbrok of the Order of the Basilisk received 30 votes.
Judgement 64
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Reeve of Greenforest Fair
- Outcome: Rhyn Hunter was appointed with 62 votes.
Judgement 70
- Assembly: Dawn
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Knight of the Greenwood
- Outcome: Lord Percival Summerstrong was appointed with 116 votes. Ser Mordrain Sepulchre received 32 votes.
Judgement 75
- Assembly: Prosperity
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Voice of Prosperity.
- Outcome: Merari Navigator of Virtue was appointed with 118 votes. Bartimaeus of Zenith Ascendant received 60 votes.
Judgement 82
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Custodian of the Imperial War Memorial
- Outcome: Sarah of the Suns of Couros was appointed with 206 votes. Nathaniel of Balthazar's Vineyard received 84 votes.
Judgement 104
- Assembly: Vigilance
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Watcher of the Semmerlak
- Outcome: Lord Romande de Remys was appointed with 74 votes. Valdi Balzena Borzyslav received 44 votes. Wyrm Jongleur received 0 votes.
Judgement 109
- Assembly: League
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Archbishop of Capodomus
- Outcome: Estella Lucati was appointed with 220 votes.
Judgement 125
- Assembly: Navarr
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Voice of Barbs
- Outcome: Oleander Ashwood was appointed with 140 votes. Brynn Tendfallen recieved 62 votes.
Judgement 135
- Assembly: Wisdom
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Wisdom
- Outcome: Valens Leons of the Red Scrolls was appointed with 44 votes.
Judgement 165
- Assembly: Highborn
- Raised By: Tribune
- Judgement: Appointment of the Speaker of the Highborn Assembly
- Outcome: Nicodemus of Balthazar's Vinyard was appointed with 210 votes. Nekoda of the Shattered Tower received 196 votes.
Eleven judgements of rewarding were presented to the assemblies during the Autumn Equinox.
Judgement 5
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Alfredo Barossa di Tassato
- Judgement: Following the Autumn and Winter summits of 385, Rafael Barossa d'Apulian sent a total of 70 liao, 3 Thrones, and 1 wain of white granite to the Acciai sect of Wayist rebels in Asavea to support them in fortifying their position, bribing officials, and spreading the Way. He did so entirely at his own expense. At the Winter summit, he also called in many Debts to help fund the 5 wains of mithril he sent to the Acciai sect. These wains and 3 others provided by Ashborn Trosk, went to the Wayist rebels in the city of Marilen. They were forged into the weapons and armour they used to fight the armies of the Plenum, until ALberto Acciai and his followers were made martyrs, becoming the spark to ignite a firestorm of change across the Archipelago. We reward Rafael 35 Thrones to reimburse him for these expenses, in line with our support for anchoring the Way in Asavea.
- Outcome: Upheld (762-444)
- Notes: A partial provision was made for payment, amounting to 16 Thrones, 2 Crowns, and 2 Rings.
Judgement 11
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Taddea Ginori
- Judgement: League Strategos Gabrieli di Tassato organised three successful skirmish outings at Summer 386, rescuing two separate groups of fools form the Black Plateau and preventing deadly Siakha heralds from wreaking havoc along the coast this past season. Strategos receive no funding. Gabrieli spent hours ensuring sufficient numbers and resources, particularly for the terrifying Siakha heralds. They secured herbs to reinvigorate the front lines and liao for anointings and exorcisms. We reward Gabrieli with 11 Thrones for their wisdom and vigilance in proactively protecting our citizens and fighters through planning, preparation, and prosperity.
- Outcome: Upheld (106-96)
Judgement 13
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov
- Judgement: As the Synod's Mistress of Monuments, I ask for 20 Thrones so that I may continue to celebrate and commemorate virtuous events without being limited to only those people with wealthy families or supporters.
- Outcome: Upheld (158-74)
Judgement 15
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Halwyn Splitroot
- Judgement: Idwyn Splitroot is the Voice of Navarr and an inspiration of Pride for all who attend Navarr Songs and Stories. Let us recognise her service and help her rebuild First Voice Glade School, which was desecrated by the foul scions of Cold Sun, with the reward of 20 Thrones.
- Outcome: Upheld (678-464)
- Notes: While this judgement was upheld, there were no funds available.
Judgement 24
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Brother Solomon of Ebon Halls
- Judgement: I request a reward of the currently available 29 Thrones from the Virtue fund be awarded to Cyrus of Ebon's Hall so they, with Bloodcrow Rasp, may use these funds to construct a shrine of the Way in Beoraidh, Mareave. These funds will allow us to negotiate the purchase of land and start gathering the required materials. This is foreign land and a chance to start bringing a small nation on our borders into the Way.
- Outcome: Not Upheld (369-476)
Judgement 26
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Aspar
- Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We have stated clearly that the Synod are willing to pay the cost (Judgement 28, Spring 385YE). We are spreading the Way to Asavea, but this does not come freely. We reward the Imperial Treasury 62 Thrones in recompense for decreased income due to Asavean raiding in the Bay of Catazar. Funds to be disbursed to the Master of the Mint. These funds will ensure our Empire is protected and prosperous while we perform our work in Asavea. Despise the half-hearted, the uncommitted, and the pretender.
- Outcome: Upheld (1564-138), Full payment made
Judgement 71
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Alvaro i Verena
- Judgement: Time and time again, the battlefield healer units of Anvil save Imperial lives with their Vigilance and Courage. I seek a Rewarding of 50 Thrones, to be split equally between battlefield healers of every Nation, so that they may continue their good work: Sadiq i Isa i Erigo. Gwain Splitroot, Caz of the Marches, Irontide Flax and Redhand Tutt, Faimia Vesely-Vanek, Nate of the Wychwood Harts, Alethia Wooder, Lambert Shieldwolves and Nora of House Gerys, Tyresisas Ox of Ember's Wake, Bella di Sarvos.
- Outcome: Upheld (550-450); no funds available
Judgement 79
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Anatolij Paukov Zorkin
- Judgement: Lord Alistar de Vere, Oswald Hooped, Marigold Companer, Hypatia Raincourt, Olwyn Pickle, Lord Aubin Gildaryn, and Lord Commander Leonar Gildaryn all of Dawn, along with Twig of Varushka, have shown their complete Loyalty to the defeat of the Schlacta of Rot, also known as the Deadwood Knight, engaging in a trade with a herald of the Whisper Gallery to find the sword required to defeat him and turning themselves in to the Anvil militia, They further showed great Courage, sharing the personal secrets they gave to the herald at their trial, They were fined one Throne each for this crime, and so the General Assembly awards eight thrones total, one for each person.
- Outcome: Upheld (448-438); no funds available
Judgement 112
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Creighton Blackewater
- Judgement: 86 Imperial citizens proved their virtue by voyaging to Rachensgrab to help slaves who were believed to still remain there. Regardless of the outcome, these brave citizens received no reward for their labour. I ask for 11 Thrones from the virtue fund to be shared equally amongst all who took part. Virtuous work deserves virtuous reward.
- Outcome: Upheld (320-238); no funds available
Judgement 142
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Nimue Altair
- Judgement: I seek a reward of 5 Thrones for Isador Bell, leader of the Smiling Grove, Weaver of Dawn, who has put their life and prosperity forward for the sake of the Empire, and its causes. He has dealt with the threat of the Cold Sun in Bastion, both leading and funding a spring ritual to rid the land of their scourge. He has also forged the wooden pastures to protect our Great Forest Orc allies despite Dawnish tensions.
- Outcome: Upheld (408-354), no funds available
Judgement 153
- Assembly: General
- Raised By: Ansteia Starchaser
- Judgement: There is more than one way to win a war and gain allies. We ask the Synod to grant Nicassia Avicia of Phoenix Reach 20 Thrones towards the eforts of arming one of the septs in the Sarangrave against the Druj. Let them know that we are not conquerors and warmongers, and that we pay back Loyalty earnt. That we uplift and support our allies in need for the benefit of both.
- Outcome: Upheld (614-226), Partial fulfilment (4 crowns 11 rings)
Special Considerations
The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Autumn Equinox.
Assembly | Consideration | Link | ExpandDuration |
The Virtue Fund
The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:
Closing value at previous summit | 29 Thrones, 3 Crowns, 18 Rings | |
Donations | 1 Throne, 2 Crowns | Various donations received at the counting house of Reikos prior to the start of the summit |
Donations | 2 Thrones | Various donations received at the counting house of Tassato prior to the start of the summit |
Starting value at this summit | 32 Thrones, 5 Crowns, 18 Rings | |
Rewarding | 20 Thrones | Rewarding to Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov following Judgement 13 being upheld (a margin of 84). |
Rewarding | 11 Thrones | Rewarding to Taddea Giorni following Judgement 11 being upheld (a margin of 10). |
Donation | 4 Crowns, 4 Rings | Donation by the Secretary General of the Civil Service from the sale of writing implements. |
Donation | 2 Crowns | Donation by Berith Martel. |
Income | 60 Thrones | The price paid in the Bourse Auction for the dose of True Liao. |
Donation | 6 Crowns | Donation by Rafael Barossa d'Apulian. |
Rewarding | 62 Thrones | Rewarding to Aspar following Judgement 26 being upheld (a margin of 1426). |
Rewarding | 1 Throne, 2 Crowns, 2 Rings | Rewarding to Alfredo Barossa di Tassato following Judgement 5 being upheld (a margin of 318) - insufficient funds for full rewarding. |
Rewarding | nil | Rewardings to Halwyn Splitroot (Judgement 15, margin 214), Alvaro i Verena (Judgement 71, margin 100), Creighton Blackewater (Judgement 112, margin 82) and Anatolij Paukov Zorkin (Judgement 79, margin 10) were upheld, but no funds remained. |
Donation | 1 Ring | Donation by Lysimachus. |
Donation | 4 Crowns, 11 Rings | Donation by the Secretary General of the Civil Service from the sale of writing implements. |
Donation | 6 Rings | Donation by Protectorate Rile. |
Rewarding | 4 Crowns, 17 Rings | Rewarding to Aristeia Starchaser following Judgement 153 being upheld (a margin of 388) - insufficient funds for full rewarding. |
Rewarding | nil | Rewarding to Nimue Altair (Judgement 142, margin 54) was upheld, but no funds remained. |
Closing value at this summit | nil |
Doses of True Liao
Five doses of True Liao were disbursed this summit:
- One dose to Vesna Borkovna Prochnost as the Throne
- One dose in connection to the Lepidean University to Silvio di Tassato via Judgement 3
- One dose to Idris Eternal by purchase in the Public Auction
- One dose to Eleri Bronwen's Rest by decision of the Gatekeepers
- One dose to Æsa Sigeing by decision of the Gatekeepers
Assembly Strength
The table below shows the size, total voting strength and greater majority thresholds for each assembly as calculated at the start of the summit.
Virtue Assembly | Assembly Size | Total Voting Strength | Greater Majority Threshold |
Ambition | 49 | 578 | 290 |
Courage | 36 | 397 | 199 |
Loyalty | 71 | 894 | 448 |
Pride | 54 | 597 | 299 |
Prosperity | 37 | 444 | 223 |
Vigilance | 56 | 730 | 366 |
Wisdom | 48 | 572 | 287 |
The Way | 44 | 519 | 260 |
General | 395 | 4731 | 2366 |
National Assembly | Assembly Size | Total Voting Strength | Greater Majority Threshold |
Brass Coast | 23 | 267 | 134 |
Dawn | 62 | 726 | 364 |
Highguard | 66 | 922 | 462 |
Imperial Orcs | 7 | 74 | 38 |
League | 42 | 556 | 279 |
Marches | 27 | 202 | 102 |
Navarr | 54 | 636 | 319 |
Urizen | 36 | 412 | 207 |
Varushka | 37 | 460 | 231 |
Wintermark | 41 | 476 | 239 |
General | 395 | 4731 | 2366 |