Synod Winter 384.png
The Imperial Synod exists to safeguard the soul of the Empire, protecting it from dangers and corrupting influences, whilst nurturing and promoting virtue wherever it flourishes.


During the Winter Solstice 384YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised 168 judgements.


The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Winter Solstice.

  • All Assemblies: Statements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Statements that try to compel Loyalty will fail. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Revocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Any mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. This lasts until some new turn of events changes things. Urizen Link. Varushka Link.
  • All Assemblies: No statement of principle that is about Sulemaine i Taziel will lead to a mandate. Lasts until at least the end of the Winter Solstice 384YE and potentially longer. Link.
  • Virtue Assemblies: Any statement of principle in any virtue assembly will not create a mandate for that virtue assembly. If any mandate does arise, then it will need to be passed by the General Assembly. Lasts until the end of the Winter Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • Highguard and Navarr Assemblies: Statements of principle in either assembly that receive a greater majority may create opportunities in the other assembly. Lasts until the end of the Autumn Equinox 385YE Link.

Change of Doctrine

There was one proposed Change of doctrine during the Winter Solstice.

Judgement 135

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lord Laurent Sepulchre
  • Judgement: Freedom/Anarchy should be accepted as a virtue.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (18-1485)


No veto was sought during the Winter Solstice 384YE.

Statement of Principle

Judgement 3

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Aspar
  • Judgement: The liberty pact was signed. A spontaneous aura of freedom manifested through this action. Imperial citizens raided Chalonsio. Spontaneous auras of Freedom manifested through this action, Imperial citizens raided Rachensgrab. Spontaneous auras of Freedom manifested through this action, All of these acts were encouraged and endorsed by the Synod. Some have tried to hide from the truth by replacing auras of Freedom where they are found, but how can the Synod deny tat the actions of the Empire foster the false Virtue of Freedom? If the Synod encourage Freedom in all but name but denounce it when auras arise through actions they endorse then they are hypocrites, not fit to spiritually lead our people. If the Empire is to foster acts of Freedom, then the Synod must reconsider Freedom's place as a false Virtue or take action against those who encourage these acts.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (528 - 929)

Judgement 4

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Athenus, House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: We the Urizen national assembly urge all people resist the powers granted to Highguard should the Partner of Greatness mandate pass. We will not allow another Assembly who do not undergo the same scrutiny as ours to project its influence upon our people.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (174 - 20)

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Herminius, House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: The Druj have fled Zenith, but we must not sit idle whilst their legacy remains. Whilst the Architects set to rebuilding, we must not sit idle. As our Senators call to our neighbours for aid, we must not sit idle. As Magicians work the realms and Sentinels pursue the enemy, we must not sit idle. I encourage all Sword Scholars to test what they have learned and apply themselves to cleanse what remains of the Druj and their legacy of fear and hatred. With sharpened blades and the light of truth and Virtue we will scour what remains of the Druj from Zenith.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (276 - 0)

Judgement 6

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Clytemnestra, House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: We must defend our Virtue from those who would obscure or diminish it. Truth is the light that illumines our Virtue. Before our intervention, the Military Council said they would not prioritise Zenith. We witnessed that, despite her great Loyalty and Courage, General Asenath could not turn the tide of opinion alone. We, the people of Urizen, turned the tide of opinion. We, the people of Urizen, refused to sacrifice Zenith. Our actions carved the path our armies marched. Without our actions, the Druj would still ravage our lands. Zenith would have been abandoned. I, Clytemnestra of the House of the Wanderer, held our beloved army to ransom, so that Zenith would not be abandoned. I was criticised, threatened, and ridiculed for what I did. I would do it again. We have sacrificed enough. We will not sacrifice our land, we will not sacrifice our Virtue. We were not saved, we saved ourselves. The people of Urizen are powerful, we are virtuous, and we will continue to save ourselves as we rebuild our home in Zenith.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (216 - 32)

Judgement 10

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Eurybia "Blue" Melampus de Tassata
  • Judgement: Francesca's proposal encouraged each city to use what it has for its own Pride, whereas prosperity teaches us that it should be shared. Ambition teaches us to strive to excel but not at the expense of our fellows. The League citizens have worked hard to build each city up to be one mighty chain with each city a link to reinforce another. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Rather than create a wealth divide I therefore I propose that each city supports each other funding each project in unison and a book of solidarity with a keeper be created tracking each ring, crown, and throne so every citizen, in every city of the League can have the opportunity to take Pride participating in the improvement and prosperity of their entire nation. Let us strive together as a nation and where one of us fails the others shall raise them up. May the most impressive and inspiring project to win rather than a single city.
  • Outcome: Failed (40 - 195)

Judgement 11

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lady Kaywenn de Orzel
  • Judgement: The assemblies have chosen their champions. The seven pilgrims are reformed. Soldiers of the Imperial armies, look to the champions and witness the strength Virtue brings! Take inspiration from their actions as you stand shoulder to shoulder with them, resolute against enemies that would tear down the Empire, its people, and the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld 1693 - 56

Judgement 14

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra
  • Judgement: Exemplars and paragons are the inspirational figures through which we demonstrate and preach our faith, and bring others into the Way. With so many recently freed from slavery and our increasing relations with people all over the world, exemplars and paragons are needed more than ever. Virtue flourishes everywhere and the Pride assembly calls upon the Synod to find and recognise this virtue even beyond the borders of the Empire so all can be called to virtue. As for paragons, in many ways we have very few, yet our records of past life visions are numerous and thorough - surely there are some exemplars who could now be considered paragons? After the split from Sumaah we should not be reticent to do our research and raise up those who are deserving. Virtue calls for action - we have nothing to gain by dragging our feet in such matters.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (371 - 0)

Judgement 18

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised by: Rafael Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: The Sevenfold Path's manifesto says that it exists to ensure the powers of the Conclave are deployed in line with the Way of Virtue. The Grandmaster is responsible for supporting the manifesto of the Order. The current Grandmaster is Rafael Barossa di Tassato. Anyone claiming that Conclave acts without, or is lacking in, Virtue should do well to remember this before making public claims or Statements of Principle criticising Conclave. If you believe the Sevenfold Path is failing to ensure that Conclave acts with Virtue, then you should first call its Grandmaster to Inquisition - especially if you do not yourself attend Conclave.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1190 - 190)

Judgement 27

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised by: Yirane Knotes
  • Judgement: Prosperity decries the coin unspent, and surely the salvation of souls is among the most virtuous of uses for spent coin. If places and leaders of worship can be made more appealing through expenditure of coin, then more souls will attend and hear the words of the Way. Not all however can afford the extreme expense of White Granite for permanent additions or access ritualists for enchantments, and so the Prosperity Assembly should exhort the leaders of their congregations to find ways to spend smaller amounts to further spread the message of Virtue; however fleeting the improvement. The Words, Numbers, Figures, and Knotes organisation is prepared to purchase the salvation of souls.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (202 - 0)

Judgement 29

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Chauntecleer Words
  • Judgement: The telling of tales within Dawn is one of our cherished traditions for the instruction of virtues. Dawn thanks all those who took part in the Autumn Contest of Words for continuing this, in particular our tied winners Arturus the Wandering Healer for their tale of the Un-Un-Sheathable Blade and Chauntecleer for his tale of the Mystic City of Ah-Blanc, as judged by the acclaim of our children.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (228 - 0)

Judgement 30

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Bartimaeus
  • Judgement: Prosperity teaches us to despise the thieving bandit, the lazy wastrel, and the grasping misers, and those take without giving. Our Empire is besieged by enemies who look to take or destroy all that we have built. This assembly encourages the prosperous of every Imperial nation to seek ways to support the Imperial Warcaster in their work protecting the Empire's borders from the thieving bandits on our western and eastern flanks. By acting together in virtue we can ensure that no magic that could be used to defend our homes goes unused.
  • Outcome: Upheld (136 - 16)

Judgement 34

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Earl Galeas du Maurisol
  • Judgement: The spiritual force known as Freedom or Anarchy bids us unshackle ourselves from all forms of chains, law, and order that might bind us - good or ill, of which slavery is surely the most heinous and restrictive. It should come as no surprise that the massive release of slaves and the ending of the slave trade has resulted in an outpouring of unVirtuous Freedom Auras, despite clearly being a Virtuous action. But all knowledge is incomplete and some question whether Freedom is truly malign. Before this becomes a true movement, I invite those amongst the Imperial Synod and Sumaah Houses of Virtue to join me in discussing whether Freedom's place as a False Virtue should be reconsidered or whether it should rightfully be left to wallow in malignance.
  • Outcome: Upheld (989 - 500)

Judgement 35

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Bloodcrow Udoo
  • Judgement: Imperial Orcs, the cornerstone of our spirituality is each other. In each of you, your names and deeds and the fierce bonds forged between our blood. Praise and tell of deeds that cleave to the passions in your souls. Let their worth inspire you and grow the weight of your own. Lift up each other's names before all else, for it is by these bonds between blood that we do cross the Abyss.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (86 - 0)

Judgement 37

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Darian Numbers
  • Judgement: At present the militia provide their service at Anvil without payment, and this runs counter to the tenets of Prosperity. House de Gauvin through the Words, Numbers, Figures, and Knotes organisation are providing a trial reward system to remunerate them. We seek the assemblies agreement that the militia should be paid, and the trial is a firm first step to encouraging their recompense.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (220 - 23)

Judgement 38

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Tarquinius Ankarien
  • Judgement: Presently if someone wishes to know the Synod's position on Vitalism, Lucidianism, or any number of other beliefs they must manually search hundreds of statements for information that is often out of date, contradictory, or both. Synod would welcome Senate action to introduce a permanent publicly accessible record of which beliefs are and are not compatible with the Way and to create a new type of judgement to allow us to populate and adjust these lists as necessary.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1262 - 205)

Judgement 42

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Morwenna Winterbuilt
  • Judgement: Thanks to the Vigilance of our Archmage we are assured Kaela's Gift poses no threat to the souls of the Empire. Furthermore, we would encourage its use to spare our bodies from the blight of the Vallorn.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1029 - 326)
  • Notes: This judgement referenced a previous offer from Kaela to extend her gift to those fighting the vallorn. Currently the Gift of Kaela can only be used by those "in the hands of the Druj".

Judgement 45

  • Assembly: Imperial Orcs
  • Raised By: Gralka
  • Judgement: The Imperial Orc national assembly encourages those orcs troubled by the echoes of their ancestors to visit the mystagogue Illarawm Ithgarn in the Southpine. They hold insight into methods of sifting through the chaos of disruptive ancestors that are so far unknown to our peoples, share in this wisdom and know respite from the storm. It is also encouraged that shaman and mystagogue alike might record in writings the messages and words they hear, your words carry worth from across the Abyss to those who feel most distant from such voices and we should try to capture what is spoken from far off shore so that it might inform the path forwards.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (97 - 0)
  • Notes: This is linked to the offer of the Illarawm to help Imperial Orcs quiet the angry voices of their ancestors.

Judgement 47

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Mael Donjeon of House Remys
  • Judgement: The Lay of Occursion. We shall not see her like again, her flashing eyes, her shining hair now stilled, among the bodies that lie broken in the Glory Square. The colours of a score of houses' weapons, 'cross their comrades lain with heavy oaths and blurry eyes we swore we'd see them all again. I heard someone console his friend say with the dead again he'd walk the friend he wept, and shook his head "I'll see him not - he was an orc..." And in that orc camp, 'cross the way so solemnly they mourned their loss the General of the Summer Storm and half of all their fighting force. And yet - as if the Zenith soil no more would take a drop of blood from Urizen, not one was slain of all that on that battle stood. How easy it would be to blame! in grief to hurl recrimination how easy to forget our oaths the ties that bind us - every nation. I shall not fall to petty grudge instead I'll sing the dead to fame and bear their memory aloft like glorious ravens, wings aflame. Each army that claims victory I'll laud their deeds and cheer them on and well applaud the winner of the Empire's greatest Cathleon. The Barrens once were Dawnish, true we claim them as ancestral lands but 'ere we ever worked those fields that soil was tiled by orcish hands. None in this Empire fights alone none without comrades face their fears and each shall bleed an Empire's blood - and each shall weep an Empire's tears.
  • Outcome: Upheld (652 - 352)

Judgement 48

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Brother Dagon
  • Judgement: The new role of Guardian of Britta's Memorial created by the mandate raised by Sister Sarah, inspired by the mandate raised by Brother Elkiah, with works done by the Prosperous chapters of Highguard, speaks to the way figures of history, especially our Imperatrix, can inspire virtue today. It is the belief of the Loyalty assembly, alongside our siblings in the other virtue assemblies, that more figures of history should be identified, and actively memorialised in Necropolis, to encourage the virtuous pilgrims to travel to a city tied to our history, and reflect on the virtues they inspire. Further, we believe that each virtue should be represented, to create a pilgrim's trail through the city. To that end, we name Emperor Frederick, and their tomb in Necropolis as a site of pilgrimage for those that follow the tenets of the virtue of Loyalty, especially the tenet that the virtuous build up their fellows; they do not tear them down. Let our history guide our present, to build a more virtuous future.
  • Outcome: Upheld (317 - 0)
  • Notes: A greater majority for this vote was 328 votes

Judgement 49

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Creighton Blackewater
  • Judgement: The territories of Redoubt, Therunin, and Astolat have benefitted from the attention of the prosperity assembly and we look forward to seeing Zenith benefit in kind. We salute the hard work thus far and encourage the virtuous to continue to follow the direction of the prosperity assembly to seek opportunities to enrich and improve the territories the assembly names. With such guidance, all the territories of the Empire might benefit from their direction over time.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1158 - 56)

Judgement 50

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Wildfyre
  • Judgement: Grendel traders looking to stockpile imperial goods that they hope will rise in value if there is a war should be treated with civility but shown the door. Grendel traders who are looking for a long term relationship should be welcomed and treated generously, especially if they invest up front for goods that shall only be delivered if the treaty persists. Every merchant who can convince a Grendel that being our friend is more Prosperous than being our enemy is an extra soldier free to support their fellows across the Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld (247 - 10)
  • Note: This statement relates to the Grendel traders visiting Necropolis in Highguard. With time running out on the existing Grendel peace treaty it seems the merchants of the Broken Shore are not interested in committing to long-term relationships that might become impossible by the Autumn Equinox. There has been no increase in profit for Highborn businesses in the territory as a consequence. Reports suggest that if anything this reticence has fired the Grendel to be even more enthusiastic about what may be their last chance to trade along the northern coast of the Bay of Catazar.

Judgement 52

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Sarah of the Suns of Couros
  • Judgement: Tabitha in Summer 383 asked Highguard to show its prosperity to the world, In response, Brother Elkiah raised a mandate that that successfully saw Britta's Tomb revitalised into a place of Pilgrimage in Necropolis. This act further cemented by Sister Sarah and the Courage Assembly last year, resulted in Britta's tomb being rededicated to Courage and becoming a site of Pilgrimage. The Highguard National Assembly now calls on Necropolis to make the tombs of the Imperatrixes a centre for Pilgrimage with six more sites to be dedicated to each of the remaining virtues. Vigilance, Wisdom, Prosperity, Pride, Loyalty, and Ambition. Our Ambition is to see the creation of a pilgrim's trail through the city, with each stop on the path served by an appropriate pre-existing monument or tomb that inspires virtue in the citizens of the Empire through the lessons of the past. Let the virtuous lessons of the past guide the actions of the present, to build amore virtuous future, for all citizens of the Empire willing to make Pilgrimage to Necropolis.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (318 - 0)

Judgement 53

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Brother Enoch
  • Judgement: The new role of Guardian of Britta's Memorial, created by the Mandate raised by Sister Sarah, inspired by the mandate raised by Brother Elkiah, with works done by Prosperous chapters of Highguard, speaks to the way figures of History, especially our Imperatrixs, can inspire virtue today. It is the belief of the Vigilance assembly alongside our siblings in the other virtue assemblies, that more figures of history should be identified, and actively memorialised in Necropolis, to encourage the virtuous pilgrims to travel to a city tied to our history, and reflect on the virtues they inspire. Further, we believe that each virtue should be represented, to create a Pilgrim's Trail through the city. To that end we name Empress Teleri, and their tomb in Necropolis at the centre of the sevenfold labyrinth garden, as a site of pilgrimage for those that follow the tenets of the virtue of Vigilance, especially the tenet that you seek out the poison in your neighbour's fields, lest your own crops be blighted. Let our history guide our present, to build a more virtuous future.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (181 - 10)

Judgement 55

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Enfys Larksong
  • Judgement: Wisdom teaches that all knowledge is incomplete, Vigilance teaches us to be alert to all dangers. The "Chaos Fruit" recovered from Brocéliande has the potential to both be a useful resource for the Empire as well as leading to difficulty or issue in the future. We encourage all Imperial citizens who choose to cultivate this fruit to not keep such a decision a secret and let it be known they intend to do so, This way we might learn where and what threat they possess, or what boon and use they might provide.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (270 - 0)

Judgement 62

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Ubarius
  • Judgement: The virtuous do not demean others, they inspire them to greatness. By allowing various foreigner such as the Feni, the Great Forest Orcs or other similar groups to settle in our lands without them adopting the Way as directed by our Synod, we are letting them languish in their own error-strewn beliefs. In doing this we demean them by denying them a chance for greatness by living lives of Virtue. We urge the priests of our Empire to not be complacent, but strive for excellence in missionary work and convert these misguided souls to a true understanding of the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (285 - 26)
  • Notes: Greater Majority for this judgement was 282

Judgement 64

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lia Adelaar
  • Judgement: The Empire's surest path to spreading the way is to integrate those peoples, orc and human, who wish to join us. The Imperial Orcs are at present working to do just this. Let us demonstrate our Loyalty to the Imperial Orcs, our fellow citizens, and our Pride in our own nations, by seeking out other foreigners and refugees who share our national values, opening our hearts and hearths, and inviting them to share the bond to our land.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1499 - 52)

Judgement 67

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Kaspar Yakovitch von Holberg
  • Judgement: At a time when the territories of the Empire are occupied, under attack, or striving to recover from damage inflicted on them by our enemies, competing to build statues displays wilful blindness to the needs of our fellow citizens. We are the League. We are not frivolous, nor selfish. We see beyond our city walls to the rest of the Empire our founder helped create. Let us remember our tradition of competing to show Prosperity through acts of charity. We call upon Francesca di Matos and the Harlequin to expand their competition to include supporting construction in those nations that desperately need lifting up from the acts of our enemies.
  • Outcome: Upheld (237 - 22)

Judgement 68

  • Assembly: Brass Coast
  • Raised By: Azir i Shartha i Riqueza
  • Judgement: We the Freeborn recognise the Free Folk of Asavea as kindred spirits, both in their origins and in aspects of their culture. The Empire should stand as a beacon to the virtuous, and we believe we can and should offer them a home here. We invite the Free Folk to join the Brass Coast as a tribe in their own right, to sit alongside the Riqueze, the Guerra, the Erigo and the Zemress, such that they can maintain their Pride in their own identity while forging a place for themselves among the Freeborn.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (172 - 20)

Judgement 70

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Soratio i del Toro
  • Judgement: Not all the auras on those returning from Rachensgrab are "freedom" - many are reflective of Imperial Courage, Pride, and Ambition in destroying their vile edifice. Each aura should be examined and judged - malign auras removed, but virtuous auras, however unorthodox, preserved.
  • Outcome: Upheld (857 - 89)

Judgement 71

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Raphael i Zamora
  • Judgement: I, Raphael i Zamora i Riqueza, as Gatekeeper of Wisdom, wish to extend an invitation to the signatories of the Liberty Pact to send individuals who have demonstrated Imperial virtues, particularly those involved in the destruction of Rachensgrab for consideration for true liao. Virtue is not the sole purview of the Empire, all souls can be virtuous and I would see them rewarded.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1118 - 169)

Judgement 73

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Viviane de Courdefer
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We the Synod must and should pay the price of our actions. We know that our intent matters. We will grow roses where the Druj miasma lie - but first we must clear the ground. We ask for a mandate to repair the damage committed by false virtue auras such as those from Judgement 72.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1201 - 134)

Judgement 75

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Callista of the Dark Shard
  • Judgement: Every person bears responsibility for their own virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld (951 - 273)

Judgement 78

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Kasjay
  • Judgement: Ambition is the way we strive for greater virtue. All followers of the Way should seek to define their ambitions so they can better understand their path of Virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld (895 - 43)

Judgement 81

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Aniera Exiles End
  • Judgement: Be alert to all dangers. Test what you learn. This season, the ritual Hallow of the Green World has been cast over the Empire. While this ritual has previously had no effect or influence on the vallorn, the Navarr national assembly encourages all vates within the stridings and steadings to remain vigilant to any changes or reactions following the use of this ritual.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (250 - 0)

Judgement 82

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Elagabala
  • Judgement: Politics must always cleave to virtue. No virtuous action should be discarded because you find the consequences inconvenient. Only actions can be virtuous.
  • Outcome: Upheld (824 - 412)

Judgement 83

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Killian Mortére
  • Judgement: The troubadours of Dawn suggest the appointment of a chaplain to provide spiritual guidance and counsel to our generals, so there can be no doubt that when Dawn marches to war, we march in virtue. We put forward Owain of House Wolfbourne for the role.
  • Outcome: Upheld (174 - 10)

Judgement 84

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Sebastiano
  • Judgement: The great chains of Sarvos will protect the finest harbour in the Empire. The Senate now considers their construction to defend Sarvos and the League. As the Empire strikes at overseas foes it is vital these fortifications are constructed. We declare that it is virtuous for citizens to donate to this vital cause and encourage all to do so.
  • Outcome: Upheld (177 - 0)

Judgement 85

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Bryce Tanner
  • Judgement: We all know the cruelty and treachery the Druj are famed for and the scars it had left on the people and lands of Zenith as well as the lingering threat of their return. To give the good people of Urizen a chance to rebuild without the shadow of fear at their border and the worry of what treachery the Druj have left behind we call on the vigilant citizens of the territory to be alert to all dangers, within and without. To root out Druj malice and keep watch for their movements. No plot shall escape the lantern-light and no vile machination will outwit the prepared.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (185 - 0)

Judgement 86

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Captain Charge
  • Judgement: The current Dawnish voting system does not promote glorious challenge. We have seen in how it instead promotes secrets, promises yet unkept, and back room dealings. The troubadours and earls of Dawn wish to see this changed to a more open, direct, and glorious challenge.
  • Outcome: Upheld (152 - 10)

Judgement 89

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Eira Larksong
  • Judgement: The bandits presently in Therunin include those who have paid a great price and taken a great sacrifice for the good of Navarr and for the Empire, to allow them to fall to banditry and stray from the path of Virtue is our failing. The guides of Navarr should work with citizens of Therunin and thorns who can protect them to endeavour to help these Navarri to find their place in the Great Dance once more and help them find ways to pursue virtue, and the oaths we all have sworn.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (240 - 10)

Judgement 90

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Rocio i Fijadoz i Guerra
  • Judgement: The Prosperity assembly believes that there are common pitfalls on the way to Prosperity. When trading prosperously, bear the following in mind. Resources with a virtuous purpose are not a hoard. Those around you cannot define your own Prosperity.
  • Outcome: Upheld (150 - 0)

Judgement 93

  • Assembly: Courage
  • Raised By: Keziah of the Suns of Couros
  • Judgement: The brave do not look away from uncomfortable truths. It is comfortable to believe that Winter magic - such as Whispers through the Black Gate and Kaela's Gift - cannot harm the soul. This belief, while comforting, is not backed up by hard evidence. We will not risk our immortal souls on the basis of comforting assumptions.
  • Outcome: Upheld (112 - 90)

Judgement 94

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Brother Luke
  • Judgement: We recognise the plight of those suffering persecution and execution in the Iron Confederacy. Wilful ignorance is neither virtuous nor morally just. We, as a Proud and Courageous people cannot and will not stand idly by while the Suranni people suffer under state-mandated genocide. The Empire will offer aid and support to any and all who seek to relieve the Suranni people's suffering.
  • Outcome: Upheld (892 - 135)

Judgement 95

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Edmund of Barrowby
  • Judgement: Reckless violence and lack of Vigilance have led to disaster in Whittle and Mournwold before, lending credence to the poisonous words that Mathilda Fisher sows in Bregasland. Let us turn to the Vigilant path, and root out Fisher's falsehoods as we prove her wrong through our virtuous action to free Bregasland.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (121 - 0)

Judgement 96

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Teleri Thornweaver
  • Judgement: This season, the Imperial conclave has made efforts to aid Suranni refugees escape into the Empire. They have expressed interest in settling within Wintermark, Varushka, or amongst our own numbers, we encourage any Stridings who are able to accompany them, and steadings who are able to shelter them as they partake in this journey and seek to help them find their place within this Empire and the Great Dance.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (220 - 0)

Judgement 98

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Valentin von Temeschwar
  • Judgement: The Vyig hold each other down. The League build each other up. As we dismantle the institution of the Vyig, we the national assembly urge our citizens to welcome back those who lost their Way with the Vyig, and are willing to balance their ledgers.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (261 - 0)

Judgement 99

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Hadvar
  • Judgement: We the national assembly would encourage cultural exchange with the Thule, to get a better understanding of our trade partner as an act of Prosperity. We urge priests to attend the trade hall built in Wreck to facilitate the trades from a cultural perspective between the Thule and the Empire.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld, Withdrawn (70 - 12)

Judgement 100

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Rikke
  • Judgement: The Wintermark assembly recognises the value of a hero's death. We would encourage the opportunity for a death befitting the culture and traditions of the Nations of those condemned to die. The citizens of the Empire should have the right to death deemed worthy of their nation.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (307 - 0)

Judgement 101

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Tyr Brenna
  • Judgement: Under the request of Ashborn Trosk - virtue does not require honesty. Just as Kethry covertly undermined the efforts of Malm the Red to protect her culture, she subverted the warlord's orders with Pride to conquer the raiders people as Tian the exemplar of Ambition used guile and intrigue to steal fire from the heavens espionage and treachery are the tools of the Ambitious as the Empire has wielded espionage and political might to create opportunities to strike at the heart of the abominable practice of slavery it has acted with Courage, Ambition, and Pride to free the oppressed while doing so we encourage citizens who practice such methods for virtuous aims such as espionage subterfuge for virtuous aims.
  • Outcome: Upheld (200 - 47)

Judgement 102

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Paulus von Holberg
  • Judgement: Citizens of the League, let us reach out to the Grendel, and strike a deal with them. With the current diplomatic mission and the continuing truce we have an unrivalled opportunity; recall Holberg's ascension to the League! In Ambition, and with national Pride, we call on all priests to preach to their congregations. Let us challenge our Grendel visitors in debate and display to explore our deeply shared values.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (299 - 12)

Judgement 106

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Ingrid Sigeing
  • Judgement: Beodun Snowlock - Warcrow. He who gave his hero's life for many. He whose story inspired, his name the rallying cry for the retaking of Ataloq. He whose legacy lingers, and is keenly felt within the heart of the Mark and beyond. His name shall be entered into the Chronicle of Heroes. The Mark remembers.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (324 - 0)

Judgement 108

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Shacklebreaker Thanmir Hrafnar
  • Judgement: If we as a nation are to welcome orcs into our nation, then we as Crows must prepare ourselves to administer to their spiritual needs as has been done for humans of the Mark such that no orc is deprived from crossing the Howling Abyss with Virtue. We encourage all crows to learn from the Imperial Orc preachers and shamans.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (299 - 12)

Judgement 109

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Hildred Auarillys
  • Judgement: Now the slavers of Rachensgrab have fallen our slaving neighbours cannot look to them to restock their pens, only to our borders. Citizens, prepare for Malice, and seek ways to thwart the malice before it strikes.
  • Outcome: Upheld (804 - 36)

Judgement 110

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Prince-Bishop Jonah Yakovitch
  • Judgement: With the Druj purged from Zenith the task of rebuilding must now be undertaken. As Prince Bishop of the Printers' Guild who include in its members Landon von Holfried business owner of Wunderkind, I call for all business owners of the League to open their ledgers and offer their most favourable rates to support the engineering efforts titled the Crucible of Fate within Zenith.
  • Outcome: Upheld (185 - 10)

Judgement 111

  • Assembly: Ambition
  • Raised By: Neriah of the Vineyard
  • Judgement: The new role of Guardian of Britta's Memorial, created by the Mandate raised by Sister Sarach, inspired by the mandate raised by Brother Elkiah, with works done by the Prosperous chapters of Highguard, speaks to the way figures of History, especially our Imperatrixs, can inspire virtue today. It is the belief of the Ambition assembly, alongside our siblings in the other virtue assemblies, that more figures of history should be identified, and actively memorialised in Necropolis, to encourage the virtuous pilgrims to travel to a city tied to our history, and reflect on the virtues they inspire. Further, we believe that each virtue should be represented, to create a Pilgrim's Trail through the city. To that end we name Empress Varkula, and their tomb in Necropolis as a site of pilgrimage for those that follow the tenets of the virtue of Ambition, especially its tenet that consequence is the natural price of Ambition. Let our history guide our present to build a more virtuous future.
  • Outcome: Upheld (141 - 32)

Judgement 112

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Estella the Wandering Artist
  • Judgement: Our Towerjacks and Wolves of War have repeatedly demonstrated the League's mastery of the art of warfare and we take great pride in their achievements. However, our pride must not lead to complacency. We must continuously strive for excellence and improve our military capabilities to maintain our position. Vigilance is essential to our success, and we must be prepared to thwart any attempts against us. As bishops of the League, we call upon our fellow citizens to lay the groundworks and foundations for a strong navy. By being ever ready to launch this navy will be able to protect our nation and uphold the virtues we hold dear.
  • Outcome: Upheld (139 - 46)

Judgement 113

  • Assembly: Genearl
  • Raised By: Mazo Freewalker
  • Judgement: Remember the Lasambrians! The Great Forest Orcs have been invaluable allies in the recent successful campaign to Terunael. However, they have their own spiritual beliefs about which the Empire knows very little. In our enthusiasm to spread the Way we must remain Vigilant in our welcome to those who wish to become Imperial citizens.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1126 - 104)

Judgement 115

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Palladout
  • Judgement: We believe if the eradication of slavery is to be pursued, military action alone will not suffice and we must pursue all other avenues including diplomacy.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1241 - 21)

Judgement 118

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Goran-Sokolov Xaytsev
  • Judgement: Varushka welcomes the refugees from the Iron Confederacy. We encourage people to welcome them to our hearths and allow them to grow in virtue and the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (140 - 0)

Judgement 119

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Lenochka Zabotovna Vypalze
  • Judgement: Following Judgement 54 (Autumn 374YE) and 13 (382 Winter). I call upon Varushkans to renew their support to nationalise the Hunt of Alderai the Fair. The offer of honey still stands so let us enjoy the rewards of our labour and have Pride in our Prosperity.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (150 - 0)

Judgement 121

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Withold Steganovic Pretrov
  • Judgement: Every Varushkan understands how to deal with threats: you bargain, you endure, or you overcome. The Mallum orcs are oath-breakers, they cannot be bargained with. They twist virtuous spirits into abominations and corrupt the land with malign auras - they cannot be endured. The Druj must be destroyed.
  • Outcome: Upheld (96 - 0)

Judgement 122

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Brother Geoffrey Orchard
  • Judgement: We rejoice that orcs of the Mournwold wish to join the Empire. Vigilance demands that they must understand our Way, and the religious laws to which we are subject before they join. Let us resolve to teach them, especially our understanding of the orcish soul.
  • Outcome: Upheld (111 - 0)
  • Notes: Greater Majority for this judgement was 112

Judgement 123

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Jedediah Boon
  • Judgement: Marchers take Pride in their own, in those who have bolstered our nation in times of hardship and been an inspiration to our kin. William Guildenstern created the Fortified Raiding House in Overton to protect his fellow Marchers prior to the Liberation, which became the Sheriff's position our nation now enjoys; he was elected Senator of a territory not his own, during the tenure of which he took the Troll Curse of Doom upon himself voluntarily to spare the Marches from it; he fought in the Valiant Hurricane Battle, which pitted 12 Marchers against 50 Jotun and 12 ogres, wearing no armour as mages were in short supply. The Marches is his Pride - and always will be. And, to celebrate his enduring legacy, he has been immortalised in song. As such we recognise William Guildenstern as a Marcher folk hero.
  • Outcome: Upheld (80- 26)

Judgement 124

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Atushah i Fijadoz i Riqueza
  • Judgement: The new roll of Guardian of Britta's Memorial created by the Mandate raised by Sister Sarah, inspired by the mandate raised by Brother Elkiah, with works done by the Prosperous chapters of Highguard, speaks to the way figures of History, especially out Imperatrixs, can inspire virtue today. It is the belief of the Prosperity assembly, alongside our siblings in the other virtue assemblies, that more figures of history should be identified, and actively memorialised in Necropolis, to encourage the virtuous pilgrims to travel to a city tied to our history, and reflect on the virtues they inspire. Further, we believe that each Virtue should be represented, to create a Pilgrim's Trail through the city. To that end we name Empress Mariika, and their memorial in Necropolis, the three white granite pillars, as a site of pilgrimage for those that follow the tenets of the Virtue of Prosperity, especially the tenet to strive, toil, and claim the just rewards for your labours. Let our history guide our present, to build a more virtuous future.
  • Outcome: Upheld (156 - 0)

Judgement 125

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Brother Aemon
  • Judgement: The virtuous build up their fellows. The benefactor council of Highguard have shorn great virtue in funding construction and distribution of ten staves of Imperial Mastery. These staves wielded by the Highborn mage block has put to flight the enemies of the Empire. Highborn, aspire to be like your benefactor!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (320 - 0)

Judgement 126

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Telyn Stormtree
  • Judgement: Strive, toil, and claim the just rewards of our labours. We have reached further into the depths of Brocéliande then ever before. With the rediscovery of Emrys in Otkodov, Cavan in Axos, and Beantol Dol in the Sarangrave, we once again have the location of all cities of Terunael. We are working to expand the Library of Hacynian and compile all information on the Vallorn within the Empire. Our nation has taken a tremendous step in the Great Dance to fulfilling the oaths we have all sworn. When the Winter passes, we should celebrate our achievement with a festival of Welcoming so great the whole Empire hears of our joy. "It's Spring!"
  • Outcome: Upheld (124 - 16)

Judgement 128

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Vaclav Mladenovich Kosti
  • Judgement: The sentient creatures with whom we share our land have already proven themselves through service and sacrifice with our armies. The Varushkan national assembly encourages the people of Varushka to consider the capacity for virtue in those sapient creatures.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (134 - 0)

Judgement 129

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Sofonisba Amilcara di Sarvos
  • Judgement: Central to founding of the Empire was the preservation of the character of each nation. We of the League believe we are solely responsible for our nation's virtue, and refute and reject any assumption by Highguard of a mandate to interfere.
  • Outcome: Upheld (192 - 32)

Judgement 130

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Alcuin
  • Judgement: DEATH TO THE DRUJ is an exhortation of hate and has no place in army orders, even as those deaths necessary to ambition and other virtues may occur.
  • Outcome: Upheld (584 - 455)

Judgement 131

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Ashborn Pakt
  • Judgement: The Empire exists to spread the Way not its own territory. When the banners of the Empire are seen on the horizon by oppressed peoples under the Druj do they see liberators or conquerors? When the Empire routs a barbarian army we move their slaves, integrate their culture, and reallocate the prosperity of their land as our own. Are we not just their new masters? Let us be liberators not conquerors.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1252 - 283)

Judgement 134

  • Assembly: Brass Coast
  • Raised By: Tiana i Zayden i Riqueza
  • Judgement: Pride instructs us to lift others up. The Freeborn national assembly wish to extend our thanks to the Highborn chapter of Reumah's Redoubt for their loyalty to our nation in assisting us in achieving our great ambition of raising the Burning Falcons. Let their sharing of their prosperity be recognised.
  • Outcome: Upheld (128 - 0)

Judgement 136

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Cato Hypation
  • Judgement: In line with the letter from the Holberg college of the Scholars of the Sword (provided to civil service) the sword scholars Cato Hypation and Clytemnestra accept the invitation to teach the ways of the sword scholars at the university and acknowledge it going forward as a centre of sword scholarship teaching.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (178 - 0)

Judgement 138

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Ser Dindrane
  • Judgement: The new role of Guardian of Britta's Memorial created by the mandate raised by Sister Sarah, inspired by the mandate raised by Brother Elkiah, with works done by the Prosperous chapters of Highguard, speaks to the way figures of history, especially our Imperatrixs, can inspire virtue today. It is the belief of the Pride assembly, alongside our siblings in the other virtue assemblies, that more figures of history should be identified, and actively memorialised in Necropolis, to encourage the virtuous pilgrims to travel to a city tied to our history, and reflect on the virtues they inspire. Further, we believe that each virtue should be represented, to create a pilgrim's trail through the city. To that end, we name Empress Richilde, and their tomb in Necropolis which rests at the centre of the Ring of Champions, as a site of pilgrimage for those that follow the tenets of the virtue of Pride. Richilde is the first paragon of Pride in the modern era, and no tomb would be more appropriate as a place of pilgrimage than hers. let our history guide our present, to build a more virtuous future.
  • Outcome: Upheld (254 - 0)

Judgement 139

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Rosemary Stamp
  • Judgement: To seek to conquer new territories whilst Imperial citizens are under threat in territories that were Imperial but have been occupied by barbarian nations is unvirtuous. Disloyal, unwise, vainglorious, and selfish.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (301 - 689)

Judgement 140

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Saqqui Heroes' Champion
  • Judgement: We, the Wintermark national assembly, believe that we should welcome former slaves, both orc and human, into our halls for hospitality. These people are at a fork in their skein, the mystics of Wintermark are skilled at helping people to find their path through life. We urge the mystics to seek out these new citizens and offer them their insight as wisdom so they can find their feet.
  • Outcome: Upheld (145 - 13)

Judgement 142

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Rinnah of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: Wisdom says we should challenge our beliefs. Recent statements have asked us to revisit our views on lineage. The Highguard national assembly believes that we should extend our vigilance and loyalty to all of those who interact with the realms and may fall under their influence. Regardless of their status as lineaged or otherwise.
  • Outcome: Upheld (254 - 18)

Judgement 144

  • Assembly: Imperial Orcs
  • Raised By: Atla
  • Judgement: Further to the mandate to challenge Stonecliff Brakkalo. Your concerns are valid but we will face our challenges as an Empire. The smithy and the ossuary are already fully funded with the aid of many others, notably Rumaah's Redoubt and Dawn. Both commission slots passed by the Senate. The Academy and no doubt many others will help to do the same for the Yerende with the greatest haste. We look forward to fully integrating our allies to mutual benefit.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (75 - 0)

Judgement 146

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Ira of the Flame Beneath the Earth
  • Judgement: The Vigilance assembly calls on priests to take to the trods and investigate criminal activity among those displaced in East Ashes, Therunin. Vigilance teaches to thwart malice before it strikes, and inaction here may lead to worse than petty criminality without the Synod's guidance.
  • Outcome: Upheld (153 - 0)

Judgement 148

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Rhaego i Zemress
  • Judgement: Let it be known that the power of our paragon the Good Walder extends even beyond death! This miraculous inheritance of power has been bestowed eight times! Prosperity provides!
  • Outcome: Upheld (153 - 13)

Judgement 150

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Aristeia Starchaser
  • Judgement: We invite those Suranni persecuted by the laws of the Iron Confederacy forbidding the use of magic and liao ceremonies to journey and make their new home in the Imperial controlled territories of Urizen. We encourage them to embrace the Way of Virtue as well as the culture and customs of Urizen.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (224 - 0)

Judgement 152

  • Assembly: Ambition
  • Raised By: Alfmund Fordwinsson
  • Judgement: The champions stand united in their shared Ambition to re-establish the legacy of the original legacy of their predecessors. We commend their ambition to save the tortured souls of those soldiers who fell to the Druj. it is better - by far - to try and to fail than to fail to try! They have shown they are prepared to put their lives on the line for the defence of the Empire! We encourage people to follow their military example and act in virtue and pay any price to realise the Empire's destiny.
  • Outcome: Upheld (100 - 10)

Judgement 154

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Brynell Thornweaver
  • Judgement: The new role of Guardian of Britta's Memorial created by the mandate raised by Sister Sarah, inspired by the mandate raised by Brother Elkiah, with works done by the Prosperous chapters of Highguard, speaks to the way figures of history, especially our Imperatrixs, can inspire virtue today. It is the belief of the Wisdom assembly, alongside our siblings in the other virtue assemblies, that more figures of history should be identified, and actively memorialised in Necropolis, to encourage the virtuous pilgrims to travel to a city tied to our history, and reflect on the virtues they inspire. Further, we believe that each virtue should be represented, to create a pilgrim's trail through the city. To that end, we name Empress Aenea, and their tomb in Necropolis, located at the central plaza, as a site of pilgrimage for those that follow the tenets of the virtue of Wisdom. Her focus on building infrastructure and internal development of the Empire speaks to the tenet of Wisdom, Apply your knowledge. Let our history guide our present, to build a more virtuous future.
  • Outcome: Upheld (165 - 10)

Judgement 155

  • Assembly: Brass Coast
  • Raised By: Luca i Taziel i Riqueza
  • Judgement: We the Freeborn assembly wish to exalt the virtue of the Sails of the First Flame for the casting of over 100 rituals on Freeborn fleets at cost. They did so with Pride in their skill and the Ambition to liberate the most desperate.
  • Outcome: Upheld (118 - 0)

Judgement 157

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Yosephus Morningson
  • Judgement: An imperfect Throne is better than no Throne at all. Virtue demands that Senators compromise on an acceptable candidate rather than holding back for perfection.
  • Outcome: Upheld (74 - 6)

Judgement 159

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Brynn Tendfallen
  • Judgement: Food is not a virtue. Water is not a virtue. Shelter is not a virtue. Freedom is not a virtue. All these things remain necessary for the attainment and exercise of virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld (506 - 235)

Judgement 161

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov
  • Judgement: Without the Thule, I and many others would still be in chains in Ossium. Now they look to us, struggling to face a harsh winter having chosen to end "the most pernicious, vile, and despicable practice in existence." I will be giving what I can spare to support the children of the dragons and encourage those who share these loyalties to do the same, without fear of what our cousins in wider Varushka may think.
  • Outcome: Upheld (56 - 20)

Judgement 162

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Ivana Petara Vodjavic
  • Judgement: We call upon the champions of virtue to fight alongside our armies in the Barrens this coming season. They are beacons of virtue in a military context and shall show our armies how to avoid the lure of false virtues as we continue our fight against the Druj.
  • Outcome: Upheld (635 - 157)

Judgement 163

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Skywise Tulva
  • Judgement: The Winter Sun goes to the Barrens this season. We go to break shackles, following our Ambition to see a world where no thinking being languishes in chains. We seek to inspire with our virtue, and show those shackled a life away from the cruelty of the Druj. Show your Courage, show your loyalty. Prove to them that they can live as we do. Virtue will inspire all!
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (76 - 0)

Judgement 164

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Gaelen Embercast
  • Judgement: The Council of Nine directs the Silent Bell to investigate the spread of Blood-on-the-Snow cults in Sermersuaq.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (7 - 0)

Judgement 165

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Hembeneth i Guerra
  • Judgement: After defeating the slave lords of Rachensgrab, we have left Rachensgrab in disarray. We encourage Imperial citizens to investigate how to help those left behind to follow the way and rebuild their futures.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (7 - 0)

Judgement 166

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Hywel Summercrow
  • Judgement: Wisdom knows all knowledge is incomplete. The Assembly of Nine has appointed a committee of ten priests to consider the Doctrines of the Way in light of the available evidence. We call upon priests of the Synod to bring their thoughts to this committee, to support them in asking the right questions, and to allow them the time to test what we have learned, before they bring their recommendations for the General Assembly's consideration.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (7 - 0)

Judgement 167

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Clarice Novarion
  • Judgement: It is virtuous to free slaves, for liberty to act is essential for the pursuit of virtue. Yet the spiritual force of Anarchy is a false virtue, for it lends no aid to the spirit's passage. We must learn from the consequences of careless wording: calling for freedom for freedom's sake leads to auras of Anarchy. Future liberations must be inspired in the name of the Seven True Virtues, and pursued with them foremost in our hearts.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Primacy (7 - 0)


The following mandates were passed during the Winter Solstice. Where there are competing mandates, the one that passes with the largest margin is successful and all other competing mandates are considered to have failed.

Judgement 7

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Lady Josephine of Adina's Charge
  • Judgement: Pride inspires others, it does not demean them. Virtue is based on deeds and it is only actions that we should judge. We send Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum with 50 doses of liao to urge every Highborn citizen to put aside the prejudice of the past. Let us make the pursuit of Virtue the one unifying principle of this glorious Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority, 328 to 111
  • Enacted The effects of this mandate are unpredictable but it will lead to subtle but profound changes in the way the Highborn view the lineaged, the Imperial Orcs, and other sentient creatures. As detailed in Full of sacred sound.

Judgement 8

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Silas of the Cenotaph
  • Judgement: Let us protect and raise up the things we truly care for. We send Silas of the Cenotaph with 50 doses of liao to remind every Highborn congregant that their decisions are crucial to their safety. Let benefactors and priests work together to show the world that the Way was born here in Highguard.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority, 320 - 0
  • Enacted Highborn congregations will look for ways to restore the pre-eminence of Virtue in Highguard itself. As detailed in Full of sacred sound.

Judgement 15

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Fintan Nighthaven
  • Judgement: When Virtue falls silent it allows Blasphemy to speak. When Virtue falls silent, we hear "Death to the Druj". Complacency has allowed malign forces to take root in the spirit of our citizens. In Deepest Consequence we bring the Bell, the Unconquered, and the Arbiter - they know the truth, We send Fintan Nighthaven with 150 doses of liao to inspire every Imperial soldier in Virtue, to question what motivates them - and root out any corruption within. The Empire will defeat our enemies, but we must not sacrifice the Way to achieve this. Let Virtue speak - Victory to the Empire!
  • Outcome: Upheld 1594 to 367 (margin 1227)
  • Enacted Encourages soldiers in the Imperial armies to question orders that encourage them to slaughter the Druj. As detailed in the silent page.

Judgement 17

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Genoveva Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: Ambition drives the people of the League to reach for the impossible, to seize it, and to make it real. Ratibor ignored those who told him he could not reclaim his city, and showed them what raw ambition can achieve. We send Genoveva Barossa di Tassato with 25 doses of liao to remind the people of the League that there is nothing that they cannot achieve if they are prepared to reach for it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority, 287 to 68
  • Enacted: Every congregation run by a League citizen preaching Ambition will receive an additional liao and two additional votes in the Imperial Synod until the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE. As detailed in Don't blame me.

Judgement 20

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lady Laudine of House duLac
  • Judgement: Wisdom knows all knowledge is incomplete. We sent Lady Laudine of House duLac with 75 doses of liao to encourage the priests of the Empire to engage with the Free Folk pilgrimage in good faith and help them to find the path of virtue. Bu sharing our understanding we will navigate the Way together.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority, 2188 to 35
  • Enacted Every congregation in the Empire will benefit from the Free Folk visits gaining a bonus of 36 rings. As detailed in Folklore.

Judgement 28

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
  • Judgement: Pride inspires others - it does not demean them. Virtue is based on deeds and it is only actions we should judge. We send Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum with 50 doses of liao to urge every Highborn citizen to put aside the prejudice of the past.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld; withdrawn

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lady Eleanor Novarion
  • Judgement: Although the Synod does not yet agree that the Divine Family meet the criteria to be judged and paragons, it is clear that they provide virtuous inspiration to the Free Folk. As such they cannot be regarded as false paragons. We send Lady Eleanor Novarion with 75 doses of Liao to remind the faithful that it is acceptable to call for any virtuous human to be recognised as a paragon and to draw inspiration from their virtuous example.
  • Outcome: Upheld 1417 to 157
  • Enacted This mandate removes the final bar to them Free Folk joining an Imperial nation with the exceptions of Varushka and Urizen (given it did not achieve a greater majority). As detailed in Folklore.

Judgement 36

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Nekoda of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: The Free Folk wish to learn how to use liao to express their faith. We send Nekoda of the Shattered Tower with 50 doses of liao to encourage our people to help the Free Folk find the Way. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 316 to 0 (Scrutiny extended by Cardinal of Loyalty)
  • Enacted Provides tutelage to the Free Folk in the use of liao. Every business in Highguard suffers a -1 rank to production for the rest of the year, the money going to fund scholarships, purchase liao, and provide access to tutors for the Free Folk who want to become priests. As detailed in Folklore.

Judgement 51

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Balenn Splitroot
  • Judgement: Be alert to dangers; within and without. We send Balenn Splitroot with 25 doses of liao to urge the Navarr to be civil to the Great Forest Orcs but encourage them to move on when the time comes. Let us not give them false hope of a future we cannot share with them.
  • Outcome: Not upheld, with a Greater Majority 16 to 254

Judgement 56

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Neala Blackhawk
  • Judgement: We welcome the Great Forest Orcs to all our territories, following the example of Zemress to share in our combined Prosperity, work hard and defend what we have. We send Neala Blackhawk with 50 doses of liao to encourage all Navarr to welcome the Great Forest Orcs and encourage them to settle. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 260 to 10 (Scrutiny extended by Cardinal of Vigilance)
  • Enacted Welcome the Great Forest Orcs to create steadings in Miaren and Hercynia; provides an immediate benefit to the holder of the Golden Trees of Seren and the Heartwood of the Great Vale. As detailed in You belong with me.

Judgement 58

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Fenrys Whiteshroud
  • Judgement: We, the Navarr national assembly, swear in the name of the Marked and their first bonds of ancient kinship that none who would join our cause will go without a proper welcoming! We send Fenrys Whiteshroud with 100 doses of liao to encourage Navarri across the Empire to show the Great Forest Orcs a spring festival they will never forget. Throw wide the gates of the Thorned Rose. Let the forges of Treji roar. Let our songs resound from root to golden boughs.
  • Outcome: Not upheld, 20 to 162

Judgement 61

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Fabio Costas de Sarvos
  • Judgement: Ratibor would not tolerate magical creatures infesting his realm, and neither shall we. We must take immediate action no matter how convincing the reasons to delay appear. We send Fabio Costas de Sarvos with 50 liao to burn away the horror of Metri with Ratibor's fire.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld 219 to 54, withdrawn

Judgement 65

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Corrado Filiarchi de Regario
  • Judgement: The driving force of the League is our Ambition to achieve the impossible. Ratibor's ambition forges a city of beggars and thieves into one of the most powerful in the world, just as the three founders of the League bound cities together into a nation. We send Corrado Filiarchi de Regario with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizen of the League that no price is too high to realise your dreams. This is uniquely virtuous opportunity that ambition demands who do not pass up.
  • Outcome: Not upheld 40 to 202

Judgement 72

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lenarius Ankarien
  • Judgement: The Druj enslave any peoples they can subjugate and despoil any land they cannot hold. While they exist the Empire's dreams of a world without slavery cannot be achieved, and Ambition teaches us that obstacles to our goals must be removed, one way or another. Consequences are the price of Ambition. We send Lenarius Ankarien with 200 doses of liao to encourage all citizens to focus their efforts on supporting the extermination of the Druj, wherever they may be found and by any means necessary, until no trace of them is left upon the world.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld 739 to 793

Judgement 76

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Veikko Bondforger
  • Judgement: The Loyalty assembly sends Tarquinius Ankarien with 25 liao to support the Wintermark national assembly in their efforts to oppose Blood-on-the-Snow. The effort must be Wintermark led and Loyal pilgrims should seek to support them rather than starting their own investigations. The mandate reads: We urge the faithful of Wintermark to seek out the poison in your neighbour's fields. We send our priest with 50 doses of liao to remind everyone that cold cannot compromise. Those who have made dark bargains must be rooted out.
  • Outcome: Upheld (243- 0)
  • Enacted: The Eyes of Loyalty supports Judgement 88.

Judgement 79

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Jared of the Suns of Couros
  • Judgement: Nothing is beyond our reach if we strive for it. We send Jared of the Suns of Couros with 50 doses of liao to remind every Highborn congregant that the virtuous build up their fellows. Let us loyally support each one of our siblings in our hour of need.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 371 to 0
  • Enacted The Highborn Assembly will gain two different abilities, for the coming year. The opportunity to identify a single Imperial nation to throw their support behind A Peerless Kinship, and an opportunity to support the religious goals of other nations Partner of Greatness. As detailed in A peerless kinship.

Judgement 87

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Sindr of Hraefnhall
  • Judgement: The knowledge of the runes is the legacy of Isenbrad, paragon of Wisdom, and inspires our people to this day. All knowledge is incomplete, but with the Runemaster's Law we commit Wintermark once more to the mastery of the Crafter's Art. We send Isolde with one dose of True Liao and 4 crowns to consecrate the caves beneath Runegrott as an inspirational tomb for the first runesmith.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 397 to 0
  • Enacted The caves beneath Runegrott have been consecrated, the runesmiths will work to create Runesmith's Law as detailed in Snow might fall

Judgement 88

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Maarit Suvisdottir
  • Judgement: We urge the faithful of Wintermark to seek out the poison in our neighbours fields. We send Averil Olsen (Warsmith) with 50 doses of liao to remind everyone that cold cannot compromise. Those who have made dark bargains must be rooted out.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Greater Majority 387 to 0
  • Enacted Wintermark priests in Sermersuaq will work to try and identify who has accepted Blood-on-the-Snow's aid. As detailed in Watching my mistakes. See also Judgement 76

Judgement 91

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Irada von Temeschwar
  • Judgement: The Vyig are an insidious corruption within the Empire. It may seem there is no answer to their wickedness, between the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time. We send Irada von Temeschwar with 75 doses of liao to light a torch, use it to find the places where the Vyig lair, and finally finish what Ratibor started.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 285 to 10
  • Enacted. Rouses the people of the League to bring an end to the Vyig once and for all. As detailed in Don't blame me.

Judgement 97

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: Let every word you speak carry meaning. We send Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower with 25 liao to urge the virtuous of the Seventh Wave to reach out to the Vendarri to show them that we are not their enemy.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 368 to 0
  • Enacted Creates an opportunity for the generals of the Highborn armies to meet with the Vendarri at the Spring Equinox. As detailed in The silent page.

Judgement 103

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lucanus of the Ashen Tower
  • Judgement: Wisdom knows all knowledge is incomplete. We send Lucanus of the Ashen Tower with 75 doses of liao to encourage the priests of the Empire to engage with the Free Folk pilgrimage in good faith and help them to find the path of virtue. By sharing our understanding, we will navigate the Way together.
  • Outcome: Upheld 1100 to 57. This mandate was in competition with Judgement 20, which received a higher margin.

Judgement 105

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: The Fool of Glory
  • Judgement: The virtuous inspire others to greatness. We send Pelleas Montrose with 25 liao to urge the glorious soldiers of the Dawnish host to reach out to the Dawnish in the Barrens and inspire them with talk of liberation.
  • Outcome: Upheld 152 to 10
  • Enacted Creates an opportunity for the generals of the Dawnish armies to meet with the Dawnish resistance in the Barrens at the Spring Equinox. As detailed in The silent page.

Judgement 107

  • Assembly: Brass Coast
  • Raised By: Ahraz i Guerra
  • Judgement: The fundamental right of any being is to live freely in the manner that they wish, and the former Thule slaves are no exception. We send Ahraz i Guerra to Otkodov with 50 doses of liao to let everyone know that they do not need to live under the thumbs of their former masters. Let them come to the Empire - there is a place for them there.
  • Outcome: Not upheld, 20 to 32; withdrawn

Judgement 120

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Velko Perunovich Razoradze
  • Judgement: The Vyig are an insidious corruption within the Empire. It may seem that there is no answer to their wickedness, but even the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time. We send Vaclav Mladenovich Kosti with 100 doses of liao to light a torch, use it to find the places where the Vyig lair, and finally finish what Ratibor started.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 150 to 0
  • Enacted. Rouses the people of Varushka to bring an end to the Vyig once and for all. As detailed in Don't blame me.

Judgement 143

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Bloodcrow Knott
  • Judgement: Stonecliff Brakkalo demands the aid of the Empire, but if we are to keep our Pride we must stand on our own feet. We will face the challenge presented by the septs of Ossium, and whatever other orcs seek new homes within the Empire, and when we triumph we will do so with virtue. We send Bloodcrow Knott with 50 doses of liao to challenge Brakkalo's anger with Wisdom and Vigilance, and urge her to find another cause.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 75 to 0
  • Enacted: Stonecliff Brakkalo will be stopped her tracks and have no further effect on the nation. As detailed in the All too well wind of fortune.


The Synod made the following judgements of excommunication, inquisition, revocation, and sanction.

Judgement 22

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lady Laudine du Lac
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication I have questioned Accalon of Felix's Watch to determine whether they have acted unvirtuously and have a conflict of interest as an Ambassador to Sumaah. Their brother, Asher, who was a former Cardinal of Courage has been declared an exemplar by Sumaah recently, but they are not recognised by the Empire. Asher died during a true liao vision where he was a guiding priest, but the visionary made a deal with an eternal to give away their true liao as they consumed it. This has resulted in Asher's death, and while he lay ready for a funeral, his body disappeared, which was then witnessed by the Empress Bita, and one other. Later an attempt was made to call back his soul to speak with him, but there was no response, and all the participants received a rank 7 courage anointing. Since Asher has helped in setting up the Embassy, Sumaah sent delegates to investigate his fate, and has declared him an Exemplar of Courage, based on the facts. They wished to name him a paragon but they will not do so until the Empire does. Accalon was inspired by Asher to become an Ambassador, but he hasn't encouraged Sumaah at all regarding Asher since he has been an ambassador. Given the facts I vindicate Accalon to have not acted without virtue, and I believe the has the best interests of the Empire in mind. It is however not virtuous for the Synod to not recognise a paragon of the Way who has shown clear signs.
  • Outcome: Upheld 680-232

Judgement 26

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Cassia Apulian
  • Judgement: Inquisition. I call Sagua i Ezmara, Master of the Koboldi, to inquisition regarding virtue in her role and dealings with eternals. The hub, 12 noon, Saturday of this summit.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 282-10

Judgement 32

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Earl Galeas du Maurisol
  • Judgement: Inquisition. The Right of Witness is enshrined in the Imperial Constitution: "The Synod shall ensure the virtuous behaviour of the Empire." Yet members of the Synod were barred from observing an audience between the Imperial Consul and Mathilda Fisher in the Senate building by members of the militia who were apparently empowered by the Magistrates to refuse entry to a legitimate audience. In no body of law are the Magistrates or Militia empowered to refuse entry to a formal audience to a non-disruptive priest exercising Right of Witness. We call Magistrate Grimmr Reinholz to Inquisition regarding this matter at the Hub/Magistrates tent at Saturday 11am.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 350-26.

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Earl Galeas du Maurisol
  • Judgement: Sanction: Penance (escalation of this judgement. After questioning him and those concerned about his actions, I both condemn and vindicate the actions of the Ambassador to Otkodov, Yevgeni Katsev. He obviously acted in line with his renowned self-interest but this did align with the interests of the Empire. It is clear his primary motivations is to keep the Dragons from deciding Varushka would be better in their hands, and it is equally clear that some representatives of the Varushkan people are happy with paying the price for peace with the Thule as long as it is not theirs to bear. I recognise Virtue in his deeds, but I also recognise the Miserly nature in paying the price last; the Shame in not proclaiming what had been done for all to know - good or ill; and the Foolishness that comes from trusting what you are told without validation - in contrast with his obvious intelligence. In penance, Yevgeni Katsev should put a Throne to the Virtue Fund for each season he has held the position of Ambassador, lessened by one for each Cardinal to whom he can satisfy with a demonstration of his understanding of Virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 903-126.

Judgement 41

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Sir Claude Videre
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication As Auditor for Senatorial Accountability, I carried out the inquisition of Senator Miaren, Llewellyn Leafstalker. The Senator was accompanied by his proxy, Gwyndolyn y Caim. In this matter, concerning a motion for military resupply, I am pleased to vindicate the senator. I am satisfied that his decision-making balanced Loyalty and Prosperity on the scales, and he is a dedicant of Loyalty. In addition, I praise this Senator's Loyalty in his life and work in the highest terms, commending him to the Loyalty assembly and the Cardinal. Llewelyn lifts up others, and none more so than the proxy he supports- nurturing Gwyndolyn's future.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 442-31.

Judgement 46

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Sam Wych-Elm
  • Judgement: Inquisition Let's have a talk, Blackjack. "There are no weeds that a hatchet cannot fix." 11:59pm under the hobs awning, Saturday, Winter solstice.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 40-0

Judgement 74

  • Assembly: Courage
  • Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
  • Judgement: Inquisition I call Veikko Bondforger to Inquisition with regards judgements raised in the Assembly of Nine last summit (autumn 384) and his voting behaviour.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 121-0

Judgement 77

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Jenny Arbor
  • Judgement: Revocation To revoke Cardinal Harwyn Eternal from their post. Reasoning: he and others went against a key teaching of Pride with actions that directly impacted the result, pulling another down rather than elevating another. Part of these actions involved making a key decision by a coin toss - leaving the result to chance/fate.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (122 - 214)

Judgement 80

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Ser Galeas du Maurisol
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication Having spoken to Magistrate Reinholz on the matter of militia blocking access to a legitimate audience, I find that the Magistrates acted correctly in accordance with our constitutional right of Witness. The militia did form a cordon to block rioters from assaulting those in the Senate building, but the meeting itself was suspended until the riot was quelled, meaning there was nothing to witness. Magistrate Reinholz personally ensured priests were given access once the meeting restarted. Further training will be given to the militia to prevent future miscommunication and misunderstandings.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 895-43.

Judgement 92

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Lochias
  • Judgement: Inquisition I call the Imperial Spymaster, Bernard Dugdale, to answer questioning regarding his management of spy networks in Grendel territories. To be held at 8pm on the Friday of the Spring Equinox at Merrick's.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 128-0

Judgement 114

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Mazo Freewalker
  • Judgement: Penance Morwenna Winterbuilt was inquisited in Autumn 384YE, and found not to be unvirtuous, However, we feel that she needs further spiritual guidance and Brodie Brackensong has agreed to be her spiritual guide for the next year.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 190-0
  • Note:Greater Majority for this judgement was 200.

Judgement 116

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Annabelle Boughgarden
  • Judgement: Inquisition Etienne de laChasse knowingly sought dealings with Irra Harrah at the previous summit. I hereby call him to the Camp of House Tallstag in Dawn to establish the virtue of these actions at 9:30pm on the Saturday of the Winter Summit 384YE.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 30-0

Judgement 117

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Aethelric the Grounded
  • Judgement: Sanction : Vindication (Escalation) General Kindra Edasdottir is vindicated of accusations regarding a lack of virtue in redeploying from the Fist of the Mountains from Kallavesa to Zenith Spring 384YE. Upon examination it is clear that she acted with great Loyalty, Courage, and Pride, and encouraged the same in others. She has acted as a hero of the Mark should and is to be commended.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 239-0

Judgement 127

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Cesare Enzo Di Trivento
  • Judgement: Inquisition I call Sofia i Del'Toro i Riqueza to inquisition at 1pm on Sunday of the Winter Solstice, in regards to their potentially presenting signs of exemplar-hood. The inquisition will take place at the Del'Toro camp in the Brass Coast.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 10-0

Judgement 132

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
  • Judgement: Sanction: Penance Following inquisition, it is found that Ser Guy Wooder of Dawn acted unvirtuously with his dedication to a false virtue following the Imperial actions in the Bones. However they have taken themselves on virtuous pilgrimage upon the path of Pride, and has embraced the mistakes of their past, to learn from it. As an act of Penance, Guy must carry a hallowing of Lepidus to demonstrate their self-worth, and remain dedicated to Pride as they remain on their pilgrimage. If they stray from this path, may the Basilisk strike them down.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 54-26

Judgement 133

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Syn Truthwalker Returned
  • Judgement: Inquisition I call Ematius Ankarien to the space behind the Senate at 19:00 on Friday of the Spring gathering to answers questions in relation to the murder of Raziel of the Saker by Tuktu of the Saker during the temporary suspension of parley at the plenipotentiary with the heralds of the winter eternal Sorin.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 104-0

Judgement 145

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Rhaego i Zemress
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication Through a life of service, hard work, and honest toil he has found prosperity and redemption. This assembly needs no more proof that the spontaneous permanent testimony of "Walder's Oath." Henceforth may the eighth heir of the Good Walder be known as Tom Appleseed! Prosperity provides!
  • Outcome: Upheld. 173-13.
  • Note: A greater majority for this judgement was 183. This Judgement is believed to be a Vindication of Tom Appleseed (formerly known as Bastard Tom) following Judgement 92 at the Summer Solstice 384YE.

Judgement 147

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Tisserande Griffinsbain
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication The excommunication of Jack Canting, formerly the face of the Herald of Fools, was a matter of hearth magic and oath, thrice sworn and then thrice broken, and willingly entered, they were fully aware of the consequences and fully accepted them - they were heard to say "I knew this was the cost." If the cost was not paid then the whole house would suffer. We should not pass the consequences of our choices to those we are loyal to, Our actions are our own and Jack did not force those left to deal with their choices.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 184-10.

Judgement 149

  • Assembly: Courage
  • Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication Inquisitor Galeas du Maurisol finds Iron Osric to have a keen an insightful mind, able to quickly and ably answer questions with conviction. The fire in his heart rages but his iron will allows him to channel his fervour for the betterment of the Empire. He strongly believes in his vision of an Empire united in saving people and will fight for that cause even if others step back. He is willing to make difficult decisions and accept the consequences - unyielding even in the face of hindsight. I name him Unyielding Shield and commend his Courage in all things, including the Thule treaty.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 149-0.

Judgement 151

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Aethelric the Grounded
  • Judgement: Revocation Pendraed the Maker is Revoked of his title of "Gatekeeper of Fallen Snow" (the sinecure of the Garden of Fallen Snows). This is not due to this lack of virtue or heroism, but rather because, as he no longer attends Anvil, he is no longer able to execute the responsibilities the position demands.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 186-0.
  • Notes: Pendraed the Maker has been revoked from the title Gatekeeper of Fallen Snow.

Judgement 153

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Rafe
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication On questioning Lofyn Bloodcloak was able to give an account of the virtue behind each of their actions regarding the Thule treaty. Loyalty to those in bondage in Sermersuaq. Ambition to see as many slaves freed as possible. Courage to make unpopular choices and act rather than let fear of disapproval rule them, and allow an opportunity to pass them by. As such I vindicate them in this matter.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 177-0.

Judgement 156

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Genoveva Barossa
  • Judgement: Inquisition I call the Earl of Fools to inquisition regarding their actions in excommunicating the Herald of Fools at 1pm on Saturday of the Spring Equinox 385 in the Hub.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 954-22.

Judgement 158

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Annabelle Boughgarden
  • Judgement: Sanction: Vindication Elienne de la Chasse, "Rebellion Elienne" has been found to have acted with the utmost Wisdom, Vigilance, and superlative Loyalty in his dealings to aid Imperial actions in the Barrens. He is found to be clear of wrongdoing and deserves commendation. Any priests in dispute of this judgement should meet Annabelle Boughgarden in the Glory Square.
  • Outcome: Upheld. 116-0.

Judgement 160

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Sir Claude Videre
  • Judgement: Inquisition The Auditor for Senatorial Accountability calls Senator Skarsind, Bloodcrow Rasp, to inquisition at the Spring Equinox, 5pm or as soon as Senate is done), in the orc camp tent of the first legion. To demonstrate his virtue.
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld.

Judgement 168

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Heilyn Bronwen's Rest
  • Judgement: Inquisition As the Basilisk of the Bourse, I call Marys, Castellan of Spiral Castle, to inquisition at his camp at 21:00 on Saturday of the Spring Summit 385.
  • Outcome: Automatically Upheld


The following judgements of recognition were presented during the Winter Solstice.

Judgement 59

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Friar John of the Mourn
  • Judgement: The Pride assembly recognises the Speaker for the Dead as an exemplar of Pride with the following signs: Legacy: Among the slaves of Marricossa they faithfully recited the names and deeds of the dead. This litany has now become their legacy as a yearly celebration. Benevolence: The Speaker's life stood in opposition to the evils of slavery, and through them we can all be raised in virtue. Inspiration: The Speaker emboldened those without a voice to speak, to see virtue where they could, and take pride in their shared struggle, which eventually led them to freedom. Salvation: When missionaries came to Marricossa the virtue of Pride was seen in the Speaker's story, and through them people have found the Way and salvation.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (339 - 16)
  • Note: The judgement will be escalated to the general assembly. On the Speaker for the Dead is a document about the Speaker commissioned by the Lepidean Librarian.


At the Summit, the following appointments were proposed by the Assemblies of the Synod. You can find the names of citizens who currently hold Imperial titles in the Synod here.

Judgement 1

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Cardinal
  • Outcome: Upheld. Darian Numbers received 253 votes; Rocio i Fijadoz i Guerra received 10 votes.

Judgement 2

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Cardinal
  • Outcome: Upheld. Hywel Summercrow received 86 votes; Bloodcrow Udoo received 32 votes; Maximillian of Ankarien received 32 votes; Josephus Morningsun received 20 votes

Judgement 12

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of High Exorcist
  • Outcome: Upheld. Finna i Fijadoz i Guerra received 5 votes; Solas of the Spire of the Waxing Sun received 0 votes; Riverlen of House Remys received 0 votes.

Judgement 16

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Voice of Barbs
  • Outcome: Upheld. Teleri Thornweaver received 142 votes; Aneira Exiles End received 86 votes; Meredith Nighthaven received 46 votes; Neala Blackhawk received 30 votes.

Judgement 23

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Basilisk of the Bourse
  • Outcome: Upheld. Heilyn Bronwen's Rest received 5 votes

Judgement 25

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Pride
  • Outcome: Upheld. Kali Keen-Eye received 86 votes; Lady Kaywenn de Orzel received 80 votes; Artis Greyholm received 13 votes

Judgement 54

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Speaker for the Highborn Assembly
  • Outcome: Upheld. Isaac of the Silent Tide received 261 votes; Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower received 32 votes; Dagon of the Shattered Tower received 0 votes.

Judgement 57

  • Assembly: Courage
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Courage Virtue Inquisitor
  • Outcome: Upheld. Maarit Suvidottir received 192 votes.

Judgement 60

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Loyalty
  • Outcome: Upheld. Dagon of the Shattered Tower received 125 votes; Asher of the Silent Tide received 119 votes; Mouse of Dawn received 61 votes.

Judgement 63

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Wisdom Virtue Inquisitor
  • Outcome: Upheld. Silas of the Cenotaph received 74 votes; Palladius of Raven's Spire received 10 votes.

Judgement 66

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Prelate of the Little Mother
  • Outcome: Upheld. Cesare Enzio di Trivento received 142 votes.

Judgement 104

  • Assembly: Brass Coast
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Hand of Guerra
  • Outcome: Upheld. Ahshen i Fiel i Guerra received 102 votes.

Judgement 137

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Keeper of the Orchard
  • Outcome: Upheld. Bastard Tom received 80 votes.


The following judgements of rewarding were proposed during the Winter Solstice.

Judgement 9

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Finna i Fijadoz
  • Judgement: 7T 4 H Ex plz xxx.
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld

Judgement 13

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Astrid Fjellrevening Rezia di Tassato
  • Judgement: I ask for 20 Thrones to reward Lord Colwynn de Rondell for standing firm in the face of death threats, assassins, and arson from Faraden Justice cultists who demanded he recant his account of his past life vision. He wishes to put these funds towards the rebuilding of the Pride cathedral in Tassato the cultists destroyed.
  • Outcome: upheld 664 - 445

Judgement 19

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Tabris, son of Armisael
  • Judgement: Only by continuing to introduce and induct people from all over the world to the Way can we help them achieve their destiny of ascension. I ask for 5 Thrones from the virtue fund to provide continued support to the Cathedral of the Navigators, as they continue to bring citizens of the Sarcophan Delves under the auspices of the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld 278 - 46

Judgement 21

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Elkiah
  • Judgement: Zenith has been reclaimed but it has been left bereft of hope. Everything that made the territory noteworthy now lies in ruins. The Architects of Urizen will rebuild and restore. They will create a new spirit for the territory and heal its wounds. To ensure that their work is build on a foundation of virtue, the general assembly awards Able the Taller of Zenith Ascendant one dose of True Liao for the consecration of either: the Eye of the Heavens, the Crucible of Fate, or the Radix of Truth, whichever is embraced by the Urizen national assembly.
  • Outcome: Upheld 542 - 122, Scrutiny extended by the Cardinal of Ambition; Margin:420
  • Notes: In competition with Judgement 43, this received the higher margin and this the dose of true liao was rewarded to Elkiah.

Judgement 24

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lady Laudine du Lac
  • Judgement: Withdrawing 5 Thrones from the virtue fund for the purpose of helping Ambassadors prepare for promoting the virtues, outside of the Empire.
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld

Judgement 39

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Anastasiya Volkov
  • Judgement: I request a dose of True Liao to consecrate a cenotaph in memory of Juha the Cave Spider, Exemplar of Loyalty. Juha was confirmed by conclave as an inspirational mage and his memory will inspire future generations of magicians to practice magic through dedication to Virtue. Please see more information on the Synod notice board for details of the shrine and the impact it will have.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (465 - 537)

Judgement 40

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Alcuin, proxy Seer of the Gateway
  • Judgement: 5 Thrones to the duties of the Seer.
  • Outcome: Automatically upheld

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lev
  • Judgement: Now is the time of miracles and inspiration. I ask for a dose of true liao to consecrate the heart of the way in Bastion and inspire a great pilgrimage for all faithful across the world.
  • Outcome: Upheld 715 - 333, a margin of 382
  • Notes: Judgement 21 received a higher margin than this judgement, and so it did not receive the dose of true liao.

Judgement 44

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Vossk of the Ashen Tower
  • Judgement: The General Assembly awards Abel Bursar the Conclave, admiral of the Rachensgrab raid 30 thrones to support the architects of Urizen's efforts to rebuild Zenith and cleanse the taint left by the Druj.
  • Outcome: Upheld (833-164), with a margin of 669

Judgement 69

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Pontus Figures
  • Judgement: The opportunity to bring new societies into the Empire and the Way is rare and virtuous. Salvation is a mark of the exemplar. We propose to use the virtue fund to purchase 2 wains of Mithril in order to construct the Ethengraw Armoury in part. Further Mithril will be required but once complete the Ethengraw sept will join the Imperial Orc nation. We ask for 11 thrones. We recommend those interested in the progress of integrating the Ossium Septs into the Imperial Orcs discuss with the Cardinal of the Way, Tulva.
  • Outcome: Upheld (874-158), margin 766

Alternative Mandates

Prior to the summit, the following alternative mandates were proposed by members of the Synod.

Member Link to mandate
Azir i Shartha i Riqueza Chime the sound
Lady Josephine of Adina's Charge Full of sacred sound
Fintan Nighthaven The silent page
Lenarius Ankarien The silent page
Morwenna Winterbuilt You belong with me
Corey Wayfarer You belong with me

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Starting Value 12 Thrones, 6 Crowns, 11 Rings
Income 13 Thrones, 7 Crowns Donation by Azir i Shartha i Riqueza before the start of the summit.
Rewarding 7 Thrones Rewarding to Finna i Fijadoz i Guerra following Judgement 9 being automatically upheld.
Rewarding 5 Thrones Rewarding to Lady Laudine duLac following Judgement 24 being automatically upheld.
Rewarding 5 Thrones Rewarding to Alcuin following Judgement 40 being automatically upheld.
Income 2 Crowns, 1 Ring Donation by Mael Donjeon on behalf of an anonymous citizen.
Rewarding 5 Thrones Rewarding to Tabris, Son of Armisael following Judgement 19 being upheld.
Income 1 Throne Donation by the Tribune, from a coin found in the mud of the Hub.
Income 75 Thrones The price paid in the Bourse Auction for the dose of True Liao.
Rewarding 20 Thrones Rewarding to Astrid Fjellrevening Rezia di Tassato following Judgement 13 being upheld.
Rewarding 11 Thrones Rewarding to Pontus Figures following Judgement 69 being upheld.
Rewarding 30 Thrones Rewarding to Vossk following Judgement 44 being upheld.
Income 15 Rings Donation by the Tribune, from the sale of writing implements.
Income 1 Crown Donation by Fintan Nighthaven.
Closing Value 20 Thrones, 1 Crown, 7 Rings

Doses of True Liao

Five doses of True Liao were disbursed this summit:

  • One dose in connection to the Lepidean University to Elkiah via Judgement 21
  • One dose to Herminius of the House of the Wanderer by purchase in the Public Auction
  • One dose to Derowen of Sigehold by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Martin Orchard by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Estella of the First Spark by decision of the Gatekeepers

Assembly Strength

The table below shows the size, total voting strength and greater majority thresholds for each assembly as calculated at the start of the summit.

Virtue Assembly Assembly Size Total Voting Strength Greater Majority Threshold
Ambition 32 356 179
Courage 34 416 209
Loyalty 52 654 328
Pride 40 563 282
Prosperity 34 419 210
Vigilance 30 351 176
Wisdom 41 518 260
The Way 36 371 186
General 299 3648 1825
National Assembly Assembly Size Total Voting Strength Greater Majority Threshold
Brass Coast 26 294 148
Dawn 37 416 209
Highguard 49 572 287
Imperial Orcs 8 87 44
League 33 500 251
Marches 21 223 112
Navarr 36 398 200
Urizen 25 322 162
Varushka 21 288 145
Wintermark 43 548 275
General 299 3648 1825