386YE Winter Solstice Imperial elections
The titles below are eligible for re-election at the forthcoming summit. This page will be updated with all the election results after the summit is concluded, and the current Imperial titles will then be updated.
National Election
- Senator for Astolat
- Senator for Bregasland
- Senator for Feroz
- Senator for Hercynia
- Senator for Kallavesa
- Senator for Miekarova
- Senator for Mitwold
- Senator for Necropolis
- Senator for Ossium
- Senator for Skarsind
- Senator for Temeschwar
- Senator for Weirwater
- Senator for Zenith
Senate Appointment
- Ambassador to Axos
- Ambassador to Jarm
- Ambassador to the Grendel
- Ambassador to the Iron Confederacy
- Apothecary of Orieb
- Bailiff of Meade
- Benefactor of Regalia
- Bredavoi Emissary
- Cabalist of the Hollow Stone
- Captain of the Senate Guard
- Chatelaine of the Reapers' Repose
- Custodian of Living Flame
- Custodian of the Bloody Great Sausage
- Director of Holberg's Melodious Cascade
- Factor of Stones from Blood
- Farmer of Eastern Spring Farm
- General of the Burning Falcon
- General of the Golden Axe
- General of the Green Shield
- General of the Strong Reeds
- General of the Towerjacks
- General of the Winter Sun
- Grimnir of Wittal Grove
- Guildmaster of the Artisans
- Headmistress of the Open Fan Academy
- Imperial Administrator
- Keeper of the Bone Hives
- Keeper of the Breadbasket
- Keeper of the Study
- Master of Sarcombe Metal Market
- Master of the School of Exorcism
- Merchant-boyar of the Stinking Market
- Pitmaster
- Tender of the Blood Orchard
- Thane of Floerstrand
- Town Clerk of Sarcombe
- Wise Arborist
Throne Appointment
Synod Judgement
- Arbiter of the Four Winds
- Basilisk of the Bourse
- Cardinal of Prosperity
- Cardinal of the Way
- Champion of Loyalty
- Champion of Pride
- Crow Keeper of the Rest
- Curator of the Printer's Guild Museum
- Curator of the White City Museum
- Grieftender of the Forgotten
- Hand of Guerra
- High Exorcist
- Inquisitor of Courage
- Inquisitor of Wisdom
- Keeper of the Garden
- Keeper of the Orchard
- Lady of the Proffered Hand
- Lantern Wolf
- Medical Officer of the Pegasus Respite
- Speaker of the Highborn Assembly
- Speaker of the Magpies
- Voice of Ambition
- Voice of the House of Barbs
- Voice of Vigilance
Cardinal Appointment
Military Council Appointment
- Keeper of the Last Battle
- Strategos of Dawn
- Strategos of Highguard
- Strategos of Navarr
- Strategos of the Imperial Orcs
Conclave Order Vote
Declaration Of Candidacy
Bourse Auction
- Arbiter of the Rogue Declaration
- Canterspire Circle
- Citizens' Voice
- First Imperial Wayleave
- Golden Trees of Seren
- Great Forest at Reikos
- Heartwood of the Great Vale
- Hunt of Alderei the Fair
- Prime Factor of the Pallas Docks
- Red-Eyed Reaper
- Regario Dossier
- Second Imperial Wayleave
- Weirwater Vales
Bourse Vote
- Architect of the Conscious River
- Bailiff of the Grand Market
- Broker of the Invisible Cord
- Chair of the Wolf
- Eagle of Triosk
- Four Seasons' Boneweaver
- Gloaming Merchant
- Harbourmaster of the Semmerlak
- Keeper of the Bronze Bowls
- Marracossa Sendito
- Master of Rings
- Overseer of the Westward Road
- Reeve of the Happiston Mana Exchange
- Speaker to the Leshun
- Steward of Good Leaf Gardens
- Steward of the Mines of Gulhule
- Vizier of the Incarnadine Satchel
- Warden of the Trees and Hills
Last updated 17/03/2025