Archive:378YE Winter Solstice Imperial titles
This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.
This information represents the outcome of the assorted elections and appointments at the 378YE Winter Solstice.
The Imperial Senate
The Freeborn senators of The Brass Coast
- Senator for Feroz: Kattalin i Hazama i Guerra
- Senator for Kahraman: Zamira i Covas i Erigo
- Senator for Madruga: Anwar e deltoro e Riqueza
- Senator for Segura: Arisena i Ezmara i Guerra
The senators of Dawn
- Senator for Astolat: Bohemond De Rondell
- Senator for Semmerholm Escalados deCarsenere
- Senator for Weirwater: Valentin Ivarovich Orzel
The senators of Highguard
- Seantor for Bastion: Jada of Ravensfell
- Senator for Casinea: Zephram of Cantiarch’s Hold
- Senator for Necropolis: Adamah of the Silent Tide
The senators of The League
- Senator for Sarvos: Mirislav
- Senator for Tassato: Cesare Sanguineo Rezia Di Tassato
- Senator for Temeschwar: Gant Archama
The senators of The Marches
- Senator for Bregasland, the Dour Fens: Orrick
- Senator for Mitwold, Pride of the Marches: Bridget Eastville
- Senator for Upwold, The Silver Chase: Henry Ward
- Seantor for Hercynia: Rhain
- Senator for Miaren: Syn Nighthaven
- Senator for Therunin: Caerwyn Summer Crow
The senators of Urizen
The senators of Varushka
- Senator for Karov: Constantin
- Senator for Miekarova: Radomir
- Senator for Volodmartz: Irina Kardaova Arkady
The senators of Wintermark
- Senator for Hahnmark: Hengest Dun
- Senator for Kallavesa: Uskolli
- Senator for Sermersuaq: Atte
- Senator for Skarsind: Jorma Steelhail
Other Imperial Senate positions
- The Conscience of the Senate is Gideon of the Sons of Couros
- The Advisor on orc affairs is Irontide Bruc
- The Imperial Master of Works is Richard Tunstall
- The Bursar of the Imperial Academy is Titus Hopkirk
- The Admiral is Sendero i Hazana i Guerra
- The Ambassador to Asavea is Camilia di Traviciana di Sarvos
- The Ambassador to Jarm is Owsi Twice-burned
- The Advisor on the Vallorn is Neb
- The Wisest Senator is Syn Nighthaven (NB: Not an Imperial Title, but was selected by the Senate at Autumn Equinox so included for completeness.)
Sinecures selected by senators
- The sinecure of Spider's Tollkeep is held by Rafa'eet i Contra i Guerra
- The sinecure of Keeper of the Spice Gardens is held by Reina i Shartha i Riquez
- The sinecure of Guardian of Britta's Shrine is held by Ruth of the Cenotaph in Highguard
- The sinecure of The Dredgemaster of Feverwater, is held by Corey Brackensong
- Custodian of the Academy Religious Studies (exact title to be TBA)
- Custodian of The Starlight Drift of Shimmering Snow (exact title TBA)
- Custodian of The Memorial Gardens of Treji (exact title TBA)
- Keeper of Sylvihrafyn
The Military Council
The Generals of The Brass Coast
- General Estana I Mestiere I Guerra of the Red Wind Corsairs
- General Manny i Sayap i Guerra of the Fire of the South
The Generals of Dawn
- General Floree de Rondell of the Hounds of Glory
- General Starac Sijed Orzel of the Golden Sun
- General Frederick Novarion of the Eastern Sky
The Generals of Highguard
- General Cuth of the Seventh Wave
- General Mathayus of the Granite Pillar
- General Tyrus of The Valiant Pegasus
The Generals of the Imperial Orcs
- General Bloodcrow Martok of the Winter Sun
- General Braka of the Summer Storm
The General of The League
- General Gabriel Barossa of the Wolves of War
The Generals of The Marches
- General Furious Fin of the The Drakes
- General Jack Flint of the Strong Reeds
- General Brianna of King's Stoke of the bounders
- General Carr Foxden of the Black Thorns
- General Merryn Farkas of the Quiet step
The General of Urizen
- General Tanwyn Ankarien of the Army of the Citadel
The Generals of Varushka
- General Stanislav Borodin Havel of the Army of the Northern Eagle
- General Olaf Gregorson Strascovich of the Army of the Golden Axe
The Generals of Wintermark
- General Vahne of the Green Shield Army
- General Erkenbrand of Tyrsholm of the Fist of the Mountain
Other Military Council Positions
- The Warmage is Vaan of Auric Horizon
- The Quartermaster General of the Imperial Armies is Irontide Rad
The Imperial Synod
- Cardinal Bishop Olek of the League
- Gatekeeper Serrusta Caeli Rezia di Tassato of the League
- Cardinal Asher of Felix's Watch in Highguard
- Gatekeeper Agnieszka Katrinova Prochnost of Varushka
- Cardinal Jared of the Suns of Courous, Highguard
- Gatekeeper Tancred De Rondell of Dawn
- Cardinal Samson of Cantiarch's Hold, Highguard
- Gatekeeper Meurig Tystwarden
- Cardinal Ynez di Caricomare of the League
- Gatekeeper Enoch of the Shattered Tower of Highguard
- Cardinal Marrok De Carsenere
- Gatekeeper Abraham of Highguard
- Cardinal Agnetha De Rondell of Dawn
- Gatekeeper Livia Cascade of Urizen
The Way
- Bishop Antonio Vanzetti of the League
- Conscience of the Senate - Gideon of the Sons of Couros
Other Synod positions
- The post of High Exorcist is held by Solas of Urizen
- The post of Auditor of Senatorial Accountability is held by Nadezha Dava of Varushka
- The post of Imperial Inquisitor is held by Petra Petrivna Melikov of Vauruska
The Imperial Conclave
- Iulian Shatterspire is Archmage of Spring
- Corvus of Auric Horizon is Archmage of Summer
- Maurice de Gauvain is Archmage of Autumn
- Cyrus Skybreaker is Archmage of Winter
- Darius of Auric Horizon is Archmage of Day
- Baba Ana is Archmage of Night
Grandmasters of the Orders
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Celestial Arch Sejanus
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Golden Pyramid Edmundo I Jannat I Riqueza of the Brass Coast
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Rod and ShieldMeir Pathfinder of Navarr
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Sevenfold Path Jessica of Highguard
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Shuttered Lantern Dimitri Ivanovich Ionescu of Varushka
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind Palaphon of the Ankarian Magisitrum
Other Imperial Conclave Positions
- Simargl, the Empty One of the Circle of Zulgan-Tash of Varushka serves as Dean of the Lyceum
- Iago Melfizzi of the League serves as Bursar of the Conclave
- Concordia Sforza of the League serves as Liason to the Senate
The Imperial Bourse
Imperial Bourse Positions
- The Arratan Gamble is held by Tomas Talbot (165 Thrones)
- The Brilliant Star is held by Tobias Shanks (240 Thrones)
- The Canterspire Circle is held by Antoni Krol (90 Thrones)
- The Damation Cliffs are held by Griacomo Carvinoscurro (170 Thrones)
- The Fortress of Salt is held by Lorenzo “La Volpe” Macelliao von Temeschwar (305 Thrones)
- The Golden Trees of Seren are held by Ilia Miroslav von Danzig (145 Thrones)
- The Great Mine of Briante is held by Feran (215 Thrones)
- The Heartwood of the Great Vale is held by Landon of Longridge (100 Thrones)
- The Hunt of Alderei the Fair is held by Horsa Tyrshalt (112 Thrones)
- The Night Quarry is held by Lukash Biessek von Temeshwar (170 Thrones)
- The Scorrero Nets are held by Silvio di Tassato (37 Thrones)
- The Singing Caves are held by Ricardo di Tasato (400 Thrones)
- The Sutton Stone Quarries are held by Eanwyn Dunning (155 Thrones)
- The Syrene's Wisdom is held by Marko von Temeshwar (48 Thrones)
- The Weirwater Vales are held by Niccolo dos Tassatos (98 Thrones)
- The Great Forest at Reikos is held by the Druj and will not be auctioned until Reikos is one again an Imperial territory
- The Great Pits of Ennerlund are held by the Druj and will not be auctioned until Holberg is once again an Imperial territory.
National Bourse Positions
- The The Broken Shore Bounty (Brass Coast) is held by Karlos i Shartha i Riqueza
- The Regario Dossier (League) is held by Rodrigo Barrosa (17 Thrones)
- The Master of the Imperial Mint (League) is Guillamo de Tassato (18 Thrones)
- The Thimble (Navarr) is held by Idris Eternal
- The Steel Fist (Imperial Orcs) is held by Irontide Vio
- The Legacy (Urizen) is held by Sibella
- The Eternal Shafts of Time (Varushka) are held by Tomasz Strascovich
- The Granites of Veltsgorsk (Varushka) are held by Zlatimir Prochnost
- The The Stonefield Ice Caves (Wintermark) is held by Joakeim Sussavari
- The Brilliant Shore (Wintermark) is held by Aelfric Kereftinar
Mercantile Investments
- Hamnett of Gallowdale is Bailiff of the Grand Market
- Jaoquin i Shartha i i Riqueza is Dhomiro of the Cinnabar Hills
- Paloma i Taziel i Riquez is Mistress of the Glass Parador
- Dieter Angelovic is the Custodian of the Assayers Guild
- Duarte i Hazzam i Guerra is the Vizier of the Incarnadine Satchel
Other Bourse Positions
- Octavius of Auric Horizon is Provost of the Halls of Knowledge
- Foreign Trade Envoy to the Principalities of Jarm is Oswi Twice-burned
- Foreign Trade Envoy to Faraden is Roberto Murdochi di Sarvos
- Foreign Trade Envoy to the Asavean Archipelago is Adrianna Donati di Sarvos
- Foreign Trade Envoy to the Commonwealth is Jonah Yakovitch
- Foreign Trade Envoy to the Sumaah Republic is Aedred apMagor of Wintermark.
- The Operator of Brock's Toll is Robert Shanks