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* Imperial treasury during this season announced by the Civil Service at '''TBC''' Thrones.
* Imperial treasury during this season announced by the Civil Service at 961 thrones and 4 crowns.
* 10 Thrones donated to the Imperial treasury by Landon of Longridge to cover costs incurred by the [[Ratify_treaty_with_the_Woods-that-fell|Feni treaty]].

The following administrative motions were raised by the civil service.
The following administrative motions were raised by the civil service.
* Amendment of the location of the House of the Proferred Hand liao sinecure, to be built in Caer Faucon, a small town in southern Astolat near the Highguard Border. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion passed.
* Amendment of the location of the [[Construct_House_of_the_Proffered_Hand|House of the Proferred Hand]] liao sinecure, to be built in Caer Faucon, a small town in southern Astolat near the Highguard Border. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion passed.
* To amend the Imperial Orc Wayleave to be a yearly position. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion passed.
* To amend the [[Reallocate_an_Imperial_Wayleave_to_the_Imperial_Orcs|Imperial Orc Wayleave]] to be a yearly position. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion passed.
* The Civil Service has allowed the re-raising of the motion to construct the Cinderpath Exchange in Mareholm, Casinea. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion failed.
** The senator for Hahnmark still needs to provide a name for the Imperial title that is created by this motion.
* The Civil Service has allowed the re-raising of the motion to [[Construct_Cinderpath_Exchange|construct the Cinderpath Exchange]] in Mareholm, Casinea. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion failed.

* [[Disburse funds for military purposes]]
* [[Abrogate Jarmish favoured nation status]]
Motion: Disbursement of funds for military purposes, including strategic magic and military resupply to the Quartermaster General.
* [[Abrogate stipend of the Asavean Architect]]
Proposed by Hercynia, seconded by Therunin.
* [[Allocate Damatian Cliffs]]
Passed at 250 Thrones.
* [[Allocate Crawling Depths]]
* [[Enlarge Seventh Wave]]
* [[Amend distribution of Echoes of the Labyrinth]]
Motion: Enlarge the Highborne army the Seventh Wave.
Proposed by Reikos, seconded by Miaren.
Passed in principle.
* [[Appoint summit delegate]]
* [[Appoint summit delegate]]
Motion: We will have an anti-slavery summit during the winter solstice. The summit will be organised by two delegates from the Empire. The Senate will appoint one, the synod will appoint the other.
* [[Appoint Ambassador to Jarm Autumn 382YE|Appoint Ambassador to Jarm]]
Proposed by Necropolis, seconded by Reikos.
* [[Appoint Ambassador to Sarcophan Autumn 382YE|Appoint Ambassador to Sarcophan]]
This motion was escalated to an immediate election requiring a constitutional majority for one delegate in order to pass. Ianthe Ravenswatch was appointed. Ratified by the Throne.
* [[Appoint Minister of Historical Research Autumn 382YE|Appoint Minister of Historical Research]]
* [[Commission report on Morrow evacuation]]
* [[Commission report on Morrow evacuation]]
Motion: To direct the civil service to determine the possible routes for the evacuation of civilians from Morrow.
* [[Construct Wintermark beacons]]
Proposed by Morrow, seconded by Spiral.
* [[Appoint Ambassador to the Sarcophan Delves]]
Motion: to appoint an ambassador to the Sarcophan Delves.
Proposed by Miekarova, seconded by Karsk.
Election held Saturday 9pm Senate: Thanmir Hrafn
* [[Appoint Minister for Historial Research]]
Motion: to appoint a Minister for Historical Research.
Proposed by Weirwater, seconded Semmerholm.
Election held Saturday 9pm Senate: Caleb of the Cenotaph
* [[Disburse funds to Grendel raiders]]
Motion: Payment of funds to the Grendel, in return for which they will not invade of sack any Imperial territories on the Bay of Catazar this season.
Proposed by Holberg, seconded by Morrow.
Passed at 300 thrones.
* [[Construct Wintemark beacons]]
Motion: To build the beacons and watchtowers of Kallavesa and Hahnmark. Materials and costs provided in full by Tyr Brenna of Hendall Hearth.
Proposed by Hahnmark, seconded by Kallavesa.
[Build Slot 2]
* [[Construct Sarcombe Metal Market]]
* [[Construct Sarcombe Metal Market]]
Motion: to commission a ministry in Sarcombe, Mournwold, to allow the purchase of metals, called the Sarcombe Metal Market. A ministry to create the Marcher position of Keeper of Metal, to be appointed annually by agreement of the Marcher Senators, revocable by the Marcher assembly. Self-funded.
Proposed by Mournwold, seconded by Bregasland.
[Build Slot 3]
* [[Construct fortification in Morajasse]]
Motion: To commission a fortification in Morajasse, Feroz.
Proposed by Feroz, seconded by Mournwold.
Passed at 90 thrones.
[Build slot 4]
* [[Construct Lyceum Annexe]]
* [[Construct Lyceum Annexe]]
Motion: To construct an annexe to the Lyceum. Opportunity from Sadogua via the Dean. Allows the Dean to speed up research with Irridescent Gloaming. Self-Funded. No White granite involved.
Proposed by Redoubt, seconded by Miekarova.
Passed in Principle, no funds requested.
[Build Slot 5]
* [[Construct fortification in Coursmouth]]
Motion: to construct a fortification along the coast in Coursemouth, Necropolis.
Proposed by Casinea, seconded by Necropolis.
[Build Slot 6]
* [[Construct Jarmish Jewellers]]
* [[Construct Jarmish Jewellers]]
Motion: To construct the Jarmish Star Jewellery exchange in Seren, Miaren, the liaison to be appointed by open auction on the Imperial Bourse. Costs are 24 crowns, 8 white granite, 4 mithril. To be self-funded.
* [[Construct Good Leaf Gardens]]
Proposed by Temeschwar, seconded by Kahraman.
* [[Disburse funds for military purposes]]
* [[Disburse funds to Grendel raiders]]
[Build slot 8]
* [[Enlargement of the Seventh Wave]]
* [[Fortify Coursmouth]]
* [[Fortify Morajasse]]
* [[Distribute potion recipes]]
* [[Distribute potion recipes]]
Motion: to introduce into Imperial lore the following three recipe sets, and one poison.
Names as following:
Legacy of Thorns poison: ‘Legionnaire’s Stare’
Set ‘The double sided blade’: ‘Warming Armour’ and ‘Weakening Sun’
Set ‘Unshackled Gift’: ‘Ancestor’s Word, ‘Legionnaire’s Will’, ‘Indomitable Might’, ‘Skar’s Strength’.
Set ‘The Last Resort’: ‘Watery Grave’ ‘Python’s Hug’, ‘Hooded Misery’, ‘Restless Slumber.’
All costs of 25 thrones will be funded by the Irontide.
Proposed by Skarsind, seconded Kallavesa.
[SPEAKER’S NOTE: This is the second motion that was seconded by Proxy senator Kallavesa during the Autumn Equinox senate sessions.]
* [[Abrogate Jarmish favoured nation status]]
Motion: to abrogate the ‘favoured nation’ trading status of the Principalities of Jarm. In Autumn 380YE, the Imperial Senate passed the following motion: ‘The Empire recognizes the importance of extant and future trade in strategic materials with our allies in Jarm, and welcomes any overtures to strengthen existing agreements or form new ones.’ With Jarm no longer pursuing it’s previous worthy efforts to rid itself of the blight of slavery, the Empire abrogates this motion.
Proposed by Kallavesa, seconded by Segura.
* [[Appoint Ambassador to Jarm]]
Motion: to appoint an ambassador to Jarm.
Election held Sunday 2pm Senate:
* [[Ratify treaty with the Woods-that-fell]]
* [[Ratify treaty with the Woods-that-fell]]
Motion: to ratify the treaty with the southern Woods-That-Fell Feni tribe.
Proposed by Upwold, seconded by Temeschwar.
* [[Allocate Damatian Cliffs]]
Motion: to allocate the Damatian Cliffs as an Imperial Position.
Proposed by Therunin, seconded by Upwold.
* [[Allocate Crawling Depths]]
Motion: That the Mithril mine ‘The Crawling Depths’ in Ossium be assigned as an Imperial Bourse Seat.
Proposed by Tassato, seconded by Holberg.
* [[Abrogate stipend of the Asavean Architect]]
Motion: The senate thanks the Asavean Architect for their work in the Empire. His services are no longer being adequately utilized, and so we release him from his position in the Empire and wish him a safe return to Asavea.
Proposed by Sarvos, seconded by Tassato.
* [[Amend distribution of Echoes of the Labyrinth]]
Motion: At the request of the Iron Confederacy, the Empire will no longer circulate copies of the Echoes of the Labyrinth within their nation.
Proposed by Segura, seconded by Sarvos.
* [[Construct Good Leaf Gardens]]
Motion: To construct a sinecure, Good Leaf Gardens, to be stocked by Navarri herbs, given in thanks for the continuing support of the Marches in fighting the Vallorn.
Proposed by Miaren, seconded by Mitwold.
[Build Slot 9]

* Motion: To commission a folly in Sarcombe, Mournwold, to be named ‘The Sarcombe Register.’ This folly will allow the registration of orphans with the aim of finding them new families. The folly to create the position of Custodian of the Registry, appointed for life by the Marcher Senators, revocable by the Marcher Assembly.
* [[Construct Sarcombe Register]]
Proposed by Bregasland, seconded by Feroz.
A total of TBC [[commission|commissions]] were announced during the Summer Solstice: 9 standard commissions, and 3 wayleaves.
A total of twelve [[commission|commissions]] were announced during the Summer Solstice:  
* 9 standard commissions: [[Construct Wintermark beacons|Wintermark beacons]], [[Construct Sarcombe Metal Market|Sarcombe metal market]], [[Construct Lyceum Annexe|Lyceum annexe]], [[Construct Jarmish Jewellers|Jarmish jewellers]], [[Construct Good Leaf Gardens|Good Leaf Gardens]], [[Construct Tower of the Wheel|Tower of the Wheel]] (Arcane Architect), [[Fortify Coursmouth|Coursmouth fortification]], [[Fortify Morajasse|Morajasse fortification]], [[Improve Our Lady of Pride|Improvement of Our Lady of Pride]] (Imperial Master of Works).
* 3 wayleaves: [[Construct Drusila's Obelus|Drusila's Obelus]], [[Construct First Voice Glade|First Voice Glade]], [[Construct Eastern Spring Farm|Eastern Spring Farm]].

* [[The_Throne#The_Hand_of_the_Chancellor|Hand of the Chancellor]] was exercised by [[Empress Lisabetta|Imperatrix Lisabetta]] to the amount of 320 Thrones.
* [[The_Throne#The_Hand_of_the_Chancellor|Hand of the Chancellor]] was exercised by [[Empress Lisabetta|Imperatrix Lisabetta]] to the amount of 320 Thrones.
* The [[Arcane Architect]] announced the construction of a [[Construct Tassato sinecure]] - '''check opportunity details'''
* The intention to [[The_Throne#Address_the_Empire|address the Empire]] was announced by [[Empress Lisabetta|Imperatrix Lisabetta]].
Announcement: Using the power of the arcane architect, I shall construct a sinecure in Tassato. It will produce mana from the realms of spring, autumn, winter, and night.
* Announcement by the [[Arcane Architect]] of their intent to [[Construct Tower of the Wheel]]  
Raised by the Arcane Architect.
* Announcement by, Lukash, [[bearer of an Imperial Wayleave]], of their intent to [[Construct Drusila's Obelus]]
[Build slot 1]
* Announcement by Idwyn Splitroot, proxy to Matt Twisted Tree, [[bearer of an Imperial Wayleave]], of their intent to [[Construct First Voice Glade]]
* Announcement by Palerictus Krunk, [[bearer of an Imperial Wayleave]], of their intent to [[Construct Eastern Spring Farm]]
Announcement: An announcement by bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, Lukash, to construct the sinecure Drusilla’s Obelus in the Morass, Holberg. Producing 18 drams of bladeroot per season. Cost 10 weirwood and 20 crowns. To be appointed for life by Bourse auction.
* Announcement by the [[Imperial Master of Works]] of their intent to [[Improve Our Lady of Pride]]
[Wayleave 1]
* The [[Quartermaster General of the Imperial Armies]] announced that the Imperial Guerdon for Autumn 382 is to go to no Imperial armies this season.
* The [[Quartermaster General of the Imperial Armies]] is resupplying the Wolves of War, the Citadel Guard, The Towerjacks, and the Black Thorns.
Announcement: Announcement by Imperial Master of Works to improve fortification in Sarvos.
* The Advisor on the Vallorn announced plans to [[Research Abraxus stones]].
Raised by the Imperial Master of Works.
* The Minister of Historical research announced plans to [[Research Maud daughter of Esther]]
[Build Slot 7]
Announcement: The Quartermaster General announced that the Imperial Guerdon for Autumn 382 is to go to no Imperial armies this season.
Announcement: The Quartermaster General is resupplying the Wolves of War, the Citadel Guard, The Towerjacks, and the Black Thorns.
Announcement: The throne announces through her power of Voice of the Empire that she shall address the citizens of the Empire following the Autumn summit of 382 YE.
Announcement: Historical Research announcement by the Advisor on the Vallorn: to research Abraxus stones with a focus on the item’s origins and uses of significant stones - for example the Tear of Peace.
[Historical Research 1]
Announcement: Historical Research by the Minister of Historical Research: I instruct the civil service to investigate further information following on from Octavia Streams Source’s research on the past life of Adelina Barossa as Maud, Daughter of Esther, Cardinal of Purity at the beginning of the Empire, to investigate occurrences of actual support for Hatred and Purity throughout our history, as well as tracing any known cults in modern times.
[Historical Research 2]
Announcement: An announcement by bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, Idwyn Splitroot, proxy to Matt Twisted Tree. To announce the construction of a herb garden sinecure called:
‘Geralt the bard was First Voice of the Navarr nation who died at Return. The bards of Navarr gather at his Glade.’ (To be called First Voice Glade.) In Miaren, appointed by the Navarr Senators, revocable by National Assembly.
[Wayleave 2]
Announcement: Announcement by bearer of an Imperial Orc Wayleave, Palerictus Krunk. To build a sinecure in the east of Skarsind for the betterment of the spring ritualists within the nation, to create the position Farmer of Eastern Spring Farm.
[Imperial Orc Wayleave]
* The Quartermaster General announced that the Imperial Guerdon for Summer 382 is to go to the following armies: Hounds of Glory, Quiet Step, Drakes
* The Quartermaster General announced that [[Resupply Imperial armies Summer 382YE|all armies]] would receive emergency resupply this season.
* The [[Keeper of the Breadbasket]] announced that the breadbasket shall be directed to support Imperial armies.
* The [[Advisor on the Vallorn]] announced plans to research the life and eventual final fate of the Noble Terran General Bryony. The one who wore the crystal crown, forged in the last runeforge with a schemata granted by Zakalwe, the Weapon-wise. The crown led Bryony to lead a crystal army leading to her epitaph of Commander of the Crystal Hope.
* The intention to [[The_Throne#Address_the_Empire|address the Empire]] was announced by [[Empress Lisabetta|Imperatrix Lisabetta]], but was later withdrawn.
* An announcement by Vilkas Blake, [[bearer of an Imperial Wayleave]], to [[Construct Prosperity of Afal]]
* An announcement by Silvio di Tassato, bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, to [[Construct the Thorned Rose]]
* An announcement by Edmundo, bearer of an Imperial Wayleave, to [[Construct Legacy of Wisdom]] -->
[[Category:Senate Sessions]]
[[Category:Senate Sessions]]
[[Category:382YE Autumn]]

Latest revision as of 13:25, 18 May 2023


  • Imperial treasury during this season announced by the Civil Service at 961 thrones and 4 crowns.
  • 10 Thrones donated to the Imperial treasury by Landon of Longridge to cover costs incurred by the Feni treaty.


The following administrative motions were raised by the civil service.

  • Amendment of the location of the House of the Proferred Hand liao sinecure, to be built in Caer Faucon, a small town in southern Astolat near the Highguard Border. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion passed.
  • To amend the Imperial Orc Wayleave to be a yearly position. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion passed.
    • The senator for Hahnmark still needs to provide a name for the Imperial title that is created by this motion.
  • The Civil Service has allowed the re-raising of the motion to construct the Cinderpath Exchange in Mareholm, Casinea. Raised by the Speaker of the Senate. Motion failed.





A total of twelve commissions were announced during the Summer Solstice:
