Construct Good Leaf Gardens
To construct a sinecure, Good Leaf Gardens, to be stocked by Navarri herbs, given in thanks for the continuing support of the Marches in fighting the Vallorn.
Proposed by Miaren, seconded by Mitwold.
Proposed by Miaren, seconded by Mitwold.
- Commission a wayhouse in Upwold, a folly that, with Imperial Synod support will function as a sinecure intended to share Navarr herbs with the Marches.
- This opportunity is the result of a suggestion by Morgan of Brock Bottom Steading following a statement of principle by Corey Brackensong.
- The accompanying mandate was raised in the Navarr National Assembly. Brat Umbral Path has provided the liao to enact the mandate, so Good Leaf Gardens will function as a sinecure.
- Passed in principle.
- Autumn 382YE
- This commission uses non-standard costs.
- 15 wains of Weirwood
- 30 crowns
- Takes three months to complete.
- 15 wains of weirwood and 30 crowns provided by William Talbot after the Autumn Equinox 382YE.
Campaign Outcome
- The commission creates an Imperial title, a Natonal position in the Marches, called Steward of Good Leaf Gardens.