To build the beacons and watchtowers of Kallavesa and Hahnmark. Materials and costs provided in full by Tyr Brenna of Hendall Hearth.
Proposed by Hahnmark, seconded by Kallavesa.


  • Commission a series of watchtowers and beacons in Kallavesa and Hahnmark.
  • Result of civil service proposal.
  • Passed in principle.


  • Autumn 382YE


  • This commission uses non-standard costs.
  • 40 wains of white granite
  • 40 wains of weirwood
  • 160 crowns labour costs
  • six months to complete


  • 40 wains of weirwood, 40 wains of white granite and 20 thrones provided by Hengest Dun after the Autumn Equinox.

Campaign Outcome

  • When complete, the beacons will allow military unit commanders to defend Kallavesa and Hahnmark and provide resistance to invading armies.