A ministry is an Imperial title that empowers the holder to purchase one or more valuable resources. The Imperial Senate can create ministries that allow the title holder to exchange money for herbs, liao, mana crystals or materials such as green iron or weltsilver.
Many ministries have been appointed over the years with specific goals or the support of specific structures in mind. A ministry differs from a sinecure in a number of ways, but the most obvious is that the sinecure provides a specific income of set materials, while a ministry is potentially able to purchase large amounts of material as their needs and opportunities dictate.
Ministries may be appointed for life or re-elected annually.
Each downtime, a character who controls a ministry will have the option to spend money from their inventory to buy the materials the ministry provides. Each minister has a specific set of options as to what they may purchase and at what price. Ministers spend their money and make their choices during downtime from their character page. Resources purchased are placed in the inventory when the downtime is processed. The specific choices the character can make depend on the nature of the ministerial position and the number of wains spent setting the position up.
You can always use a ministry, even if you weren't able to attend the previous event.
For example, a minister who is appointed to operate a vast Mana market in Morrow might have the choice of whether to buy 21 mana crystals for 18 crowns; 42 mana crystals for 36 crowns; or 63 mana crystals for 54 crowns. They could not spend 9 crowns to buy 7 mana crystals.
Senate Commissions
The Imperial Senate may pass a motion for the construction of an establishment that allows the purchase of herbs, resources or similar. This motion automatically results in the creation of a ministry once the construction is complete.
It is also possible for the Senate to pass a motion to upgrade a ministry, increasing the benefits that it provides.
- Materials: Variable (minimum 12 wains)
- Time: 3 months to construct per 50 wains of materials used
- Labour: 3 crowns per wain
- Upkeep: None
The more resources are devoted to constructing a ministry, the more resources can be purchased each downtime. Under normal circumstances, the material required will be the one associated with upgrading an equivalent personal resource. For example, at least 12 wains of mithril is required to create a ministry that allows the purchase of mana crystals.
In addition to the wains required, it costs 3 crowns per wain to pay for labour and skills to complete the construction.
12 Wains
Purchase Price | Ingots | Herbs | Mana Crystals |
140 Rings | 12 | 16 | 8 |
340 Rings | 24 | 33 | 16 |
600 Rings | 36 | 50 | 25 |
16 Wains
Purchase Price | Ingots | Herbs | Mana Crystals |
140 Rings | 12 | 16 | 8 |
340 Rings | 24 | 33 | 16 |
600 Rings | 36 | 50 | 25 |
920 Rings | 48 | 67 | 33 |
20 Wains
Purchase Price | Ingots | Herbs | Mana Crystals |
140 Rings | 12 | 16 | 8 |
340 Rings | 24 | 33 | 16 |
600 Rings | 36 | 50 | 25 |
920 Rings | 48 | 67 | 33 |
1300 Rings | 60 | 84 | 42 |
The tables shows some standard purchase costs for a range of different sized ministries. For example a ministry created by the Senate using 16 wains of mithril could allow the purchase of 8, 16, 25, or 33 mana crystals each season. There is no upper limit on how many wains can be used to construct a ministry; provided at least 12 wains are used, then any amount can be spent to build it.
It is not possible to create a ministry which allows the purchase of ilium, liao, mithril, weirwood, or white granite without a suitable opportunity.
Although a ministry produces items like a personal resource, it cannot be upgraded or diversified in the same way a personal resource can. The only options available are what materials to buy. A ministry that produces liao will not come with an option to sell that liao in downtime, a ministry that produces green iron cannot be paid to produce more in the way a green iron mine could.
Ministries are not affected by rituals that target a personal resource. A ritual that increases the production of a green iron mine will not affect a ministry that produces green iron.
Any citizen who is granted a ministry is expected to be responsible for any problems that might beset the resources represented by the ministry. For example, if bandit raiders are threatening the mines overseen by the Dhomiro of the Cinnabar Hills, then the Empire will expect that citizen to deal with the problem.
Current Ministries
This table includes all ministries which are active and have been appointed in recent times. For a full list of title holders see here. This list was last updated following the Autumn Equinox 386YE.
Ministry | Location | Appointment | Eligibility | Election | Occupant |
Assayer's Guild | Locul, Temeschwar | Bourse Vote | League Position | Spring | Marcus Von Temeschwar |
Aviary of Ishal | Skymark, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Autumn | The Shaman |
Black Tablet | Highrod, Necropolis | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Claudia Varkulova Remislav |
Boar's Market | Winterbourne, Astolat | Bourse Vote | Dawnish Position | Autumn | Maryc |
Brokerage of Holt Steading | Holtford, Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Summer | Twyll Eternal |
Bursar of the Conclave | Moresvah, Karsk | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Brynn Vision Enduring |
Butterfly Holt | Srodkoja, Miekarova | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Vasilmir Radovanovna Esskivic |
Cinderpath Exchange | Mareholm, Casinea | Bourse Vote | Highborn Position | Summer | Kapik |
Cinnabar Hills | Braydon's Jasse, Kahraman | Bourse Vote | Freeborn Position | Autumn | Iñez i Azul-Mar i Erigo |
Concordium Dock | Limus, Redoubt | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position | Summer | Gaspar di Temeschwar |
Crucible of Fate | Iteri, Zenith | Bourse Vote | Urizeni Position | Summer | Esteban Ezmara of Zenith Ascendant |
Deep Place | Brez, Volodmartz | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Docks of Korotny | Malimorzi, Karov | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Elosian Docks | Naris, Redoubt | Bourse Vote | Urizeni Position | Summer | Telemachus of The Lighthouse at Nikephoros |
Gardens of Pallas | Iteri, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Autumn | Setir |
Grand Market of Meade | Meade March, Mitwold | Bourse Vote | Marcher Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Great Harbour of Elos | Naris, Redoubt | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position | Autumn | Qusay i Kalamar i Guerra |
Greenforest Fair | Elvette, Semmerholm | Synod Judgement | Dawnish Position | Autumn | Rhyn Huckster |
Hall of the Seven | Serenael, Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Autumn | Corwyn Heartsbane |
Healing House of Wittal Grove | Wittal Grove, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
House of Healing | Peakedge Song, Therunin | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Raewynn Farkas |
House of Spirits | Mareholm, Casinea | Bourse Vote | Highborn Position | Spring | Rinnah |
Hufi's Garden | Kallavesa Marsh, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Summer | Conrald Mystrim |
Hyljehal | Skymark, Kallavesa | Senate Appointment | Wintermark Position | Summer | Raal Dunn |
Imperial War Offices | Syrwatch, Casinea | Military Council Appointment | Imperial Position | Autumn | Natalia 'The Falcon' Barossa |
Invisible Cord Brokerage | Serenael, Miaren | Bourse Vote | Navarr Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Iron Tower | Duzekani, Karov | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | Autumn | Vladimir Sasha Volkov |
Kalpaheim Tradehall | Kalpamark, Hahnmark | Bourse Vote | Wintermark Position | Autumn | Jambert Wulfgar |
Kauppahall | Valasmark, Hahnmark | Bourse Vote | Wintermark Position | Spring | Eerikki Korpi |
Ketsov Trade Exchange | Galath Fields, Ossium | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | Summer | Jereni Hinda Bogdanov |
Kostjyas Respite | Bittershore, Ossium | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | Spring | Kostjya |
Kruidenkenner Trademaster | Longbeach, Necropolis | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position | Spring | Bernardo Von Temeschwar |
Landskeeper's Study | Ashbrook, Upwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Leshun Market | Branoc, Karsk | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Market Hall at Fisk | Wittal Grove, Kallavesa | Bourse Vote | Wintermark Position | Spring | Thritt |
Marracossa Sendito | Torres, Madruga | Bourse Vote | Freeborn Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Master of the Clearing House | Tassato Mestra, Tassato | Senate Appointment | League Position | Summer | Cosimo Sanguineo Rezia Di Tassato |
Mayor of Caricomare | Cigno, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Spring | Aloysius di Sarvos |
Maze of Zoria | Mieriada, Miekarova | Synod Judgement | Varushkan Position | Autumn | Illya Nikovitch Volkov |
Meade Mithril Market | Meade March, Mitwold | Bourse Vote | Marcher Position | Autumn | Aubrey Shaw |
Mines of Gulhule | Estermark, Skarsind | Bourse Vote | Imperial Orc Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Misericorde Market | Holfried, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | Has tenure | Jonah Yakovitch |
Northbound Trademaster | Hanuri, Temeschwar | Bourse Vote | League Position | Summer | Uberto Alessandri di Caricomare vacino a Sarvos |
Overseer of the Westward Road | Duzekani, Karov | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Palace of Orieb | Drownbark Forest, Ossium | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Parador of Dust | Jade Range, Kahraman | Bourse Vote | Freeborn Position | Autumn | Nemi i Riqueza |
Parador of Salt and Sand | Lightsea, Madruga | Bourse Vote | Freeborn Position | Summer | Bakar i Riqueza |
Peakedge Brokerage | Peakedge Song, Therunin | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | Summer | Lith |
Penumbral Watcher | Naris, Redoubt | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Izora Highwind |
Phoenix Flame | Groveyard, Astolat | Declaration Of Candidacy | Imperial Position | By candidacy | Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés |
Preceptor of the Skarsind College of Warcasting | Estermark, Skarsind | Bourse Vote | Imperial Orc Position | Autumn | Irontide Wesker |
Quaymaster of the Black Sails | Longbeach, Necropolis | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position | Autumn | Luca Lucati |
Root and Stem Apothecarium | Meade March, Mitwold | Bourse Vote | Marcher Position | Autumn | Old Nan |
Sarcombe Metal Market | Southmoor, Mournwold | Senate Appointment | Marcher Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Sarcophan Mooring | Lestasny, Karsk | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | Spring | Vladimir Vladirovich Reznikov |
Shchaslyvyy Outpost Sappery | Drownbark Forest, Ossium | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | Summer | Radic Splinterovich Schaslyvyy |
Steward of the Sarvos Mana Exchange | Cigno, Sarvos | Senate Appointment | League Position | Spring | Wolfgang Wilheim Von Vanderghast |
Steward of the Tassato Mana Exchange | Tassato Mestra, Tassato | Senate Appointment | League Position | Summer | Magnus Carolus Sanguino Rezia di Tassato |
Stinking Market | Drownbark Forest, Ossium | Senate Appointment | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Stones from Blood | Miaren | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Storm Vault | Proceris, Zenith | Senate Appointment | Urizeni Position | Has tenure | Magrathea Stormsend |
Sybella Cross Physician's Hall | Sybella Cross, Bastion | Senate Appointment | Highborn Position | Has tenure | Asher of Cantiarch's Hold |
Temeschwar Otkodov Mana Exchange | Hanuri, Temeschwar | Bourse Vote | League Position | Summer | Alexio Vicente |
Temeschwar University Department of Architecture | Hanuri, Temeschwar | Bourse Vote | League Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
The Gloaming Forum | Operus, Morrow | Bourse Vote | Urizeni Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
The Greenwatch | Mareholm, Casinea | Senate Appointment | Highborn Position | Spring | Juliette |
The Meat and Mana Market of Temeschwar | Hanuri, Temeschwar | Senate Appointment | League Position | Spring | Sebastian Adolphus von Temeschwar |
Thornsong House | Peakedge Song, Therunin | Bourse Vote | Navarr Position | Autumn | Wren Dappledgrove |
Tolvoli Slaughterhouse | Mieriada, Miekarova | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | Autumn | Misha Klubnika Alexandrovich Petrov |
Torfast Trading Post | Southpine, Skarsind | Bourse Vote | Imperial Orc Position | Spring | Bloodcrow Reek |
Trading Hall at Wreck | East Floes, Sermersuaq | Bourse Vote | Wintermark Position | Spring | Halvind Brinegold |
Trees and Hills Merchant Hall | Karsk | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Treji Wayhouse | The Glen of Shadows, Hercynia | Bourse Vote | Navarr Position | Summer | Berwyn Dancingleaf |
Triosk Metal Exchange | Livardz, Volodmartz | Bourse Vote | Varushkan Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Weavers' Market | Estermark, Skarsind | Bourse Vote | Imperial Orc Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Wunderkind Woods | Holmauer, Holberg | Senate Appointment | League Position | At the next summit | Vacant |
Former Ministries
These are ministries that have been appointed in recent times but are no longer active. This happens automatically if a ministry is abrogated by the Imperial Senate but in most cases it is because the commission has been captured or destroyed by barbarians.
Ministry | Location | Appointment | Eligibility |
Broken Shore Market | Limus, Redoubt | Bourse Vote | Urizeni Position |
Celesti Lighthouse | Oranseri, Feroz | Senate Appointment | Freeborn Position |
Docks of Lake Feverwater | East Ashes, Therunin | Senate Appointment | Navarr Position |
Happiston Mana Exchange | Chalkdowns, Mournwold | Bourse Vote | Marcher Position |
Mistress of the Glass Parador | Siroc Plains, Madruga | Bourse Vote | Freeborn Position |
Overseer of the Cavabianca Dock | Cigno, Sarvos | Bourse Vote | League Position |
Prime Factor of the Pallas Docks | Limus, Redoubt | Bourse Auction | Imperial Position |
Sanctuary of the Justicars | Cazar Straits, Feroz | Synod Judgement | Freeborn Position |
Spiral Envoy | Cinon, Spiral | Bourse Vote | Urizeni Position |
Vizier of the Incarnadine Satchel | Morajasse, Feroz | Bourse Vote | Freeborn Position |