Winter Solstice

23rd - 25th Apr 2021

Spring Equinox

11th - 13th Jun 2021

Summer Solstice

23rd - 25th Jul 2021

Autumn Equinox

10th - 12th Sep 2021

What Is Empire?

In the UK's largest live roleplaying game, everyone is called to Anvil, the Empire's capital, to make the crucial decisions that will guide the fate of the world. Find friends and allies as you explore the sights and sounds of the tent city. You must choose your own path - will you dabble in magic, join religious debates, pursue riches, seek power... or risk it all for glory on the battlefield?

New to Live Action Roleplaying?

Roleplaying literally means assuming or acting out a particular role. In online and tabletop roleplaying games players create a character who can explore the setting and interact with the other characters in the world. Live roleplaying is similar but it is all done for real. In Empire, you dress, speak and act as the character you have created once the game begins.

Who Goes to Empire?

We welcome participants of every gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and background. We've designed the setting to provide roleplaying opportunities for everyone and we have strict rules to ensure that all participants are treated with respect and dignity. Players of all ages are welcome to attend Empire and many families enjoy playing the game together so you'll see participants from every generation at events.

"Vast battles whose results are reflected in the wider world, hard decisions whose impact is felt everywhere..."
Harry Harrold