Meet the Team

A friend once said that when live roleplayers are frothing in the pub after an LRP game, they don’t froth about the game, they froth about the cool things they did. Profound Decisions has been running games since 2004 striving to give all our players as many of those moments as possible.

Our games are run by a large team of volunteers drawn from some of the very best people in the hobby. Making sure our crew are able to enjoy themselves is how we deliver a great game. We know that when our crew are enjoying the event then they will produce the most incredible games for our players to enjoy.

We are passionate about LRP and we want to do everything reasonable to ensure that you enjoy our events. We enjoy talking to players, so feel free to get in touch at any time whether you’re new to LRP or have been playing for years.

Clare Evans

Clare Evans

Game Director
Graeme Jamieson

Graeme Jamieson

Finance Director
Alison Pennington

Alison Pennington

Site Manager
Matt Pennington

Matt Pennington

Managing Director
Andy Rafferty

Andy Rafferty

Lead Writer
Steve Kirkbride

Steve Kirkbride

Plot Support