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Motion to give the Holberg Guild of Engineers the permission to expand their premises. This will create the Imperial title "Chair of the Wolf". It will have the power to announce a commission that takes place entirely in the League. This commission can be either a great work, ministry, sinecure, or folly. This will be a League national position appointed by Tally of the Votes.

Proposed Sarvos, Seconded Holberg


  • The motion gives permission to the Holberg Guild of Engineers to expand their premises, as detailed in the A health to the company wind of fortune.
  • It also creates the Chair of the Wolf Imperial title in the League.
  • As part of the creation of the title, the League has commissioned four "impressive structures" one in each of their cities.
  • Passed


  • Autumn 384YE.


  • Expansion of the Holberg Guild of Engineers has begun
  • The Chair of the Wolf title has been created, and will be appointed by Tally of the Votes in the League
  • The Chair of the Wolf is able to commission a great work, ministry, sinecure, or folly, as long as the commission takes place entirely within a League territory. This will not count against the limited number of commissions the Empire can undertake each season.
  • This differs from the original proposal presented in Winter 383YE, but is fully endorsed by the Guild of Engineers.