Main Page
The Game
Take a look at the Game Overview to get an idea of what Empire is all about and the major elements that'll make up the game.
The Nations
Find out about the nine-and-a-half Nations which make up the Empire, and their Egregores.
Things To Do Before Launch
Paul T put together a list of documents we need before launch. Here's where we currently are with them (update this if you get a chance / know better!). I've created placeholder pages (and proper navigation) for most of these. Feel free to add the content yourself (there's Help), or get hold of me ( if you get stuck.
- Needs Work Game Overview - I copied the one from the PD website. Almost certainly needs work.
- To Do The Empire (overview - possibly with brief summary of the current state of the empire, to be added to later).
- Needs Work The Nations We're missing Varushka, and Urizen. I haven't put in placeholder pages for those, as names might change.
- Done Highguard
- Done The League
- Done Dawn
- Done The Marches
- Done Navarr
- Done The Brass Coast
- To Do Urizen
- Done Varushka
- Done Wintermark
- To Do Imperial Orcs - I've put a space for it in the list of nations, but we still need this brief.
- Needs Work Lineages
- Needs Work Religion
- Overview paragraphs on:
- To Do The Empress
- Needs Work The Civil Service
- To Do The Judiciary and The Law
- Needs Work The Senate
- Needs Work The Bourse
- To Do The Military
- Needs Work The Synod
- To Do The Conclave
- Needs Work History - This is a work in progress doc from Matt
- To Do Foreign Nations (not foreign nations in full, but that they exist, whether there are client states)
- To Do Barbarians
- To Do Egregores and what they are
- Needs Work Realms and what they are
- To Do Eternals and what they are
- To Do Magic
- Art briefs! I've started to put these in per nation, but we're missing a lot of them, and we have issues about the pictures (aren't putting them in at present)
- Done Dawn Look and Feel
- Done League Look and Feel
- Done Marches Look and Feel
- Needs Work Brass Coast Look and Feel
- Needs Work Wintermark Look and Feel
- To Do Navarri Look and Feel
- To Do Imperial Orc Look and Feel
- Needs Work Highguard Look and Feel
- To Do Orison Look and Feel
- To Do Varushka Look and Feel
- Needs Work Civil Service Look and Feel
- Music
- To Do Dawn Music
- To Do Marches Music
- To Do Wintermark Music
- To Do Brass Coast Music
- To Do League Music
- To Do Navarri Music
- To Do Highguard Music
- To Do Orison Music
- To Do Varushka Music
- To Do Imperial Orc Music
- Costuming Guides
- Done How to make a bliault (12th century tunic)
- Needs Work How to make a surcote