Architect of the Crucible
The Architect of the Crucible oversees the Crucible of Fate in Zenith. The Crucible was originally suggested in Winter 384YE by Naomi of Virtue's Rest as part of an appraisal to stabilise and restore the territory of Zenith. It was commissioned by Sagua i'Ezmara, the Master of the Koboldi, during the Winter Solstice 384YE and completed shortly before the Spring Equinox 385YE.
The Architect of the Crucible is responsible for ensuring the security of the Crucible and the artisans who work there.
Bronze Birds
The Bronze Birds | |
25 crowns | 1 rings of ilium |
50 crowns | 2 rings of ilium |
75 crowns | 3 rings of ilium |
98 crowns | 4 rings of ilium |
120 crowns | 5 rings of ilium |
The Keeper of the Bronze Birds, a herald of Estavus, resides at the Crucible with their glass aviary housing five birds fashioned from bronze in the shape of raptors, named Alea, Hona, Roosa, Sind, and Forn. The Keeper can be instructed to unleash their birds; sending them to scour the mountains of Urizen, searching not for prey, but for signs of the remnants of star falls. As soon as they find one, they will bring word to the Crucible, and it will then be possible to gather the precious metal. As a ministry, the Architect can purchase rings of ilium at a set price. The Architect spends their money and makes their choices during downtime from their character page. Money is removed from, and ilium is placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed.
Perfect Utility
The Crucible Staves | |
4 thrones 1 crown | 1 Choleric Staff |
4 thrones | 1 Enigmatic Staff |
3 thrones 6 crowns | 1 Luminous Staff |
3 thrones 5 crowns | 1 Melancholic Staff |
4 thrones 2 crowns | 1 Phlegmatic Staff |
4 thrones 3 crowns | 1 Sanguine Staff |
The Architect of the Crucible is able to purchase up to three ritual staves from the artisans who work at the Crucible each season. The Architect spends their money and makes their choices during downtime by emailing into Money is then removed from, and ribbons are placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed.
Path of Prosperity
Polearms | |
90 rings | 1 Garnet Glaive |
270 rings | 1 Blacksmith's Wage |
450 rings | 1 Fell Iron Fury |
576 rings | 1 Labyrinth's Gate |
Heavy Armour | |
216 rings | 1 Goldentide Mail |
288 rings | 1 Burnished Steel |
432 rings | 1 Defiant Steel |
630 rings | 1 Runeplate |
Rods | |
72 rings | 1 Windreaping Sickle |
252 rings | 1 Neophyte's Aid |
324 rings | 1 Roaring Chimera Rod |
648 rings | 1 Radiant Torrent |
Following the mandate enacted by Bartimaeus of Zenith Ascendant the Architect of the Crucible has access to three ministries allowing them to purchase magic items from the artisans and architects who work there. The Architect spends their money and makes their choices during downtime by emailing into Money is then removed from, and ribbons are placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed.
The Urizen National Assembly can change the theme of one or all of these additional ministries through the use of a statement of principle that achieved a greater majority. If multiple such statements were delivered, the one with the greatest margin would take effect.
Miracle And Wonder
When the Crucible of Fate was first completed, the Architect was able to commission the artisans of the forge to create bespoke ushabti for an Urizen with a a mine, forest, herb garden, farm, or business in Morrow, Redoubt, or Zenith. Shortly before the Summer Solstice 386YE a proposal was made by Izenbra of the Architects of Iron and Stone, a herald of Estavus, that the artisans could instead forge ushabti capable of withstanding the harsh light in the winding tunnels of the Brilliant Star. Following the Summer Solstice Esteban Ezmara of Zenith Ascendant ordered the artisans to craft the ushabti of tempest jade and weltsilver each season for the mithril mine, increasing production of the Brilliant Star by three wains of mithril each season. An Architect of the Crucible can change the order at any point by emailing which will reduce the production of the Brilliant Star back to 28 wains of mithril and allowing them to upgrade certain personal resources again.
This title is appointed during the Summer Solstice. The Architect of the Crucible is appointed through Tally of the Votes by citizens of Urizen who control mana sites. The larger the mana site an individual has, the more votes they can allocate in support to a candidate. The voting is handled by the civil servants in the Bourse.
Only an Urizen citizen may hold the title. They do not receive a seat on the Bourse. As a title appointed through the Bourse they cannot be revoked by the Imperial Synod.
Summit | Elected | Votes |
Summer Solstice 386YE | Esteban Ezmara of Zenith Ascendant | 269 Votes |
Summer Solstice 385YE | Bartimaeus |
Recent Elections
This title is currently held by Esteban Ezmara of Zenith Ascendant; it will be reelected at Summer Solstice 387YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.