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The Cold Sun seeks to purify existence by removing all uncertainty, all change, all creatures, all hope.

What Has Gone Before

The scions of Cold Sun continue their assault against the Empire. They began with attacks against a handful of targets by bands of heralds; after an Imperial enchantment that threw open the gates to the Day realm, hundreds of oblivion's footsoldiers poured out to assail every nation of the Empire. Dawn weathered the storm best with the aid of the eternals of Summer, and along with the Navarr, and the priests of Vigilance, helped reduce the number of deaths. But deaths there were aplenty, and destruction to make folk weep. As the Autumn Equinox neared, the Imperial enchantment waned, but before the regio closed entirely, whole armies of Cold Sun's scions marched through into the mortal world. They would make the destruction that had gone before pale almost to insignificance as they strove to end all life everywhere.

War raged from Varushka to the Brass Coast, from Wintermark to Highguard. Victories and defeats, as the armies of Cold Sun warped and changed the world around them, killed everyone they could get their hands on, and burned everything that fell within their sight. Imperial heroes did their best to intervene during the Winter Solstice, with the power of the Sentinel Gate. They prevented raiders from the Silence Arc burning the town of New Dunhall; they prevented a raid against the white granite quarries of Upwold; they preserved the gardens at the Castle of Thorns, and the Dawnish Pride they represent; denied the Exigent Span their goal of burning Hufi's Garden; and averted the terrible destruction the scions sought to visit on Miaren. They were unable to prevent the grand archon of the Winnowers turning the precious shield Oath-heart into some terrible weapon, despite the most valiant effort of the Champion of Loyalty and those who fought alongside them, but the courageous attempt still stands as inspiration to those who fight Cold Sun in Bastion.

Following the Solstice, it falls to the armies of the Empire, and those champions who commit their warbands to the battle against oblivion, to face the armies that seek to end not only the Empire, but all else.

Silence Arc

The Silence Arc sought the destruction of Valshal but were driven back by the heroes of Wintermark and their allies from the Summer realm. Their defeat before the Winter Solstice saw them retreat from the hills of Valasmark into the flatlands of Kronemark. The invaders from the Day realm had suffered some losses in their attempt to assail the well-defended hall of champions, but they are very far from defeated. They rally, regroup, and refocus on their mission - to kill every living person in Hahnmark if they can.

Imperial magicians have again drawn on the power of the Queen of Ice and Darkness, calling forth her cyclopean fortifications in the hills of Kalpamark and Valasmark. Valashal and Kalpaheim are well defended, with walls of frost and basalt overlaying the existing defences there. A barrier stretches across the centre of Hahnmark, forcing the invaders to overcome these powerful wards if they wish to threaten Southridge or Woodheath - but they can offer little protection to Kronemark, Bruckland, or North Spires. Small numbers of more mobile warriors of the Summer Realm range eastward to offer aid to the defenders of Hahnmark where they can but it once again lies to the heroes of Wintermark to hold Cold Sun to account.

The flattest part of Hahnmark, the downs of Kronemark are a patchwork of fishing villages and farms. The largest settlements sprawl around the shore of the icy lake Kronevann, or along the many streams that connect it to its sister lakes in the north, Bruckland by contrast is sparsely settled, scattered with low, artificial hills atop which lie stone beacons and desolate watchtowers. North Spires is wealthy, and there is some fear they might attack the Runegrott or Stormspire... but it's not clear the scions of Cold Sun know that these places exist. Instead they concentrate on trying to slaughter as many people in Kronemark as they possibly can.

It seems likely that the Kronehal is their ultimate destination, they seem to be in no rush to get there. Rather, they range across the plains of Kronemark assaulting as many halls and villages as they can find. Heavy snow begins to fall shortly after the Winter Solstice, and barely lets up for two solid months. The scions at first struggle to deal with the cold - it does not seem to harm them but the curtains of snow make it difficult for them to find their quarry who in many cases are much more use to such frigid conditions. Unfortunately, once they begin to adapt to the conditions in Hahnmark they become even more dangerous. An army that moves in almost complete silence quickly learns to take advantage of the obscuring effects of a heavy snowfall. Despite the best efforts of the Wintermark assembly, several isolated halls are attacked and overwhelmed before they can escape the imminent threat of the Silence Arc.

Wherever possible, the halls of Hahnmark pull together to protect each other against the scions. This often means helping those threatened by the heralds to get to safety with as many of their possessions as possible. Several larger halls - those with the strongest defences - invite their neighbours to take up residence for the Winter, pooling their warriors and supplies to ensure that if the scions attack they can be held off long enough for the heroes of the 'Mark to reinforce them. The beacons play a large part in this strategy; they are no match for the Heliopticon of distant Urizen but they can be used to communicate simple messages. When a force of scions is spotted, warnings are sent out to everyone nearby. More often than not, that is enough to save lives.

More than three thousand warriors, the warbands of Imperial champions, come to Hahnmark to fight Cold Sun. The lion's share are children of Wintermark, but there are captains from as far afield as Urizen, Highguard, and the Brass Coast among their number. Some struggle with the challenges of a harsh Hahnmark winter, but they do not let mere weather quell their desire to fight the scions of the Day realm.

Unlike the previous season, there is no single defining battle that marks resistance to Cold Sun. There is no attack launched against Kronehal, only a dozen or more assaults against halls and villages. A few attacks against the beacons themselves are handily defended, and while many Imperial warriors are injured there are no appreciable casualties. Late at night, huddled close around campfires, the defenders of Hahnmark debate what the ultimate plan of the Silence Arc may be. Every other engagement with the scions across the Empire for the better part of a year, the heralds have had a clear goal in mind. Here, they seem to be content simply to destroy halls and kill people and fight the champions of Wintermark. It seems to make little sense. Unless... there is something else going on?

Three weeks before the Spring Equinox, the scions suddenly quit Kronemark. It's been noted that they have been slowly making their way northward, and everyone assumed that meant that an attack on Kronehal was imminent. But rather than attack the largest settlement in the region they bypass it entirely racing north and east around the Kronevan into Bruckland. Not to attack Turelva as people initially fear, but to seize an isolated watchtower between the two lakes a week's journey north of the town.

It makes no sense... until a skop manages to get news to the beacon defenders. The Silence Arc are massing around an old ruin called the Tower of the Eagle. A crumbled sentinel atop an old hill that was once a beacon. A tower that also marks the location of a powerful regio aligned to the Day realm. This cannot be coincidence. Denied access to the Lantern Gate when they were driven from Valasmark, have the SIlence Arc spent the last three months trying to find another regio of the Day realm, one that suits some unknown criteria of their own? And if so, what does it portend now they have found it, now that a little shy of three thousand scions make camp around the well-defended approach to the old, tumbledown tower?

Game Information: Silence Arc

Between them, the champions supporting the Beacons of Wintermark and the Frozen Citadels raised in the central peaks have prevented the scions claiming any territory. Unfortunately, neither of these fortifications has inflicted any casualties on the Silence Arc. They are now in northern Hahnmark, gathered around the old ruin known as the Tower of the Eagle and while they are assuredly up to something it is by no means clear what their plan is.

The defenders, and the words of the Wintermark assembly (which were also supported by the Loyalty assembly) have meant that there has been minimal loss of life despite the presence of the scions and the harsh winter. A lot of buildings will need to rebuilt or repaired - and people are cautious about doing so while the Silence Arc is still in the territory - but the halls themselves survive.

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The scions of Cold Sun are the harbingers of oblivion.

Blade of Skies

The Blade of Skies closes on Delev – the wealthy heart of the Duzekani vales, and arguably one of the most important settlements in Karov. It is where the Bargainer of the Iron Tower and the Overseer of the Westward Road both do business. It is where nearly five hundred people, fleeing before the destructive power of the scions of Cold Sun, have taken refuge.

The presence of so many desperate people, stretching the facilities of Delev to breaking point, is no accident. The Blade of Skies have encouraged people to flee to here, allowing Varushkans to gather at the dubious sanctuary of Delev with cruel intent. All that remains of Olvanshka – the second largest settlement in Duzekani - is a cursed circle of seared black glass. It seems clear that the Blade of Skies intend a similar fate for Delev and its hundreds of refugees.

As the first snows of Winter fall, the scions reach the burgeoning town that some believe might some day rival – or even eclipse – Temeschwar itself. Thanks to the work of Henry Ward, Delev is the best-defended vale in southern Varushka. Now, though, three thousand harbingers of oblivion advance on pallisades and the partial walls intended to protect against the threat of a few hundred bandits or orc raiders. There is no chance they will hold, no chance that the gathered bands of schlacta, wagon raiders, and sell-swords will be able to turn back the scions even with the support of a few dozen Dawnish knights and Navarr thorns. There is little opportunity for the exhausted folk taking refuge there to flee; the scions split their forces attacking from the south-west and the north-east simultaneously to out off any avenue of escape. A massacre of unparalleled proportions seems imminent.

At the last moment, as the sun rises over the mournful forests, as the defenders prepare themselves to sell their lives dearly, salvation arrives. Marching north from the Barrens come three Imperial armies, supported by more than five thousand warriors from independent warbands. Grim faced and ready to battle the scions, they will bring an end to the tyranny of the Cold Sun.

Inspired and uplifted by the priests of Varushka, the Northern Eagle take the lead. They charge, straight against the largest concentration of the scions, axes and swords ready to cut the heralds to pieces without thought of quarter or restraint. All other considerations – including their own safety - become secondary to the grim business of destroying as many heralds as possible. It is Varushka unleashed, the iron of the Vard and the cunning of the Ushka united toward a single intent. It is not so much the thought of victory that drives them, but an utter commitment to ensuring the defeat of their foes whatever the cost. The Iron Helms follow close behind, dogs howling, the wings of a thousand crows beating up a wind that sets the black banners dancing. Faces painted bone-white, the war-wizards of Karsk lead the way, staffs crackling with fell magic, ready to shatter the scions battle lines. They fight on the dark soil of Varushka, and as they advance a thin grey fog rises among them, roused by the thudding drum-beat of marching boots. It comes unbidden, and blinds the supernatural senses of the heralds, muddying their ability to speak to one another without words, causing them to know the cold prickle of fear for the first time in their existance.

From the north, the Quiet Step erupt from the trees, taking the second force of scions by surprise. The Navarr will do whatever it takes to put an end to the army of Cold Sun, and as the main body of their force engages the scions, bands of skirmishers harry and nip at the flanks of the other force, creating openings and weak points for their Varushkan allies to exploit.

Raise the eagle banner high, soldiers of Varushka, and march to ward with steel. Scions threaten our homes, but they shall take no more. We go to Delev with the Helms the Navarr and all others who may come, guarding our own and striving forth to show the virtue of our shared Empire. Be Vigilant against peril, loyal to our kin, and courageous against death. End this in our people's name.

Jaromir Ostrovyn Kostka, General of the Northern Eagle

Cousins. We stand face to face with extinction incarnate - for Cold Sun threatens our homes, laps at our walls and dims our hearths. No more! Fight as the boar does - with great force and even deadlier aim. We send Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost with 50 doses of liao to bolster the fighting spirit of the Nation. They have entered our Homes, crossed upon our thresholds. - now show them what it means to grant an enemy Sack and Sword!

Mandate, Varushkan National Assembly

The Hearths of Varushka are being extinguished. Our people call for aid and we shall answer. We march to Duzekani to eradicate the Cold Sun. Our enemies lack fortitude, they are brittle and will break before our merciless onslaught. Show Karov the strength of our loyalty. Warriors in arms, family in hearts

Alderei the Fair, General of the Iron Helms

Thorns of the quiet step we march to Karov to destroy our newest enemies the Cold Sun. We fight alongside the armies of Varushka, show them the efficiacy of our blades and spears. The Empire fights it's threats together. The cold sun scions must be dealt with, whatever it takes!

Farenthar Shattersong, General of the Quiet Step

For the first time, the Blade of Skies faces true opposition. For the first time, they fight trained soldiers rather than desperate defenders of vale and village. For the first time, their lines falter. The two forces retreat toward one another, but it is clear that the dreadful discipline that unites them fractures and frays in the face of Varushka and Navarr. They breach the eastern gate of Delev – the Weirwater Gate – taking the watchtowers and starting to spill into the town itself. The Imperial soldiers give them little chance to kill the folk sheltering within, however. Unrelenting hammer blows rain down on the scions. Navarr skrimishers and Varushkan hunters quickly gain access to the town through the northern and south-western gates, and the fighting spreads through the streets of Delev as they drive the invading heralds back towards the main Imperial force.

At the last, with little chance to escape, the grand archon gathers its lieutenants around it, in the very mouth of the Weirwater Gate. Sensing, perhaps, that the end is inevitable, it begins to invoke the full fury of the Cold Sun. A hail of missiles, black-feathered Varushkan shafts and barbed Navarr arrows, rains down on the gate but for a moment it seems the rain of death will not be sufficient.

A second sun rises over eastern Delev, a sphere of blinding blue-white light that begins to ascend towards the heavens, bleaching everything to monochromatic shades... and then it ruptures, bursts apart in a crushing wave of force that throws everyone within a hundred yards to the ground, stunned, deafened, blinded, heads ringing, unclear what horror they might see hen they open their eyes.

If the grand archon had been able to complete its invocation, then it might have scythed through half of Delev, leaving nothing but ruins and ash. Without the Imperial soldiers, it's likely the entire town would have simpy been erased from the map, like Olvanshka and Bugakov before it. But the armies of Varushka and Navarr came, and they broke the scions, and Delev still stands.

With that dolorous blow, the Blade of Skies falls apart. The grand archon is no more, and those who might have followed it in holding the forces of Cold Sun together were destroyed along with it. The remaining scions scatter, breaking down into smaller groups. Many are easy prey for the Iron Helms and the Quiet Step, and over the next few months they are hunted through southern Karov and ended by the Navarr, and the Varushkans, and the heroes who fought alongside them. A few remain, however. They are not sufficient to offer a threat to armies, and most of the best-defended vales will be able to hold their own against them, but they are still a threat.

There is however no sign of the bees returning to Duzekani. As the first Spring flowers start to open, as the heralds of Prosperity emerge in Skoremujac and Kamienczka, and across the rest of Varushka, the meadows and woodlands of Duzekani remain ominously silent. The real fear is that the remaining scions might locate and conquer a powerful regio aligned to the Day realm, and the whole cycle of destruction begin again... but Varushka is no stranger to fear, or to unnatural threats that gather in the dark woods and the haunted hills.

Game Information : Blade of Skies

Duzekani has gained the sun burned quality. The destruction of Olvanshka, Bulgakov, and a dozen other vales and villages, has permanently scarred the land with circles of fused black glass. These areas are dangerous to approach, potentially inflicting a slow and painful death on anyone who approaches them. It might be possible to remove these scars, but at the moment it's not clear how – sending labourers to clear them seems most likely to simply kill the labourers rather than achieve anything meaningful. It is worth noting however that this glass is apparently formed from supernatural forces brought to bear on the dark soil of Varushka - apart from its mirror sheen and regular shape it bears some similiarity to fulgurite - and is nothing like the volcanic material that forms the Black Plateau in Spiral.

The Battle of the Weirwater Gate has ended the threat to Delev, which is good news for the Northern trade network. All ministries, including that of the Bargainer of the Iron Tower, have been restored to their normal states.

Participation : Blade of Skies

If your military unit was assigned to support one of the three Imperial armies fighting in Karov this season (Northern Eagle, Iron Helms, Quiet Step), you may have been present at the Battle of the Weirwater Gate. When the grand archon of the Blade of Skies was destroyed, the energies unleashed hammered everyone nearby. If you wish you may email plot before the 30th of May and ask for a lingering traumatic wound to be included in your pack. This will represent either lasting damage to sight or hearing, or injuries inflicted by the unravelling Day magic. While they will be treatable, if they are not healed by the end of the event the effects of some of these injuries might prove fatal.