Woundbinder of the Mark
The Woundbinder of the Mark is an Imperial title appointed by the senators of Wintermark. The Woundbinder has custodianship of Hufi's Garden, a garden renovated by the Imperial Senate during the Spring Equinox 384YE. Construction was completed shortly after the 384YE Summer Solstice.
The Woundbinder of the Mark has a responsibility to inspire the grimnir and healers of the nation and ensure the wounded heroes of Wintermark are well tended to. If Hufi's Garden were to be threatened in any way, it would be the responsibility of the Woundbinder to deal with those threats.
Produce of the Garden
The Woundbinder receives an income of herbs each season: 10 drams of true vervain, 4 drams of bladeroot, 4 drams of imperial roseweald, 4 drams of marrowort and 2 drams of realmsroot
Bounty of the Marshes
Herbs | Collapse |
7 Crowns | 18 random herbs |
17 Crowns | 33 random herbs |
30 Crowns | 50 random herbs |
46 Crowns | 67 random herbs |
The Woundbinder of the Mark also has access to a ministry, which allows the holder to purchase quantities of random herbs at a set price. The Woundbinder spends their money and makes their choices during downtime from their character page. Money is removed from, and resources are placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed.
The Woundbinder of the Mark is appointed during the Summer Solstice each year. It is chosen by unanimous decision of the senators of Wintermark. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the title may be appointed by the Imperial Senate instead.
The title can be held by any Wintermark citizen. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Wintermark National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.
The Title in Play
The role does not provide additional information about events in the Empire, nor allow the player holding it to request special reports or downtime actions. These details are assumed to be below the abstraction layer. The title holder is encouraged to create their own stories about their activities within reasonable limits and to get involved in events appropriate to their title during the game, but they do not have any powers beyond those explicitly listed in the section on powers.
These details exist partly to provide context and character to the role - and partly to allow our writers to use the title as a plot hook. Plot that involves the position will be rare - but all the campaign positions in Empire have these details to create the potential for it to happen.
Summit | Elected |
Autumn Equinox 386YE | Conrald Mystrim |
Spring Equinox 386YE | Acwyn |
Summer Solstice 385YE | Tonraq Aguta Iluak |
Autumn Equinox 384YE | Tonraq Aguta Iluak |
Recent Elections
This title is currently held by Conrald Mystrim; it will be reelected at Summer Solstice 387YE. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.