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Winter will be here soon, but for now let us enjoy the lingering warmth of the Autumn sun.


Downtime will be open shortly, allowing players to process their character's downtime choices. The Autumn Equinox winds of fortune will come out shortly before the next event. However, there are a number of significant events happening in the wake of the Autumn Equinox that may affect some players' Downtime actions - primarily effects on personal resources or options for characters with military unit or fleet personal resources.

On this page we'll be outlining, and offering some context for, these various effects. In most cases, there will be further information in the Winter Solstice Winds of Fortune. As always, these are quick OOC summaries to explain effects such as large-scale enchantments and curses. We'll cover all these and more when we start to present the Winds of Fortune for next event.

Downtime is due to close at midnight on Sunday the 18th of September.


Any player whose character controls a military unit can choose from a number of downtime options. Left to their own devices, a military unit defaults to paid work guaranteeing an income of herbs, ingots or measures, money, or mana crystals. Otherwise, they may log into the downtime system and choose to support an army or fortification, or assign to a special project such as a spy network or one of the unique opportunities available this downtime. Players who want to support one of the Imperial armies can also read the orders issued by each general before making their decision.

As always, the guidelines around discussing military matters online can be found here.

Imperial Guerdon

The Imperial Guerdon is a bursary set up by the Imperial Senate primarily to reward military units that support Imperial armies, spy networks, and fortifications. The value of the Imperial Guerdon is divided between each military unit and fleet that supports an army in proportion to their effective strength. The Quartermaster General of the Imperial Armies has the power to exclude any or all Imperial armies and navies, fortifications, or special projects (such as spy networks) from the Guerdon. If they do so, then a character who supports such an army, fortification, or special project will receive nothing for doing so.

The Guerdon stands at 350 thrones.

This season, the Quartermaster General of the Imperial Armies has announced that shares of the Guerdon will be shared between military units supporting the following armies or opportunities:

Dawn in Brocéliande

  • Until the start of the Winter Solstice 384YE, Dawn military units may receive additional rewards when supporting an army in Brocéliande

Thanks to the mandate of Ranae de Rondell, for the next year (until the start of the Winter Solstice 384YE) any Dawnish military unit that supports a Dawnish, Highborn or Navarr army that is engaged in Dark Ranging will gain additional rewards - one additional crown and two random herbs. You can learn more about this in the virtue of sharing wind of fortune.

Special Military Unit Options

In addition to the normal downtime options available to a military unit, the following special opportunities are available.

The the heart of Terunael

Against the Aeria


Special Fleet Options

In addition to the normal downtime options available to a fleet, the following special opportunities are available.

Map the Sea of Snow

Against the Aeria


Other Major Effects

Every season sees large-scale effects impact individuals and nations. Where possible we've summarized these effects here.

After the Storms

  • Every herb garden in the Empire receives an additional 4 random herbs
  • Every forest and farm in the Empire receives an additional 2 random herbs
  • This does not effect the territories of Bregasland, Zenith, Liathaven, Brocéliande, or the Barrens

The supernatural storms that struck the Empire after the Summer Solstice have faded, but the Spring magic infusing them is not quite finished. Over the next season, that magic will bring rejuvenation wherever it brought destruction. During the downtime following the Autumn Equinox, every herb garden in the Empire will produce an additional 4 random herbs, and every forest and farm owner will be able to claim 2 random herbs produced as a consequence of the Spring-infused rains. This benefit does not apply to Bregasland, Zenith, Liathaven, Brocéliande, or the Barrens; as they were spared the storms so they do not benefit from this new life.

The Imperial Senate agreed to spend the money to restore the flood damage in Tassato: as such the businesses there will suffer no notable loss of income this season.

Further details of these effects can be found in the Light upon the water Wind of Fortune.

Black Frost

  • Every mana site in Dawn provides one fewer mana crystal, and every farm loses 36 crowns from their production
  • In return he provides aid in the conquest of the Barrens
  • Persists until the start of the Autumn Equinox 385YE

At the invitation of the Conclave Tharim, the Bound King of the Thrice-cursed Court will feast on mana sites and farms across Dawn, sending a black frost to wither crops and and draining the essence from crystals to satiate Tharim's endless hunger. All affected resources in the territory lose 36 rings or 1 mana crystal respectively until the end at the start of the Autumn Equinox 385YE. In return he will provide a cadre of steel-bound knights throughout this period to support any Dawnish army that attacks the Barrens, as determined by the enchantress Claudia Varkulova of House Remys.

Reject False Gods

  • Congregations in Redoubt, Temeschwar, Tassato, Karsk, and Hahnmark gain two additional votes and one additional liao as long as the Synod clearly stands in opposition to idolatry

The mandate approved by the general assembly and enacted by Rafael Barossa di Tassato sends bands of architects, masons, and builders to force their way into the buildings designed by the Asavean architect and forcibly redesign them. The mandate has a number of effects, one of which is to swell with pride congregations in the territories where the buildings are found. This bonus lasts as long as the Synod maintains a clear anti-idolatry stance.

Sandfisher Tithe

  • Farms in Holberg receive 2 random herbs each downtime

The Sand Fisher orcs are providing herbs to farm owners of Holberg. This effect is detailed in the A dream that can last wind of fortune.

Trade Opportunities

  • Imperial fleets can trade with foreign ports and receive valuable goods
  • Some ports give special bonuses or suffer special penalties

Certain trading destinations apply special effects if a fleet visits them, summarized in XXX. You can learn more about the Empire's foreign relations in the recent XXXXX wind of fortune.


  • You can find details of the mandates, along with the rest of the Synod judgements, here.

TBC mandates were successfully upheld in the Imperial Synod. All mandates have automatically been enacted as long as the named priest has sufficient liao in their inventory before downtime opens. Some mandates were upheld by their respective assemblies but not enacted.

Imperial Lore

TBC rituals were added to Imperial lore during the Autumn Equinox.

Urizen Lore

TBC rituals were added to urizen lore during the Autumn Equinox.