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All the way to Anvil.jpg
People from all over the Empire, and beyond, come to Anvil to gawk, to drink in the sights and sounds, to trade... and to conspire.


As the year moves on, and Autumn paints the trees crimson and gold, the powers of the Empire gather at Anvil for the season of mellow fruitfulness and gentle mists, for the Autumn Equinox. Senators and cardinals; generals and grandmasters; the rich and the brave; the clever and the couth. They are drawn to the heart of the nation to talk, to argue, to trade, to laugh and cry together and to plan for the future. To engage in the complex unending dance whereby the skein of the Empire is woven.

Where the wealthy and the powerful gather, their presence draws others as well - those with goods to sell, secrets to trade, or business of their own to arrange. They may come in secret, or they may be ostentatious in their approach making it clear to everyone their intent to come to the pulsing heart of the Casinean Empire to ply their wares. Of the many folk coming to Anvil this season, here are a handful whose intentions - at least on the surface - are known by rumour, whispered word, or in a few cases, nicely printed posters.

Alexandre Slandered

  • Alexandre Sortilega di Apulian, self-styled mountebank-prince of the Company of the Venturesome Harrier, is coming to Anvil to confront their accusers
  • They're especially keen to confront Rozjenca Vokovitch von Temeschwar and the priests of the national assembly, and are bringing a reckoner to provide legal advice
  • They are expected to arrive at the League camp around half seven on Friday evening

Any tour to the Black Plateau, especially those of the Company of the Venturesome Harrier are a SCAM. They are robbing anyone who goes on these tours. Do NOT trust them, you will lose your money, and likely your life. If you are approached about such a tour, report the individual involved to the militia immediately.

Rozjenca Vokovitch von Temeschwar, League Assembly, Summer Solstice 365YE, Vote: Greater Majority 262-0

The Company of the Venturesome Harrier is a surprisingly successful enterprise that provides opportunities for people with significantly more money than sense, and perhaps a more-than-usual a taste for the macabre, go on walking tours across benighted Spiral. During the Summer there were a few unfortunate incidents that might have ended very tragically indeed if not for the intervention of Imperial heroes, the serendipity of the Sentinel Gate, and the support of the Mistress of Medicine, Donato Zanella di Riposi di Sarvos and the foresighted Estella Lucat. As a consequence of the danger they had placed their charges in, there was also a reasonably savage denunciation of the Company by the priests of the League. Rozjenca Vokovitch von Temeschwar roasted the Company and declared that any tour of the Black Plateau was nothing more than a scam, designed to separate fools from their money and potentially their lives. They even went so far as to suggest that anyone offering such dangerous trips was a criminal who should be reported to the militia1.

Alexandre Sortilega di Apulian is the self-styled "mountebank-prince" who fronts the operation. A public "dedicate of audacity" (well, Pride really). An entrepreneur who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. A risk taker, who saw an opening in the market and jammed a crowbar into it until piles of money fell out. Alexandre Sortilega di Apulian, who is incandescently angry about being publicly called out, and (in their mind at least) having their virtue and integrity questioned by what appears to be the entire League national assembly.

They are coming to Anvil to confront their accusers. They are not coming alone - Alexandre is bringing a reckoner, and there is some talk of a civil suit for defamation and lost earnings, as well as throwing their own accusations around with regard to presenting truth as lies, and abuse of priestly powers. They really are quite irate. Alexandre and their reckoner are expected to arrive around half past seven on Friday, presumably at the League camp, where they expect to confront their accusers and demand an immediate apology.

1 It is almost certainly not a crime to arrange walking tours of the Black Plateau, but interested parties might like to ask the magistrates for their opinions on the matter.

Return of the Mycolomancer

  • Isaziah, Highborn merrow, is returning to Anvil to continue her experiments and researches with peculiar Tamarbodian mushrooms
  • She is travelling with a morose Marcher who seems troubled
  • Expected to arrive around midday on Saturday, it's assumed the pair will be heading for the Marches camp at least to start

During the Winter Solstice last year, a Highborn merrow by the name of Isaziah visited Anvil along with a peculiar substance she had allegedly distilled from odd mushrooms harvested in Tamarbode. As with many merrow, the Highborn was particularly interested in sharing the substance so that she could observe the results when it was consumed by orcs and lineaged humans. By all accounts, she was very happy with the results; happy enough that she is returning to Anvil to continue her tests.

This time, however, she is bringing something a little different. Details are under wraps, but she has apparently developed a way to capture some of the effect of the weird little mushrooms in the form of an incense. She's interested in finding some people prepared to collaborate with her on testing the incense - as diverse a crowd as possible - and there are rumours she has several additional doses she plans to sell, to recoup some of the costs she's incurred in her researches.

Originally intending to arrive on friday, Isaziah has apparently been delayed by a travelling companion she picked up on the way to Anvil. A Marcher described by those who have met them as "gloomy and morose." Presumably the two are still travelling together as they are both expected to arrive at Anvil around midday on Saturday. Isaziah has neglected to mention where she is going to sell her wares, but there is a good chance she will at least be visiting the Marches camp with her companion in tow.

Rainbow Liao

  • A group of Freeborn sutannir bring an opportunity to sample a dose of true liao infused with night magic
  • Up to 50 people will be able to get a brief glimpse of one of their past lives
  • Invitations to partake have been handed to the egregores and the Gatekeepers, and there may be some "spare" doses on the day
  • The sutannir will be offering these visions from the Waypoint in the Brass Coast camp, at 8pm on Saturday night

Two decades ago the sutannir of the Sagrado family in the Brass Coast signed a deeply audacious contract with the eternal Sung, involving the loan of a dose of true liao they had obtained at Anvil. In return for the chance to study it, the Rainbow Serpent agreed to eventually return it infused with a little of her own magic. It took twenty years for her to satisfy her curiosity, but she has kept her side of the deal all the same.

The Sagrado family explain that this unique dose of true liao can be used to grant a large group of people, as many as 50, a fleeting insight into one of their past lives. Rather than vividly recalling a scene from another life, as is usual for true liao visions, each person will get a basic sense of who they once were, as well as perhaps the time and place they lived in or their most significant achievement in that life. This could include cultural or historical concepts which are totally unfamiliar to them, but learning more may aid in making this past life feel that little bit closer.

In addition, Sung’s influence will have an effect similar to that of the ritual Secrets of the Soul’s Desire. Each person will feel the presence of their past life to be particularly close for the rest of the night, perhaps affecting their behaviour or personality. The Night Singer seems to view this as a positive - all the better to deepen their understanding.

The sutannir will visit the Freeborn Bazarr in Anvil, at 8pm on Saturday of the Autumn Equinox. They have distributed a number of invitations to the egregores of each nation (with the exception of the Imperial Orcs who cannot benefit from liao in any form) as well as the Gatekeepers, who they trust to find enthusiastic participants. Those bearing these invitations will be prioritised, but if by 8:30pm there are still doses unclaimed, these will be offered to anyone else present.

The Sagrado family would prefer that no one who has previously had a past life vision seek to try a dose of this infusion. This is not only to spread the opportunity more widely, but because they are not sure how it will interact with any true liao still in their system, and there could be dangerously unpleasant consequences.

Out-of-character information The effect of this infused dose of true liao will take the form of a short roleplaying effect on a card handed out by a marshal, who will be able to answer any questions. The card will have a short description of a past life and some explanation of the accompanying roleplaying effect - no more than 150 words in total. It will also be possible to decide to end the effect at any time if it has ceased to be enjoyable.

A little too much risk

  • A highborn grey pilgrim wants to talk to anyone who took part in the unusual tombola last Solstice, for personal reasons
  • They'll head to the League camp at around a quarter to eleven on the Sunday morning of the Solstice, and to Wintermark's Tree of Names about an hour later

The pilgrim was diffident on their visit to the Castle of Thorns, waiting patiently until a representative could speak with them. When greeted they spoke low and soft, eyes to the ground, it was only with difficulty that the civil servants established that fury and grief, not shyness, ruled their demeanour. They finally revealed their name as Tamar, and explained they have recently lost a brother in circumstances that they prefer to keep to themselves, but for which - it seems - they blame the Mountebanks who brought the Tombola to Anvil.

They say they are willing to share their story, with anyone who can tell them about any unusual effects that they experienced that could have been attributed to the Tombola. They are close lipped about any intentions they might have beyond this.

The Remarkable Rahuun Amahuz

  • A former Grendel, now Apulian, magician is visiting Anvil to visit a friend of Melissa whatever that means
  • They are expected at the Hub around eleven at night on Friday during the summit

The Circle of Black Sand in Apulus is the other half of the Black Sand Circle of Beoiraidh that the Golden Pyramid has so recently encountered (as detailed in the We all stand wind of fortune). The leader of the Imperial half, Rahuun Amahuz, reportedly brought along much of the material wealth of the group when he and his fellow magicians elected to settle permanently in Apulus and become members of the League: his cousin Mannun Amahuz moved to Beoiraidh with the coven's ritual library, allegedly arguing that the "rebel" half would have no need for it now they had Imperial lore to draw on.

Rahuun has apparently used his wealth to set the Circle up as a guild in the League city, and now calls himself its Merchant-Prince. The orc is a regular feature of many of the drinking-houses of the city, boasting of his good connections with both the Autumn realm and some Grendel Wind Lord (although as he is at pains to point out, he isn't currently in contact with the latter as that might leave him open to accusations of treason). The Circle are practitioners of astronomancy and since their arrival have been interested in meeting other adepts of the stars - a magical tradition that is much less prevalent in the nation that dramaturgy, but which is extensively studied by the Urizen the Circle now rub shoulders with.

That doesn't seem to be the reason Rahuun has suddenly decided to make the trip to Anvil, however. He is travelling alone, and is intending to be at the Hub at eleven o'clock on Friday night to meet with a certain "friend of Melissa", whatever that means. He has made his intentions extremely public, and seems to expect that rumour and his general well-connectedness will make sure that this message reaches the right person - whoever it is - although it's not clear why he would use such a blunt instrument to arrange a meeting.

The Bones of Medicine

  • An Axou doctor seeks to secure physicks to treat three high-profile patients with conditions Axos medicine is unable to address
  • They are looking for three physicks who can demonstrate medical skill and also assure discretion
  • They are due to arrive at Anvil at 18:00 on Friday evening

The Axou have their own traditions of medicine; unsurprising in a nation that views death as the cruellest trick of the hated Creator. By all reports they have a great deal of understanding in the field of palliative care, because ensuring a safe and comfortable death is thought to be the greatest kindness that can be given to a soul who is to brave the Creator's torture-chamber. Yet their mastery of more general medical techniques apparently lags behind that of the Empire. In times gone by, it was not uncommon for visiting Axou to visit the gardens of High Chalcis, the high spires of Zenith, or the learned halls of Tassato Regario. This practice has never really resumed in the decade or so since contact was reestablished, however: until, perhaps, now.

Demetrius Aristion is a well-to-do merchant of Kantor who has reached out via diplomatic channels and made it known that at the Autumn Equinox he intends to travel to Anvil in order to attempt to broker just such a trade in medical services. So confident is he in the success of this endeavour - and travel to and from the Bay being as treacherous as it is nowadays - he has elected to travel with his clients. These are valued customers of his house who have contracted him to help arrange this service. He intends to visit Anvil, while his clients stay at a guest house nearby. He hopes to interview prospective physicians for his clients and arrange a price and all the necessary details for their treatments.

The ideal physicians will certainly be very accomplished, but also able to provide a premium experience and act with the utmost discretion. Demetrius stresses that each of his clients are to be treated as individuals whose needs are to be catered for. He is very clear that they must not be taken to any sort of general hospital - such as the Anvil Field Hospital - and for political reasons it would be ideal for them to be treated by three independent physicians, as their needs are quite diverse. Physicians who believe they can provide a comfortable, discrete and bespoke experience should find Demetrius Aristion outside the Hub at six o'clock on Friday evening.

Some rumours exist about the three patients, and because of the political sensitivity surrounding Axos the civil service has attempted to compile information for all interested citizens to make sure they are aware of potential complexities. It seems they all hail from different citadels, and each has their own particular medical complaint.

One is an old and respected necromantia from Maykop, extremely conservative in their outlook and seeking treatment for a condition that ought to be within the skill of an Axou physick to treat. It seems likely that they care very little for recent political developments in Axos, and it is possible their decision to travel to the Empire relates to this.

One is some kind of soldier from Kaban - a keen supporter of Kyther Deinera, it seems the Illarch has sponsored their care, and successful treatment will surely win such a physician future clients from that tendency. (Their injuries are thought to relate to an encounter with the Vallorn of Visokuma, so specialists in treating injuries associated with the Vallorn are especially welcomed to apply).

Finally, there is Phoeb of Ipotavo, who while young is a significant figure - they are the expected successor of Adonai of Ipotavo, the Grand Illarch of that citadel - who is extremely elderly, and is expected to pass to a natural death within the next half-decade. Ipotavo is the one Axou citadel who has been steadfastly on the side of the Empire ever since the Empire's relief of the Siege of Ipotavo a decade ago: it makes sense that Phoeb is travelling here, and their successful treatment will surely cement the one plank of the Empire's relationship with Axos that is unambiguously positive.

The civil service have seen clear evidence that the clients are not carrying any contagious disease, and so can confirm no need for quarantine of any kind - the individuals in question are certainly sick, but their illnesses are their own.

An Offer from the Three

  • A herald of Tharim wishes to address the Navarr about ways in which the Thrice-Cursed Court may be of assistance in their campaign against the Vallorn.
  • The Autocrator of the Sheathed Armoury aims to arrive at the Songs and Stories circle in the Navarr camp at 19:00 on the Saturday of the Autumn Equinox.

News of Navarr's commitment to act against the Vallorn seems to have spread even into the realms. Not long after the summer solstice, a winter regio not too far from the outskirts of Seren rattles with the noise of strained chains. A vate arriving in the city with their striding offers to investigate, and returns with their draughir lineage noticeably stronger and a scroll in their hand.

The scroll announces the Bound King's intention to send one of his most trusted servants, the Autocrator of the Sheathed Armoury to address Navarr at Anvil this coming summit. The Autocrator is particularly knowledgeable on matters of war and he is trusted to provide a comprehensive briefing on not only the ways Tharim might aid the Empire in eliminating the vallorn - but also on potential assistance which could be offered by Surut or Skathe.

The Autocrator is not in a position to make specific offers, but can explain ways in which the Court could support the Empire should they choose to reach out to its members to come to an arrangement.

He will arrive at the Songs and Stories Circle in the Navarr camp at around seven in the evening on the Saturday of the Autumn Equinox.

Cold Sun Art.jpg

Reclamation of Bulgakov (Conjunctions)

  • The former boyar of Bulgakov claims to have identified a unique opportunity to reclaim the ruined Vale.
  • If it is ever to be inhabited again, it must be cleansed of the deadly black glass covering the area, but any who even approach the surrounds of the Vale die a terrible, painful death.
  • Valja Nikodemin Kopec wishes to meet those interested in acting to reclaim to the Vale this summit at the Varushkan hearthfire at 2130 on the Friday of the Autumn Equinox.
  • The Civil Service have identified 10 combat unlikely conjunctions, each for 5 people, to the area where the Vale once stood between 2205-2305 on the Saturday of the Autumn Equinox.

A year ago, the Vale of Bulgakov was obliterated when an army of scions of Cold Sun poured out of the weak Day regio at the edge of the settlement. Many of the townsfolk were able to escape, but nobody has been able to even approach the black scar of ash and glass where the Vale once stood. Any who stray near suffer terrible injuries, and approaching closer would mean certain death. Not even the birds fly directly overhead the ruin of Bulgakov.

Physicks who have treated those who strayed too close to the Vale since its destruction have been able to study its strange effects on their patients. They say that the injuries suffered are largely burns from the shards of black glass littered across the area since the emergence of the scions. Even the strongest human or orc can withstand no more than seconds in close proximity to these shards without suffering severe burns, and any longer than a few short minutes results in a slow and painful death. The few who have touched these shards with bare skin - or even through layers of cloth - have found their limb withers away without prompt medical attention. There has been little hope of Bulgakov's people returning to their home whilst this danger remains, but the danger itself makes it impossible to get close enough to clear the area.

Shortly before the Autumn Equinox, on the exact anniversary of the vale's destruction, the former boyar Valja Nikodemin Kopec leads a vigil marking the lives lost and swears a vow to recover the Vale. In a speech, he claims to have discovered a unique opportunity which may see the land of the vale healed enough for a proper restoration effort to begin.

Valja believes that the Sentinel Gate in Anvil offers a unique opportunity to get willing volunteers in and out of Bulgakov's ruins quickly enough to avoid death. He has identified a series of 10 short conjunctions to the area on the second day of the upcoming summit.

Volhovs who have consulted with Valja have also reached out to Ylenwe, hoping that zir unique connection with Cold Sun may in some way be of use. Zie has agreed to offer support, if zir presence can be anchored within the vale. Once magicians can make it into Bulgakov, Ylenwe can be called to the weak Day regio on its outskirts by casting Solace of Chimes to rank 15 whilst invoking zir. Once the regio is aligned to zir, Ylenwe asks that the crystalline hollows around the regio be filled with water. Zir magic will channel through the crystals and into the water, granting it unique purifying properties. Zie suggests that fully submerging all the shards of black glass in such waters will leech Cold Sun's essence out of the glass and instead into the water.

The water can contain Cold Sun's essence if necessary. The pools would be extremely dangerous to approach, and it would make future use of the regio a risky endeavour - but as long as they were left well alone, Bulgakov could flourish at a distance from them. However, Ylenwe believes it would be possible to cleanse these pools themselves through a complex act of music of the spheres. Zie is unable to provide further guidance, but hopes that skilled students of both music and magic would know what to do.

There is another complication. Those few who ventured too close to the ruined vale and have since recovered from their injuries have reported strange moving shapes and agonised screams coming from within. It seems highly likely that ghosts now haunt the Vale - and are likely to be another obstacle to disposing of the black glass shards in the limited time available.

This is, Valja says gravely, likely the best shot at dealing with the black glass corruption that will be available within his lifetime. It requires up to 50 Courageous volunteers, who will most likely return injured but alive. Each volunteer can spend no longer than two minutes in the affected area or risk death - something which Valja swears to measure himself, using a bell outside the Sentinel Gate to warn those on the other side.

Cleansing the black glass shards will not mean the vale will instantly be habitable again. Life has not returned to it since its obliteration, and the regrowth of crops, the rebuilding of houses, the tending to the land will all take time. The recovery will be long, but none of it can begin - says Valja - without this crucial first step.

He has appointed the Grieftender of the Forgotten, Zolina Amaliya Kostka, as someone with experience dealing with the challenges of an unusual and haunted location, to organise volunteers for the 10 conjunctions. Valja wishes to meet with Zolina and those who wish to hear more at the Varushkan heatherfire at 2130 on the Friday evening of the autumn equinox to discuss the plan in more detail. He is particularly interested in hearing from Zolina, and may not have time to speak directly with others, though he welcomes anyone interested in listening to what he has to say.

These encounters are an opportunity to pass through the Sentinel Gate for a short, intense burst of ritual magic, religious ceremony, simple physical tasks, music theory puzzles and emotional roleplay. They are intended for players interested in a high threat, combat unlikely scenario with dark themes. They will take place in a location a few minutes' walk from the Sentinel Gate, across flat ground which is often quite muddy if there has been recent rain. Further accessibility information is available from referees, egregores or members of the GOD team.