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This information is believed to represent the outcome of the assorted elections and appointments at the Winter Solstice 377YE.

The Imperial Senate

The Freeborn senators of The Brass Coast

  • Senator for Feroz: Sallur I Mnajdra I Guerra
  • Senator for Kahraman: Rauul i Jannat i Requiza
  • Senator for Madruga: Avisena i Ezmara i Guerra

The senators of Dawn

The senators of Highguard

  • Seantor for Bastion: Solomon
  • Senator for Casinea: Zephram of Cantiarch’s Hold
  • Senator for Necropolis: Adamah of the Silent Tide

The senators of The League

  • Senator for Sarvos: Mirislav
  • Senator for Tassato: Cesare Sanguineo Rezia Di Tassato
  • Senator for Temeschwar: Drogon Morosini

The senators of The Marches

  • Senator for Bregasland, the Dour Fens: Orrick
  • Senator for Mitwold, Pride of the Marches: Bridget Eastville (née Talbot)
  • Senator for Upwold, The Silver Chase: Henry Ward

The senators of the Navarr

The senators of Urizen

  • Senator for Morrow: Lucius of Quicksilver Spire
  • Senator for Redoubt: Probus
  • Senator for Zenith: Cato

The senators of Varushka

The senators of Wintermark

Other Imperial Senate positions

The Military Council

The Generals of The Brass Coast

The Generals of Dawn

The Generals of Highguard

The Generals of the Imperial Orcs

The General of The League

  • General Gabriel Barossa replaced Stanislav Krieger van Temeschwar of the Wolves of War

The Generals of The Marches

The Generals of Navarr

The General of Urizen

The Generals of Varushka

The Generals of Wintermark

Other Military Council Positions

  • Warmage Vaan of Auric Horizon

The Imperial Synod


  • Cardinal Olek of the League
  • Gatekeeper Serrusta Caeli Rezia di Tassato of the League


  • Cardinal Asher of Felix's Watch in Highguard
  • Gatekeeper Cyrus Cascade of Urizen


  • Cardinal Jared of the Suns of Courous, Highguard
  • Gatekeeper Friar Alan Young of the Marches remained as the Gatekeeper of the Loyalty Assembly


  • Cardinal Samson of Cantiarch's Hold, Highguard
  • Gatekeeper Meurig Tystwarden of the Navarr remained as the Gatekeeper of the Pride Assembly


  • Cardinal Ynez di Carcomare of the League
  • Gatekeeper Darius i Esmara i Erigo of the Brass Coast


  • Cardinal Petra Petrivna Melikov of Varushka
  • Gatekeeper Silas of Highguard


  • Cardinal Agnetha De Rondell of Dawn
  • Gatekeeper Hywel Summercrow of Navarr

The Way

The Imperial Conclave


  • Kallendar Stormcrow declared Archmage of Spring
  • Corvus of Auric Horizon declared Archmage of Summer
  • Maurice de Gauvain declared Archmage of Autumn
  • Savik Summerstorm declared Archmage of Winter
  • Darius of Auric Horizon declared Archmage of Day
  • Baba Ana declared Archmage of Night

Grandmasters of the Orders

Other Imperial Conclave Positions

The Imperial Bourse

Imperial Bourse Positions

National Bourse Positions

Mercantile Investments

Other Bourse Positions

Further Reading