Archive:377YE Summer Solstice Imperial titles
Following the state of emergency at the previous year's Winter Solstice, normality resumes with the first series of annual re-elections.
The Freeborn senators of The Brass Coast
- Senator for Feroz: Sallur I Mnajdra I Guerra (retained seat)
- Senator for Kahraman: Rauul i Jannat i Riqueza
- Senator for Madruga: Avisena i Ezmara i Guerra
The senators of Dawn
- Senator for Astolat: Bohemond (Proxied)
- Senator for Semmerholm Ywain De Gauvain
- Senator for Weirwater: Lady Adia of House Arwood (claimed seat from Marek)
The senators of Highguard
- Seantor for Bastion: Gideon (claimed seat from Simiel of the Shattered Tower)
- Senator for Casinea: Cyrus of Felix's Watch
- Senator for Necropolis: Adamah of the Silent Tide
The senators of The League
- Senator for Sarvos: Mirislav (retained seat)
- Senator for Tassato: Arsenio Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato
- Senator for Temeschwar: Oksana Kazaku von Temeschwar
The senators of The Marches
- Senator for Bregasland, the Dour Fens: Richard of Bourholt
- Senator for Mitwold, Pride of the Marches: Bridget Eastville (née Talbot)
- Senator for Upwold, The Silver Chase: Henry Ward
- Seantor for Hercynia: Rhain replaced Cei Windstrider who was revoked by the Navarr National Assembly in his absence
- Senator for Miaren: Rhys (claimed seat from Bledri Eternal)
- Senator for Therunin: Caerwyn Summer Crow
The senators of Urizen
- Senator for Morrow: Josif
- Senator for Redoubt: Probus (retained seat)
- Senator for Zenith: Hector of the Spire of the Celestial Cascade.
Senator Hector was revoked by the Imperial Synod during the Spring Equinox, but then re-elected to the post; he cannot be revoked again until after the next time the Senatorship would be elected normally.
The senators of Varushka
- Senator for Karov: Constantin (retained seat)
- Senator for Miekarova: Yelislaveta Syrnova Vlanich
- Senator for Volodmartz: Maxim
The senators of Wintermark
- Senator for Hahnmark: Hengest Dun
- Senator for Kallavesa: Uskolli
- Senator for Sermersuaq: Atte (retained seat)
This scribe would like to offer humble apologies to the Senator for Hahnmark for consistently spelling his name incorrectly in multiple cases, and hopes that all such incidents are now corrected.
Other Imperial Senate positions
- The Conscience of the Senate is the Imperial orc Stormcrow Gralka
The Military Council
The Generals of The Brass Coast
- General Estana I Mestiere I Guerra of the Red Wind Corsairs (replacing Yasmina i Ezmara i Erigo)
- General Yasmina I Ezmara I Erieo replaced Deigo i Guerra of the Fire of the South TBC
The Generals of Dawn
- General Floree de Rondell of the Hounds of Glory
- General Skayde of the Golden Sun (replacing Eryk Rykker)
- General Frederick Novarion of the Eastern Sky
The Generals of Highguard
- General Matthias of the Seventh Wave
- General Ruth, daughter of Esther of the Granite Pillar (retained her position)
The Generals of the Imperial Orcs
- General Bloodcrow Martok replaced Klor of the Winter Sun TBC
- General Braka of the Summer Storm (retained his position)
The General of The League
- General Stanislav Krieger van Temeschwar of the Wolves of War
The Generals of The Marches
- General RIchard of the Talbots, of the The Drakes (replacing Bjorn)
- General Edwin de Warrene of the Strong Reeds
- General William Tanner of King's Stoke of the bounders
- General Cerunnos of the Black Thorns (retained his position)
- General Kale Vigil of the Quiet step
The General of Urizen
- General Tanwyn Ankarien of the Army of the Citadel (replacing Decius Cascade)
The Generals of Varushka
- General Olaf of the Army of the Northern Eagle (replacing Zakhar Dragovin Vassillich, called the grim )
- General Stanislav Borodin Havel of the Army of the Golden Axe
The Generals of Wintermark
- General Vahne of the Green Shield Army 'replaced General Merrick whose position was revoked by the Wintermark National Assembly in his absence.
- General Erkenbrand of Tyrsholm of the Fist of the Mountain (retained his position)
Other Military Council Positions
- Septima of Shatterspire was appointed Warmage.
Cardinals and Gatekeepers of the Imperial Synod
- Olek of the League remainedd Cardinal of Ambition
- Serrusta Caeli Rezia di Tassato of the League remained as the Gatekeeper of the Ambition Assembly
- Lazarus of Highguard remained Cardinal of Courage
- Cyrus Cascade of Urizen was appointed as the Gatekeeper of the Courage Assembly
- Jared of Highguard was appointed Cardinal of Loyalty
- Friar Alan Young of the Marches remained as the Gatekeeper of the Loyalty Assembly
- Epaph of Highguard was appointed Cardinal of Pride
- Meurig Tystwarden of the Navarr remained as the Gatekeeper of the Pride Assembly
- Bishop Alexandru Vintla of the League remained Cardinal of Prosperity
- Darius i Esmara i Erigo of the Brass Coast remained as the Gatekeeper of the Prosperity Assembly
- Petra Petrivna Melikov of Varushka remained Cardinal of Vigilance
- Silas of Highguard remained as the Gatekeeper of the Vigilance Assembly
- Agnetha of Dawn was appointed Cardinal of Wisdom
- Hywel Summercrow of Navarr was appointed as the Gatekeeper of the Wisdom Assembly
The Way
- Bishop Antonnio Vanzetti of the League remained Cardinal of The Way
- Gralka, an Imperial Orc, remained as the Conscience of the Senate
The Imperial Conclave
- Kallendar Stormcrow declared Archmage of Spring
- Corvus of Auric Horizon declared Archmage of Summer
- Maurice de Gauvain declared Archmage of Autumn
- Savik Summerstorm declared Archmage of Winter
- Callisius Quicksilver declared Archmage of Day
- Baba Ana declared Archmage of Night
Grandmasters of the Orders
These Grandmasters will serve with these voting strengths until re-election at the Autumn Equinox, 377YE.
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Celestial Arch Sejanus with a voting strength of ??
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Golden Pyramid William Bolholt of The Marches with a voting strength of ??
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Rod and ShieldMeir Pathfinder of Navarr with a voting strength of ??
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Sevenfold Path Jessica of Highguard with a voting strength of ??
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Shuttered Lantern Wyrda Bjornadottir of Wintermark with a voting strength of ??
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind Alexei of Varushka with a voting strength of ??
Other Imperial Conclave Positions
- The Varushkan Simargl, the Empty One of the Circle of Zulgan-Tash was appointed Dean of the Lyceum by declaration of the Conclave.
The Imperial Bourse
Under normal circumstances, all White Granite Bourse Seats would have been re-elected or re-appointed during the Solstice. Due to concerns of economic stability in a time of Imperial crisis, the seats gained at the Winter Equinox 376 will run until the Winter Equinox 377 and then the normal process of re-election will begin again.
Imperial Bourse Positions
- The Arratan Gamble is held by Francisco Alestros Sanguineo Rezia di Tassato Mestra (76 crowns & 1 ring)
- The Brilliant Star is held by Lukash Biessek von Temeschwar (101 Crowns)
- The Canterspire Circle is held by Robert Shanks (90 crowns & 5 rings)
- The Damation Cliffs are held by Vittorio, Butcher's Guild of the League (104 crowns)
- The Fortress of Salt is held by Aedred ap Magor Renwaerd (70 crowns)
- The Golden Trees of Seren are held by Tobias Shanks (90 crowns & 5 rings)
- The Great Mine of Briante is held by Horsa Tyrshalt (70 crowns)
- The Heartwood of the Great Vale is held by Landon of Longridge (55 crowns)
- The Hunt of Alderei the Fair is held by Nikolai Tannhauser (104 crowns)
- The Night Quarry is held by Rodrigo Barossa de Tassato Regario (64 crowns & 5 rings)
- The Scorrero Nets are held by Aesher Endsmeet (30 crowns & 1 ring)
- The Singing Caves are held by Guillamo de Tassato (150 Crowns)
- The Sutton Stone Quarries are held by Sandoval Nieschteri Rezia van Temeschwar (76 crowns & 1 ring)
- The Syrene's Wisdom is held by Silvio de Tassato (80 crowns)
- The Weirwater Vales are held by John Marsh (61 crowns & 2 rings)
- The Brilliant Shore is held by the Thule and will not be auctioned until Skarsind is once again an Imperial territory.
- The Great Forest at Reikos is held by the Druj and will not be auctioned until Reikos is one again an Imperial territory
- The Great Pits of Ennerlund are held by the Druj and will not be auctioned until Holberg is once again an Imperial territory.
National Bourse Positions
- The Eternal Shafts of Time (Varushka) are held by Tomasz Strascovich
- The Granites of Veltsgorsk (Varushka) are held by Bohdan Ivanovich Bashnya
- The Legacy (Urizen) is held by Valerian of Phoenix Reach
- The Thimble (Navarr) is held by Idris Eternal
- The Vigilant Swan (Highguard) is held by Obadiah of Cantiarch's Hold
- The Regario Dossier (League) is controlled by Lorenzo “La Volpe” Macelliao von Temeschwar
- The Master of the Imperial Mint (League) is Nicolo Barossa de Tassato Regario
- The Steel Fist (Imperial Orcs) is held by Bruk
- The The Broken Shore Bounty (The Brass Coast)is held by Tabib i Eldaha i Riqueza
- The The Stonefield Ice Caves (Wintermark) is held by Joakim