Archive:377YE Summer Solstice Imperial titles
The following represent the titles that will be re-elected at the Summer Solstice.
At this time the intention is for all Senatorial elections to take place between the fifth and seventh hour after noon on Saturday, and for the appointments of new generals to take place first think on Sunday morning.
This information may be subject to change - please inquire with a civil servant during the festivities if you are unsure.
Incumbent senators and generals maintain all their privileges and responsibilities until the re-election is complete.
The Freeborn senators of The Brass Coast
- Senator for Feroz: the incumbent is Sallur I Mnajdra I Guerra
The senators of Dawn
- Senator for Weirwater: the incument is Marek
The senators of Highguard
- Seantor for Bastion: the incumbent is Simiel of the Shattered Tower
The senators of The League
- Senator for Sarvos: the incumbent is Miroslav
The senators of The Marches
- Senator for Mitwold, Pride of the Marches: the incumbent is Bridget Talbot
- Senator for Miaren: the incumbent is Bledri Eternal
The senators of Urizen
- Senator for Redoubt: the incumbent is Probus
The senators of Varushka
- Senator for Karov: the incumbent is Konstantin
The senators of Wintermark
- Senator for Sermersuaq: the incumbent is Atte
The Military Council
The Generals of The Brass Coast
- The General of the Red Wind Corsairs: the incumbent is Yasmina i Ezmara i Erigo of the
The Generals of Dawn
- The General of the Golden Sun: the incumbent is Eryk Rykker
The Generals of Highguard
- The General of the Granite Tower: the incumbent is Ruth, daughter of Esther
The Generals of the Imperial Orcs
- General of the Summer Storm: the incumbent is Braka
The General of The League
- No League general is due for reappointment
The Generals of The Marches
- The General of the The Drakes: the incumbent is Bjorn
- The General of the Black Thorns: the incumbent is Cerunnos
The General of Urizen
- The General of the Army of the Citadel: the incumbent is Decius Cascade
The Generals of Varushka
- General of the Army of the Northern Eagle: the incumbent is Zakhar Dragovin Vassillich, called the grim
The Generals of Wintermark
- The General of the Fist of the Mountain: the incumbent is Erkenbrand of Tyrsholm
Cardinals and Gatekeepers of the Imperial Synod
The cardinals of [[courage
- The current cardinal is Lazarus of Highguard; this position is to be reappointed during the Solstice.
- The current cardinal is Guide Tockryn Nighthaven of the Navarr; this position is to be reappointed during the Solstice
The Imperial Conclave
Grandmasters of the Orders
As always, the Grandmasters are re-elected at the beginning of the solstice. The incumbents are:
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Celestial Arch Sejanus with a voting strength of 36
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Golden Pyramid William Bolholt of The Marches with a voting strength of 76
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Rod and ShieldMeir Pathfinder of Navarr with a voting strength of 42
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Sevenfold Path Jessica of Highguard with a voting strength of 41
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Shuttered Lantern Wyrda Bjornadottir of Wintermark with a voting strength of 63
- Grandmaster of the Order of the Unfettered Mind Alexei of Varushka with a voting strength of 46
The Imperial Bourse
No Imperial Bourse seats are currently listed as being up for auction following decisions during the Winter of 376YE.