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{{SOP|statement="It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way" - Emperor Vesna, 385YE. Many Asaveans yearn to embrace the Way. The Fire of Virtue smoulders on the archipelago. It is our duty to nurture this flame. It is our duty to show Asavea that the power of virtue exalts all. It is our duty to show the Asaveans that they have the courage and ambition to throw off the yoke of their masters, to reject the folly of their false gods, to remove the boot placed upon their neck and break the shackles of slavery that holds them from their highest destiny. Virtue lies in choice and action. There will be conflict, there will be blood. Consequences are the price of Ambition. We are willing to pay the cost.|by=Aspar, General Assembly|vote=Greater Majority 2326-62|when=Spring Equinox 386YE|size=small}}
{{SOP|statement="It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way" - Emperor Vesna, 385YE. Many Asaveans yearn to embrace the Way. The Fire of Virtue smoulders on the archipelago. It is our duty to nurture this flame. It is our duty to show Asavea that the power of virtue exalts all. It is our duty to show the Asaveans that they have the courage and ambition to throw off the yoke of their masters, to reject the folly of their false gods, to remove the boot placed upon their neck and break the shackles of slavery that holds them from their highest destiny. Virtue lies in choice and action. There will be conflict, there will be blood. Consequences are the price of Ambition. We are willing to pay the cost.|by=Aspar, General Assembly|vote=Greater Majority 2326-62|when=Spring Equinox 386YE|size=small}}
{{SOP|statement=It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way!" - Emperor Vesna 385YE. We the Nine believe it is imperative to support the missionary work in Asavea. We must bring the way to its people no matter the cost. In support of judgement 28.|by=Zadkiel, Assembly of Nine|vote=Greater Majority 7-0|when=Spring Equinox 386YE|size=small}}
{{SOP|statement=It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way!" - Emperor Vesna 385YE. We the Nine believe it is imperative to support the missionary work in Asavea. We must bring the way to its people no matter the cost. In support of judgement 28.|by=Zadkiel, Assembly of Nine|vote=Greater Majority 7-0|when=Spring Equinox 386YE|size=small}}
During the Summer Solstice, the Imperial Synod built on the mandates that had set the missionaries sailing with [[statement of principle|statements of principle]] that make it clear that Imperial priests are far from done with Asavea, and not content to rest on their laurels. There is an appetite for statements that [[Part_of_this_together#Renewal_of_the_Faith|urge people to support Virtuous causes]], and this is reflected with the enthusiasm that these judgements have been met with. Even the two judgements that did not quite achieve a [[greater majority]] (those raised by '''[[386YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_16|Lenarius Ankarien]]'''and '''[[386YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_166|Athiel Westernborn of the Cenotaph]]''') were still upheld by significant margins, demonstrating the Synod's appetite for continuing the work begun after the Winter Solstice, in spite of the risks.
During the Summer Solstice, the Imperial Synod built on the mandates that had set the missionaries sailing with [[statement of principle|statements of principle]] that make it clear that Imperial priests are far from done with Asavea, and not content to rest on their laurels. There is an appetite for statements that [[Part_of_this_together#Renewal_of_the_Faith|urge people to support Virtuous causes]], and this is reflected with the enthusiasm that these judgements have been met with. Even the two judgements that did not quite achieve a [[greater majority]] (those raised by '''[[386YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_16|Lenarius Ankarien]]''' and '''[[386YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_166|Athiel Westernborn of the Cenotaph]]''') were still upheld by significant margins, demonstrating the Synod's appetite for continuing the work begun after the Winter Solstice, in spite of the risks.

Five other statements, however, ''did'' achieve greater majorities in their respective Assemblies. With the eyes of many Imperial priests looking beyond the Empire's borders, and with both the Assembly of the Way and the Assembly of Loyalty in particular attracting additional attention due to recent events, the clamour of voices calling for continued involvement in the west is difficult to ignore.
Five other statements, however, ''did'' achieve greater majorities in their respective Assemblies. With the eyes of many Imperial priests looking beyond the Empire's borders, and with both the Assembly of the Way and the Assembly of Loyalty in particular attracting additional attention due to recent events, the clamour of voices calling for continued involvement in the west is difficult to ignore.

Revision as of 19:37, 29 July 2024

The top of the desk is a thin slab of blue and green marble flecked with gold. Everything is in its place, and a place for everything. Pens neatly in a beautiful ceramic holder; parchment pages nearly piled in a shallow box; a wickedly-sharp mother-of-pearl handled letter opener in exactly the right place.Lady Madrianna talks about assassins with a member of the Plenum.

The only thing that might be out of place is a high-sided oval plate, on which are piled a number of lapis lazuli stones. Smooth, round, they are rumoured to be impossible to count. Some peculiar little trinket that Lady Madrianna recovered from a sunken ruin near Maracossa in her youth, when she was more adventurous. The noise they make as she sifts through them idly is distracting to her guest - another benefit as far as the ambassador is concerned. In truth though she plays with them because doing so allows her to concentrate, when what she actually wants to do is shout at people for being so stupid.

"Whose idea was it, to get the Twins involved," she asks. The woman on the other side of the desk stiffens, sits up straighter in her chair.

"With all due respect," she begins to bluster. "The Tarquinius..."

"Nobody liked the Tarquinius," interrupts Madrianna, keeping her temper on a short leash. She wants to shout at her guest but doing so would just cause more troubles. "Those idiot zealots did the Plenum a favour and we both know it, so spare me from crocodile tears on their behalf."

The woman bristles. She forces her words out through clenched teeth. "Regardless, murdering the family when they were at their villa celebrating, in the middle of a feast. It cannot stand! Assassination is a blunt..."

"... a blunt knife, yes I know the adage as well as you do. And perhaps you can see why it might pertain to our current situation?" Madrianna interrupts again. She is idly wondering how many times she can speak over the honourable adept Eurynami before she gets angry enough to end the meeting.

"The priesthood of Tlangg and Sanit are a necessary evil, and a blight. I know this, you now this, the families know this!" Lady Madrianna is becoming agitated, her fingers moving more swiftly in the little platter of innumerable stones. She catches herself, calms herself. "There is a reason that their temples are controlled, their priests marked. That they are not permitted to set foot on Nemoria. In all honesty I am not that concerned that someone has seen fit to make the offerings and ask for the intercession of the curved blade and the false smile."

Emrynami shifts slightly in her seat, confirming without speaking Madrianna's suspicion that it is more than just the Iunadani that have paid the leaden price demanded by the temple of crimson vengeance and black ambition. It genuinely doesn't worry her that they have been sent to kill Imperial senators. From long experience she knows that Senators, archmages, cardinals... all are replaced as swiftly as they fall. As an actual strategy it is mostly pointless; all it will do is strengthen Imperial resolve. Will add fuel to those who talk about the need to force Asavea to embrace their Way. It's inconvenient.

Worse, every time someone employs assassins it makes it that much easier for them to do it again. It is only a matter of time before some hot-blooded young idiot decides they can get what they believe is owed to them with the aid of the Veiled Temple, and she knows only too well where that leads. A spasm of violence until the grownups get bored and are forced to take action. It's the last thing anyone wants right now. Not really her problem, but she makes a note to mention it to some of her allies in the older houses. Those who have the most to lose.

"Ah well." She sighs. It's too late to do anything now, and realistically it makes her job a little more difficult. She rallies. "Thank you for your time, Mistress Eurynami. You can tell your mother that there is no more to say on the matter? But before you go - I understand the Breath of Crimson is already underway, but if it would not be too much trouble, could you ask the captain of the Foamfollower to visit me if she has time? I have some dispatches for the Empire and I know the two of you are close."

Mistress Eurynami does not like Madrianna, but she knows better than to refuse an instruction dressed up as a polite request. The ambassador sits for several more minutes, running the little stones through her finger, enjoying their smoothness and their littleness. Then she pulls some parchment towards her. It is time to, yet again, try to get the Empire to understand exactly who they are dealing with.
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Each season the Civil Service prepares a summary of the Empire's relationship with the foreign nations, based on communications received from their ambassador, along with any useful intelligence gathered from other sources. While the Senate and the other houses of Imperial power may respond to these offers, it is important to note that it is the appropriate ambassador that the foreign power will expect to hear from. Their communication with the foreign power is the primary element that will determine the tenor of any response.

Among the six great powers, the Asavean Plenum claims to be the oldest. They were a major power before the Highborn came to what is now the Empire. Old Asavean was once the language of international diplomacy, reflecting the influence the Asaveans had across the known world. Today their power is much reduced, their society fallen into decadence and introspection, but they are still known for both their political acumen, and their ruthlessness in the face of any attempt to challenge their power.

The Asavean ambassador to the Empire is the venerable Lady Madrianna of the Blue Stones, a highly placed diplomat who reports directly to the Plenum. She has a reputation for subtlety, but is also known for her pride and her stormy temperament. Of all the ambassadors that deal with the Empire on a regular basis, she is the most pragmatic about matters of bribery, carrying on a tradition that has seen several Imperial Ambassadors to Asavea removed from their posts for corruption.

Very Stormy Seas

Asavean Archipelago

  • The Asaveans declared war on the Empire after the attack on Chalonsio
  • The Empire declared war on Asavea in Spring 385YE
  • The Asaveans are supporting the Grendel
  • The arrival of missionaries of the Way has further enraged the Asaveans

Frayed diplomatic relations with the Asaveans were shattered by the combined attack of the Empire, Sumaah and the Commonwealth on Chalonsio. The city was razed and any hope of maintaining an already fraught peace with the hostile nation burned with it. The Asaveans declared war shortly after, though the Empire declined to respond in kind until the Asaveans struck back, burning the Isle of Osseini, slaughtering the justicars, and destroying the town of Shantarim. No first-hand account has ever officially been published, but it appears that three massive Asavean warships attacked the Isle, torching the buildings and murdering almost everyone trapped there, before moving on to do the same to the corsair port.

Since then, the Asaveans have continued to offer direct military support to the Grendel, provided three powerful warships and their soldiers (OOC Note: represented by 3000 points of additional force). All their missives to the Empire had been consistent; they would not rest until they had burned an Imperial city, in revenge for Chalonsio, but it appears they had to wait for the Grendel before they could act. As soon as the peace treaty with the orcs ended their warships accompanied the Grendel in the assault on Siroc, finally claiming their vengeance by firing the city.

After the attack on Siroc, there was a brief attempt to explore a possible détente. The Asaveans confirmed they were prepared to consider a pathway to peace. The Plenum expected the Senate to publicly accept their part in the destruction of Chalonsio with a clearly worded motion that acknowledged that the Empire initiated hostilities and that they were to blame for what occurred since then. If that happened, they promised the Plenum would respond to that with a clear statement that they considered that the burning of Siroc was punishment enough for the Empire's mistakes and that they considered the matter settled. That could have opened a route to negotiate an end to the war.

Any chance of success was dashed by the appearance in Asavea of scores of Imperial missionaries attempting to spread the Way. The Asaveans worship their own pantheon of gods, and their priests play an important civil role in their society, somewhat reminiscent of the Empire's civil service. As a consequence, the Asaveans have viewed any attempt to spread the Way there as a direct attack on their society and they have responded with stark brutality, executing any missionaries they can catch. The situation is further complicated by the fact the Way is closely associated in the minds of most citizens with their enemies in Sumaah, and with the slave class, neither of which incline the average Asavean to welcome Imperial wayfarers.

In their communication with the Empire last season they were explicit that there would be no possibility of peace while the Empire continued to attack them in this way. Since that assurance has not been forthcoming, (indeed quite the opposite), the Asaveans have made it clear that they will continue to propagate their war against the Empire - and continue to support the Grendel.

Warships and Mercenaries

  • Asavean mercenaries are supporting the Grendel in the Bay of Catazar

Since declaring war on the Empire, the Asavean Plenum has sent three great warships to the Bay of Catazar: Balo's Grace, Leaping Bull, and Wind Tamer. Each of these massive ships, and the smaller vessels that support it, is a significant threat (OOC Note: Equivalent to 1000 strength when supporting a navy). They have been identified supporting the Grendel navies in Madruga, but they are also capable of independent action. For example, they were also responsible for destroying the Isle of Osseini, and the corsair town of Shantarim; if rumour is to be believed they did so at the behest of Governor Rahab of Feroz. There are also Asavean troops fighting alongside the Grendel - both mercenary companies with the Bone Nautilius and smaller warbands supporting other armies.

News has recently reached the civil service that two more Asavean warships - Breath of Crimson and Foamdancer - have been spotted docked at Dubhtraig, resupplying after their long journey east from the Archipelago. It appears the Plenum are taking their commitment to help the Broken Shore orcs in their war against the Empire very seriously.

Hoist Sails

  • The Plenum are threatening to attack any ship trading with the Empire if the Empire continue sending missionaries to Asavea
  • If they carry out the threat, fleets will gain one rank when trading with Sumaah, the Commonwealth and the Sarcophan Delves
  • Imperial taxation will suffer, dropping by 62 thrones

In response to the ambassador's latest correspondence, the Asaveans are threatening to place a bounty on any fleet trading with the Empire. They claim that priests of Vebar, Mistress of the Tides of the Sun and Moon, will provide blessings to any Asavean vessel prepared to attack any ship coming to or departing from Imperial ports, seeking to capture the ship, steal their cargo, and enslave their crews.

This move is risky, and likely to escalate the conflict. The Sarcophan Delves are unlikely to do more than protest the move, but the Commonwealth will be a different matter. Asavea are in conflict with the Sumaah and recently declared war on the Empire - their actions risk dragging the Commonwealth into the war. However the Asaveans may believe it is worth the price - the Commonwealth, like the Empire, has few navies and relatively few fleets.

If the Asaveans make good on their threat, the impacts will be dramatic. The Asaveans won't enter the Bay of Catazar in force, but they can impose a heavy toll on Imperial trade elsewhere. There will be noticeably fewer Sumaash, Commonwealth, and Sarcophan merchant ships reaching Imperial ports, either because they have been captured by the Asaveans or because they have gone elsewhere in search of safer profits. That means that the benefits the Empire obtains from trade with these three nations will be impacted for as long as the embargo persists. That will mean an ongoing loss to the Imperial treasury, estimated at 62 Thrones this season, for as long as the attacks last.

Somewhat perversely, Imperial fleets trading with Sumaah, the Commonwealth, or Sarcophan Delves will see a small boost to their profits (gaining the equivalent of a single rank). Imperial goods will be become harder to obtain in these ports, improving demand and profits.

This action will not be without cost to the Plenum - they will be paying the equivalent of up to a hundred Thrones a season in bounties, to say nothing of the diplomatic repercussions of attacking other nation's shipping. The fact that they seem to be prepared to swallow those costs is evidence of just how seriously they take the threat posed by Imperial missionaries and a taste of what they might do to fight back as the threat grows more real.

Wet Wood

  • Imperial efforts to spread the Way to Asavea may take as long as a decade to bear fruit
  • Missionaries will generate opportunities over that time that require significant investment from the Empire to succeed
  • If the Empire triumphs, it will ultimately result in an uprising that threatens the rule of the Plenum
  • The Plenum will fight back to prevent that happening, they will commit increasingly significant resources to fighting the Empire over time

Imperial efforts to spread the Way to Asavea face a number of significant barriers. The first is the ruthless opposition of the Plenum. Any missionaries that are caught are declared to be enemies of the state and very publicly executed. That presents a logistical challenge in that it limits the number of priests willing to risk the journey, it is hard for them to enter the country and impossible to openly preach the Way of Virtue.

Success is not completely out of the question however. Much of the conflict with Asavea has stemmed from their use of slavery and their refusal to give up the practice. Asaveans are mostly loyal to their Plenum, at least in theory, and more importantly there has been no evidence of any significant support for the Empire or the Way since the attack on Chalonsio. It is a different matter with their slaves. Those who are kept in chains are forced to work for their Asavean masters are a more receptive audience. As evidenced by the Free Folk, a number of slaves already follow versions of the Way, likely relics of previous efforts by the Sumaah, and to a lesser degree the Empire, to bring them news of the virtues.

It would be unwise to imagine that there is a burning desire among the majority of the Asavean citizenry to convert to the Way however, not when discovery brings certain death. It is possible for the Empire to make some progress converting Asaveans, slaves and otherwise, to the Way, but it is going to take years of work to have any lasting effect. Any outcome is uncertain, certainly in the short term, not least because almost all the potential converts are powerless and those who do not have too much to lose by making their hidden faith public. In theory, the Empire might one day hope to incite a rebellion or uprising similar to that led by Thrace, but there is no guarantee that it would end in victory for anyone other than the Plenum.

What the Empire can expect if they continue on the current course is that attempts to convert Asavea will in theory take a decade or more to produce a decisive outcome. In that time there will be periods where nothing seems to improve, but it will be punctuated by sporadic opportunities to intervene more directly to advance the cause. Such opportunities will be costly and require great commitment and without them, the long term ambition will fail. But if the Empire is able to stay the course, and intervene decisively when opportunities arise, then they will be able to spread the Way to Asavea.

That will inevitably result in turmoil in the nation. There is no way that the Empire can successfully spread the Way to Asavea without inciting a rebellion against the rule of the Plenum and the priesthood. If the Empire can commit to supporting that rebellion when it comes, then it will succeed, but the costs will be huge. The rebels will have nothing and will need hundreds of wains of mithril and weirwood to arm themselves. If that happens, then it is possible the Plenum will be forced to agree terms with the rebels or else be overthrown.

If the Imperial prognosticators can see that fate, so can the magicians and priests who serve the Plenum. Their ambassador, Lady Madriana of the Blue Stones, has been clear that attempting to spread the Way to their lands is considered to be a direct attack on the rule of the Plenum. They have responded with limited aid and support for the Grendel - but the greater the threat posed by Imperial missionaries, the harder the Plenum will fight back.

The Asaveans are not a minor power like the Grendel or the Jotun. Precise calculations are difficult, but Imperial civil servants estimate they have as many as two dozen navies and a dozen armies. They can't easily bring that force to bear directly against the Empire, not least because their forces are required to defend their own lands, just as the Empire's forces are, but a rebellion against the rule of the Plenum is an existential threat to their rule. The Empire must expect them to respond accordingly - the Asavean warships currently in the Bay of Catazar are the tip of the iceberg in terms of what they can offer to help the Empire's enemies.

And they are able to strike back in other ways, as their new threat to attack Imperial fleets demonstrates.

While (the Way in Asavea) is much more common than initially believed, there are three things it is not. It is not accepted - the priests and the plenum families suppress the Way wherever they can. Their experiment with the Temple of the Seven Virtues in Nemoria is seen as an unmitigated disaster, even before the crazy priest pulled the structure down on the foolish people he had lured to their doom with talk of spiritual mysteries. It is not unified - the sects are underground and the same tactics that help them hide from the jealous priesthood mean they are also hidden from each other. And it is not orthodox - all save those sects directly influenced by the Sumaah are riddled with peculiar beliefs that border on heresy or blasphemy, likely because after the initial inspiration the believers of Asavea have been left to find their own Way.

Parts of Speech, Spring 386YE Wind of Fortune

Matters of Salvation

Assembly of the Way
Several of these mandates can be enacted by either the Assembly of the Way or the General Assembly. In these cases, this represents additional interest in the assembly as priests who speak with authority on matters of doctrine. They also have some capacity to speak to priests who do not prioritise one virtue, but rather focus on the Way as a whole, who are often drawn to the role of the missionary and the wayfarer.
  • Imperial missionaries and wayfarers continue to travel to Asavea

Inspired by several mandates enacted during the Winter Solstice, Imperial missionaries, especially Highborn wayfarer continue to travel to Asavea. As recounted last season they have begun to make contact with sects across the Archipelago that, to one degree or another, embrace the idea of the virtues and the Way. Many of these sects have ideas that might at best be considered odd, and at worst outright blasphemous or heretical. But with all save the most extreme, there are points of similarity with the Way as it is practiced in the Empire, and in Sumaah.

Travelling to the Archipelago is dangerous; every priest who chooses to do so risks not only their own lives but the lives of the sects they seek to support, the lives of anyone who might be receptive to their words. The Asavean priesthood refuses to see its power challenged; the Plenum refuses to allow outsiders to destabilize its comfortable status quo.

"It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way" - Emperor Vesna, 385YE. Many Asaveans yearn to embrace the Way. The Fire of Virtue smoulders on the archipelago. It is our duty to nurture this flame. It is our duty to show Asavea that the power of virtue exalts all. It is our duty to show the Asaveans that they have the courage and ambition to throw off the yoke of their masters, to reject the folly of their false gods, to remove the boot placed upon their neck and break the shackles of slavery that holds them from their highest destiny. Virtue lies in choice and action. There will be conflict, there will be blood. Consequences are the price of Ambition. We are willing to pay the cost.

Aspar, General Assembly, Spring Equinox 386YE, Vote: Greater Majority 2326-62

It is the Empire's destiny to unite the world under the Way!" - Emperor Vesna 385YE. We the Nine believe it is imperative to support the missionary work in Asavea. We must bring the way to its people no matter the cost. In support of judgement 28.

Zadkiel, Assembly of Nine, Spring Equinox 386YE, Vote: Greater Majority 7-0

During the Summer Solstice, the Imperial Synod built on the mandates that had set the missionaries sailing with statements of principle that make it clear that Imperial priests are far from done with Asavea, and not content to rest on their laurels. There is an appetite for statements that urge people to support Virtuous causes, and this is reflected with the enthusiasm that these judgements have been met with. Even the two judgements that did not quite achieve a greater majority (those raised by Lenarius Ankarien and Athiel Westernborn of the Cenotaph) were still upheld by significant margins, demonstrating the Synod's appetite for continuing the work begun after the Winter Solstice, in spite of the risks.

Five other statements, however, did achieve greater majorities in their respective Assemblies. With the eyes of many Imperial priests looking beyond the Empire's borders, and with both the Assembly of the Way and the Assembly of Loyalty in particular attracting additional attention due to recent events, the clamour of voices calling for continued involvement in the west is difficult to ignore.

A Fulcrum

  • The Imperial Synod could build on early successes and continue to support the spread of the Way in Asavea
  • These mandates would create an avenue for Imperial citizens to send white granite and money to the Asavean sects

The Empire has made contact with several sects, but what now? The opportunity exists for the Synod to undertake a mandate that commits them to the course of continuing their missionary work. More importantly, it will encourage Imperial citizens to make concrete contributions toward building the Way in Asavea.

The Fire of Virtue smoulders on the archipelago. It is our duty to nurture this flame. We send (named priest) with 100 liao to show Asavea that the power of virtue exalts all.

Synod Mandate, Assembly of the Way or General Assembly
Anchor the Way in Asavea
Commission Type: Folly
Location: The Asavean Archipelago
Cost: 750 wains of white granite, 280 Thrones, at least two years.
Effect: Supports the followers of the Way and missionaries in Asavea

If this mandate is passed it will allow Imperial citizens to provide the pilgrims of Asavea with the resources they need. Missionaries will work to identify sects. Large amounts of white granite will help them to establish shrines and meeting places, either in secret or in places where they can resist the attention of Plenum. Large amounts of money will help them secure the other materials they need, pay captains to help get the wains to Asavea under the noses of the Asavean government. It will ultimately help the faithful become more than a number of scattered, isolated sects meeting in cellars and warehouses, scrabbling for liao and for ways to preserve their teachings.

A special commission will be established, and any Imperial citizen will be able to contribute white granite and money to it. Once the project is complete, it will establish the Way as a credible threat to the status quo in Asavea. There is no guarantee it will be able to overthrow the Plenum or the stranglehold the priesthood has over the populace, but it will create a foundation that will help them build toward those outcomes. It will lead to future opportunities to support the pilgrims of the Way, further opportunities to invest, and further opportunities to achieve the ambition of bringing the Way to Asavea.

The Way is Clear

While the General Assembly or the Assembly of the Way might urge the Empire to aid in Asavea, there is another alternative. While there are missionaries in every nation, Highguard has entire sects of people – wayfarers – who have worked tirelessly for centuries to spread the Way and support pilgrims in other nations. They were instrumental in bringing the Way not only to Imperial nations, but to the Sumaah Republic.

Highguard also has large numbers of virtuous benefactors with access to white granite. At the moment, much of that white granite is committed to the construction of the grand inspiration of the Way in Bastion. However, while the glorious city is a truly ambitious undertaking, there are some in Highguard who believe that a better symbol of the power of the Way would be to repeat the success in Sumaah, and bring salvation to the souls of Asavea.

With that in mind the Highborn Assembly could enact the following mandate:

The souls of Asavea cry out for salvation. Now is the time to reach out to those who need our guidance, to find a way, or to make one. We send (named priest) with 100 liao to urge every Highborn to show the Asaveans that the power of Virtue exalts all.

Synod Mandate, Highborn Assembly

If this mandate is enacted, it will establish the commission above even if the General Assembly or the Assembly of the Way do not. More importantly, however, it will stop the flow of white granite and crowns to the Grand Inspiration. Instead, those materials will be directed toward establishing and supporting the pilgrims of the Way in Asavea – 25 wains of white granite and 50 crowns each season.

Where Highguard leads, others would be able to follow. This mandate still creates the opportunity for other Imperial citizens to contribute wains and money to support the commission regardless of what nation they belonged to.

Under normal circumstances, a mandate urging Highguard to abandon the holy city would end the flow of materials to the commission would be a devastating blow to the Pride and Ambition of the nation. In this particular case, however, it would be clear to every Highborn that this is not an abrogation of the ambition to build the grand inspiration of the Way; it is a virtuous decision to bring salvation to hundreds of thousands of souls. That is an ambition every bit as moment as the original decision to support the holy city - everyone will understand and appreciate why the Assembly might make this choice. A decision to abandon the holy city for some lesser goal, something less ambitious would be a devastating blow to the nation's spirit, but this choice is fundamentally different because of the magnitude of what is being proposed is every bit the equal of the holy city.

I have journeyed to Asavea bringing word of our Way and The Empire's doctrine and support for the virtuous rebels there. What I saw was wonderful - I have never seen such hope in virtuous eyes as when we told them the Empire wanted to support them and welcomed them into virtue. But the support we must send them as only started. We have forged a bond and now we must keep our word and our loyalty. We call on those loyal to our young siblings in virtue to find any and all ways they can to send their support to the virtuous rebels in Asavea. Virtue exults.

Sufyan i Zuhri i Erigo, Loyalty Assembly, Spring Equinox 386YE, Vote: Greater Majority 355-0

A Long Enough Lever

  • The Assembly of Loyalty could urge the virtuous to consider other ways to support the spread of the Way in Asavea

Many priests are watching the Loyalty assembly with interest. The statement of principle proposed by Sufyan i Zuhri i Erigo attracts interest not only among priests of Loyalty, but pilgrims across the Empire. While there are grand plans to support the missionary efforts, the Freeborn's statement intrigues some of those most committed to the idea of finding other ways to help the sects in Asavea.

The Assembly of Loyalty could support the following mandate:

Even the most impenetrable forest may fall one tree at a time. We send (named priest) with 50 doses of liao to urge those loyal to our young siblings in Virtue, to spread the Way and support the virtuous rebels in Asavea.

Synod Mandate, Loyalty Assembly

As priests of Virtue and the Way there is great Pride to be found in bringing the word of the Way and the Doctrine of Enlightenment to those who are lost. The leaders of Asavea have made clear they abhor those who preach the Way and that the cost of this actions is blood. Priests of the Brass Coast should draw on their Courage and Ambition to bring news of the Doctrine of Enlightenment to the citizens and slaves of Asavea alike. The souls of these people is in our hands and it is our duty to provide them guidance. Everything has a price, even saving the souls of those not following the Way.

Dayanara i Cabeza i Erigo, Freeborn Assembly, Summer Solstice 385YE, Vote: Greater Majority 172-0

If this mandate is passed, it will encourage Imperial citizens to find other ways to support the “virtuous rebels” in Asavea. Those whose virtue inclines them to support the Asaveans, especially dedicates of Loyalty, Wisdom, and Courage, will be encouraged to propose opportunities to aid the Wayist sects both in spreading the faith and in resisting or disrupting the Asavean government. Such opportunities are likely to be costly, and will not be a replacement for the commission already proposed, but might build on that opportunity.

Price of a Soul

  • The Freeborn assembly can pass a mandate to encourage corsairs and fleet captains to offer their services to those travelling or sending support to Asavea

Dayanara i Cabeza i Erigo proposed a statement upheld by the Freeborn assembly that spoke directly to the beleaguered people of the Brass Coast. Despite the problems besetting their people, the words catch at the hearts of many. One of the challenges faced with travelling to Asavea, and supporting the sects there, is actually getting to the Archipelago without being caught and executed by the Plenum. Whatever else they might do, the Freeborn can certainly help with that problem...

The Freeborn Assembly could support the following mandate:

Do not fear to act; only be shamed by inaction. We send (named priest) with 50 liao to urge our ship captains to ensure the aid offered to the people of Asavea reaches their shores.

Synod Mandate, Freeborn Assembly

If this mandate is passed, then its effect will be twofold. Firstly it will encourage Freeborn fleet captains to seek out missionaries, to get them to Asavea – and not only to the easily accessible islands. With corsair audacity and skill they will be able to ensure missionaries and wayfarers are able to reach every part of that foreign nation. More importantly, their skill will ensure that wherever possible those missionaries arrive safely, ready to avoid the Plenum and the Asavean priesthood. It won't save everyone but it will reduce the number of lives lost, and the number of people who are captured before they are able to do anything.

It will also provide the Freeborn with a new adventure available only to them. Smuggle the Way to Asavea will be found in the spy network dropdown; it involves stealth and subtlety rather than confronting Asavean ships. The Freeborn understand that anything worth doing is worth being paid for, and while they may be generous with the prices they charge for transporting priests, liao, and materials to Asavea, they'll also look for opportunities to get recompense in the Archipelago. As such a standard fleet will receive 2 ingots of orichalcum, 2 measures of iridescent gloaming, and 60 rings (representing luxury goods and payment from passengers). A fleet that has been upgraded or enchantment (with a ritual such as Muffled Oar) will receive more rewards.

It will also establish that there are Freeborn ships in Asavea which may open the door to future opportunities for the Brass Coast.

Guided by Virtue

  • The grandmaster of the Sevenfold Path could use a declaration of concord to guide the order to reach out to virtuous Asavean magicians
  • Some of these magicians will die in the attempt

The Sevenfold Path and Imperial Conclave recognise and support the work of the Acciai-inspired sects in Asavea, and encourage virtuous magicians to tell stories of their exploits and offer magical, spiritual, and practical support to those going to the Archipelago.

Grandmaster Rafael Barossa d'Apulian, Sevenfold Path. 386YE Spring Equinox

The Imperial Synod is far from the only body interested in the salvation of the Asavean people. The Sevenfold Path have taken a keen interest in affairs there, with the grandmaster taking a personal stand on the issue. Crucially the Conclave approved the Grandmasters's statement that the Order and Conclave recognised and support the work of the sects in Asavea and encouraged virtuous magicians to support those efforts.

The Grandmaster could go further, the Order could use one of their two declarations to guide the order asking them to reach out, to travel to Asavea where possible, with the intention of making contact with the Acciai-inspired sects in Asavea. That would be dangerous - the Asaveans are openly executing any priests they find proselytising the Way. Any magicians they catch trying to spread Virtue will likely face the same fate. However, the Plenum are currently looking for priests, not magicians, so that may help them evade persecution, at least until the Asaveans work out what is happening.

Asking the order to take such risks is difficult and dangerous. Asavean is a very long way away, it is expensive to reach, and people will die making the attempt. The attempt would be expensive and time-consuming. It would only require a single declaration, but it would take six months to complete, and cost 100 mana, rather than the normal 20. The Sevenfold Path could not issue new guidance to their Order until this was complete.

Now is Not the Time

  • The Senate may intervene to put a stop to missionaries preaching in Asavea

As long as there are missionaries taking the Way to Asavea, openly supporting rebels and slaves and undermining the rule of the Plenum, there will be no opportunity for peace. The Asaveans will continue to escalate in the face of what would ultimately be an existential threat. It is unlikely to be popular, but the Imperial Senate might choose to step in, if they judge that the threat to the Empire outweighs the ambition of the Imperial Synod.

The Empire could pass a law making it illegal to preach the Way in Asavea. This would be similar to a law such as the one criminalizing the sale of liao to the Iron Confederacy. If such a law were passed, it would bring an end to the involvement of the Imperial Synod in Asavea. A few missionaries might still take the trip to the Archipelago, but their impact will be negligible. Any future opportunities to support Asavean sects would be covert, limited in scope, and open anyone participating in them to prosecution.

It's not clear what would happen if the Senate passed such a law at the Summer Solstice and an Assembly enacted one of the mandates presented here - but such an assembly would certainly be in breach of the new law and the impact of that mandate would be greatly reduced. However, this would also represent a serious conflict between the Senate and the Synod that might prove difficult to de-escalate.

The Senate couldn't stop the Grandmaster of the Sevenfold Path from asking their magicians to reach out to the Asaveans. That wouldn't be covered by a law that made it illegal to preach and would be difficult to ban given the protections provided by the Constitution.

The Grandest Ambition

As we did in Sumaah, as we now begin in Asavea, the whole of creation will one day be united in the Way. Ambitious of the Empire, we should lead the charge in this matter. Seek out all who could aid in this abroad, whether they be hidden sects or souls waiting for the first spark to ignite.

Eli of the Cenotaph, Ambition Assembly, Spring Equinox 386YE, Vote: Greater Majority 354-0
  • The Ambition assembly has called for missionaries to fan the sparks of the Way throughout the world
  • All mandates in this section are considered to be competing

Finally, Eli of the Cenotaph raised a statement of principle in the Ambition assembly that was not specifically aimed at Asavea but sought to build on what had been achieved there. It is perhaps appropriate that the assembly that celebrates reaching for the stars that the dedicates of Ambition look to the horizon. “The whole of creation will one day be united in the Way, suggests Eli. “ Ambitious of the Empire, we should lead the charge in this matter.”

The statement calls for priests, especially of Ambition, to look beyond Asavea and seek out existing sects, and people open to the teachings of the Way, all over the world. By itself, the Ambition Assembly would struggle to create the kind of response that has been seen in Asavea, and with the Doctrine of Enlightenment. However, the priests of the Ambition assembly may be moved to try and encourage other priests who share their vision to help them make it a reality – by passing and enacting a mandate in either the General Assembly, or the Assembly of the Way.

One day we will unite the world in the Way. We send (named priest) with 150 doses of liao to urge Imperial citizens to spread the Way to the whole of creation. Consequences are the price of Ambition.

Synod Mandate, Assembly of the Way or General Assembly

If this mandate is passed it will build on recent missionary work. Imperial missionaries, both lay pilgrims and priests alike, will spread out from the Empire to every known nation. They will go to the Principalities of Jarm, the Sarcophan Delves, the Commonwealth, Faraden, the Iron Confederacy, Axos, and Otkodov. Some may even risk everything by travelling to the lands of the Grendel – after all, the orcs of the Broken Shore are arguably less hostile to the Way than the Asaveans are.

In almost every nation, pilgrims will either make contact with local sects who already follow the Way, or find people who are amenable to its message.

There is no way to do this secretly. Every nation in the known world will be aware that Imperial priests have come to spread their faith, and to encourage those of their own citizens who already practice the Way. Nations such as Axos, Jarm, and Otkodov will see this as a direct challenge to their sovereignty; it will be impossible to avoid major diplomatic incidents. Even nations that are friendly to the Empire such as the Commonwealth and the Sarcophan Delves will not take well to this infringement of the freedom of religion those nations encourage, and it will likely sour diplomatic relations there as well.

On the other hand, over the course of the next year, there will certainly be opportunities for Imperial citizens to help establish and strengthen the Way in other nations. Not every nation will offer opportunities, and few of these opportunities will be cheap or easy to take advantage of. But whatever else happens the Empire will get a much better understanding of how the Way is viewed and practiced in other nations, or at least some of the challenges associated with attempting to convert the people there.

And it will mean that nobody will be left with any doubt that the Empire is serious about its ambition to unite the world under the Way.

It's worth noting that while alternative words might be presented for this mandate, one thing that will be unsuccessful is trying to pick and choose some of the foreign nations over others. A mandate to only focus on a single nation might be effective, but attempts to cherry pick the nations to send missionaries to will fail to enthuse the people of the Empire at this time.

Eli of the Cenotaph presented the following alternate mandate:

The world will be converted to the Way one step at a time. We know the Grendel and their subjects are susceptible to the fires of Virtue. We send (named priest) with 150 doses of liao to urge citizens to spread the Way across Attar and the Broken Shore.

Synod Mandate, Assembly of the Way or General Assembly

If this mandate is passed it will encourage missionaries to focus on the Grendel. Imperial missionaries, both lay pilgrims and priests alike, will spread out from the Empire across the Broken Shore and Attar. Those who are willing to risk everything will focus on trying to convert the Grendel.

Lutobor (Lut) Branislavovich Glinka presented the following alternate mandate:

Let us focus our vision and begin where idolatry corrupts will and the virtuous are chained. We send (named priest) with 150 doses of liao to urge Imperial citizens to assist Asavean followers of the Way to spread the faith.

Synod Mandate, Assembly of the Way or General Assembly

If this mandate is passed it will encourage missionaries to focus on Asavea. Imperial missionaries, both lay pilgrims and priests alike, will spread out from the Empire across the Asavean Archipelago. Those who are willing to the terrible fate of anyone caught by agents of the Asavean priesthood will focus on trying to convert the Asaveans.


As with all mandates, any of the mandates presented here that do not achieve a greater majority will not influence the people of Varushka or Urizen. Player characters will be able to contribute wains or money to the special commission if it is enacted, but the mandate won't lead to any further opportunities for those nations.

Adelmar The Lion.jpg

Other Weapons (Conjunction)

  • A company of Grendel are moving to raze the Academy of Arms
  • This skirmish is a combat highly likely encounter
  • The Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine is responsible for defeating the Grendel

A warship of the Grendel has landed on the shores of Naris, allowing a company of Grendel accompanied by a small contingent of Asaveans to disembark. The group move with purpose, ignoring several wealthy spires that would make easy targets. According to the intelligence the Empire have received, the Asaveans have been urging their Grendel allies to attack sites of religious importance in the Empire, especially those dedicated to the exemplars and paragons of the Way, and most especially those recognised by their enemies in Sumaah, seeking retribution for the Empire sending missionaries to their shores to try and convert their people. It appears this group of raiders are part of that new plan; they are advancing on the Academy of Arms.

If the Asaveans and their accompanying company of Grendel are not defeated then they will not only slaughter any of the pilgrims they encounter on their journey to the Academy, but they will also slaughter the students there, destroying the palaestra and rendering it unusable until it is properly restored. Given that this represents a threat to the Academy of Arms and the pilgrims, it is the responsibility of the incumbent Prelate of Adelmar's Shrine, Limonos of the Astral Observatory, to defeat the Grendel and the Asaveans.