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The Wintermark Assembly passed the mandate supporting action against the Asaveans pirates in support of Sumaah with a greater majority, and the General Assembly did so with a lesser majority. That means every nation except Varushka and Urizen can support the efforts to help Summah.
The Wintermark Assembly passed the mandate supporting action against the Asaveans pirates in support of Sumaah with a greater majority, and the General Assembly did so with a lesser majority. That means every nation except Varushka and Urizen can support the efforts to help Summah.

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{{SOPInner|statement=The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. The Asaveans are enemies of the Way, whether a pilgrim looks to Timoj or Bastion. In their time of need, let us build up our fellows. We send Isolde Hannasdottir with 150 doses of liao to urge the virtuous sailors and fleet captains of the Empire to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.|when=Summer Solstice 386YE|vote=Upheld (1082-22)|by=Maarit Suvidottir, General Assembly|size=small}}
{{SOPInner|statement=The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. The Asaveans are enemies of the Way, whether a pilgrim looks to Timoj or Bastion. In their time of need, let us build up our fellows. We send Isolde Hannasdottir with 150 doses of liao to urge the virtuous sailors and fleet captains of the Empire to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.|when=Summer Solstice 386YE|vote=Upheld (1082-22)|by=Maarit Suvidottir, General Assembly|size=small}}
{{SOPInner|statement=The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. It behoves us to build up our fellows, rather than let them suffer at the hands of hateful idolaters. We send Rafe with 50 doses of liao to urge the sailors and fleet captains of Wintermark to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.|when=Summer Solstice 386YE|vote=Greater Majority (309-0)|by=Rafe, Wintermark Assembly|size=small}}
{{SOPInner|statement=The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. It behoves us to build up our fellows, rather than let them suffer at the hands of hateful idolaters. We send Rafe with 50 doses of liao to urge the sailors and fleet captains of Wintermark to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.|when=Summer Solstice 386YE|vote=Greater Majority (309-0)|by=Rafe, Wintermark Assembly|size=small}}

Revision as of 10:44, 4 September 2024

The waves of conversation ebb and flow about Oxtitocszin. They sit in the shade of a spreading tree, and listen. Not for the first time they consider how odd it is that their people united by faith, speak with so many different voices. Not just the languages - each coiling vine of the Sumaah people is proud of their own tongue and perhaps in a way that explains why there has never been a serious drive to put one above the others. It can make life difficult at times... but then as some philosophers say, difficulty breeds virtue. Their lip quirks in a half smile at the idea. Pride lies in a job well done, no matter how challenging it was. Arguably.

They shift slightly. It has been a long debate and even with the shade the day is warm and the flies are busy. Danius and Xenlaoch have been throwing the same point back and forth between them for the last half hour. On cue, the Cardinal stands to remind her fellows that Wisdom says four words are better than forty. The two mutter and grumble, but it is clear the assembly is not on their side. There is discussion about whether a judgement shall be raised, and Danius announces that they intend to raise a statement regardless of what Xenlaoch might think and the argument starts again.

Voices rise and fall, but Oxtitocszin spots an opening and stands up. People turn their faces towards them, and in measured tones they explain again that there is surely no insult here. The Casinean House of the People are no less busy than their Sumaah peers; the offer from Ambassador Accalon is sincere and the assembly should assume good faith in this matter. They could argue until sunset, but it will not change the fact that they were in the wrong, and it will not change the fact that appropriate recompense must be given. The only important thing is to avoid the appearance of corruption, after all.

They smooth their rainbow skirts as they sit down on the bench, and lean back against the rough bark of the old tree. At first it looks like the discussion is over, but Xenlaoch is not done, and Danius will not yield, and their supporters back them up, and everyone else is held ransom to their rivalry. Up above, in the branches of the tree, Oxtitocszin spies two little monkeys are arguing over figs. It almost raises a smile. The comparison between the small, impassioned animals and the two devout präster is simply too apt, too pat. But there is nobody they can share it with, without risking offending one of their colleagues. And so the day draws on, and the debate continues.
Accalon of Felix's Watch, Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic
Click for audio version


Each season the Civil Service prepares a summary of the Empire's relationship with the foreign nations, based on communications received from their ambassador, along with any useful intelligence gathered from other sources. While the Senate and the other houses of Imperial power may respond to these offers, it is important to note that it is the appropriate ambassador that the foreign power will expect to hear from. Their communication with the foreign power is the primary element that will determine the tenor of any response.

Among the six great powers, the Sumaah Republic are simultaneously rivals to, and uneasy allies of, the Empire. Their shared practice of the Way both unites them through virtue, and divides them through disagreements about how the faith should be practiced and spread.

States of Play

Sumaah Republic

  • The Sumaah Republic is a member of the Liberty Pact, friendly with the Empire and the Commonwealth, and at war with the Asavean Archipelago

Relations between the Empire and the Sumaah Republic are stable at present. Thanks to the Liberty Pact the two nations are allies, at least in their shared opposition to slavery. After decades of friction between the Imperial Synod and the Sumaah Houses of the Way over their shared faith, an amicable split has seen the two nations each commit themselves to their own vision of spirituality. For the most part, while this has led to an increase in rivalry, it has reduced the animosity between pilgrims who look to Bastion, and those who look to Timoj, for guidance.

The Sumaah ambassador to the Empire is Oxtitocszin, Censor of wood, metal and stone, of the High House of Pride. They are a priest – one of the Sumaah Präster and by all accounts a devout dedicate of Pride – but they also report to the House of the People (the Sumaah equivalent of the Imperial Senate). They tend to be forthright and straightforward in their approach to the Empire, but as might be expected from a nation so profoundly influenced by the virtues, they are as concerned with spiritual matters as they are those of diplomacy and trade.

The Liberty Pact

  • The Sumaah Republic are signatories to, and founder members of, the Liberty Pact

While relations in general remain good, there was significant disappointment following the latest meeting of the Liberty Pact. The Sumaah were keen to drop the nation of Axos from the pact, arguing that the Pact would be more decisive if it was led by Sumaah, the Empire, and the Commonwealth.


Ambassador Oxtitocszin is careful to explain that it is not simply that the Sumaash don't like the heretical blasphemers of Axos (although everything that Sumaah learns about Axou “spirituality” makes them despise the small nation even more). Rather their suspicion of the nation was confirmed when they discovered that the magicians had allied with the Grendel slavers to attack Tsark. This is not to say that the Sumaah have any particular affection for or knowledge of Tsark – indeed Oxtitocszin seems broadly unaware of and largely indifferent to the nation itself. Instead, the Sumaah Ambassador questions how any nation can be sincere about the commitment to ending slavery, while making alliances with slavers when it suits them.

The general Sumaah view is that the Empire knows Axos best and that it would be better for everyone if the Empire dealt with the Axou – preferably by conquering them and eliminating their profoundly unsettling “faith” - and left the Commonwealth and the Sumaah to do likewise with their own neighbours. The Empire's decision to defend Axos' right to be party to the treaty may have been essential to salvage any hope of diplomatic friendship with the smaller nation, but it has come at the cost of reducing Sumaah support for the Pact.

Virtuous War

  • The Sumaah Republic is at war with the Asavean Archipelago

The two nations separated by the western Sea of Salt have been at each other's throats for years. The Asavean Plenum once ruled Sumaah, as a satrapy. Inspired by the seven virtues and the Way, the Sumaah cast off the yoke of foreign tyranny and drove the Asaveans into the sea. Ever since, they have been locked in mortal conflict, not least because the Sumaah absolutely despise the priests of the Asavean Archipelago, and their veneration of false gods – the worst kind of idolatry.

Neither side seems able to deliver a decisive blow to the other however. The Asavean navies have the upper hand at sea, regularly threatening Sumaash ports and occasionally launching vicious raids along the coast. The Sumaah in turn have the advantage when it comes to fighting on land, but as they have no way to get their armies to the Archipelago, they are forced into a defensive position. Instead they try to spread the Way in Asavea, and occasionally manage to fund an uprising or rebellion – although to date such uprisings have been brutally put down by the Plenum.

Following the destruction of Chalonsio, in which Sumaah soldiers played a significant role, the conflict has heated up dramatically. In addition to a short-lived blockade (thwarted with aid from Imperial fleet captains), the Asaveans have launched several major raids against the northern coast of Sumaah, and actively attack Sumaah vessels wherever they can find them. It seems that the Plenum has pledged to continue this attack until they have exacted appropriate retribution – presumably burning a Sumaah city much as they did Siroc.

Matters of Doctrine

  • The Sumaah intend to study the new doctrine of enlightenment before they take an official position on it

The Sumaah are clear that, just as with the Doctrine of the Howling Abyss and the Doctrine of the Ancestors, the Houses of Virtue intend to study the new Doctrine of Enlightenment at length before they take any official position on it. They think it intemperate and hasty to be actively spreading this new doctrine abroad before you have had a decade or more for erudite priests to study it in detail and consider all the possible ramifications but that undoubtedly reflects the different approach of the synods of the two nations.

Ambassador Oxtitocszin expresses hope that the Empire's decision to again change the Doctrines of the Faith that have formed the basis of the Way for centuries won't lead to people questioning the validity of the remaining doctrines. But they understand that the Empire has made its mind up on this matter and while they respectfully disagree, they are eager to keep things amicable if possible. Clearly that will be hard in Sarcophan, where tempers can run hot, but they intend to respond cautiously to any further developments.

Oceans and Ships

  • The Sumaah welcome news that the Imperial Senate has criminalized the Asavean drug Ocean's Caress
  • Imperial efforts to help thwart the Asavean blockade of their waters are likewise viewed very favourably
  • There is an opportunity for the Imperial Synod to offer more aid to the Sumaah in helping protect their coastal waters

Ambassador Oxtitocszin is very pleased to hear that the Imperial Senate has chosen to outlaw trade in Ocean's Caress. They describe this narcotic as a vile drug which is innately unvirtuous, and that profits from its sale help enrich the Asaveans and by extension the Plenum.

More importantly, recent Imperial efforts to thwart the Asavean blockade of Zemeh have been greatly appreciated by the House of the People and the High Houses of Prosperity and Pride in particular. By reducing its effectiveness, the Ambassador Oxtitocszin believes the Empire helped reduce the Plenum's enthusiasm for maintaining the costly blockade. While Asavean ships still bedevil Sumaah vessels wherever possible, they are now doing so in a much more haphazard fashion. Combating this menace means that the Frieøyer - the descendants of those pirates converted by Zemress and now the heart of Sumaah's naval power such as it is - are occupied thwarting Asavean malice but it also means that trade vessels can once again reach Zemeh.

There have been numerous statements of principle in the Asavean assemblies, praising the Courage and Loyalty of the Freeborn and Highborn fleets that helped ships slip past the Asavean net. Indeed, Ambassador Oxtitocszin suggests that were Imperial ships to continue to come to the aid of their Sumaah allies, the House of the People would be sure to find a way to reward their virtue; such a matter is already being debated by the representatives there and has the support of both the House of Loyalty, and the powerful House of the Way.

Initially, only the Freeborn were in a position to aid the Sumaah, although Highguard used the partner of greatness to submit their own response to the situation and Highborn fleets joined those of the Brass Coast in fighting the Asaveans in the Sea of Salt. This outreach from the Sumaah Synod however presents an opportunity for their Imperial counterparts, specifically the various national assemblies not already involved, as well as for the Assembly of the Way and the general assembly.

Any national assembly might pass the following mandate during the Summer Solstice:

The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. It behoves us to build up our fellows, rather that let them suffer at the hands of hateful Idolaters. We send {named priest} with 50 doses of liao to urge the sailors and fleet captains of (our nation) to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.

Synod Mandate, Any National Assembly

If a national assembly enacts the mandate, then the fleet captains of their nation will be able to join the efforts in the west to help the Sumaah resist the Asavean-inspired pirates and privateers. Highguard and the Brass Coast are already involved in that arena, so they do not need to pass this mandate for their fleet captains to continue participating. They may still wish to use suitably worded statements of principle to encourage their captains to continue to aid the Sumaah, of course.

Alternatively, the Assembly of the Way or the General Assembly might pass a more sweeping mandate.

The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. The Asaveans are enemies of the Way, whether a pilgrim looks to Timoj or Bastion. In their time of need, let us build up our fellows. We send {named priest} with 150 doses of liao to urge the virtuous sailors and fleet captains of the Empire to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.

Synod Mandate, Assembly of the Way or General Assembly

If the Assembly of the Way of the General Assembly passes this mandate, it will provide the opportunity to take part in the fighting in the Sea of Salt to every Imperial nation. If an individual national assembly has also passed the mandate, that fact will be noted by the Sumaah, and by the priests of the appropriate nation, but there will be no need to enact it separately (no liao will be taken unless for whatever reason the mandate of the Way or the General Assembly fails to be enacted).

Arcane Assistance

  • The Empire has offered to share four magical rituals with the Sumaah
  • The Sumaah have asked a Conclave order to disseminate Hammers of the Brilliant Shore and Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground
  • They will provide 10 liao a season indefinitely for each of these rituals that is sent to them

The Empire has undertaken protracted negotiations to share their magical lore with the Sumaah. The main sticking point has been the presence of a number of rituals in Imperial Lore that are likely to offend the virtuous präster. Several Sumaah magicians have warned that the House of Vigilance in particular is likely to respond very poorly to some of the rituals, but an offer to assess Imperial lore to determine the parts of it that are particularly unvirtuous has been politely declined.

Rather than grant access to rituals that could cause a diplomatic incident, Ambassador Accalon has offered four specific rituals: Forge the Wooden Fastness, Hammers of the Brilliant Shore, Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground, and Mantle of the Golden Orator.

Having examined the rituals, Ambassador Oxtitocszin politely declines the Wooden Fastness, indicating their belief that it is ill-advised to call on the aid of the eternals of Spring in this way, as it risks the magicians succumbing to idolatry. They likewise are not interested in Mantle of the Golden Orator; a similar, but more powerful, ritual is in regular use among Sumaah magicians.

The other two rituals related to fortifications - especially Hammers of the Brilliant Shore – are of interest however. Both would be useful in their ongoing conflict with the Asaveans, and Sumaah magicians are eager to get their hands on this magical lore. Virtue compels the Sumaah to offer a gift of their own to match such a generous offer.

Expanding on suggestions made by Ambassador Accalon, Oxitocszin has made the following proposal. If a Grandmaster of a Conclave order will raise the necessary Declaration of Dissemination to send either ritual text to Sumaah, then the nation will provide a permanent endowment of 10 liao each season to that order. They are obviously keen to get either ritual as quickly as possible, but they understand that such things can take time. They are happy to confirm that they will make the endowment of liao to any order that disseminates either of the two rituals (or 20 liao to one order if a single order does both) in the next year.

The Liao Trade

  • The port of Zemeh is available to Imperial ship captains

The port of Zemeh is the gateway to Sumaah for Imperial fleets. Until recently, Sumaah was a significant source of liao, being the only other nation outside the Empire that produces the vital spiritual substance in quantities that allow it to be made available for trade. Recent developments, however, have seen significantly less liao available to Imperial traders.

It is not a crime to sell liao to outsiders – matters of law are determined by the House of the People and they have so far not criminalized the trade - but the House of Vigilance has used mandates and statements of principle to heavily discourage sale of the precious commodity in bulk. The civil service believe that this decision has not been universally popular – there has been some opposition from the House of Prosperity in particular – but for now Imperial captains visiting Zemeh will find it harder to source liao. Only a fleet with several upgrades or that is under an enchantment will be able to acquire liao, and in much smaller quantities than before. In its place, they will find ample supplies of Imperial roseweald.

Ambassador Oxtitocszin is keen to stress that this move is not made out of spite over the ongoing disagreements about Doctrine, but suggests rather that the House of Vigilance recognises that the Republic need its liao both to support its people on the ongoing conflict with the Asavean Archipelago and to ensure the präster have the resources they need for their own missionary work.

On an apparently unrelated matter, the last three months have seen a serious decline in the number of Sumaah trading ships visiting Imperial ports. Quite apart from the ongoing problems in the Bay of Catazar, it appears the House of Vigilance has warned their merchants against trade with the Empire following a timely warning from Ambassador Accalon. A few of the more Courageous captains have still risked the journey east, but the brightly coloured sails of Sumaah trading vessels have been noticeably absent from the docks of Sarvos and Crown's Quay.

The Burning of Siroc

  • The Sumaah have denounced the destruction of Siroc
  • Ambassador Oxtitocszin offers the sympathy of the House of the People to the Brass Coast

Perhaps as a result of their role in helping to break the blockade of Zemeh, when news reaches Timoj of the destruction of Siroc, the Houses of Virtue denounce the destruction of the city in strident tones. They castigate the Plenum, and the Asavean warships involved, and urge the virtuous to hold their rivals to the north to account.

Ambassador Oxtitocszin does not promise anything directly, but lets their Imperial opposite number know that when it comes time for the Freeborn to rebuild their ruined city, the House of the People is keen to see if there is any way they can assist. Unfortunately, the state of the war with Asavea means that such support is likely to be more symbolic than economic, but the offer is there. Ambassador Oxtitocszin looks forward to hearing from their opposite number if they have any suggestion of ways the Sumaah Republic might show their support for, and sympathy with, the Freeborn. After all, the Sumaah know first hand the pain of having their cities burned by Asavean criminals.

An Appropriate Apology

  • The Sumaah are seeking Imperial Permission to present Ambassador Accalon with a personal gift by way of apology for the nation's failings
  • They won't act without a motion in the Imperial Senate or a letter from the Throne assenting to the gift

The problems at the most recent meeting of the Liberty Pact were compounded by mistakes made by the Sumaah representatives. The Sumaah were chairing the forum called to discuss changes, and their delegate opted to exclude Accalon, the longstanding Imperial Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic from the meeting. The Empire protested that decision and a subsequent investigation by the Sumaah concluded that the decision was a mistake that displayed a profound lack of both Pride and Prosperity.

It is clear that the Sumaah feel deeply shamed by this mistake. Ambassador Oxtitocszin has requested permission from the Imperial Senate to be allowed to present Ambassador Accalon with a gift, as a personal apology to them. Unfortunately the High House feel they require the approval of the Imperial Senate to make this gift. Since the Imperial Ambassador to Sumaah is appointed by the Imperial Senate there are significant concerns that any gift could be misinterpreted as a bribe of some kind. Given the mistakes they seek to rectify they are not prepared to risk anything that might sully the Virtuous reputation of the Ambassador in this way.

Thus they don't feel they can present their gift while the Ambassador remains in post without a formal motion of the Imperial Senate indicating approval. To avoid any possible implication of impropriety, they have politely petitioned the Imperial Senate to grant formal approval of this personal gift. Thus far the Senate has not done so, either because of concerns about the appropriateness of a foreign nation giving a valuable gift to one of the Empire's ambassadors, or perhaps more likely because it has been too busy to spare a Senate motion to deal with the matter.

Despite this, the Sumaah have continued to raise the issue of the outstanding apology every season. In recent communications there has been a tentative suggestion that Emperor Vesna could grant the Sumaah request by letter, but to date they have not yet received either. They continue to ask that either the Senate or the Throne grant them permission to present the Ambassador with their gift.


  • Ambassador Accalon has invited the Sumaah to send delegates to the Empire to discuss the recognition of Amika and Alberto Acciai
  • Their representative, Utredare Tipoa of the High House of Wisdom hopes to arrive in Anvil at Saturday 2pm

On a different matter, but one that has equal import to the two nations, the Sumaah Synod has been invited to send a delegation to the Empire to consider the recognition of the Asaveans Amika and Alberto Acciai. The Imperial Synod began the process of recognising Amika as an exemplar at the Spring Equinox, and the final decision will be made by the General Assembly during the upcoming summit.

Ambassador Accalon has reached out to the Sumaah, and invited them to send a delegation to Anvil to discuss the potentially contentious decision to recognise an Asavean as an inspiration. Travel is difficult at the moment, but the Sumaah are always keen to discuss the Way and the exemplars and paragons that inspire people to follow it.

They plan to send a delegation to Anvil, if possible, to discuss the two figures - credited with inspiring a short-lived rebellion against the Asavean Plenum - with Imperial priests. The leader of the delegation, who will certainly be attending Anvil, is Utredare Tipoa the Insightful. Tipoa has visited the Empire before, most notably conducting the ultimately favourable Inquisition of the Bonewalls Cole and Rek, and is known to Accalon. She has sent ahead words expressing favourable anticipation at meeting the Ambassador again, at around 2pm Saturday if all is well.

Ripped Away (Necropolis)

  • A mob of "wreckers" have taken one of the Sumaash delegates and are planning on sacrificing them to Siakha
  • This skirmish is a combat highly likely encounter
  • The Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic is responsible for stopping the wreckers
  • Imperial heroes who go through the Sentinel Gate on this mission of mercy may choose to accept a boon from Rhianos

The Swift Eagle, one of the ships from Sumaah bringing delegates to speak on the matter of Amika and Alberto Acciai, has been boarded and run aground in Longbeach. The majority of the crew were thrown overboard in a frenzy of violence but Kauitalic, a präst, was seen bound and dragged along by a mob of the Children of Wrecks - the name taken by the loose alliance of those that follow High Priestess Shivaarn - as they came ashore. Kauitalic is a promising up-and-coming leader in the Sumaah Republic - a galvanising spark in the ongoing struggle against Asavea - and their loss would be a tragedy.

Oxtitocszin, Censor of wood, metal and stone, of the High House of Pride asks that the Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic rescues Kauitalic and returns them to Anvil through the Sentinel Gate. It is the responsibility of the Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic, Accalon of Felix's Watch, to stop the wreckers and rescue Kauitalic. Utredare Tipoa of the High House of Wisdom understands the vagaries of fate that surround the Sentinel Gate and would be happy to anoint Accalon if he chooses to lead the rescue himself. The civil service would like to remind Accalon that as the präst is not an Imperial citizen it will require a performance of The Cuckoo's Egg to allow them to travel through the Sentinel Gate.

The Boons of Rhianos
As promised to the Archmage of Summer, the Regent of the Eternal Sea - the eternal Rhianos - offers their boons to those who fight the servants of Siakha this season. Any Imperial citizen who passes through the Sentinel Gate to undertake this mission of mercy may accept that boon as they arrive on the far side - but they must make the choice as soon as they pass through the gate.

The boon takes the form of a personal enchantment - and if they choose to accept it they immediately lose any existing enchantment they may already be under. The enchantment has one of three effects - it either grants a rank of endurance, grants an additional hero point (if they have the hero skill), or grants two additional personal mana (if they have the Magician skill. In each case this increases their current and maximum, just as if they were benefitting from an enchantment or tonic. The effect ends when they return through the Sentinel Gate to Anvil, or the end of the skirmish whichever comes first. Note that if the boon of Rhianos removes an existing enchantment it does not come back again.


  • The Conclave voted to disseminate ritual texts to the Sumaah Republic
  • The Wintermark Assembly voted to enact a mandate supporting the Sumaah against the Asaveans with a Greater Majority
  • The General Assembly voted to enact a mandate supporting the Sumaah against the Asaveans

The Imperial Conclave voted during the Summer Solstice to disseminate both Stalwart Stand on Solid Ground and Hammers of the Brilliant Shore to the Republic.

The Wintermark Assembly passed the mandate supporting action against the Asaveans pirates in support of Sumaah with a greater majority, and the General Assembly did so with a lesser majority. That means every nation except Varushka and Urizen can support the efforts to help Summah.

The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. The Asaveans are enemies of the Way, whether a pilgrim looks to Timoj or Bastion. In their time of need, let us build up our fellows. We send Isolde Hannasdottir with 150 doses of liao to urge the virtuous sailors and fleet captains of the Empire to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.

Maarit Suvidottir, General Assembly, Summer Solstice 386YE, Upheld (Upheld (1082-22))

The Sumaah are our cousins in Virtue, and we are united in our shared love for the inspiration of Zemress. It behoves us to build up our fellows, rather than let them suffer at the hands of hateful idolaters. We send Rafe with 50 doses of liao to urge the sailors and fleet captains of Wintermark to journey to Sumaah, in order to help them resist the depredations of Asavean pirates and privateers.

Rafe, Wintermark Assembly, Summer Solstice 386YE, Upheld (Greater Majority (309-0))

Further Reading