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{{CaptionedImage|file=Winterfolk.jpg|caption=Most halls in Wintermark have members from all three traditions.|align=left|width=400}}
The Wintermark look is rugged and practical but strives to express the wearer's individuality. Each of the three traditions - [[Kallavesi]], [[Steinr]], and [[Suaq]] - has their own style of dress and way of expressing this unique personality. Sometimes minor elements of one tradition's style will be used by another, especially where a character has embraced an [[archetype]] more often associated with a different tradition (for example, the [[Wintermark_magical_traditions#Runesmiths|runesmith]] magical path is strongly associated with the Steinr, and Suaq or Kallavesi  magicians who embrace it often include elements of a more Steinr style in their day-to-day garb). Regardless of these accents, it is generally a matter of pride for the people of Wintermark to demonstrate the style of their chosen tradition as strongly as possible.
The Wintermark look is rugged and practical, but strives to express the wearer's individuality. As a nation, the [[Wintermark|Winterfolk]] are expert craftsmen, who take immense pride in their work and treat complex runic sigil-work as a necessary part of every piece they make.

Winterfolk art tends to be intricate and detailed. Stone, metal and wood are carved with [[runes]], so craftsmen can show off their skills.  The people of the Wintermark use bright scarlet for things like banners, because they can be seen for miles through snow and atop mountainsides.  
Winterfolk art tends to be intricate and detailed. Stone, metal and wood are carved with [[runes]], so crafters can show off their skills.  The people of Wintermark use bright scarlet for things like banners because they can be seen for miles through snow and atop mountainsides.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Warriors.jpg|caption=Wintermark Warriors of all traditions value thick leather armour, often worn over chain.|align=left|width=400}}

The most common costume for the Winterfolk is a thigh-length tunic over trousers. The differences between the three traditions come in the way they add to and adorn this basic style.
==General Breakdown==
'''Feel:''' Iron, hard, firm, strong, unmoving, earnest, well-crafted, perfectionist (Steinr), practical (Suaq), dreamer (Kallavesi), individual, heroic.<br><br>
The look of Wintermark is much more varied than that of some other nations due to the presence of the three traditions. Regardless of which tradition someone follows, however, certain traditional elements remain widespread through the entire nation. The differences between the three traditions are expressed in the way they add to and adorn this basic style.

''Also see [[Wintermark Costumes]] and [[Wintermark Icons and Artistry]].''
The traditional costume for Winterfolk of any tradition is either a thigh-length tunic of linen or wool worn over trousers, or a close-fitting dress. In case, trousers are close fitting, often with wrappings ankle to knee.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Clothing.jpg|caption=Thigh-length tunics, tight or wrapped trousers, and tight<br>fitting dresses are popular regardless of tradition.|align=right|width=275}}
The Viking apron dress exists but is considered slightly old fashioned.

On the battlefield, Winterfolk favour heavy, layered armour with thick leather plates over chain. Only the Steinr make extensive use of shields, generally favouring round shields. Tear-drop shaped kite shields are also popular and provide an acceptable alternative to those who desire more full-body protection. Suaq and Kallavesi warriors tend to eschew shields altogether in favour of two-handed weapons, especially bows (for the Suaq) and spears (for the Kallavesi).
Iron, hard, firm, strong, unmoving, earnest, craftsman, perfectionist, pragmatic (Steinr and Suaq), dreamer (Kallavesi), individual.

Weapons vary by tradition and individual choice, but are usually marked with [[runes]]. It is also common for Winterfolk - especially those of the Kallavesi tradition - to incorporate bird imagery into their day-to-day garb as [[Wintermark_culture_and_customs#Birds_and_feathers|birds hold a special place]] in Wintermark culture.
The basic Wintermark costume for any gender is a thigh-length tunic, which can be linen or wool. A few choose instead to wear a close fitting dress. The Viking apron dress exists but is considered slightly old fashioned.

Tunics are worn over close fitting trousers, often with wrappings ankle to knee.
''Also see [[Wintermark Costumes]] and [[Wintermark Culture and Customs#Icons and Artistry|Wintermark Icons and Artistry]].''

Heavy, layered armour with thick leather plates over chain.
* '''Influences:''' The Kallavesi tradition draws on images from Finland, the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalevala Kalevala], and the Crannogmen from ''Game of Thrones''. As bog-dwelling shamans, their look is heavily informed by their [[mystic]] customs.
* '''Materials:''' Homespun checked wool, linen, fur, leather, wood and wicker, polished semi-precious stones.
* '''Colours:''' Greys, duns, moss, smoke, with occasional bright flashes of colour. Dark feathers, especially black feathers.
Kallavesi clothing consists of the standard Wintermark thigh-length tunic over tight trousers. Garments use drab colours that would not stand out against the bogs of the [[Kallavesa]] marshlands, and the fabrics used tend to be heavier and coarser than those used by Suaq or Steinr. Their clothing often includes a heavy cloak of wool or fur, often with a hood, designed to offer protection from the elements.
Feathers are a common decoration, especially the feathers of crows and ravens. The Kallavesi are even more likely than the typical Winterfolk to work feathers, avian bones, and bird imagery into their dress, in preference to runes or other animals. Fur - with the fur side facing out - is commonly used as an embellishment.

The Kallavesi are a tradition rooted in deep mysticism, and it is very common for even the most prosaic among them to wear personal totems, fetishes, and amulets with spiritual or magical significance. Masks are very common, usually depicting a favoured animal, especially a bird.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Savik Summerstorm.jpg|width=245}}
Think of Lapp reindeer herders and Inuit; independent scouts and hunters.
{{CaptionedImage|file=StormcrowEldeen.jpg|title=A traditional tunic, and drab colours, mark this as Kallavesi even without to painting around the eyes and the feathered head dress.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Bones.jpg|width=250}}
===Kallavesi Warriors===
Kallavesi warriors favour leather and fur armour (both [[Weapons_%26_armour#Light_Armour|light]] and [[Weapons_%26_armour#Medium_Armour|medium]]). When they want [[Weapons_%26_armour#Heavy_Armour|heavier armour]], they favour leather or fur over mail. As with their clothing, armour is commonly decorated with feathers and beads. An animal headdress is sometimes worn as a helmet, sometimes in addition to more traditional head protection.

For weapons Kallavesi favour axes (especially [[Weapons_%26_armour#Polearms|long axes]]), staves, and fishing spears (often two-handed spears). Many carry an all-purpose gutting knife as a practical tool and for dispatching fallen opponents.  
Furs and hides, ivory, scrimshaw carved bone items.
Light, washed out tones of cream, ivory, taupe, pale grey.
Suaq often wear a long tight coat of animal skin (skin side out, fur side in) or lighter painted deerskins in warmer parts. Clothing is emblazoned with drawings and symbols of animals, which are usually painted on to the leather or material.

Kallavesi warriors rarely make use of shields. When they do they favour small wicker bucklers over the bulkier round- or tear-drop shields favoured by the Steinr.
Adorn with heavy furs that offer protection against the cold.
{{CaptionedImage|file=WinterWarriors.jpg |width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Warrior.jpg |width=425}}

===Kallavesi Images===
Uncommon, but possibly leather stretched over wood.
This gallery  contains images of Kallavesi characters taken from Empire events.
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Hunting weapons, bows, spears, staves for crossing treacherous ice.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Winter Stormcrow.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Cambion.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Axe.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Beads.jpg|title=Decorative beads are a fine addition to any Kallavesi costume.|width=278}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Striding.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Mystic.jpg|title=The mask worn by the central figure is quite stylised for a Kallavesi (an individual touch appropriate to a mystic), but the mantle of bird feathers is an excellent look.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Naga.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Hatchet Warrior.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Woodland Kallavesi.jpg|width=500}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=MysticFeathers.jpg|title=Feathers are wound into the hair to gain mystic insight.|width=500}}

* '''Influences:''' Saxons, Rohirrim, Tolkien’s Dwarves, Beowulf (2005), the Nords of Skyrim.
Rohirrim, Tolkien’s Dwarves, Beowulf (2005), Saxons, Skyrim.
* '''Materials:''' Metals, furs, leather, stone, woollen cloth; richer fabrics may be appropriate for high status Thanes.
* '''Colours:''' Dark shades of green, blue, red and brown, also dark metals – iron, coppers, bronze.
As with the other traditions, the Steinr favour a thigh-length tunic over tight trousers. While still remaining practical, Steinr clothing is designed to show off the owner’s wealth. It may be dyed a bright colour (espcially bold reds), be intricately embroidered or have decorated hems in a contrasting colour or material. Steinr tunics may be layered to show off hems that are decorated with a contrasting fabric or braid. [http://www.imdb.com/media/rm4255154176/ch0000155 Theoden’s costume from Lord of the Rings] shows the sort of outfit a wealthy or powerful Steinr might wear to display their prosperity - the tunic is made from a rich, intricately embroidered fabric.

{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark3.jpg|align=right|width=250|caption=Costume by Jo Perridge}}
Steinr enjoy wearing jewellery as another way to display their prosperity, with torcs and cloak pins being very popular. Silver and bronze are as popular as gold when it comes to Steinr jewellery - it is often the fine craftsmanship that attracts a Steinr rather than the monetary value of a piece.
Metals, furs, leather, stone, woollen cloth; richer fabrics may be appropriate for high status Thanes.

Almost anything a Steinr owns might be inscribed, embroidered, or painted with one or more [[runes]]. The Steinr consider themselves the originator of the magical runes, and even the most prosaic is likely to trace or evoke one to aid them in a certain task.
Dark shades of green, blue, red and brown, also dark metals – iron, coppers, bronze.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Hooded Steinr.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Well Dressed Steinr.jpg|width=250}}
===Steinr Warriors===
The Steinr have a strong warrior culture, and the Rohirrim from ''Lord of the Rings'' epitomise the look of their warriors. Armour is usually layered, with leather (or less commonly plate) worn over mail. The armour is often intricately tooled and embellished, again proudly displaying the wealth of the wearer. Conformity and uniformity are considered slightly distasteful by many Steinr - each considers themselves a heroic champion of their people and displays this individuality through their weapons and armour.

On the battlefield Steinr favour long swords, spears (both [[Weapons_%26_armour#One-handed_Spear|one-]] and [[Weapons_%26_armour#Polearms|two-handed]]), and [[Weapons_%26_armour#Great_weapons|Dane axes]]. Their weapons are heavy and practical, and as with everything else almost invariably decorated with runes.
Steinr clothing is designed to show off the owner’s wealth. It may be dyed a bright colour, be intricately embroidered or have decorated hems in a contrasting colour or material. Clothing is often worn with jewellery with torcs and cloak pins common.

When fighting with a one-handed weapon, the Steinr favour round shields, although tear-drop shaped kite shields are not uncommon.
Heavy, layered armour (chain with dark leather/plate over), intricately decorated and personalised so each person’s kit looks different.
<span3>{{CaptionedImage|file=CM-140525-7513.jpg|width=250}} </span3>
{{CaptionedImage|file=Heavy Steinr Shield Warriors.jpg|width=550}}

===Steinr Images===
Ideally tear-drop shaped kite shields; round shields are an acceptable alternative.
This gallery  contains images of Steinr characters taken from Empire events.
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{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Scop.jpg|title=Steinr Scop|width=230}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Alethea Dun-Aer.jpg|width=230|title=Steinr Thane at home with her hounds.}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Curse Coin.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Pair.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Decorated Leather.jpg|title=Leather armour is often tooled or decorated with intricate designs to show the wearer's weatlh.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Ranulf Six-Lives.jpg|align=left|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark-3184.jpg|width=225|title=Armour by Idiom Productions, Horse Shield by Skian Mhor}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=WinterSteinr4.jpg|width=250|title=Armour by Idiom Productions}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Sad Osric.jpg|title=A straightforward "soft kit" look for a Steinr with a rich coloured tunic under leather.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Hadand Dunwulf.jpg|width=425}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Chain Steinr.jpg|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Archers.jpg|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Coterie.jpg|width=400}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Fine Helmet.jpg|width=400}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Leather over chain.jpg|width=200}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Warriors.jpg|width=400}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Furred_Cloak.png|title=Bold colours, and a fur mantled cloak demonstrate prosperity.|width=175}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Thane Thanmir Hrafnar.jpg|title=This wealthy thane can afford expensive dyes and fine embroidery. Note the bird motif.|width=200}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Changeling.jpg|title=Leather armour over knee-length tunic.|width=200}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Going Somewhere.jpg|width=200}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Dour Steinr.png|title=Steinr wear heavy leather over chain in battle.|width=190}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark3.jpg|width=250|title=Costume by Jo Perridge}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Draughir.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Winterfolk Briar.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Weaponry.jpg|width=600}}

Long swords, spears, Dane axes - heavy and practical, decorated with runes.
* '''Influences:''' Think of Sami reindeer herders and Inuit; independent scouts and hunters.
* '''Materials:''' Furs and hides, ivory, scrimshaw carved bone items.
* '''Colours:''' Light, washed out tones of cream, ivory, taupe, pale grey.
In addition to the thigh-length tunic, a Suaq commonly wears a heavy coat - an iconic piece of clothing for this tradition. These heavy coats protect them against the cold and the elements, and have become a symbol of their independence and self-reliance. Commonly made of reindeer and seal skin, they are turned fur side in for warmth. Ideally, the heavy fur coats are richly decorated with important symbols — designs of animals and symbols of enemies a warrior has killed are common as are the ubiquitous [[Wintermark_culture_and_customs#Birds_and_feathers|bird]] images and [[runes]] common to all Winterfolk.  

While the traditional coat is heavy leather and fur-lined, in warmer climates, the coats may be lighter leather. In the imperial heartland in summer, sensible Suaq may choose to wear linen or canvas versions.

Jewelry is not unknown but tends to be more discreet than that favoured by the Steinr or even the Kallavesi. Shiny metal attracts attention and is often seen as at odds with the Suaq's role as hunters. Rather than metal torcs, rings, or bangles Suaq favour more natural materials - intricately tooled leather bracers, ivory or bone ornaments, feathers, and painted or engraved beads.
Finland, Kallevala, the Crannogmen from Game of Thrones. Bog-dwelling shamans.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq Birds.jpg|title=Suaq often paint animals (in this case birds) onto their clothing.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq with Flute.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Oona Sherarding.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Two Suaq.jpg|width=250}}
===Suaq Warriors===
Like the Kallavesi, Suaq warriors prefer leather armour for general use, and don mail shirts when they need heavier (and more restrictive) protection. As with their coats, Suaq paint their armour with symbolic designs of animals.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Suaq favour traditional hunting weapons. They are the Winterfolk who make the most use of [[Weapons_%26_armour#Bows|bows]], and they favour both [[Weapons_%26_armour#One-handed_Spear|one-]] and [[Weapons_%26_armour#Polearms|two-handed]]) spears in melee. Some also make use of staves, which serve the dual purpose of being weapons and aiding in crossing treacherous ice or snow.
Homespun checked Wool, linen, fur, leathers, wood and wicker, polished stones (semiprecious).
Greys, duns, moss, smoke, occcasional bright flashes of colour, dark feathers.
Kallavesi costume often includes a cloak of wool or fur over the top of the traditional tunic. Garments use more drab colours and more worn looking fabric. They embellish their appearance with feathers, beads and fetishes and ideally an animal headdress of some kind.
Light leathers and furs.
Rare, but possibly small wicker bucklers.
They carry axes, staves, fishing spears and gutting knives.
==Steinr costume==
Steinr tunics may be layered to show off hems that are decorated with a constrasting fabric or braid. [http://www.imdb.com/media/rm4255154176/ch0000155 Theoden’s costume from Lord of the Rings] shows the sort of outfit a wealthy and powerful Thane might wear to display their prosperity - the tunic is made from a rich fabric that is intricately embroidered.

It is uncommon for a Suaq to carry a shield, but when they do they favour leather stretched over wood frames or practical round wooden shields.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq Warrior.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Medium Armour.jpg|title=Richly decorated heavy leather armour worn by a Suaq archer.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=an Archmage of Spring.jpg|title=Suaq paint their leather coats with images of animals and spirits.|width=250}}
===Suaq Images===
This gallery  contains images of Suaq characters taken from Empire events.
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{{CaptionedImage|file=Thane Jag.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq Coat.jpg|title=Acrylic paint used to decorate the base coat with spirit animals.|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Painted Coat.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq Ensemble.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq Coats.jpg|width=500}}

==Kallavesi costume==
==Icons and Artistry==
Kallavesi clothing is the standard Wintermark tunic over trousers, often in a rougher woven fabric and embellished with furs and feathers. The Kallavesi wear furs with the fur side out. The [[Wintermark Religious Beliefs|stormcrow]] mystic wears the traditional ragged but heavy cloak and a costume adorned with tatters of material and fetishes. Feathers in particular are important to the Kallavesi and the Kallavesi shamans in particular.
There are no official or standard symbols for the Wintermark virtuous birds. Individual crafters are free to create their own sigils to reflect the virtue of a bird they are depicting. However you are welcome to use the beautiful designs created by Susan Cook which are available as [http://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/resources/downloads/birds.ai a vector file] or as [http://www.profounddecisions.co.uk/resources/downloads/birds.pdf a .pdf].

==Wintermark Magicians==
Each of the three traditions has their own [[Wintermark magical traditions|magical heritage]]. Any Wintermark magician might embrace any one of these paths, but they tend to be drawn towards the approach that matches their tradition. Where they follow a different path, they often combine elements of their tradition and their magical approach to create a unique look.
[[Wintermark_magical_traditions#Runesmiths|Runesmiths]] are a predominantly Steinr tradition. Even more so than other Winterfolk characters, their possessions will be marked with the powerful magical runes that are the focus of their study.
[[Mystic|Mystics]] are primarily drawn from the Kallavesi tradition. Most supplement their tradition's iconic costume with an animal headdress decorated with feathers and fur.
The Suaq make up the majority of the savy [[Wintermark_magical_traditions#Icewalkers|icewalkers]]. They wear clothing appropriate to their tradition but supplemented with jewellery and amulets. Unlike runesmiths, their magical accoutrements are more likely to be adorned with stylised animals or symbols of a person nature with only a scattering of runes. Non-Suaq Icewalkers may adopt the Suaq tradition of painting animals on their mage armour or clothing.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq at Ease.jpg|title=This Suaq's Runesmith's costume includes accents drawing on Steinr imagery - not the wide belt marked with runes.|caption=Suaq Runesmith|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Mystic with Staff.jpg|caption=Mystic|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Magician.jpg|caption=Dramaturgist|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Mystic Mantle.jpg|caption=Kallavesi Mystic|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Magicians.jpg|caption=Kallavesi Magicians|width=350}}
==Suaq costume==
The heavy coats of the Suaq protect them against the cold. Reindeer and seal skins are turned fur side in for warmth. Ideally the heavy fur coats should be richly decorated with important symbols — designs of animals and enemies the warrior has killed. In warmer climates the coats may be leather and in the imperial heartland in summer they may chose to wear linen or canvas versions.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Magicians.jpg|title=A Steinr and a Kallavesi, wearing mage armour with staves.|width=350|caption=Steinr and Kallavesi magicians}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Suaq Icemage.jpg|width=350|caption=Suaq Icewalker}}

==Steinr warriors==
==Wintermark Priests==
The Rohirrim in Lord of the Rings epitomise the Steinr warriors. Layered armour, leather or less commonly plate over mail, but with the armour intricately tooled and embellished.
In general, priests of Wintermark dress like the people they live alongside and counsel.

Those who embrace the path of the [[Wintermark Religious Beliefs|stormcrow]] wear a traditional ragged, heavy cloak and a costume adorned with tatters of material and fetishes. Even stormcrows who are not of the Kallavesi tradition are likely to incorporate some elements of the mystic look into their costume - especially when it comes to feathers and ceremonial masks.
{{CaptionedImage|file=Masked Winterfolk Priest.jpg|width=250}}
<span4>{{CaptionedImage|file=WinterSteinr4.jpg|width=267|caption=Armour by [[Idiom Productions]]}}</span4>
{{CaptionedImage|file=Kallavesi Stormcrow.jpg|width=250}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Beodun Snowlock.png|title=Steinr priest on the battlefield.|width=500}}

==Suaq & KallavesI warriors==
==Wintermark Children==
Kallavesi and Suaq warriors wear fur over mail or simply leather or fur by itself. The Kallavesi decorate their armour with feathers and beads and many wear an animal headdress. The Suaq paint their armour with symbolic designs of animals.
Children generally dress in the same style as their parents, at least until they are old enough to express a preference for one tradition or another. Even before they have passed their Citizenship tests, some Winterfolk children feel drawn enough to a tradition that differs from that of their parents to favour dressing as if they were already a member.
The bear heads were made by [http://www.evenlodestudio.com/ Evenlode Studio].
<span5>{{CaptionedImage|file=WinterWarrior1.jpg|title=Film: Outlander|width=348}}</span5>
{{CaptionedImage|file=Tiny Winterfolk.jpg|width=250}}

==Shamans & Icewalkers==
Kallavesi Shamans are practiced seers and mystics. Most supplement the normal Kallavesi dress with an animal headdress decorated with feathers and fur.
Suaq [[Icewalkers]] use their magic to complement their wits. They wear traditional Suaq clothing but supplemented with jewellery and amulets.
<span6>{{CaptionedImage|file=WinterShaman2.jpg|title=TV Series: Robin of Sherwood|width=410}}</span6>
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Banner.jpg|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr Suaq Suaq.png|title=A Steinr (left) and two Suaq (right) relaxing in camp.|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Two Grimnir.jpg|title=Two Grimnir, a Kallavesi and a Steinr Draughir.|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Quiet Camp.jpg|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wintermark Open Tent.jpg|width=350}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=WinterChild1.jpg|title=TV Series: Game of Thrones|width=418|align=left}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Lumi's Tea House.jpg|width=350}}
==Images to avoid==
An LRP setting is defined as much by what you leave out as by what you include. In defining the Wintermark look we have actively chosen to exclude some elements. Please do not use any of the images or looks seen in this section. In particular please note that the Winterfolk were inspired by Saxons rather than Vikings and the setting does not include longships and the associated imagery.
<span4>===Avoid: Horned helmets===
{{CaptionedImage|file=Steinr and Kallavesis.jpg|title=A Steinr between two Kallavesi.|width=350}}
The Steinr draw their inspiration from traditional Saxon imagery as well as the Rohirrim, rather than the Vikings. In particular horned helmets are completely inappropriate for the nation.</span4>
{{CaptionedImage|file=Wooden Tree.jpg|width=350|title=The Scop’s Tree - A totem crafted by mystics to inspire the Mark with the stories and names of its heroes}}
{{CaptionedImage|file=Friendly Competition.jpg|title=Friendly competition, such as this Steinr spear-wrestling, is common in Wintermark.|width=350}}

==Inappropriate Costume==
Whilst this look and feel page provides the ideal costume for the nation, it is important for players to familiarise themselves with the [[Costume|general costume rules]] for further guidelines, including those for [[Costume#Inappropriate_Costume|inappropriate costume]]
An LRP setting is defined as much by what you leave out as by what you include. In defining the Wintermark look we have actively chosen to exclude some elements. Please do not use any of the images or looks seen in this section. In particular please note that the Winterfolk were inspired by Saxons rather than Vikings and the setting does not include longships and the associated imagery.
<span3>===Avoid: Hero pants===
<span3>===Avoid: Hero pants===
The ideal Wintermark trousers are tight not baggy. The more Viking or Rus style hero pants are perfect for Varushka. It's perfectly acceptable to wear hero pants in Wintermark, it is simply that they are more suited to Varushka.</span3>
The ideal Wintermark trousers are tight, not baggy. The more Viking or Rus style hero pants are perfect for Varushka. It's perfectly acceptable to wear hero pants in Wintermark, it is simply that they are more suited to [[Varushka]].</span3>
<span3>{{CaptionedImage|file=VarushkanCostume5.jpg|width=200|align=left|caption=Costume by Robert Albrecht <br/> Picture taken by Daniel Wolfen}}</span3>
<span3>{{CaptionedImage|file=VarushkanCostume5.jpg|width=200|align=left|title=Costume by Robert Albrecht <br/> Picture taken by Daniel Wolfen}}</span3>
<span3>===Avoid: Thor’s hammer===
<span3>===Avoid: Thor’s hammer===
Thor’s Hammers have become as evocative and iconic as a crucifix. They are irrevocably associated with Thor, a deity who does not exist in the Empire game setting, so please avoid this specific piece of jewellery.</span3>
Thor’s Hammers have become as evocative and iconic as a crucifix. They are irrevocably associated with Thor, a deity who does not exist in the Empire game setting, so please avoid this specific piece of jewellery.</span3>
<span4>===Avoid: Horned helmets===
The Steinr draw their inspiration from traditional Saxon imagery as well as the Rohirrim, rather than the Vikings. In particular horned helmets, like the one shown, are completely inappropriate for the nation.</span4>
{{CaptionedImage|file=Horned Helmet.jpg|width=230}}
{{Wintermark Links}}

Latest revision as of 15:40, 15 April 2024

Most halls in Wintermark have members from all three traditions.


The Wintermark look is rugged and practical but strives to express the wearer's individuality. Each of the three traditions - Kallavesi, Steinr, and Suaq - has their own style of dress and way of expressing this unique personality. Sometimes minor elements of one tradition's style will be used by another, especially where a character has embraced an archetype more often associated with a different tradition (for example, the runesmith magical path is strongly associated with the Steinr, and Suaq or Kallavesi magicians who embrace it often include elements of a more Steinr style in their day-to-day garb). Regardless of these accents, it is generally a matter of pride for the people of Wintermark to demonstrate the style of their chosen tradition as strongly as possible.

Winterfolk art tends to be intricate and detailed. Stone, metal and wood are carved with runes, so crafters can show off their skills. The people of Wintermark use bright scarlet for things like banners because they can be seen for miles through snow and atop mountainsides.

Wintermark Warriors.jpg
Wintermark Warriors of all traditions value thick leather armour, often worn over chain.

General Breakdown

Feel: Iron, hard, firm, strong, unmoving, earnest, well-crafted, perfectionist (Steinr), practical (Suaq), dreamer (Kallavesi), individual, heroic.

The look of Wintermark is much more varied than that of some other nations due to the presence of the three traditions. Regardless of which tradition someone follows, however, certain traditional elements remain widespread through the entire nation. The differences between the three traditions are expressed in the way they add to and adorn this basic style.

The traditional costume for Winterfolk of any tradition is either a thigh-length tunic of linen or wool worn over trousers, or a close-fitting dress. In case, trousers are close fitting, often with wrappings ankle to knee.

Wintermark Clothing.jpg
Thigh-length tunics, tight or wrapped trousers, and tight
fitting dresses are popular regardless of tradition.

The Viking apron dress exists but is considered slightly old fashioned.

On the battlefield, Winterfolk favour heavy, layered armour with thick leather plates over chain. Only the Steinr make extensive use of shields, generally favouring round shields. Tear-drop shaped kite shields are also popular and provide an acceptable alternative to those who desire more full-body protection. Suaq and Kallavesi warriors tend to eschew shields altogether in favour of two-handed weapons, especially bows (for the Suaq) and spears (for the Kallavesi).

Weapons vary by tradition and individual choice, but are usually marked with runes. It is also common for Winterfolk - especially those of the Kallavesi tradition - to incorporate bird imagery into their day-to-day garb as birds hold a special place in Wintermark culture.

Also see Wintermark Costumes and Wintermark Icons and Artistry.


  • Influences: The Kallavesi tradition draws on images from Finland, the Kalevala, and the Crannogmen from Game of Thrones. As bog-dwelling shamans, their look is heavily informed by their mystic customs.
  • Materials: Homespun checked wool, linen, fur, leather, wood and wicker, polished semi-precious stones.
  • Colours: Greys, duns, moss, smoke, with occasional bright flashes of colour. Dark feathers, especially black feathers.

Kallavesi clothing consists of the standard Wintermark thigh-length tunic over tight trousers. Garments use drab colours that would not stand out against the bogs of the Kallavesa marshlands, and the fabrics used tend to be heavier and coarser than those used by Suaq or Steinr. Their clothing often includes a heavy cloak of wool or fur, often with a hood, designed to offer protection from the elements.

Feathers are a common decoration, especially the feathers of crows and ravens. The Kallavesi are even more likely than the typical Winterfolk to work feathers, avian bones, and bird imagery into their dress, in preference to runes or other animals. Fur - with the fur side facing out - is commonly used as an embellishment.

The Kallavesi are a tradition rooted in deep mysticism, and it is very common for even the most prosaic among them to wear personal totems, fetishes, and amulets with spiritual or magical significance. Masks are very common, usually depicting a favoured animal, especially a bird.

Savik Summerstorm.jpg
A traditional tunic, and drab colours, mark this as Kallavesi even without to painting around the eyes and the feathered head dress.
Wintermark Bones.jpg

Kallavesi Warriors

Kallavesi warriors favour leather and fur armour (both light and medium). When they want heavier armour, they favour leather or fur over mail. As with their clothing, armour is commonly decorated with feathers and beads. An animal headdress is sometimes worn as a helmet, sometimes in addition to more traditional head protection.

For weapons Kallavesi favour axes (especially long axes), staves, and fishing spears (often two-handed spears). Many carry an all-purpose gutting knife as a practical tool and for dispatching fallen opponents.

Kallavesi warriors rarely make use of shields. When they do they favour small wicker bucklers over the bulkier round- or tear-drop shields favoured by the Steinr.

Kallavesi Warrior.jpg

Kallavesi Images

This gallery contains images of Kallavesi characters taken from Empire events.

Winter Stormcrow.jpg
Kallavesi Cambion.jpg
Kallavesi Axe.jpg
Decorative beads are a fine addition to any Kallavesi costume.
Kallavesi Striding.jpg
The mask worn by the central figure is quite stylised for a Kallavesi (an individual touch appropriate to a mystic), but the mantle of bird feathers is an excellent look.
Kallavesi Naga.jpg
Kallavesi Hatchet Warrior.jpg
Woodland Kallavesi.jpg
Feathers are wound into the hair to gain mystic insight.


  • Influences: Saxons, Rohirrim, Tolkien’s Dwarves, Beowulf (2005), the Nords of Skyrim.
  • Materials: Metals, furs, leather, stone, woollen cloth; richer fabrics may be appropriate for high status Thanes.
  • Colours: Dark shades of green, blue, red and brown, also dark metals – iron, coppers, bronze.

As with the other traditions, the Steinr favour a thigh-length tunic over tight trousers. While still remaining practical, Steinr clothing is designed to show off the owner’s wealth. It may be dyed a bright colour (espcially bold reds), be intricately embroidered or have decorated hems in a contrasting colour or material. Steinr tunics may be layered to show off hems that are decorated with a contrasting fabric or braid. Theoden’s costume from Lord of the Rings shows the sort of outfit a wealthy or powerful Steinr might wear to display their prosperity - the tunic is made from a rich, intricately embroidered fabric.

Steinr enjoy wearing jewellery as another way to display their prosperity, with torcs and cloak pins being very popular. Silver and bronze are as popular as gold when it comes to Steinr jewellery - it is often the fine craftsmanship that attracts a Steinr rather than the monetary value of a piece.

Almost anything a Steinr owns might be inscribed, embroidered, or painted with one or more runes. The Steinr consider themselves the originator of the magical runes, and even the most prosaic is likely to trace or evoke one to aid them in a certain task.

Hooded Steinr.jpg
Well Dressed Steinr.jpg

Steinr Warriors

The Steinr have a strong warrior culture, and the Rohirrim from Lord of the Rings epitomise the look of their warriors. Armour is usually layered, with leather (or less commonly plate) worn over mail. The armour is often intricately tooled and embellished, again proudly displaying the wealth of the wearer. Conformity and uniformity are considered slightly distasteful by many Steinr - each considers themselves a heroic champion of their people and displays this individuality through their weapons and armour.

On the battlefield Steinr favour long swords, spears (both one- and two-handed), and Dane axes. Their weapons are heavy and practical, and as with everything else almost invariably decorated with runes.

When fighting with a one-handed weapon, the Steinr favour round shields, although tear-drop shaped kite shields are not uncommon.

Heavy Steinr Shield Warriors.jpg

Steinr Images

This gallery contains images of Steinr characters taken from Empire events.

Steinr Scop
Steinr Thane at home with her hounds.
Curse Coin.jpg
Steinr Pair.jpg
Leather armour is often tooled or decorated with intricate designs to show the wearer's weatlh.
Ranulf Six-Lives.jpg
Armour by Idiom Productions, Horse Shield by Skian Mhor
Armour by Idiom Productions
A straightforward "soft kit" look for a Steinr with a rich coloured tunic under leather.
Hadand Dunwulf.jpg
Chain Steinr.jpg
Steinr Archers.jpg
Steinr Coterie.jpg
Fine Helmet.jpg
Leather over chain.jpg
Steinr Warriors.jpg
Bold colours, and a fur mantled cloak demonstrate prosperity.
This wealthy thane can afford expensive dyes and fine embroidery. Note the bird motif.
Leather armour over knee-length tunic.
Going Somewhere.jpg
Steinr wear heavy leather over chain in battle.
Costume by Jo Perridge
Wintermark Draughir.jpg
Winterfolk Briar.jpg
Wintermark Weaponry.jpg


  • Influences: Think of Sami reindeer herders and Inuit; independent scouts and hunters.
  • Materials: Furs and hides, ivory, scrimshaw carved bone items.
  • Colours: Light, washed out tones of cream, ivory, taupe, pale grey.

In addition to the thigh-length tunic, a Suaq commonly wears a heavy coat - an iconic piece of clothing for this tradition. These heavy coats protect them against the cold and the elements, and have become a symbol of their independence and self-reliance. Commonly made of reindeer and seal skin, they are turned fur side in for warmth. Ideally, the heavy fur coats are richly decorated with important symbols — designs of animals and symbols of enemies a warrior has killed are common as are the ubiquitous bird images and runes common to all Winterfolk.

While the traditional coat is heavy leather and fur-lined, in warmer climates, the coats may be lighter leather. In the imperial heartland in summer, sensible Suaq may choose to wear linen or canvas versions.

Jewelry is not unknown but tends to be more discreet than that favoured by the Steinr or even the Kallavesi. Shiny metal attracts attention and is often seen as at odds with the Suaq's role as hunters. Rather than metal torcs, rings, or bangles Suaq favour more natural materials - intricately tooled leather bracers, ivory or bone ornaments, feathers, and painted or engraved beads.

Suaq often paint animals (in this case birds) onto their clothing.
Suaq with Flute.jpg
Oona Sherarding.jpg
Two Suaq.jpg

Suaq Warriors

Like the Kallavesi, Suaq warriors prefer leather armour for general use, and don mail shirts when they need heavier (and more restrictive) protection. As with their coats, Suaq paint their armour with symbolic designs of animals.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Suaq favour traditional hunting weapons. They are the Winterfolk who make the most use of bows, and they favour both one- and two-handed) spears in melee. Some also make use of staves, which serve the dual purpose of being weapons and aiding in crossing treacherous ice or snow.

It is uncommon for a Suaq to carry a shield, but when they do they favour leather stretched over wood frames or practical round wooden shields.

Suaq Warrior.jpg
Richly decorated heavy leather armour worn by a Suaq archer.
Suaq paint their leather coats with images of animals and spirits.

Suaq Images

This gallery contains images of Suaq characters taken from Empire events.

Thane Jag.jpg
Acrylic paint used to decorate the base coat with spirit animals.
Painted Coat.jpg
Suaq Ensemble.jpg
Suaq Coats.jpg

Icons and Artistry

There are no official or standard symbols for the Wintermark virtuous birds. Individual crafters are free to create their own sigils to reflect the virtue of a bird they are depicting. However you are welcome to use the beautiful designs created by Susan Cook which are available as a vector file or as a .pdf.

Wintermark Magicians

Each of the three traditions has their own magical heritage. Any Wintermark magician might embrace any one of these paths, but they tend to be drawn towards the approach that matches their tradition. Where they follow a different path, they often combine elements of their tradition and their magical approach to create a unique look.

Runesmiths are a predominantly Steinr tradition. Even more so than other Winterfolk characters, their possessions will be marked with the powerful magical runes that are the focus of their study.

Mystics are primarily drawn from the Kallavesi tradition. Most supplement their tradition's iconic costume with an animal headdress decorated with feathers and fur.

The Suaq make up the majority of the savy icewalkers. They wear clothing appropriate to their tradition but supplemented with jewellery and amulets. Unlike runesmiths, their magical accoutrements are more likely to be adorned with stylised animals or symbols of a person nature with only a scattering of runes. Non-Suaq Icewalkers may adopt the Suaq tradition of painting animals on their mage armour or clothing.

This Suaq's Runesmith's costume includes accents drawing on Steinr imagery - not the wide belt marked with runes.
Suaq Runesmith
Mystic with Staff.jpg
Wintermark Magician.jpg
Mystic Mantle.jpg
Kallavesi Mystic
Kallavesi Magicians.jpg
Kallavesi Magicians
A Steinr and a Kallavesi, wearing mage armour with staves.
Steinr and Kallavesi magicians
Suaq Icemage.jpg
Suaq Icewalker

Wintermark Priests

In general, priests of Wintermark dress like the people they live alongside and counsel.

Those who embrace the path of the stormcrow wear a traditional ragged, heavy cloak and a costume adorned with tatters of material and fetishes. Even stormcrows who are not of the Kallavesi tradition are likely to incorporate some elements of the mystic look into their costume - especially when it comes to feathers and ceremonial masks.

Masked Winterfolk Priest.jpg
Kallavesi Stormcrow.jpg
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Wintermark Children

Children generally dress in the same style as their parents, at least until they are old enough to express a preference for one tradition or another. Even before they have passed their Citizenship tests, some Winterfolk children feel drawn enough to a tradition that differs from that of their parents to favour dressing as if they were already a member.

Gift of Learning.jpg
Dun-Aer Family.jpg
Tiny Winterfolk.jpg


Wintermark Banner.jpg
A Steinr (left) and two Suaq (right) relaxing in camp.
Two Grimnir, a Kallavesi and a Steinr Draughir.
Quiet Camp.jpg
Wintermark Open Tent.jpg
Lumi's Tea House.jpg
A Steinr between two Kallavesi.
The Scop’s Tree - A totem crafted by mystics to inspire the Mark with the stories and names of its heroes
Friendly competition, such as this Steinr spear-wrestling, is common in Wintermark.

Inappropriate Costume

Whilst this look and feel page provides the ideal costume for the nation, it is important for players to familiarise themselves with the general costume rules for further guidelines, including those for inappropriate costume

An LRP setting is defined as much by what you leave out as by what you include. In defining the Wintermark look we have actively chosen to exclude some elements. Please do not use any of the images or looks seen in this section. In particular please note that the Winterfolk were inspired by Saxons rather than Vikings and the setting does not include longships and the associated imagery.

Avoid: Hero pants

The ideal Wintermark trousers are tight, not baggy. The more Viking or Rus style hero pants are perfect for Varushka. It's perfectly acceptable to wear hero pants in Wintermark, it is simply that they are more suited to Varushka.
Costume by Robert Albrecht Picture taken by Daniel Wolfen

Avoid: Thor’s hammer

Thor’s Hammers have become as evocative and iconic as a crucifix. They are irrevocably associated with Thor, a deity who does not exist in the Empire game setting, so please avoid this specific piece of jewellery.

Avoid: Horned helmets

The Steinr draw their inspiration from traditional Saxon imagery as well as the Rohirrim, rather than the Vikings. In particular horned helmets, like the one shown, are completely inappropriate for the nation.
Horned Helmet.jpg

Further Reading

Core Brief

Further Reading