This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.


There are many important halls in Wintermark. Despite the number, only a comparative handful are involved in the affairs of the Empire (that is, attend the seasonal summits at Anvil). Their influence can wax and wane, and involvement in Imperial affairs is not always a reflection of their prominence within the nation itself. This page presents in-character information about the groups that attend, or have attended, Anvil — the kind of thing that someone who asked about them might uncover from talking to their peers. In each case, the information is provided by the players and edited before being put on the wiki.

The majority of groups listed here are made up of player-characters. You should not create a character who is part of a group, or has personal history with one, without first clearing it with the appropriate players. You should also check before including other players' groups in your background. The background team are unlikely to approve a background that significantly impacts or involves another player character group without their permission.

Halls of Wintermark

Halls of Hahnmark


  • Location: Southridge
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Jag

What is now the town of Ashenhall has been through several tumultuous changes in recent history. For many years it was known as Steinhall and was in Skarsind. This changed when the occupation of Skarsind by the Thule began in 373YE. During the initial attacks, many of the town's residents fell defending the town and Steinhall itself was burned to the ground. Under Thane Cadarn the survivors spent the next four years evading the occupying Thule forces, operating mostly out of a nearby mine. When Skarsind was liberated in 377YE, the people of Steinhall returned to the site of their town and founded a new settlement: Ashenhall.

In 379YE the motion to relinquish Skarsind was ratified and the territory allocated to the Imperial Orcs, Ashenhall's Thane voted in favour of this motion in the moot. Following his example, the folk of Ashenhall made the decision to relocate once more. Ashenhall is now situated in Hahnmark near Southridge, south of Kalpaheim. Cadarn's successor, Thane Hellä, oversaw a new construction on the site of a reclaimed Imperial watchtower.

Ashenhall is a growing trading town built on foundations of diversity and hospitality. The people of the town remember what it is like to lose their home and to have to build it up again from nothing, and as a result they are a hardy folk, tempered in flames. With the guidance of Thane Jag, they strive to live forward-looking and virtuous lives, and to bring the same dedication to those values with them to Anvil.


  • Location: Southridge
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Lucan Leofsson

In very southern Southridge in the hills there was a copse of birch trees on a high hill. It was here in 259YE that Eldrea, later named The Safeguard held her people against the marauding Feni that had burned their former homes far to the north. Eldrea for her actions was named the first thane and that very same hill is where Byrchenhal now stands, constructed from those very birch trees.

Now over a hundred-and-twenty years after those events - and three generations of hard work - the hall and its people prosper once more, becoming rich in resources provided by the land and people from all three traditions of Wintermark. In 381YE Lucan Leofsson was made the newest thane. An ambitious man, he led Byrchenhal into wider Imperial affairs and there they have remained to this day.

All who are raised in the hall are raised upon tales of Vigilance, Courage, and Loyalty - symbolised by the three runes displayed upon the hall's banner. These runes are lasting reminders of their ancestors who - perhaps - weren't as rich in those Virtues as their descendants. Byrchenhal counts scops, stormcrows, artisans, and mystics among their number but all are ready to stand under the banner when the time comes to defend their home, Wintermark, and the Empire.


  • Location: Bruckland
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Gytha Heartseer

Originally Dolmenhal was once a large and prosperous hall in the far north of Skarsind, established to enjoy the bounties the land and keep an eye on the Thule to the north. Their defences proved inadequate when the northern barbarians invaded in 373YE under the guise of a savage blizzard. Rather than lose their hall entirely to the threat of the Thule the elders of the hall sacrificed themselves to buy time for the younger members. They left to seek refuge in Hahnmark, harried by scouting parties as they fled through Pakaanen’s pass.

The survivors spent some years in Hahnmark, travelling and integrating with the people of the territory, enjoying some respite after their harrowing experiences at the hands of the Thule menace. The survivors eventually founded a new Dolmenhal, in Buckland, near the border with Kallavesa and Sermersuaq. Always they keep a watchful eye toward the Northspires, and the pass that leads to their ancestral dwellings. No strangers to hardship, in dire times they utter the hall words of their forbearers: "We shall weather the storm."

Dunhearth Hall

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Dunhearth Hall
  • Location: Wood Heath
  • Traditions: Steinr
  • Thane: Tobrytan Dunning

Located on the southern border of Hahnmark, the Dunnings are a grand family, collectively led by the Thane of Dunhearth Hall. This familial connection is paramount, a kinship that has existed in times of legend long before the Empire and even Wintermark itself. Their progenitors, The Great Dun and the mighty Kára, came to this world with Vard and Stein. The following tumultuous era saw great sacrifice; both Kára and their daughter Nál fell during a fateful raid against the trolls. Their other daughter Áma founded the Redfeldr, the red cloaks, with the many war orphans the family adopted. This has been the family’s military core since; the Dunnings’ eagle banner leading their descendants through history. The Dun himself carries on as a figure in the family’s oral legend, variously as a gregarious operator, cunning warrior, and spiritual guardian until he leaves for the north, passing his authority to whomever the family appoints.

The first Hall was simply a tatty command tent that eventually settled in south Hahnmark during the war with the trolls. The town of Arnburh later grew from that first tent, founded by Gangrædan the first Thane of Dunhearth Hall. Once the trolls were defeated the Dunnings protected the southern border of the Kingdom of Wintermark against orc and human alike. Recently, the Dunnings were forced to relocate when Dunhearth Hall was swallowed by a terrible sinkhole leading to the foundation of New Dunhall shortly before the Autumn Equinox 381YE.

The modern family is one of incorporation, the strength of its legacy, and the skills and experience of those who are married and adopted in. This history has led to many familial lines but all politely refer to each other as ‘cousin’. The hall is notable for its warriors, scops, and artisans. Sitting on a major trade route from the Marches, its prosperity has been ever fed into military support for the Empire. Likewise its brightest have served widely in the various Imperial institutions (although never the Throne).

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Eagles Rest

Eagles Rest

  • Location: Bruckland
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Vartija

After the collapse of The Two Houses, House Vartija struck out alone. Their home town of Turelva, and surrogate home of The Crows Teeth, gave them somewhere to think about the future. Orin, Vartijas grandfather, owned The Crows Teeth and offered it to the group as a place to rest after assisting in the war in Skarsind. Vartijas crest was a blue eagle head on a black and green field. The hall Eagles Rest was born from the embers of The Two Houses in respect of what Orin and The Crows Teeth had given them after Skarsind. Eagles Rest aim to prosper in the Empire and specialise in dealing with the ridiculous and dangerous.

Eira Spire

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Eira Spire
  • Location: Northspires
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Verdehil

In the Northspires of northern Hahnmark lies a small village at the base of the mountain. This village sits in front of a large wooden door embedded into the mountain; the entrance to the Hall of Eira Spire.

Once an isolationist group with a general fear of magic, in recent years the hall of Eira Spire opened its doors to help the rest of Wintermark and the empire, to reclaim Sermersuaq. The hall strives to improve relations between Wintermark and the other nations, be that with words, magic or action.

Eira Spire takes great joy in hosting others, and loves to share a drink round the fire. The hall prefer to take a positive outlook on life, celebrating a member’s passing with laughs and moments of their lives, instead of tears.

Fellowship of the Broken Willow

  • Location: Northspires
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:
Fellowship of the Broken Willow.png
Fellowship of the Broken Willow

When Skarsind fell, many of its inhabitants were left without homes. The chaos that engulfed them also brought out some of the worst of many halls; families were torn apart and old wounds reopened. In response a wise and proud Steinr woman, Lora Windeltreow, resolved to form her own hall, one without any landed home, partially as a matter of practicality and partially as a small act of protest. The "hall" formed around a traveling caravan and they journeyed throughout Wintermark, trading for what was needed, accepting any and all - outcasts, lost teenagers, and vagrants - so long as they needed a new place to call their own.

Lora’s natural charisma drew many under her banner, and even those who had only intended to stay for a few short seasons found themselves compelled to stay longer. Lora passed away due to illness shortly before the 380YE Winter Solstice, a fact which left the rest of the hall reeling, and they initially struggled to recover. After the Spring Equinox, when Lora was committed to the marshes of Kallavesa, her successor was chosen as the group’s head grimnir, as the hall has a number devoted to that art.

Hyrst Hal
Hyrst Hal

Hyrst Hall

  • Location: Wood Heath
  • Traditions: Steinr and Kallavesi
  • Thane:

Hyrst Hall was built upon a wooded hill. Tall dark oak trees surround the small, fortified settlement. A small flock of ravens make their homes in the oaks - they alert the hall of dangers and in return the locals hang small glittering trinkets from the trees as gifts.

Hyrst Hall is a merchant hall first and foremost with proud traditions of trade and using their wealth in supporting military concerns.

New Ausland

  • Location: Kronemark
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Kaarina Starborn
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New Ausland

Situated on the border between Hahnmark and Sermersuaq the settlement of Ausland was once lively and prosperous. Unfortunately an attack by a raiding party of the Jotun wiped out much of the population and claimed their wealth.

The remaining villagers sought refuge at Eagle's Rest. When a travelling merchant visited the hall and heard their tale she vowed to help. The remaining villagers were simple folk who had enjoyed their previously quiet life so they quickly bestowed the title of Thane upon the merchant, who led them further to the border between Hahnmark and Kallavesa to found a new settlement where they could begin their lives again.

The hall of New Ausland was formed under the leadership of Thane Kaarina Starborn. Now they seeks to rebuild the settlement both in popularity and prosperity.


Oxenguard - Alfred Rose.jpeg
  • Location: Northspires
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:

On the northern western boarder of Hahnmark made up of three small hamlets, each with in walking distance of each other. During the reign of Empress Varkula a soldier returned home after their two years of service, and built a mead hall in one of the hamlets.

Now the aim of the hall is to rebuild after losing a great many members in 376YE fighting alongside Empress Britta.


  • Location: Northspires
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:
  • Hall Banner: White horse on a green background

Renweard is made up of three halls - Tyrshalt, White Oak, and Ætheling - working together to support Wintermark and the Empire. First formed during the Winter Solstice 376YE and helped reclaim two crowns for the Empire. They strive to help Wintermark fight well on the field, in the Imperial Senate and other places of power.


  • Location: Valasmark
  • Traditions: Steinr
  • Thane: Iron Osric

Originally established in Skarsind, after the territory was given to the Imperial Orcs, the Sigehold established a new hall on the Kallavesa border, in Valasmark. Before they left, the stormcrows of Sigehold gathered their Hall’s diverse traditions in a book to be given to the Skywise with whom there is a continued friendship.

The original Sigehold Hall was founded by Striking Ardith (first Warden of the Mark) after her band of resistance fighters had aided in the successful taking of Skarsind. It was formed of those of diverse fallen halls who had come together to fight against the Thule after the Fall.

The banner of Sigehold continues to be used to rally the Heart of the Mark in battle and Sigehold prides itself on its friendship with the smaller halls stemming from its history of being a home for those broken, dispossessed and needing refuge from the Fall. Hospitality in Sigehold is linked closely with food and especially Sigehold gravlax from their salmon farm.


  • Location:
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Sverri Hordson
  • Hall Banner: Face of Sten Rockbeard in gold on a blood red background

Stenstorp hall was founded by Sten Rockbeard and his companions after a legendary encounter with the troll known to the hall as Toothcutter. Having driven the troll from the Vale of Kivikylma, Sten established a settlement there, which flourished. After a long period of relative peace bandit orcs attacked the settlement, and if the tales are to be believed, they were accompanied by the troll called Toothcutter. They came in such numbers that survivors were forced to flee the Vale of Kivikylma.

Following Sten's eventual passing, successive thanes and generations have sought for the Vale of Kivikylma in vain. Following the recent tragic death of Thane Algar, Stenstorp Hall adopted Sverrir Hordson, an experienced armourer and weaponsmith whom they had spent time with in Anvil, as thane.

Currently Stenstorp Hall is based at Sverrir's mining settlement and workshops, Malmurheim, in Hahnmark. It is not clear why the histories have not led Stenstorp Hall to find the Vale of Kivikylma. It is unlikely that the Hall will lose hope of one day returning to their original home.


  • Location: Northspires
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Raknar Ravenstorm

Built atop the tallest peak of the Northspires in Hahnmark, the Stormspire has a commanding view over much of Wintermark and beyond. Their scouts watch the borders still for Thule aggression, a duty they take no less seriously for peace treaties. Should the signal be received the great beacon atop Stormspire is lit, followed swiftly by the others in the network; in this way all of Wintermark is warned of trouble.

As much a garrison as a true hall, their commander is known as the Eyes of the North; currently held by Thane Raknar Ravenstorm. Though known mostly for their warriors and scouts, they embrace all of Wintermark’s traditions with enthusiasm. Among their number they count many famous scops, runesmiths, icewalkers and more; their head grimnir, Lofyn Bloodbathed, is known across the Mark for her work to restore the Bloodcloaks. Likewise, they watch the roads of the Northern trade network, and their caravan patrols attract numerous traders to the spire. Many of their number were once refugees from Skarsind and elsewhere, Stormspire being both fortified and close to the border of that war-torn land.

It is the warrior tradition for which they are most famed. Their scouts travel the most inhospitable reaches of the 'Mark. Their warriors strike out in heavy armour, wielding spear and sword to cut down threats they find. Since the death of Empress Britta they have fought in many of the Empire’s major engagements. Their warriors personally recovered the Empress Britta's headless body from the Thule. They reclaimed Winter’s Fury, the banner of Queen Ilsin, from the vallornspawn of Deer’s Folly at a terrible cost. They fought and died at the Battle of Ikka’s Tears, helped recover both the Crown of Three Tears and the Imperial Crown, and were the first to breach the walls of Urith Barath, the great Druj citadel in Reikos.

Hall Ursus

Hall Ursus
  • Location: Valasmark
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Revna Ursan

In Valasmark, close to the border with Rundhal Marsh, stands the hall of Ursus. All across the boundaries are engravings of sigils of bears - drawing on that animal's aspects of authority and leadership.

Now, the hall focuses on the Virtues of Courage, Loyalty, and Pride as they strive defend their land against the threats beyond the Empire and make their name in Anvil.

Wyverns' Watch

Wyverns Watch
  • Location: Northspires
  • Traditions: Steinr
  • Thane:

Located amidst the snow-capped Northspires of Hahnmark, the Wyverns' Watch is a hall of warriors and hunters dedicated to protecting the citizens of the Empire from its many threats, particularly beasts, monsters and malignant spirits. Imperial citizens of every nation have been tormented by such creatures since the founding of the Empire and constantly seek aid. It is the ancient charge of the Wyverns' Watch to stand against such perils and lend their support to the Empire by facing these creatures on the battlefield.

Each member of the Watch is blood-sworn by sacred oath to fight and lay down their lives to protect their comrades, the nation of Wintermark and ultimately, the Empire. Three formations of the Wyverns' Watch have since passed, the old watches did their job well by eradicating numerous beasts from the north and were eventually disbanded.

The Watch's pledge is a declaration to keep constantly vigilant for all dangers but none more so than the infamous and legendary beast; The Wyvern. Called the Great Enemy, the Watch considers these creatures its mightiest foe and there would be no greater test of skill, courage and power for the hall to hunt down one of these menacing beasts and surpass the heroism of their ancient predecessors.

A young hall with an old name, the hall welcomes all souls to prove their worth and add their names to the historic roster of hunters.


My labour and life for Yrhara, to forge the heroes yet to come. Let the virtues of the hara guide the way, for the hall is hungry and has many mouths to feed.
  • Location:
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Cynekendra

After their home of Skarsind was ceded to the Imperial Orcs in 379YE, the people (who would go on to become the Yrhara) scattered west to Hahnmark. After traversing the harsh lands of Hercynia they eventually rallied to a new hall founded by a thane, said to have been shown the way to their new home in a vision of a horned mountain hare, completing their journey the hall was named after the symbolic animal to which they owed their home.

The hall strives to pave the way for the next generation of heroes.

Halls of Kallavesa

The Æsclings

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The Æsclings
  • Location: West Marsh
  • Traditions: Steinr
  • Thane: Wilmær

The Æsclings are a hall based out of Kallevesa, formed of mostly Steinr. With strong, traditional values of hospitality, storytellling and heroism.

After the Troll wars and the conflicts that followed, the traditionally martial Æsclings hall found little need for their spear work in the lands of Wintermark. The Thane, Wealthwearer Wæcla, made the historic and unconventional decision to take the halls battle prowess further afield. Sailing out from the Westmere, the Æsclings offered their swords in foreign conflicts, both near and far, to great prosperity.

Since that time the hall has upheld a strong mercenary tradition, fighting alongside the other Imperial nations in their conflicts, as well as with foreign nations in theirs. However they do not forget their homeland, and return to Kallevesa regularly, both in leisure and at times when the lands of Wintermark are under threat.

In addition, due to their extensive travel, the Æsclings also have many adept traders amongst their number, with some members running the white wing trading company, which can often be found selling wares around anvil.


  • Location: Wittal Grove
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Riskel Blood Warden

Corvenhal was founded on the border between Hahnmark and Kallavesa in Rundhal Marsh formed mainly of the traditions of Steinr and Kallavesi but settled in a new holding within the marshes of Kallavesa in Wittal Grove 383YE.

The majority of the hall is built on its martial power, leaning into the traditions of a kallavesi warband. Corvenhal is accepting of all traditions, and not all under the banner are fighters. Many grimnir, traders, and ritualists are within Covernhal, but all that have been sworn in are bound by a strong kinship.


  • Location: Kallavesa Marsh
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:

Situated in the swamps of Kallavesa lit by the drifting will o’ the wisps and the twisted, snaking forms of the ghosts of Imperial heroes is the settlement of Greyholm. Pallid mud clings to the stilted walkways and jetties that connect the lonely huts and buildings propped up over the generations to ensure the living don’t join the departed before the end of their skeins. Peat moss grows in clumps alongside the undersides of windowsills and doorways and hanging lichen stretches its ghostly fingers off quaysides and into the waters of Kallavesa. These faded shades the only indication of colour in the marsh other than the greys of the wood used in the settlement's construction. Mired in the customs and hearth magic of Wintermark, Greyholm is a well know destination for the dead who will soon rest in the Sovevann.

Greyholm is a shelter to the disillusioned, its numbers swollen by refugees driven from their homes for whom it provides a tranquil sanctuary. With the increased number of casualties among the people of Wintermark, the need for grave keepers has also risen. Due to this many of the inhabitants of Greyholm have taken up this solemn duty of interning the heroes of the 'Mark in their final resting place. Many of the members of Greyholm are mystics, grimnir, or stormcrows who understand the importance for the preservation of life but also the need for a skein to end.


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  • Location: Skymark
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Wren Ironclaw

Years ago, the founders of the hall fled from unknown threats from the shores of the Gullet, abandoning their fleets behind and travelling inland to find a new home. There they found a home on the shore of one of the lakes of Skymark. They also found the "ironclaw crabs" which were monstrous crustaceans with shells as hard as iron and claws able to slay lightly armoured foes. The founders of the halls hunted the crabs to extinction, eating their flesh and remaking the shells left behind to serve as rudimentary armour. They chose to take Ironclaws as the name of their hall, acknowledging the beasts that they saw as their greatest challenge.

The Ironclaws are now a stalwart people with experience in both welfare and warfare. They accept refugees, understanding the suffering that comes with being forced to flee your home. The hall has a strong preference towards the virtues of Loyalty and Prosperity; those in the hall are encouraged to consider where their loyalties lie, and to use their wealth to support those struggling.

Since first visiting Anvil during the Winter Solstice 383YE, their ambitions have grown. The Ironclaws seek to further their connections, businesses and prosperity with the best and brightest that the Empire has to offer, while still remaining loyal to the traditions of their hall, the nation of Wintermark and the Empire as a whole

Kingfishers of Fisk

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Kingfishers of Fisk
  • Location: Wittal Grove
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:

The hall was formed in 383YE by some of the most prominent tradespeople and ritualists of Fisk, the Kingfishers seek to enhance the prosperity and influence of their home by bringing their wares and expertise to Anvil. At the core of the hall is a coven of Autumn ritualists, who work to enhance the many businesses and fleets based in Fisk. An unusually high number of the hall members are of cambion lineage.

Among the trades represented in the Kingfishers are shipwrights and papermakers, who take advantage of the abundance of timber forested from Wittal Grove, food importers, who have easy access to the Marches and lands beyond the Westmere, and the herbalists, mystics, and apothecaries who maintain traditional local practices.

Halls of Sermersuaq


  • Location: East Floes
  • Traditions: Suaq
  • Thane:
  • Hall Banner: Blue three tailed fox on a field of white

Fjellreven Hall has existed in in some form since before the formation of Wintermark as a nation. It was originally a Suaq hall but with the joining of the peoples a greater diversity appeared. The oldest surviving records have the Hall settled in the Silver Peaks near a mountain pass into Skarsind. However with the Silverpeaks being ceded to the Thule the Hall has moved south to East Floes and now sits between the lakes Big Sister and Little Brother just across the water from Wreck.

The Hall has a strong tradition of icewalkers, artisans and grimnir and has taken great pride in being a centre for the medicinal arts.


  • Location:
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:

The Saker are a semi-nomadic collection of families (or 'hearths') who all band together. The Saker have lived in Sermersuaq (and occasionally outside it) for longer than even their story traditions recall. Since the death of Britta the Young, the Saker have come to Anvil in force and have been active in a variety of institutions of the Empire.

Steelstorm hall

There are strong changeling and draughir lines within the Saker, though they do not ascribe any large importance to such.

Steelstorm Hall

  • Location:
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:

Steelstorm Hall is a relative newcomer to the politics of Anvil, and is slowly finding their feet. They are primarily compose of skirmishing warriors supported by a handful of magicians and artisans.


  • Location: East Floes
  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane:

Close to the border with Skarsind, the Sussivari hall rests on the trod running from the Stonefield Ice Caves across the border past the old site of Pakaanen’s tower. An old hall founded long ago by the Steinr Oystein Korpis, it has endured since before the creation of the Empire.

It is made up of a full mix of the traditions; members of the hall live and work together at the hall or, in the case of several of the Suaq, nearby in one of the small seasonal hunting settlements. A large number of the hall died fighting alongside Empress Britta whilst trying to defend Skarsind. Loyalty to their fallen kin inspired the new generation of the hall to make the journey to Anvil to take part in Imperial politics and warfare.

While the hall has always counted warriors, icewalkers, mystics, artisans and stormcrows among its number, it has developed a particularly strong arcane tradition in recent years with many members now practicing ritual magic of one form or another. Similarly, since the beginning of the Interregnum and now up to the present day, the hall has provided a high number of stormcrows that are active both within Wintermark and the Imperial Synod.

Tian’s Ravens

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Tian's Ravens
  • Location: East Floes
  • Hall Banner: A white raven returning the sun, burning its claws in the process
  • Traditions: Steinr and suaq
  • Thane: Umarth Winter's Flame

Tian's Ravens runs an outpost at the edge of the East Floes, where they conduct trade and historically shepherded refugees from the western warfronts. Composed primarily of refugees themselves; some from Skarsind and others brought from Jotun-conquered Sermersuaq, the hall cares for those who remember the hunger and thirst of the long winter. Their banner has a sigil of the white ravens that once flocked in Gildermark, carrying aloft the sun as a reminder that it is the deeds of a hero who ensures that winter breaks and light illuminates the land again.

The hall’s words are, “I have come too far to end here.” drawn from the Verse of Triumphant Return.


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Holt Hyrde

Holt Hyrde

  • Traditions: Mixed

The Holt Hyrde are nomadic. The term Holt stems back from the earliest days of the Kallavesi. It originally referred to a small copse of trees ideal as a place to lay camp. Over time it variously became known as a word for home, house, hall of lords, and the place close to my heart that I consider my home. It has also often been used symbolically to represent the kingdom of Wintermark.

The Holt Hyrde are protectors of the borders of Wintermark. They seek not glory, and to lead others into glory. They do not seek fame, though the names of others will be sung because of them. They do not seek victory, though the Wintermark will see glory through their actions. They watch over the dark places beyond their homes, walk among the long shadows that threaten to reach out and take their precious lands from them. They learn of the ways of their enemies and seek to understand them, for through knowledge comes victory.

They count among their people the wise, the thoughtful, and the considered. The hunter, the mystic, and the crafter. They task themselves with guiding the stories of the great heroes of Wintermark. They take care in ensuring that heroic tales run longer than they otherwise might. They take pride that the songs or heroes ring with rousing choruses of victory. They take satisfaction in the splintering of the bones of their foes beneath their boots.

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Kraken's Vanguard

Kraken's Vanguard

  • Traditions: Mixed
  • Thane: Elgar Angusson

Established in the Winter of 384YE, Kraken's Vanguard - known to its members simply as 'the Vanguard' - is a growing hall with a range of traditions from across Wintermark, Empire and even further afield. The hall relies on its vast network of traders and military units from their main settlement, Kraken's Rest, established in Rundhal Marshes in the months following the attacks of Cold Sun. The Vanguard traces its heritage outside of Wintermark but instead in the cities of the League; The "Brazen Masque Company" was originally founded in Holberg during the siege of the Druj and many founding members of the Vanguard were once employees. As a result, though the hall is now firmly of Wintermark, the Vanguard prides itself in operating a vast network of assets across the Empire. It boasts many members from other nations and hosts dozens of expeditions each year to show the folk of Wintermark the known world and to show the world the power of Wintermark.

"We're bound by oath, by blood, by duty. A life by sail and sword just suits me." From the Kraken's Vanguard Company Anthem.


Any player character group in Wintermark can submit an entry for this page. The entry should come from the out-of-character group leader and be emailed to

It should contain the following information:

  • Group archetype (hall or frayed). If your group doesn't have one of these archetypes, it will be listed in the "other" section.
  • Territory and region where the groups lands are physically located.
  • Any Wintermark group that has a particular symbol associated with them can include an image. It can be included with your contribution.
  • The name of your thane if you are a hall.

You should also include up to 250 words of description, detailing the kind of things that other characters might know about your group. Have a look at the description for a hall for ideas on the kind of information that is useful. You should also include a few sentences of history, especially around the circumstances of the group's formation or origin.

Some other questions to consider include:

  • Are there any particular archetypes the group is associated with that might be unexpected?
  • Is your hall made up of just the one tradition or is it more mixed?

Things to avoid include:

  • Too much worldbuilding detail — this represents information other characters may know about your house. It's not a place to define elements of the game world
  • Lists of character names — this isn't a place for getting your name on the wiki
  • Too much emphasis on the past — while it's useful to have a few lines of history, what matters in Empire is what your house does on the field at events

It's possible to update the information on this page over time (for example if your in-character group leader changes) with an e-mail to