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<tr><td>[[A_job_worth_doing|Invoked by Auric Horizon to restore the Castle of Thorns]]</td><td>379YE Winter</td><td>Castle restored</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Queens_and_kings#The_Talented_Koboldi|Offered to boost Mine proudction for a season]]</td><td>381YE Autumn</td><td>The Grandmaster of the Golden Pyramid, Arsenio Rezia di Tassato accepted the offer but nobody upgraded</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Budded_roses#A_Gate_of_Adamant|Offered to rebuild the gate in Semmerholm]]</td><td>381YE Winter</td><td>[[Construct_Gate_in_Semmerholm|Completed over a year with a small shortfall]]</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Hunter_of_stars#Adamant|Called to Plenipotentiary]]</td><td>382YE Spring</td><td>Given offer for College of Engineering</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Mean_what_you_say#King_Adamant_and_the_Academy_of_Stone|Offered help to build College of Engineering]]</td><td>382YE Summer</td><td>Senate motion bungled</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Amend_Master_of_the_Koboldi|Motion amended to add required powers]]</td><td>382YE Winter</td><td>Power to commission added</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[An_affirming_flame#The_Three_Watchers|Furia Severia called in favour to build the Three Watchers]]</td><td>383YE Spring</td><td>Completed and consecrated with true liao</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Sun_green#The_Disappointment_of_Adamant|Dawn thanks everyone except Adamant for the Gates of Adamant]]</td><td>383YE Spring</td><td>[[383YE_Spring_Equinox_Synod_judgements#Judgement_28|Statement]] Passed with Greater Majority</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[383YE_Summer_Solstice_Synod_judgements#Judgement_49|Galene Neverwatch thanked Adamant in Urizen Assembly]]</td><td>383YE Summer</td><td>Passed with Greater Majority, Gift sent to Galene, Mandate Offered</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Something_must_break#Toward_Virtuous_Ends|Pro-eternal mandate offered to Urizen Assembly and General Assembly]]</td><td>383YE Autumn</td><td>Passed Urizen with Greater Majority, Passed General with Majority, blocked by Sword Scholars</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[Some_heavenly_music#The_Architects_of_Stone|Urizen coven offers Adamant ritual for Urizen Lore]]</td><td>383YE Winter</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<td>[[Long_walk_home#A_Brand_New_Day|Freed slaves from Dubhtraig arrive]]</td>
<td>Summer 383</td>
<td>Every Imperial Orc who owns a business, farm, forest, or herb garden gained one rank of production for two seasons after the Summer Solstice as the newcomers settled into their new lives</td>
<td>Thule [[When_the_ship_comes_in#Thule|Ongoing]] [[The_art_of_restraining_power#The_Orcs_of_Otkodov|interest]] in recovering remains of runeforge</td>
<td>Summer-Autumn 381</td>
<td>???? I'm almost sure that the Empire has let the Thule pick over the runeforge, but I can't find the motion - I've searched "gildenheim" and "thule runeforge" without success</td>
<td>[[Forge_of_sorrows|Runeforge discovered]]</td>
<td>Autumn 379</td>
<td>[[Weigher_of_Worth|Halls of Worth completed]]</td>
<td>Mana sinecure; announced Summer 381, completed Autumn 381</td>
<td>[[Gildenheim_runeforge|Runeforge research report produced]]</td>
<td>Commissioned 378YE</td>
<td>Research report completed Summer 379 (?)</td>
<td>[[Relinquish_Skarsind|Relinquished to the Imperial Orcs with the rest of Skarsind]]</td>
<td>Autumn 379</td>
<td>[[Skarsind_spoils_of_war#The_Hall_of_White_Ravens|Hall of White Ravens liberated]]</td>
<td>??? 377</td>
<td>Became the [[Skarsind#Legion.27s_Rookery|Legion's Rookery]] in Spring 381</td>
<td>[[Crown_of_Three_Tears#Inga_Suvvisdottir_and_the_Fall_of_Skarsind|Town and Crown of Three Tears lost]]</td>
<td>??? 373</td>
<td>Crown recovered in Spring 379, Gildenheim recovered at some point in 377</td>
<td>[[Brilliant_Shore|Brilliant Shore White Granite Quarry is nearby]]</td>
<td>Complex recent history, but currently an Imperial Bourse Resource</td>
<td>[[377YE_Winter_Solstice_winds_of_war|Recovered by the Empire]]</td>
<td>377 </td>
<td>(season not recorded)</td>
<td>[[Skarsind#The_Red_Blade_Memorial|Red Blade Memorial built nearby]]</td>
<td>Completed Spring 381 </td>
<td>Herb great work - [[The_worth_of_a_life#One_Life_to_Live|opportunity presented]] Winter 379 commissioned Autumn 380 </td>
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