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There are many important [[noble house|noble houses]], [[knightly orders]], and [[weaver cabals]] in [[Dawn]]. Despite the number, only a comparative handful are involved in the affairs of the Empire (that is, attend the seasonal summits at Anvil). Their influence can wax and wane, and involvement in Imperial affairs is not always a reflection of their prominence within the nation itself. This page presents in-character information about the groups that attend, or have attended, [[Anvil]] — the kind of thing that someone who asked about them might uncover from talking to their peers. In each case, the information is provided by the players and edited before being put on the wiki.
There are many important [[noble house|noble houses]], [[knightly order|knightly orders]], and [[weaver cabal|weaver cabals]] in [[Dawn]]. Despite the number, only a comparative handful are involved in the affairs of the Empire (that is, attend the seasonal summits at Anvil). Their influence can wax and wane, and involvement in Imperial affairs is not always a reflection of their prominence within the nation itself. This page presents in-character information about the groups that attend, or have attended, [[Anvil]] — the kind of thing that someone who asked about them might uncover from talking to their peers. In each case, the information is provided by the players and edited before being put on the wiki.

The majority of groups listed here are made up of player-characters. You should not create a character who is part of a group, or has personal history with one, without first clearing it with the appropriate players. You should also check before including other players' groups in your background. The background team are unlikely to approve a background that significantly impacts or involves another player character group without their permission. There are also a handful of prominent NPC groups included for completeness, but they are not intended for use by player characters.
The majority of groups listed here are made up of player-characters. You should not create a character who is part of a group, or has personal history with one, without first clearing it with the appropriate players. You should also check before including other players' groups in your background. The background team are unlikely to approve a background that significantly impacts or involves another player character group without their permission. There are also a handful of prominent NPC groups included for completeness, but they are not intended for use by player characters.
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The [[noble house|noble houses]] of Dawn represent the best - and occasionally the worst - of what the nation has to offer.
The [[noble house|noble houses]] of Dawn represent the best - and occasionally the worst - of what the nation has to offer.
===Houses of Astolat===
===Houses of Astolat===
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Asterion.png|caption=House Asterion|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Asterion====
* '''Location:''' Winterbourne, east of Boar's Hollow
* '''Heraldry:''' A magpie reaching out to pluck a star from the sky on a field of blue and white
* '''Colours:''' Black, royal blue and white - with gold accents
* '''Earl:''' Vacant
“From Dust, Become Stars.” A young house, Asterion was founded in 383YE by Enchanter Kyriel Asterion - after having left their previous house Montrose behind following the disastrous actions of their father Earl Tomme Montrose. It was to be a house capable of recognising any individual capable of glorious deeds, no matter their story, and to allow those who had been abandoned elsewhere to follow their ambition and belong to a true family. It takes in those who are alone, cast off, abandoned or lost, and gives them a chance to rise above the hand that has been dealt to them.
The house has drawn many who practise magic; its heart known as Brambling Keep built upon mountain foothills deep in the woods near Boar’s Hollow, where mana crystals are abundantly found in natural hot spring caverns in the mountainside. It was founded to be a place of refuge, where the snow dusted pines soften the noise of the world and a soul might find reflection and tranquillity if they so desire it. Whole of heart and soul, one might chase virtue and glory with even greater dedication.
Since the death of Enchanter Kyriel in 384YE, the house is without any present nobles, so is maintained by its yeofolk and knights-errant.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Brightstone.png|caption=House Brightstone|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Brightstone====
* '''Location:''' Withy, on the River of Sighs
* '''Heraldry:''' A mermaid holding aloft a white gemstone, on a field of golden yellow and teal blue
* '''Colours:''' predominantly golden yellow and teal blue, accented with a small amount of orange and emerald green
* '''Earl:''' Enchanter Ozilius Brightstone
House Brightstone was founded in 85YE when an impoverished knight-errant was tasked by a gloating earl to produce a gemstone more splendid than any in his esteemed collection. The seemingly insurmountable Test of Mettle was passed, however, when the determined knight carried a washtub from the Semmerholm village of Auvanne to a river in the north. Using his washtub as a crude boat, he voyaged hundreds of miles east along the river, all the way to [[the Semmerlak]] where, according to legend, he met a mysterious mermaid who swam to the bottom of the lake and retrieved for him the Brightstone - a glittering gemstone of beauty beyond description. Not content to serve an ill-mannered Earl, the newly-titled Lord instead travelled west to Astolat and there he restored the venerable, ruined castle of Respireau- an ancient stronghold built onto the River of Sighs on the southwestern border, and thus became the first Earl of House Brightstone. The Brightstone remains a cherished heirloom to this day and is brought to Anvil for all to admire.
Castle Respireau is famous for its underwater library and luxurious bathhouse, and the nobles of house Brightstone pride themselves on their hospitality. They eat and drink exceptionally well, due to an abundance of fish from the River of Sighs, as well as [[The League|League]] river-trading barges that frequently stop by the castle. They enjoy a reasonably amicable relationship with their [[Navarr|Navarri]] neighbours in [[Miaren]] and occasionally take leisure boats up and down the River of Sighs.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Caerleon.png|caption=House Caerleon|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Caerleon====
* '''Location:''' Winterbourne, southwest of Weaving
* '''Heraldry:''' Two white dragons eating each other's tails creating a circle on a navy blue background with a gold chevron.
* '''Colours:''' Navy blue and white, accented with gold
* '''Earl:''' Lady Guinevere Caerleon
House Caerleon is a recent addition to Dawn's history, being founded in 307YE when the knight-errant Arthur Caerleon split from his adopted family after passing his Test of Mettle fighting and protecting a town from "draconic" beasts with other knights-errant, taking one of the beast's heads as a reward. Lord Caerleon travelled for miles trying to find the perfect location to settle, before finally coming across a hill with beautiful views, flanked by babbling brooks and overlooking the Hamlet of Strathmoor. It is here where he buried the beast's head on top of the hill and restored and expanded an old manor house close to the Hamlet and began to call it home.
Over the years the Caerleon grounds have grown to include Strathmoor, and it has developed into a thriving farming town well known for its apple orchards, and because of these, desserts such apple pie have become a town and house specialty. The hill, named Dragon’s Garden, that overlooks the manor and town has also become well known, for it grows a variety of colourful flowers and berries upon it almost all year round. Atop, it has grown a single large apple tree with bark that looks like scales, producing the sweetest apples around, apples are normally reserved only for the Earl or their honoured guests.
House Caerleon prides itself on being a found family and uses the virtues of loyalty, wisdom, and courage to resist hardships and assist members in pursuing goals in whatever path they walk.
====House de Coeurdefer====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Coeurdefer.png|caption=House Coeurdefer|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Winterbourne, just south of [[Astolat#Weaving|Weaving]]
* '''Heraldry:''' Black, a gauntlet silver grasping a crescent moon, two crescent moons silver
* '''Colours:''' Black and silver
* '''Earl:''' Zadkiel de Coeurdefer
House de Coeurdefer predates the Empire; memory of its forming has fallen into a legend. It is claimed that a knightly band gathered to destroy a nest of Winter-touched [[Mundane_beasts#Drakes|drakes]], with their leader giving her heart's blood and her life to seal a twisted [[regio]]. [[Troubadour|Troubadours]] sometimes say Castle Ironheart, their principal seat, was created magically out of dragon bones and her steel cestus to stand guard against the threat returning. Since the founding of the House, the Earls have traditionally been of Winter lineage, with a strong line of [[naga]] from the [[weaver cabal]] that lives and works with them, the Coven of Ouroboros Twining.
The House is known for Loyalty, [[Ambition]], and Pride. Over the centuries, the House declined - numbers fell, as the dour draughir stayed at home with their packs of wolfhounds. They have a strong tie to their neighbours and cousins in [[#House de Rondell|House de Rondell]], and the Earl de Rondell's call for support at Anvil following the death of [[Empress Britta]] brought them out of their towers. Most of the nobles who attend Anvil on behalf of their House are from the naga weaver cabal rather than the draughir House, and Earl Zadkiel is of their blood. If and when others ask him for a Test, he's likely to offer a simple-seeming puzzle or challenge to enact at Anvil or in battle. They are usually more complex in practice, and focus on clever planning or the recruitment and leading of allies in a challenging situation.
====House Cordraco====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Cordraco.jpg|caption=House Cordraco|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Withy, north of Oldheart
* '''Heraldry:''' Twinned Dragons on a field of purple and gold
* '''Colours:''' Purple and gold
* '''Earl:''' Logan Olivier De Havilland Cordraco
House Cordraco was founded in 378 by a conglomeration of the ancient and venerable houses Arwood, Boscombe, Loriel and Martel. To do this they were set the test of slaying a dragon. They managed to fell a mighty drake but not before the beast feasted upon their first Earl; Johann Rookwood Martel Cordraco.
House Cordraco have been a great supporter of the arts and hospitality since its founding. The house most closely associates with the virtues of Ambition, Pride and Prosperity. The motto, "''Not for us the straight and narrow''" is taken from the house oath, read by nobles once they have been judged to have completed their tests of mettle. It epitomises the beliefs of the house; that there is no one path to Glory. House Cordraco aspires to great acts of Prosperity and Pride within Dawn and the Empire. After a tumultuous reorganisation following the deaths of multiple earls, House Cordraco looks to step back into the world of Anvil politics intent on having its name echo through the ages. The house is known to encourage civility, respect and cooperation between its members.
====House de Gauvain====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House_Gauvain_Heraldry.jpg|caption=House de Gauvain|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Caer Faucon
* '''Heraldry:''' Golden phoenix on flames; nobles often have their own personal heraldry
* '''Colours:''' Orange and black with red trim
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Rosalynne de Gauvain
[[Pitiless_as_the_sun#Edric_de_Gauvain|Ser Edric de Gauvain]] is perhaps one of the most famous names in Dawn, thanks to a recent [[curse]] which befell the territory of Weirwater; but what of his House? Nestled in the bucolic Astolat countryside, the de Gauvains (pronounced ''gor-van'') reside in the pleasant market town of Caer Faucon. It is far from the front lines of the Empire at war. Few monsters stalk their lands. Their keep looks out over sheep scudded hills, drooping orchards, and peace. Wealth breeds prosperity, and hospitality. Noble and yeofolk rub shoulders, and do so gladly; bloody experiences during [[the Marches|the Marcher]] [[Dawn_history#Before_the_Empire|revolt]] taught them the error of their older, haughtier ways. The de Gauvains’ door is always open for travellers and wanderers, but one should never mistake warmth and generosity for placidity or cowardice. They have glorious deeds to match.
The house is best known for its weavers. Rich supplies of textiles, and a deep-seated love of glory, have led to a great interest in the [[Summer magic|Summer realm]]. This power in magic and realm-wisdom is matched on the battlefield; the House’s knights and war-witches march as part of the famous Winged Lion lance.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Goldvein.png|caption=House Goldvein|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Goldvein====
* '''Location:''' Stryxstone Keep, north of Weaving
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden mandowla on an emerald field
* '''Colours:''' Emerald and gold
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Pellinore Goldvein
Originally founded by a former guide of Navarr who found true love and her place in the great dance beside a knight-errant, House Goldvein has a long-held tradition of recording and sharing tales of love and glory. After the tragedy that ended the reign of Nicovar, this mission broadened to include the foundation of the Stryxstone Library as a repository of knowledge to protect against a similar loss of information. After more than 150 years of bad luck, sabotage and unexplained misfortune, the House finally found itself succeeding in this quest, but becoming more insular and cutting itself off from the wider Empire. Now with a new Earl in their ascendance, House Goldvein makes it return to Anvil, and the centres of learning and research across the Empire.
House Goldvein prides itself on the diversity of talent and knowledge it recruits and fosters, with artisans, warriors, troubadours, witches and physicks all held in equal prominence within the ranks of the House's nobles and yeofolk, and all who can share a tale or unrecorded knowledge will find a warm welcome to the estates surrounding the Stryxstone Keep.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Larmallevés.png|caption=House Larmallevés|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Larmallevés====
* '''Location''': Brightway, west of the De Warrenne Way
* '''Heraldry:''' Crowned Phoenix in Gold on Field of Purple
* '''Colours:''' Gold and Purple
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés
The House Larmallevés traces its history back to before the rise of the Empire, founded by [[Dawn_monarchy|King]] Bréanainn who won the grand tourney with armour and arms of his own design. Ever since that early day the House has always sought to elevate to its ranks anyone who claims great skill, on the battlefield or as a creator; as such they have a tradition of setting [[Dawn_culture_and_customs#The_Test_of_Mettle|Tests of Mettle]] aimed at the abilities the [[knight-errant]] claim to be best with. The current Enchantress is a [[cambion]] and as such their tests reward and encourage clever thinking in their completion.
Over the generations the house has seen repeating cycles of growth and prominence followed by an inevitable fall and in these days has receded to little more beyond the ancestral hall known as the "Chateau of the Second Dawn", named for its great ceremonial fire pit. The house now looks to be beginning a new rise to prominence under the leadership of the new [[Earl#Enchanters|Enchantress]] who is once more looking to recruit warriors, skilled [[Crafting skills#Artisan|artisans]], [[Magical skills#Magician|mages]], and healers into the house. The house has a focus on the Autumn realm with [[Magical_skills#Realm_Lore|ritualists]] encouraged to join the Chain-Sworn Scales weaver cabal.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Lucentia.png|caption=House Lucentia|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Lucentia====
* '''Location''': The plains below Boars Hollow
* '''Heraldry:''' An outstretched hand, gently holding a star with a background of navy blue and purple
* '''Colours:''' Blue, Purple and Silver
* '''Earl:''' Enchanter Vesper Lucentia
A young house created by Enchanter Vesper upon passing their test of mettle in Summer 385YE. The house is known for its distinct approach to the Virtue of Wisdom. The house has a focus on welcoming all comers, including many who have joined Dawn later in their lives from other nations. It is also a house of travellers and wanderers; those who seek new horizons and greater understanding. It has gained something of a reputation as a house of "chain breakers", as many of its members have fought hard to save people under the yoke of oppressors.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Melora.jpg|title="Virtute et valare luceo non uro"|caption=House Meliora|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Meliora====
* '''Location''': The Chase, south of Laroc
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden unicorn facing left on a quartered cream and purple field
* '''Colours:''' Purple, Cream and Gold
* '''Earl:''' Earl Torag Meliora
House Meliora is a relatively young house, formed in the [[Cloud_waves_break|mist]] of 383YE, when a number of both nobles and yeofolk alike chose to break away from their previous house in the pursuit of a more virtuous and glorious life.
They built a house dedicated to achieving glory on and off the battlefield, their members split equally between both martial and magical pursuits. The house has since grown in size, welcoming members from other nations and magicians representing five of the six realms. The Earl of Meliora is committed to forming a place for his house to thrive wherever they choose to find themselves upon the quest for glory.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House de Rondell.jpg|caption=House de Rondell|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House de Rondell====
* '''Location:''' Laroc
* '''Colours:''' Blue and silver
* '''Heraldry:''' Three crescent moons around a gryphon
* '''Earl:''' Bohemond de Rondell
An ancient house existing from before the founding of the Empire, its fortunes have risen and fallen many times over the centuries. Proximity to the Castle of Thorns in Astolat has always kept them near to the political heart of Dawn. There is evidence that the castle was designed by a de Rondell in the earliest days of the Dawnish presence on the Bay of Catazar.
This house has returned senators, generals and cardinals again and again over the centuries. As such the household places an ongoing emphasis on questing in other parts of the Empire and gaining the regard of others in this way, long after many houses expect their members to focus in other areas.
The House uses virtues as inspiration, immortalised in the three silver crescent moons in the house heraldry. They represent Pride in one's own worth and that which the House has won; Ambition to constantly reach out and grasp every opportunity, and Courage to always step forwards into the fray or into the unknown.
“We have been there from the beginning of the Empire, we will be there at the ascension. Until that day we shall steer it towards greatness and Glory” Bohemond de Rondell
House de Rondell's martial tests of mettle are quite difficult and can easily result in the death of the unwary; the other theme that runs through their tests is an emphasis on political acumen and the ability to influence others to act for the good of the Empire.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House de Rosier.png|caption=House de Rosier|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House de Rosier====
* '''Location:''' Winterbourne
* '''Colours:''' Red, gold and white
* '''Heraldry:''' A snake coiled inside a rose, surrounded by a radiant golden halo.
* '''Earl:''' Cerys de Rosier
Long before the founding of the Empire, House De Rosier was forged amidst a cataclysmic event. Their home in the lowlands of the mountains in northern Astolat was threatened by a devastating landslide. House de Rosier rallied their kin and fled up the mountain, desperately seeking refuge from the relentless fury of the storm. They traversed the treacherous mountain until they arrived at a plateau, apparently guided by a mysterious snake that appeared amidst the chaos. There, the snake halted, its gaze fixed upon a radiant rose blooming amidst the mountain peaks. To the amazement of House de Rosier, the snake curled around the rose, protecting it from the surrounding chaos. Sensing the serenity emanating from this extraordinary flower, they realised it was a sign. The survivors had found their new home—a sanctuary upon the mountaintop that became the foundation of House de Rosier. Their ancestral crest, a majestic rose entwined with a serpent, is a symbol of their resilience and the eternal bond between their house and the land that sheltered them.
House de Rosier offers any citizen who wishes to join their ranks a test that has remained unchanged since its foundation. Knights are called to venture to a place hitherto unexplored. They are instructed to return with three significant elements—an extraordinary tale, a tangible souvenir, and a scar etched upon their body. It is a test that unites the house, binding generations together through shared experiences and a deep reverence for the unknown.
The land continues to be fertile and the house is famed for its beautiful gardens, overgrowing with strange blooms often brought back by questing knights. These rare flowers are distilled into perfumes which keep the estate, and its inhabitants, fragrant.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Sepulchre.png|caption=House Sepulchre|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Sepulchre====
* '''Location:''' Winterbourne
* '''Colours:''' Red, gold and black
* '''Heraldry:''' Black hound
* '''Earl:''' Loria Sepulchre
House Sepulchre traces its roots to Mira (later Rolande), a [[warden]] of [[Varushka]] who came to Dawn to bury her family and, eventually, the magician who killed them. Her bloodthirsty quest won her glory and land where she could mourn and remember in quiet contemplation. Over the years the graves and gardens spread further and further as House Sepulchre sought to collect tales and songs of the glorious dead as well as providing them with a fitting resting place (sometimes as [[Mark_the_Flesh_Incorruptible|statues]] stationed around the gardens and grounds). It suffered something of a decline when it was revealed that a [[Religious_crime#Heresy|heretical]] cult of [[Malign_spiritual_presences#Hope|Hope]] had spread throughout the ranks of the nobility. It was only thanks to the swift action of a newly ennobled knight that Sepulchre endured.
The house is known for having a string of [[draughir]] earls, but is now under the custody of Earl Loria Sepulchre, who seeks to rebuild Sepulchre’s ranks, and teach all of the house’s noble and yeofolk the value and importance of magic. Sepulchre accepts knights-errant from every walk of life, and its Tests of Mettle are often designed to encourage imaginative thinking, to test resolve, and to crush any lingering shreds of optimism in the aspiring noble. Particularly of note is the Sepulchre graveyard, upon which when a knight-errant passes their Test of Mettle, they dig their own grave, a symbolic burying of their old life to start anew.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House_Videre_Heraldry.jpg|caption=House Videre|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Videre====
* '''Location:''' The Chase, southeast of Laroc, near Rosered Woods
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden gryphon passant, on a parted field of red and green
* '''Colours:''' Green, Red and Gold
* '''Earl:''' Vacant
House Videre traces its lineage back to royal retainers of ancient times, who served with distinction before the Empire's founding. Over the centuries, the name Videre has weathered trials and triumphs, enduring near destruction in 276YE during a failed campaign to capture the Barrens. Again in 330YE, the house faced internal strife with the split of House de Carsenere, casting doubt on its future. Despite these challenges, House Videre persists, determined to reclaim its legacy and honour the noble traditions it upholds.
Known for their strong affinity for magic, the Videres have always been led by powerful Enchanters, each dedicated to their principles of Love and Loyalty above all else. Their Tests of Mettle are renowned for challenging candidates' loyalties to their limits, earning both respect and wariness from their peers. Despite their dedication to the Way, relations with the Imperial Synod have often been strained, owing to their unique tradition of challenging both parties during Tests of Ardour, even when one of their own nobles departs for another household. 
The seat of House Videre is a small hillside fortress located on the border between the Chase and Elvette. Once a strategic outpost during the Semmerholm conquest, it now guards the Hall of Blooms, a grand floral maze rumoured to house samples of flowers from across the Empire. However, the Hall of Blooms suffered significant damage in Spring 385YE as a consequence of the uncontrolled growth caused by the Imperial enchantment known as the Hallow of the Green World.
Following the disappearance of Lord Colborn Videre, the last Earl of House Videre, the leadership of the house remains in transition. Since Spring 386YE, Ludwig Barbadoro has been nominated as Castellan, assuming the role of seneschal and acting head of House Videre. Under his stewardship, the Hall of Blooms has been meticulously restored, symbolizing renewal and resilience within the house. The Videres eagerly await the day when a knight-errant successfully completes the Test of Mettle, ensuring the continuation of their noble line and the legacy of House Videre.

===Houses of Semmerholm===
===Houses of Semmerholm===
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=D'Abeille_Crest_2.png|caption=House D'Abeille|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House d’Abeille====
* '''Location:''' Estmure
* '''Heraldry:''' A Flower Crowned Bee on a Blue and Yellow field, parted with Black.
* '''Colours:''' Black, Yellow and Blue
* '''Earl:''' Earl Tarsus
A seemingly new House, only recently rising to prominence. House d’Abeille (pronounced da-bay) prides itself on Prosperity, Ambition and Loyalty to one another. Taking the heraldry of a bee, the house has a close, tight knit community, with each working for the good of the hive. Its members are easily recognised by the flower crowns which are staples of their outfits.
Situated in Semmerholm, to the north of the [[Semmerholm#The_Adamant_Gate|Adamant Gate]], House d’Abeille focuses its efforts on reclaiming the Barrens. Since its founding, its members are always the first to take the fight to the Druj therein.
On the field, the House specialises in fighting on the front lines and battlefield support, cutting down Druj and ensuring everyone makes it home to tell the glorious story. The motto and battlecry on the lips of its members is “Si sapis, sis apis” - If you are wise, be a bee.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=D'acier Heraldry.png|caption=House d'Acier|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House d’Acier====
* '''Location:''' Estmure
* '''Heraldry:''' Black Tower before a Golden Sun on a Green field
* '''Colours:''' Green and Gold
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Vivienne d’Acier
An older, weathered House in the process of rebuilding itself, greater than ever. Following a recent period of unstable leadership that saw the House verging on collapse, a new Enchantress was chosen through the trials of the [[Barien|Iron Duke]], bringing renewed Glory and purpose. Deeply [[Pride]]-aligned, House d’Acier draws from the life and lessons of Paragon [[Empress Richilde|Richilde]] to guide its way. Its members eschew direct martial might, instead leveraging their magical, medical, and diplomatic talents to steer the course of Dawnish politics.
D’Acier nobles and yeofolk are found on the fringes of great tourneys, elections, and other gatherings of note. They foster connections between Houses, provide healing and magical assistance, and help elevate those they believe will bring the most Glory to Dawn. Theirs is a Pride that speaks softly but looms large. Located near the [[Semmerholm#The_Adamant_Gate|Adamant Gate]], House d’Acier’s once mighty stronghold was ravaged by recent [[Druj]] incursions and, much like the House itself, is currently being rebuilt. The House’s history is intimately tied to Dawn’s claim to the Barrens, and they work tirelessly so that one day, the Dawnish banner may fly over those lands. They are also heavily involved in the politics of the Summer Realm, helping to foster positive relations between Dawn and the eternals of Summer, particularly the Iron Duke. In recent years, the House has garnered a reputation as one of the historian Houses of Dawn and are currently the custodians of a great relic of Richilde.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=DeBoisGilbert.jpeg|caption=House De Bois Gilbert|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House de Bois Gilbert====
* '''Location:''' Lacuve
* '''Heraldry:''' A black Sea Dragon surrounded by 3 silver suns (top left, top right, bottom middle) on a per pile red, gold and green (golden V on halved red and green)
* '''Colours:''' Gold, red and green
* '''Earl:''' Enchanter Morgan De Bois Gilbert
House de Bois Gilbert was formed in 52YE during the conquest of Semmerholm by a Knight Errant of House De Rondell as a reward for their glorious deeds.
In the early days of the house, its reputation became one of staunch protectors and defenders of the people from marauding beasts and barbarians, and of those who have heard of the house today, that reputation still stands, and the words of the house are "We are the shield." However the downsides of their zeal were clear - casualties were high and the house never grew much beyond a few dozen nobles, slowly declining in strength and influence over time. During the Druj invasion of 381YE the remaining nobles of the house were slain.
In 384YE, a knight-errant whose [[Loyalty]] to his house was unsurpassed succeeded at his quest to reinstate the nobility of the house and select a new Earl who now brings some selected retainers to Anvil to rebuild the glories of old.
====House Cadwalon====
* '''Location:''' Axmure
* '''Heraldry:''' A rampant golden unicorn with a green mane and tail, under a starry moonlit sky tinted gold against a violet field.
* '''Colours:''' Violet, gold, and green
* '''Earl:''' Lady Aneira 'Mawr' Harper Cadwalon
House Cadwalon is an ancient house, tasked with the protection of a parcel of land on the edge of the forest of Axmure. The house makes extensive use of heraldic magic in its girding, particularly invoking the unicorn in the house heraldry which lends its nobles a reputation for fierce passion for
life and a strong protective streak resulting in the house motto "Passionate Hearts, Fearless Souls.". Fittingly enough, Cadwalon's tests of mettle often evoke one or both of those themes.
House Cadwalon is rather (in)famous for the close relationship its nobles share with the yeofolk under their care, often eschewing formality unless it is of the utmost importance. This bond was born in the house's earliest days, with knights often ordered to accompany yeo forresters into the
woods to protect them from the barbarians, beasts, and bandits that stalk the glades of Axmure.
In the house's heyday, it was not uncommon to see their knights helping with manual labour - particularly where yeofolk had struggled mightily or even hurt themselves. More recently, the house has fallen on hard times, when the Druj invaded Semmerholm in 381YE, the knights and knights-errant of House Cadwalon fought a desperate rearguard action to buy precious time for their non-combatants and wounded to escape.
Bloodied, but unbowed, and with a small cadre of Ambitious young nobles at its core Cadwalon's Glory will burn bright, and its lands will know Prosperity once more.
====House de Cendres====
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* '''Location:''' Axmure
* '''Heraldry:''' Solid gold chevron on black behind a dragon resplendent on a tower
* '''Colours:''' Black and Gold
* '''Earl:''' Earl Feroce Lupo de Cendres
House de Cendres was formed when the Ashen Tower, a military company from [[the League]] city of [[Holberg]] emigrated to Dawn, in 381YE. They claimed lands in Axmure in the wake of the Druj invasion and retreat from that province in the same year. Under the dynamic leadership of their [[changeling]] Earl Lupo, they have attracted new yeofolk and knights to their banner and rebuilt their lands. Their estates are a wide valley on the Drycastle road, with several villages and fortified manors, sometimes called the Hearthhold. Their primary concern is prosecuting the war with the Druj, and as such they are a martial and aggressive House. Most recently, their knights and companies have marched deep into [[the Mallum|Druj territory]] with the Dawnish armies invading [[Ossium]] and the [[Forest of Ulnak]].
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House de Courtenay.png|caption=House de Courtenay|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House de Courtenay====
* '''Location:''' Semmer's Rose
* '''Heraldry:''' Rampant Fox with a bee on its nose, Azure and Gold per chevron
* '''Colours:''' Blue, Dark Teal and Gold
* '''Earl:''' Earl Aodhán de Courtenay
The House de Courtenay was almost wiped out when the [[Hounds of Glory]] fell, with Earl Jules being on their last breaths as they issued a test of mettle to the now Earl Aodhán. The house now prides itself on helping the lost find their place in the Empire - with all the current members of the House having been displaced or unsure where they were before becoming Dawnish. The House live by the words "''Nobody Left Alone''" - to be a guiding light for those who have no clear way forward, and to support those who otherwise might find themselves alone.
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====House du Maurisol====
* '''Location:''' Forests of Elvette
* '''Heraldry:''' Three entwined bright blue calla lilies within a golden sun
* '''Colours:''' Cream, gold, and bright blue
* '''Earl:''' Galeas du Maurisol
Dedicated to [[Loyalty]], the nobles of House du Maurisol are frequently priests and occasionally mages, but always warriors beneath it. They see it as their task to safeguard the Virtuous from dangers that might threaten to damage or shake their Loyalties, be this by the clever wordplay needed to encourage and guide, or a certain judicious application of a [[Dawn_culture_and_customs|challenge]] to those involved. Most of the House's nobles fell with Britta, but it has recently been revived and hopes to stand in glory once again.
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====House Medwood====
* '''Location:''' Axmure, Medwood Hall
* '''Heraldry:''' A white tree on red and a black and white checked field
* '''Colours:''' Red, black and white
* '''Earl:''' Earl Harlow
House Medwood are a new house which wasn’t established until 381YE when the [[Druj]] swept through Axmure. Taking in the devastation of Medwood's lands the nobles of the House realised a need to visit Anvil to truly establish themselves. The house values itself on its [[Loyalty]] and gaining their friendship is gaining a steadfast ally.
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====House de Rhys====
* '''Location:''' Ferrond
* '''Heraldry:''' A firebird on green and blue.
* '''Colours:''' Green, blue, black, and white
* '''Earl:''' Earl-Enchanter Ciagan de Rhys
An elder house refounded in Autumn 385YE after a powerful Empire-wide Day enchantment returned it to attention, House de Rhys was originally known for its powerful Night witches, before a sudden stop in Anvil attendance. Rumour has said the challenge of becoming Earl is often literally finding Castle de Rhys using riddles and puzzles left by the last Earl, with each making it more testing than the last. The difficulty in locating the castle may actually be based on its small size, but it is certainly home to many secrets that can be found in unexpected places.
House de Rhys is best known for its focus on glorious pursuits across every part of Anvil, encouraging the Loyalty to one's own heart and Ambitions. Whether this is to rise to a life in battles or the Synod, in an art studio or apothecary, or do something entirely new, House de Rhys is always prepared to offer support and guidance for the yeofolk and nobles that are part of it, and 'Rise', as their motto highlights, like a firebird from the ash.
House de Rhys is also now well known for its championing of Love. Many of the most popular songs performed by the troubadours of the house are focused on the topic. The castle is visited by people of all nations who wish to read the fantastic collection of love stories and poems, and often guests will sit in the hall until morning speaking of love. The castle's grounds are used for weddings and celebrations so the house is able to have a first-hand view of love in all its forms.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Summerstrong.png|caption=House Summerstrong|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House Summerstrong====
* '''Location:''' The Summerhold, Southern Elvette
* '''Heraldry:''' A blue tree on a field of red, wrapped in a wreath of blackthorns
* '''Colours:''' Red and Blue, often with black accenting
* '''Earl:''' Lord Percival Summerstrong
House Summerstrong is an old house of Semmerholm, one that has regularly occupied the strange position of being one of the wealthiest of the least important houses of the territory. In recent history, the house has grown due to the marriage of the ex-earl Lord Gawain Summerstrong and his ex-Navarri wife Lady Penelope Summerstrong. With their marriage bringing many members of Penelope's striding to Dawn, House Summerstrong became known as a house with deep roots in both Dawn and Navarr. Their home, The Summerhold, is a physical representation of their ties to Navarr, resting along the trod that cuts through Elvette and serving as a stop-off point for those venturing south into Brocéliande. The Summerhold is instantly recognisable for its red stone walls, covered in an array of wild moss and flowers that give the illusion that the hamlet itself is a part of the woods around it. From their position in The Summerhold, House Summerstrong have pursued their ambition to fuel the mission against the Vallorn that occupy the areas so close to their home – with their tests of mettle often featuring a glorious hunt into Broceliande or a face-off with a dryad or marsh walker. The Vallorn is, in the eyes of House Summerstrong, the most dangerous threat to the empire and its members are driven by the tragedies that surround their house to remove it. It is a house built upon surviving tragedy, but their roots are deep and they stand strong against the storm - as captured in their motto, "Our Roots are Deep and Glorious".
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====House Tamerlaine====
* '''Location:''' Near the town of Semmer's Rose, on the edge of the Semmerlak
* '''Heraldry:''' A Silver Unicorn rearing on a Green and Black saltire field
* '''Colours:''' Viridian Green, Silver and Sable Black
* '''Earl:''' Earl Ailsa Tamerlaine
An older, weathered House in the process of rebuilding itself, greater than ever. Following a recent period of unstable leadership that saw the House verging on collapse, a new Enchantress was chosen through the trials of the [[Barien|Iron Duke]], bringing renewed Glory and purpose. Deeply [[Pride]]-aligned, House d’Acier draws from the life and lessons of Paragon [[Empress Richilde|Richilde]] to guide its way. Its members eschew direct martial might, instead leveraging their magical, medical, and diplomatic talents to steer the course of Dawnish politics.
With their main estate lying near a sleepy hamlet to the south of [[Semmerholm#Semmer.27s_Rose|Semmer's Rose]], House Tamerlaine is an old and small Dawnish house once thought faded, that is slowly and steadily blooming once more. Castle Tamerlaine and its accompanying grounds are a sprawling affair, with wild floral gardens, deep ponds, hot houses, and a large barn that has been turned into a studio for the inhabitants of the House. There is much pastoral and wild beauty to be found here.
The House is mainly concerned with arts of pen and plectrum as well as weaponry and the art of war. When not ensconced in their compound, developing their crafts, noble members are often [[Questing_knight|questing]] across the Empire, researching their arts. While not bound under one singular Virtue, the House [[Troubadour|troubadours]] are often troubadours of the Way. There is a heavy emphasis to seek out new information, new stories, but bring this back to share with all of the House, and with their fellow Dawnish. Travellers are always welcome in these halls, especially if they bring with them news.
With the upheaval of the last decade, Tamerlaine have re-thought their isolated ways and begun to reach out at Anvil. This having been said, it would be foolish to assume that a focus on the arts would mean ignorance of defense and fighting. The House motto defines the steely determination of its members: "If the bird does not sing, we shall make it sing."
====House Vexille====
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* '''Location:''' Semmerholm, previously Barrens
* '''Heraldry:''' Dagger crossing a key
* '''Colours:''' Green, Gold & Black
* '''Earl:''' Guissart Vexille
A centuries old house, previously based in the Barrens until the Druj forced them to flee in defeat, House Vexille have a reputation for their hard-line attitudes, extensive use of [[Night magic]] and a penchant for luxury and excess. Their methods in achieving Glory have often been questioned, especially actions which saw them declared as [[sorcery|sorcerers]] for a time for their suggested abuse of magics…a measure which was only recently [[Sorcery#Declaration_of_Reconciliation|overturned]].
House Vexille proudly declares that they "Hold the key to Glory" - considered metaphorical by many, they believe that their extensive pushing of boundaries is the key to true Glory. The Tests of Mettle set by the Vexille earls are notoriously difficult; the current earl, Guissart Vexille, takes great pride in the fact that dozens of those wishing to join his house have failed to meet the exacting demands he places upon them. To this end, the house supports a larger than average number of yeofolk who spend years testing themselves personally before attempting to bring their requests to the earl to join the household. Those nobles who have passed their test are usually arrogant as a result; inevitably embittered, grizzled individuals who display extreme character traits, their outlook on life influenced by the necessity of life on the Barrens' borders.
Most recently, several knights of the house have formed a band of questing knights, dedicated to the destruction of [[vallorn]] as a great and glorious quest, under interpretation of the Synod’s statements on these creatures - urging knights from other houses to join them.
====House Verdantié====
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* '''Location:''' Ferrond
* '''Heraldry:''' A white crystal decanter embraced by a grape vine, rested on a blue and purple base
* '''Colours:''' Navy blue, royal purple, and white
* '''Earl:''' Earl Lannus Verdantié
With a focus on the virtue of Wisdom, the nobles of House Verdantié consist primarily of physicks and magical healers alongside the support of front-line knights. Members of the house believe that every life saved results in another opportunity to fight for glory; whether this is by offering services within the hospital, taking the field and healing those in need, or taking the frontline and lending extra hands to those alongside them. House Verdantié is a noble house formed by Lannus Meadowkeep after they grew within House De Sarroi which sparked their desire to lead and assist.

===Houses of Weirwater===
===Houses of Weirwater===
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====House Berinore====
* '''Location:''' Weirmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' Two perytons, rampant before a gold chevron on a red field
* '''Colours:''' Red and gold, with black.
* '''Earl:''' Lady Tegwen Berinore
Those who dwell within Castle Gristimere's walls claim it to be one of the oldest castles in the Weirmoor, raised not long after the Dawnish first arrived in these lands, laying claim to the dangerous forests and mastering them. Despite their ancient claim, the House held no one of note until recently. House Berinore attended Anvil for the first time at the end of 383YE to pull itself from obscurity with the thought of true glory at the forefront, but since then, the House has been beset by tragedy after tragedy. From their very first attendance at Anvil, long beloved friends have fallen to barbarian blades, time and again.
This culminated in Spring 385YE, with all nobles of the House deceased, fallen in battle to reclaim either Zenith or the Barrens. A pair of knights-errant remained; one was able to pass her tests, calling a fallen Earl back through the [[Whispers through the Black Gate|Black Gate]] to confirm this. The newly minted Earl has sworn to learn from this and never leave the House in such a situation again, and the House has since focused on healing, on repair and unity. Alongside their allies in the Amber Lance, Berinore fights on the battlefield to ensure as many glorious heroes make the return to Anvil as possible, and works within Anvil with a focus on the same unity. True glory for those of House Berinore acknowledges the contributions of nobles and yeofolk alike, each bringing glory in their way.
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====House Castellan====
* '''Location:''' Highwater Keep, Western Weirwater Vale
* '''Heraldry:''' A white Hippocampus on a field of blue, with red accents.
* '''Colours:''' Blue with red and white trim, and a red chevron, in various configurations.
* '''Earl:''' Enchanter Baldwin Castellan
House Castellan was founded in the dim and distant past, at the foundation of Dawn as a nation in the pre-Imperial age. The first Earl, Lord Kaldwin Castellan, sought to bring law and safety to the wild frontier of Weirwater, and so established the Castellan Hunt, an order of [[questing knight|questing knights]], knights-errant, and yeofolk intended to travel and patrol the territory to keep honest people safe from monsters, bandits, [[orc|orcs]], and the trials of life in a wild land.
From the seat of Highwater Keep the house and the Hunt have kept to this duty diligently, striving to embody the very concept of knighthood and nobility in their deeds, but never previously taking an interest in Anvil, slowly sliding into forgotten obscurity as a result. Now, that isolation has ended. House Castellan looks from the deeds of the past toward the glories promised by the future, and its people step from the mists of Weirwater into the light of Anvil. The house is noteworthy for its extremely large numbers of knights-errant, resulting from a combination of challenging Tests of Mettle and strong dedication to the Hunt’s duties as wandering protectors of all that is virtuous and right. House Castellan’s nobles, knights-errant, and yeofolk are expected to bring virtue, determination, and skill to all they do, and match their deeds with honesty, kindness, and respect.
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====House de Clément====
* '''Location:''' Weirmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden Jackalope on a green field
* '''Colours:''' Green and gold
* '''Earl:''' Earl Percival de Clément
House de Clément is a pre-Imperial house founded by Ser Gwendolyn the Good. In recent years the house has withdrawn from the goings on of the nation and the Empire at large. Following the appointment of a new earl, however, the house has returned to Anvil in an attempt to re-join the fold. They pride themselves on producing fine healers, and on providing warm hospitality to any and all that cross their threshold.
The Clément estate is centred around Castle Brighthearth on the Weirmoor and is notable for the large glasshouse in its central court that allows them to grow a diverse range of exotic plant life.
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====House duLac====
* '''Location:''' Culwich
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden fox on a blue and green field
* '''Colours:''' Blue and green
* '''Earl:''' Lady Laudine duLac
House duLac is one dedicated to watching the borders of Dawn, a bulwark that stands as the first line of defence of this Glorious nation, ever watchful particularly against the threat of Druj incursions across the Semmerlak and Varushkan monsters from across the northern border
The people of this house are often more subdued in their appearance compared to other Dawnish, in part due to their long distance from the rest of their people, and also due to their focus on military preparation. You will never see a member of House duLac unarmed, lest they be unprepared. They hold the Virtue of Vigilance close to their core, aiding them on their watch, and they greatly utilise they magic of Spring in their work, the trappings of which can be found all over their ancestral seat, The Hightower. Their motto, "''Stand Fast, Stand Ready''", expressed one of a house dedicated to watching the borders of Dawn, a bulwark that stands as the first line of defence of this Glorious nation, ever watchful particularly against the threat of Druj incursions across the Semmerlak and Varushkan monsters from across the northern border.
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====House Gladewarden====
* '''Location:''' Weirmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden crest on a green field. The crest contains three swords pointed upwards, becoming trees whose boughs interweave.
* '''Colours:''' Emerald and gold.
* '''Earl:''' Earl Fintan Blackrock
Steadfast in their ideals of Loyalty, Courage, and Pride, members of House Gladewarden devote themselves to the study of the sword. Taking the words of their motto "''Many trees, one forest''", to heart, they are willing to face any threat or challenge for the good of their allies. House Gladewarden trains to master their specific sword forms, developed by the first earl Liam Gladewarden. In recent years knights-errant have been offered one of three paths when requesting a test of mettle from the current earl.
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====House Mortére====
* '''Location:''' Weirmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' A black rose inside a golden hourglass on a split field of red & black.
* '''Colours:''' Black (Primary), Red and Gold.
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Morrigan Mortére
Founded by Vaela Mortére in the reign of [[Empress Varkula]] during the Druj invasion of Weirwater, House Mortére has been reclusive and quiet for many years since. House Mortére is an unusual noble house, but those who do meet and interact with them often claim them to be friendly and hospitable, if a little unsettling. Their estate is often called ''The Black Garden'' as many poisonous and dangerous plants and herbs are grown there, along with numerous natural black roses. House Mortére seems especially concerned with the concept of death. The house seems to yield many weavers talented in Winter magic, and many of the nobles and yeofolk of the house seem to be very comfortable around the dead or dying. Often the house members appear to help with funerals, the terminally ill, or sick, but also to help the living with matters of great joy and sorrow.
====House Novarion====
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* '''Location:''' Applefell, Garthmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' A phoenix in flames
* '''Colours:''' Red and gold
* '''Earl:''' Earl D'Eon Novarion
Formed in 52YE by a young warrior named Novaria, she gathered like-minded warriors to her banner during battles around Semmerholm. In recognition of this feat she was granted land and many of her warriors remained by her side and pledged to form a new house. Using the wealth and slaves rescued from the orcs they built a fortress on one of the highest hills in Applefell and were charged with its defence. House Novarion were popular with the troubadours of the time and several of their deeds are remembered in traditional folk songs such as Sir Isobel and The Novarion Phoenix which are still sung today.
Years later, a large portion of the house died in a great fire following a strange magical event caused by their insular nature and only a handful escaped. The house's wealth and reputation were in ruins. The earl began the slow process of rebuilding the house, swearing to never again let those of his household grow to be weak closeted individuals.
From then on, tests of mettle were always written so that extensive foreign travel was required. Insulation and clannishness was dangerous and should be avoided at all costs by prompting its members to seek glory from distant lands. Any person seeking entry into the house is often set difficult tasks that require extensive travel and perseverance to complete, thus encouraging them to grow into headstrong individuals with allies in unusual places.
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====House Olor====
* '''Location:''' North Sandling
* '''Heraldry:''' A glorious swan adorned by 2 roses upon a blue and red background with a red chevron.
* '''Colours:''' Blue, white and red
* '''Earl:''' Earl Adrahil Olor
House Olor was rekindled by Earl Adrahil Olor and his 2 brothers. Nobles of Olor pride themselves on being furious to their enemies and bringing [[Glory]] to the House, Dawn, and the Empire and they adorn the sigil of the swan for this reason. The tales of House Olor often have mention of a swan offering assistance, often in a similar manner to the [[aspect_magic#Beast Magic]] in the Varuhskan sense.
Housed in woods north of Sandling and nestled alongside a river flowing into the Semmerlak. Many swans call this place home and any person keen on taking a feather home for the house would find many in abundance here.
Keen to remain true to their motto, the House is keen on front line combat, holding a glorious shield and a weapon of fury.
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====House Orzel====
* '''Location:''' Belletain Vale (Sandling)
* '''Heraldry:''' The white eagle of Gnijezdo and Primroses of Zoria
* '''Colours:''' Red and Black
* '''Earl:''' Valentin Ivarovich Severyan Orzel
House Orzel is a union of two migrations from [[Varushka]], blending bloodlines and customs but embracing martial culture with the great traditions of the Empress Richilde’s most noble people. Favouring tests and trials involving quest and strange adventure, House Orzel finds a natural home in Dawn and has welcomed an increasing number of native Dawnish knights-errant into its nobility through great deeds of mettle and achievement. The Orzel have always measured and tested themselves against competence and skill, giving respect to Pride earned and laughing at pomposity, false claims, and weak authority in equal measure.
Generous with praise and friendship for the accomplished, the Orzel care more for talent and achievement than they do for name or family history alone. In youth children are encouraged to demand their elders "prove" their claims of skill or knowledge rather than taking anything on faith alone. Orzel children are wild and reckless with tales of the youngest laughing at the snarls of invading wolves and hurling stones and chanting "Prove It!" to call the bluffs of ancient evil and bestial threat alike.
Though wilful boldness and challenge mark daytime traditions, the Orzel consider [[Varushka_hearth_magic#Hospitality|guest-right]] sacred when the sun goes down. Music, song, and storytelling are great pleasures of hearth and home, and all should be welcomed, and none mistreated, when it is accepted. Darkness is a time for kindness and tales, [[Wisdom]] and preparing for the hard battles to come. Though sardonic humour runs strong through the Orzel, none should be denied hospitality or chased out into the night.
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====House Remys====
* '''Location:''' Weirmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' A snake coiled around a silver goblet, poison dripping from its fangs
* '''Colours:''' Red and Silver
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Claudia Varkulova Remys
Chateau Remys stands on a windswept hillside on the edge of the Weirmoor forest. Once the land was fertile and produced fine wines but several generations ago the land was devastated by a sickness that wiped out many of the nobles and decimated the yeofolk. The house was founded by a Varushkan [[boyar]] who left [[Volodmartz]] during the reign of [[Emperor Barabbas]]. Strongly touched by the realm of Winter, she began the tradition of tasking all aspirants to take on the draughir [[lineage]] as part of their Test of Mettle - to this day no noble of the house has borne any other lineage.
The house is headed by the Enchantress Claudia Varkulova Remys who took over from her mother in YE382. The new Enchantress Remys has sworn to continue in her quest to restore House Remys to its former glory and show the Empire the power of the Winter Realm.
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====House Rion====
* '''Location:''' Wickmoor (Near the [[Weirwater Vales]])
* '''Heraldry:''' Gilded White Stag Rampant, emblazoned upon a blue field
* '''Colours:''' Main colour royal blue, secondary colours silver and white, tertiary colour black
* '''Earl:''' Andred Rion
House Rion is a moderately young house in comparison to the more established houses of Dawn. Founded during the reign of [[Empress Brannan]] by the first Lord Rion, a questing knight who had found his [[Love_in_Dawn|true love]]. Settling in Wickmoor, not far from the Weirwood Vales, Castle Rion was built, and the house grew around its foundations. Since then, most of House Rion’s Earls have been enchanters (including the “Mad Earl Rion”) specialising in Summer magic. The proximity of Castle Rion to the haunted Weirwood trees is to blame for many of the strange occurrences and events which seem to be commonplace on the House’ land.
During the re-taking of the Barrens, almost all of the houses’ Nobles and a sizeable force of the yeofolk under their command were slain by the Druj in a surprise attack, in which the previous Earl died. House Rion are most notable for having a higher-than-average number of [[Dawn_magical_traditions#War_witches|war witches]] and enchanters in their house. Almost all their nobles are Summer mages, and more than half are [[Magical skills#Battle Mage|battle mages]]. On campaign and in battles, House Rion are usually deployed as skirmish lances to support houses with heavier lances.
In recent years, the House has begun the brewing of ales and the distillation of fine wines and spirits.
====House Tallstag====
* '''Location:''' The Aldergate, Wickmoor
* '''Heraldry:''' A silver stag set in a field of green
* '''Colours:''' Green and silver
* '''Earl:''' Logan Tallstag
“Prepare for all, Yield to none” - The motto of House Tallstag sings to the [[Ambition]] and [[Pride]] that all Tallstags aspire to. Founded in 380YE, House Tallstag was originally founded as a knightly order by Lord Logan, with the simple aim of becoming the most reputable monster hunters in Anvil. This desire was quickly outgrown as their ambitions of hunting greater monsters rose to tackling the greatest challenges they could find.
House Tallstag prides itself on a reputation as one of the fiercest lances Dawn has. They reside in a once forgotten stronghold known as The Aldergate and they have tasked themselves with the complete destruction of the vallorn in its entirety, and work closely with Navarr stridings and steadings to achieve this great feat.
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====House Tower de Risbanke====
* '''Location:''' Hawksmoor (northwest of Hawthorn)
* '''Heraldry:''' Argent Wolf on Azure field with Golden sun blazing in third quarter
* '''Colours:''' Blue and yellow
* '''Earl:''' Vacant
The Tower De Risbanke stands at the peak of a bleak & wild hillside near the border of [[Varushka]] within the Weirmoor forests. Surrounded by wolves, falcons and wild game this small household is a sanctuary for those needing food, drink, and a place to rest with a warm welcome. The house was founded with hospitality at its core, often believed to be due to its proximity of Varushka. The division between yeofolk & nobles can sometimes be quite blurred in this small household where both warriors and weavers seek out new alliances and friendships. Boisterous songs can often be heard in the Weavers Rest tea house with the motto ''In Vino Veritas'' - In wine is truth. Tests of mettle are as often be artistic or culinary banquets in the field. Tests of ardour also often focus on the expression in the food of love.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House of the Twisted Rose.png|caption=House of the Twisted Rose|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====House of the Twisted Rose====
*'''Location:''' Weirmoor
*'''Heraldry:''' A white rose/roses with twisted stems, The runes Rhyv and Lann flanking it.
*'''Colours:''' Purple
*'''Earl:''' Enchantress Mirella of the Twisted Rose
The House of the Twisted Rose was founded during 383YE. The Keep of the House, itself named Keepsake, was built out in the ruins of a fallen House, its name forgotten to time, its foundations nestled atop the peak of one the mountains near Delev. Though around the estate still sit statues of various nobles and in various states of disrepair, those within the House have a habit of asking these still forms for advice though they do not speak back.
Members of the House have a reputation of self-sacrifice and knowledge of costs to be paid, owing to The Twisted Rose’ ties to both the Autumn and Winter realm, of contracts and oaths. As well as raw passion. This led to the House’s motto being “Ma Vie; Par Amour” (My Life; For Love in Asavean). Much of the House’s Tests have been based around the ideals of Love and Loyalty, often seeking to teach as much as test the one undergoing it; to bring them deeper in line with the House’s beliefs.
====House de Vere====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House De Vere.jpg|caption=House de Vere|align=right|width=250}}</div>
*'''Location:''' North Hawksmoor
*'''Heraldry:''' A silver owl displayed on a split field of wine red and gold.
*'''Colours:''' Primarily wine red and gold, with silver secondary.
*'''Earl:''' Vacant
House de Vere was founded in pre-Imperial times by a noble of a now forgotten house who completed a seemingly impossible Test of Mettle using a boon from the [[Barien|Lord of the Crossroads]]. House de Vere’s heraldry is a silver owl in honour of Barien and the story of the founder, and the house motto “In Blood Anointed” draws its origins from the story of the House’s founding. The house's estate sits at the border of Karov and Weirwater; where the forest meets the hills.
In 375YE the castle was left in ruins and the house was believed to have been wiped out following an attack from some unknown foe. In 385YE a knightly order made up of members of House de Vere that left the Empire shortly before the attack returned from questing in Asavea to find their house destroyed. The surviving members have since begun rebuilding the house and now look to reestablish the House and find a new purpose for the House to dedicate itself to.
===Houses of the Barrens===
====House du Froste====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House du Froste.png|caption=House du Froste|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Estmure, by lake Semmerlak
* '''Heraldry:''' Golden jackalope on a field of black and red
* '''Colours:''' Red, Gold & Black
* '''Earl:''' Earl Gaston Wayfinder
The history of House du Froste stretches back to before the conquest and settling of [[The_Barrens#Dawnguard|Dawnguard]].When Dawnguard fell the Earl Panthos Du Froste rushed to the aid of the civilians fleeing to Semmerholm. Ever since then waifs and strays looking to reclaim their homeland have flocked to their banner and their estate in the foothills of Estmure.
In Anvil they are known for their standard bearing the jackalope that often serves as a rallying point through the Sentinel Gate, and the round table that the nobles of Dawn occasionally gather around for Earls Council.
“''Our words have weight''" is the house motto; being a house who believe wholeheartedly that actions are worth more than any number of words. Once a member has said something, they believe it should be binding to the core of their being.
====House Primevère====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Primevère.jpg|caption=House Primevère|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Dawnguard
* '''Heraldry:''' A mandowla surrounded by golden flames on a field of emerald green with a dusty light pink chevron.
* '''Colours:''' Emerald Green, Dusty Light Pink, Gold
* '''Earl:''' Enchantress Amelie Primevère
After the glorious death of her husband, the enchantress took her retainer and military unit to find her late husband’s ancestral home in the Barrens, to lay his body to rest. While there, she decided to complete his ambition by rebuilding the castle to its former glory and founding the new house in his honour.
The founders of House Primevère are powerful spring mages and briars, therefore they encourage their fellow house members to be prideful but vigilant in all that they do. House Primevère requires its members to be well educated in politics and the arts, as they know well that the gentle power of words and culture can bring just as much glory as martial might.
====House De Tournesol====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=De Tournesol.jpg|caption=House De Tournesol|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Dawnguard
* '''Heraldry:''' A shield of dark pink with a large sunflower emblazoned in the bottom right corner, a small square of yellow emblazoned with a pink yale sits in the top left corner of the shield
* '''Colours:''' Pink and Yellow
* '''Earl:''' Brahmms De Tournesol
Founded after the 385YE Summer Solstice from the ruins of a keep on the edges of Dawnguard, the high walls of the De Tournesol estate defend its residents from the wilds of the Barrens whilst also offering a place of respite for the injured and the weary. Enclosed within is a rich garden of cultivated medicinal [[herb|herbs]] littered with the house sunflower which grows determined in every corner of the keep. Its small but safe keep act as a basis for the house’s operations whilst also accommodating a space of respite for any traveller or wayward soul of the Empire.
House De Tournesol consists mainly of those who can aid or heal, be it through surgery or magic, however will happily welcome all those who share in their ambitions to see Dawn and the Empire prosper through providing protection and rejuvenation to all those who may need it. Although their tests of mettle are tailored to those who partake in them, they contain two key themes in their task, which are to stand out gloriously and to make a stand in the face of danger.
====House Torawyr====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseTorawyr.jpg|caption=House Torawyr|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Ruins of House Torawyr, Dawnguard
* '''Heraldry:''' Blue and White quartering with a red gauntleted fist with cynogriffon wings in the centre.
* '''Colours:''' Blue and White.
* '''Earl:''' Enchanter Edmund Torawyr
House Torawyr was originally founded in southern Dawnguard near Murderdale. The house was primarily made up of apothecaries and fighters who tended and harvested their gardens to help Dawn fight the Druj and defend Dawnguard. When the Druj invaded in Summer 381YE, breaking the treaty, the fighters of House Torawyr were loyal until the last drop, laying down their lives to hold back the orcs as long as they could to allow as many people to flee as possible. In doing so all nobles of House Torawyr died or were taken as slaves.
The house reformed at the end of 382YE, as a group of loyal yeofolk ventured back into the Barrens on a Test of Mettle to retrieve the banner of their house. The group saw their beautiful gardens wrecked with a blight, their herbs picked clean to supply the Druj with poisons. With caution they were successful in retrieving their banner, reforming the house under a new Earl, Enchanter Edmund Torawyr.
After considerable effort, In 385YE House Torawyr returned to the Barrens with newfound loyal allies, resources, and magical might. The house with allies from the Amber Lance attacked the Spires of Dusk with the Hounds of Glory. Bringing with them over a hundred [[Clarion Call of Ivory and Dust|grim legionnaires]] of the eternal [[Kaela]]. Now the house has returned to its ruined land it must rebuild the gardens it once held with pride, and return the help given by those who helped take back Dawnguard.
====House Veridaine====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=House Veridaine.jpg|caption=House Veridaine|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Dawnguard
* '''Heraldry:''' A black dagger, pointing downwards, with a black snake on either side, facing outward, all on a field of red.
* '''Colours:''' Black and Red
* '''Earl:''' Toriith
House Veridaine is a relatively new house, founded when the young Lord Toriith left House Orzel and journeyed to the Barrens in search of glory and renown. Priding itself on the loyalty and martial prowess of its nobles and yeofolk alike, House Veridaine focuses its efforts on the military and political Dawnish front. This focus on martial might is reflected heavily throughout the house and is seen in its test of mettle. "''Glory Unbound''", the House's words, are testament to its proclivity for frontline volunteer work.
The Veridaine estate, locally referred to as 'The Snake Pit', for its serpentine imagery, sits in the newly reconquered Dawnguard territory, just outside of Drycastle. The house has recently seen growth as young Dawnish knight-errants seek to pass its difficult trials.

==Knightly Orders==
==Orders and Cabals==
===Knightly Orders===
The [[knightly order|knightly orders]] dedicate themselves to the pursuit of glory over all other considerations.
The [[knightly order|knightly orders]] dedicate themselves to the pursuit of glory over all other considerations.
====Order of the Amber Lance====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Amber Lance.png|caption=Order of the Amber Lance|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Welkin’s Weald, Weirmoor, Weirwater
* '''Heraldry:''' a field, tawny, charged with a teardrop, amber, upon which is emblazoned the Blood rune, Rhyv, in sable.
* '''Knight-Captain:''' Ser Guy Wooder
This proud young order was founded in the Autumn of 383YE by the briar Czernobog Stanislaus when he became a knight errant of House Castellan. A healer and steward of a herb garden, this first Captain's Ambition was to set Dawn on a par with other Imperial nations by founding a dedicated corps of combat physicks. In so doing, the Lance quickly managed to gain the Loyalty of several Weirwater houses, as well as questing knights and refugees from the Barrens.

The knights maintain a permanent presence in the waterlogged hamlet of Welkin’s Weald, at the heart of a carefully coppiced forest of willow. It is from the [[ambergelt]] cultivated here that they draw their heraldry – a substance that hardens and strengthens but also promotes healing and mending, running like blood when first drawn, tough and crystalline when set. This duality is echoed in their motto: to take blood from stone (to do the impossible) is a common aphorism amongst these knights.

==Weaver Cabals==
In the first years of the Lance's existence, these Knights of Amber have committed themselves wholly to the Empire's war against the wretched Druj. They have sustained heavy losses in liberating Zenith and the Barrens, but remain steadfast in their commitment to preserve Imperial lives and bring succour and healing to all who need it. Bloodied though they may be, they proudly bear the rune of sacrifice upon their banners as they fight for a better world.
====Order of the Blazing Dawn====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Order of the Blazing Dawn.png|caption=Order of the Blazing Dawn|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' The Rose and Thorn tavern, Culwich, Weirwater
* '''Heraldry:'''  a blue field a yellow sun and orange rays beneath a winged sword supported
* '''Motto:''' As Dawn Rises, the Sun Shall Set
* '''Knight-Commander:''' Ser Tristan Ackerman
Founded in the wake of the armies of the Cold Sun invading the Empire in 385 YE, the Order of the Blazing Dawn is an order of knights-errant and exists to drive the scions of the eternal back to the day realm. Driven by a love for all things that make the empire the centre for love and beauty that it is, the order strives to protect all nations its nations from this threat.  The order is primarily made up martial knights and war witches to
engage the cold sun as a physical threat.
====Knights of the Golden Mane====
* '''Location:''' South of Culwich, Sandling, Weirwater
* '''Heraldry:''' A shield of azure with a white chief triangular. In the azure portion, a gold lion head facing forward within a gold wild rose. In the White portion the Jotra rune in azure.
* '''Lord Commander:''' Leohnar Gildaryn
The Knights of the Golden Mane are dedicated to upholding Virtuous acts and aim to record and share stories of Virtue from around the Empire. The quests they undertake, individually or together, all lend towards telling the tale of the knightly order and how they pursue Glory through virtuous acts. The grand quest of the order is to aid and preserve stories of Virtue. The order hall sits within the Lionskeep, the seat of power of House Gildaryn in Lionsholme, a town in [[Weirwater]] south of Culwich.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=KnightsoftheGoldenMane.png|caption=Knights of the Golden Mane|align=right|width=250}}</div>
The order structure is very loose, with two commanding individuals. The Lord Commander oversees the order, while a Knight-Captain serves to advise and act as the leader of its lance through the Sentinel Gate. Under this structure, knights often are bestowed a title by the Lord Commander befitting of their skills, such as Knight-Magus. These are not enforced as roles of leadership, but a way for the Lord Commander to classify where they believe the skills of a knight could be best applied. Strangely yeofolk and knights-errant are welcomed as equals rather than apprentices, and have equivalent say and reach in the order’s quest.
The main tradition the Knights of the Golden Mane hold is of the ''Night of Hallows''. Each Winter Solstice, the knights come together to receive [[hallow|hallowings]] of Virtue which best tell their stories, and to have the provided aura aid them in their next year. The knights share stories of their achievements throughout the year in Anvil and beyond, and pledge their quest for the following year to the Lord Commander.
====The Order of the Lance Restored====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Order_of_the_Lance_Restored.png|caption=Order of the Lance Restored|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' Roaming, though with a chapel near Kethry's Grove in Astolat
* '''Heraldry:''' argent, a lion sable sejant upon which rests a lance gules
* '''Knight-Marshal:''' Ser Dindrane de Cantharos
The Order of the Lance Restored are - after a fashion - the remnants of an ancient order known as the Knights of the Feathered Spear, who are said to have guarded [[Astolat#Kethry.E2.80.99s_Grove|Kethry's Grove]] in the distant past. The original order fell into disgrace in 209YE when they aided [[Emperor Nicovar]] in destroying the libraries of the Empire, for reasons now forgotten to history. Following Nicovar's death, the Knights of the Feathered Spear disbanded, supposedly because during the chaos they lost a relic that they were sworn to protect - a spear believed to have been that of Makin the Red, a prominent figure in the story of the paragon [[Kethry]]. Two of their number were sentenced to death by penal military service; they fought in numerous battles thereafter, surviving and triumphing against all odds, and eventually attracted a cadre of questing knights who sought to redeem themselves of past dishonour. These knights eventually banded together under the banner of the Order of the Lance Restored.
Since then, the order has become something of a refuge for the disgraced, the outcast, and those who simply do not fit in with their Houses. Sworn to roam the Empire until the Feathered Spear is recovered - though most doubt that it ever will be - the knights of the order seek to overcome their past failings by taking on difficult, open-ended, and sometimes nigh-impossible quests.
===Weaver Cabals===
The [[weaver cabal|weaver cabals]] master magic, maintaining a studied neutrality in the politics of the nation.
The [[weaver cabal|weaver cabals]] master magic, maintaining a studied neutrality in the politics of the nation.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Chain-Sworn Scales Cabal.jpg|caption=Chain-Sworn Scales|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====Chain-Sworn Scales====
The Chain-Sworn Scales are an Autumn focused weaver cabal with members from across the noble houses of Dawn. It was originally founded by a small group of yeofolk in Astolat who had an interest in enhancing the trade and business opportunities along the [[Lorenzo%27s_Legacy#Blood_Red_Roads|Blood Red Roads]]. At the end of 383YE they began to attend Anvil, eagerly recruiting new members and becoming one of the largest covens in Dawn. The cabal is named for the binding nature for the Autumn Realm along with all exchanges being of fair value and the heraldry represents the bonds, oaths, and trade that is inherit from exchanges with the Autumn realm.
Though originally founded with a focus on enchantments for businesses, fleets, and farms the focus has shifted with the growth of the cabal's influence and power, and now they also support the military units and armies of Dawn. They have an ambitious goal to study the arcane and make new rituals through [[arcane projection|arcane projections]]. A number of members work alongside the [[Imperial Military Council]] and the coven has performed the ritual [[Bound by Common Cause]] to support the armies of Dawn. Most of its weavers are members of the [[Golden Pyramid]] and work closely with those in the Conclave interested in the Autumn realm.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Golden Leaf Cabal.png|caption=Golden Leaf|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====Golden Leaf====
Founded in 384YE, the Golden Leaf Cabal find their specialism in the realm of Autumn. Whilst their roots lie with yeofolk from across Dawn, many nobles have since flocked to join their ranks. Formed of a union of Noble Houses, they cast their sights towards the bigger picture, the cabal is operated by a council, where every bonded member has an equal vote in its work and goals.
The Golden Leaf does not operate in the shadows - their aims are clear and open, aiming to bolster the [[Prosperity]] of Dawn by enchanting both its people and territories. In turn, they try to further what they believe to be the Empire’s ambitions through engaging the complex relationships between Imperial bodies and the Autumn eternals operating under [[Alignment#Amity|amity]].
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Moon and Stars Cabal.jpg|caption=Moon and Stars Cabal|align=right|width=250}}</div>
====Moon and Stars====
The Moons and Stars cabal was formed in 377 as an ambitious attempt to create a cross-House Dawnish Night coven. The cabal aims to bring together Night mages from across the nation of Dawn to both aid the Empire and bring Glory to the individual weavers within the cabal. The cabal is named after the heraldic devices used by the Houses who were present at the founding of the endeavour. The cabal was originally formed, primarily, by mages belonging to House De Rondell and a house that has since fallen.
The members of the Moons and Stars cabal are active participants in the business of the [[Imperial Conclave]]. Weavers from the cabal have held many important positions in the Conclave. The Moons and Stars cabal are celebrated for using their arcane powers to gather information, provide protection, break curses, and deliver curses. They are also widely known to regularly employ a range of novel and innovative rituals to achieve unusual and original results. They often use [[aspect_magic#Heraldic_Magic|heraldic magic]] in their rituals although individual styles are encouraged.

==Other Groups==
==Other Groups==
===Other Player Groups===
====The Iris Covenant====
* '''Location:''' The Chase, Astolat
* '''Heraldry:''' A golden iris flower encircled by a ring of interlocking silver leaves
* '''Colours:''' Gold and silver, with accents of purple and blue
The Iris Covenant is a coalition of noble houses in Dawn, founded in Spring 386YE. It aims to foster collaboration and strength among its members, ensuring each house thrives both individually and collectively. The Covenant's "prosperity pact" centres around economic growth, mutual aid, and the cultivation of shared prosperity both within and outside of Anvil.
The Hall of Bloom, House Videre's most prized possession, was chosen as the central meeting place for its symbolic golden iris, reflecting the Covenant's commitment to renewal and beauty. This hall now serves as a vibrant centre for meetings and celebrations.
The Iris Covenant leverages its combined resources and talents to navigate political and economic challenges, remaining steadfast in its focus on the prosperity of its members without endorsing any external political agendas.
====The Order of the Gryphon’s Quill====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Gryphonsquill.jpg|caption=The Order of the Gryphon's Quill|align=right|width=250}}</div>
* '''Location:''' The Chase, Astolat
* '''Heraldry:''' Golden Gryphon rampant clutching a Quill on a Red and Blue split field with crenulated black border at top displaying a gilded Quill
* '''Colours:''' Gold, Red, Blue
The Order of the Gryphons Quill is a school and residence for troubadours and those wishing to further Dawnish arts and culture, led by Lady Kaywenn du Launcet and Lord Romande Remys. Located between the famous tourney ground of Laroc and the Kethry’s Grove it seeks to promote pride in Dawnish culture amongst its citizens and ensure that the most glorious tales are formed. Those of the order that attend anvil tend to be pride troubadours, performers or mages who specialise in magic to nudge stories in glorious directions. Order members whether noble or yeofolk seek to support each other in their endeavours to ensure Dawn weaves a glorious history. Those who wish to join the order can be from any house or any lineage as long as they are willing to ensure great legends last forever.
===NPC Groups===
These groups are made up of non-player characters; their members are portrayed by Profound Decisions NPC crew.
====House de Casillon====
* '''Location:''' Castle Spiral, on Weirmoor, in Weirwater
* '''Heraldry:''' A hand with fingers spread marked with a spiral<br>
* '''Colours:''' Azure, Gold, and Violet<br>
The de Casillon are an old house who hail from [[Weirwater#Spiral_Castle|Spiral Castle]], a pre-Imperial keep that stands at the heart of a powerful Summer regio. Their estates lie in [[Weirwater#Weirmoor|Weirmoor]] in the territory of Weirwater, and until very recently they lived in voluntary internal exile protected from the outside world by a wall of swirling magical mists.
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=DeCassilon.jpg|caption=House de Casillon|align=right|width=250}}</div>
Many of the nobles of the de Casillon family claim descent from Empress Richilde, and are said to cultivate their bloodline in the way a vintner might cultivate a strain of fine grapes. They are usually possessed of a strong changeling lineage - it is very rare for anyone who is not a changeling to seek the Test of Mettle from the house and even rarer for them to succeed. Much of their business in the outside world is handled through the [[Castellan of Spiral Castle]], an [[Imperial title]] re-established in Spring 380YE.
Almost all the de Casillon nobles are witches, and their earls have always been potent enchanters. Their yeofolk are likewise trained in magical arts, although many of them choose to embrace the path of the artisan. Even before their seclusion behind their wall of mist, they were known for hedonism and self-indulgence and it seems that several decades isolated in a Summer regio have merely heightened these tendencies - left to their own devices they would while away their lives in tourneys, in hunting, in feasting, and in other diverse amusements. There may be some weight to the concerns of some troubadours who worry that the de Casillon have become more like the inhabitants of the Summer realm than citizens of Dawn.
====House De Ledure====
* '''Location:''' Weirwater
* '''Heraldry:''' A gold star on an argent field<br>
* '''Colours:''' Silver and Gold
* '''Earl:''' Enchanter Geoffrey de Ledure
A relatively new house that was once part of House de Rousillon, they split from that house in in 358YE, ten years after [[Emperor Hugh|Hugh de Rousillon]] took [[the Throne]]. Several knights of House de Rousillon and other knights who were after more action rather than tournaments joined the house. The house’s estates are based in [[Weirwater]], and under Earl Hugh’s reign, the house was successful in having a [[senator]] twice - whilst they were at the peak of their power. Today the house is led by the Enchanter Geoffrey de Ledure, who is from a line of powerful summer witches. It is believed that the house has won some powerful boons from the eternal [[Hayaak]], and they generally refuse to deal with other [[eternal|eternals]].
In 378YE a marriage between House de Ledure and the rival House Blyrale was disrupted when the youths involved ran off to join the [[Navarr]]. This act ultimately cemented a union between the two houses and House Blyrale joined House de Ledure. According to gossip, the two houses are partially united by their anger at the Dawnish nobles who encouraged their scions to abandon their duty and flee the nation.

====House Lionsgate====
<div style="float:right; width: 250px; clear: right;">{{CaptionedImage|file=Lionsgate.png||caption=House Lionsgate|align=right|width=250}}</div>
*'''Location:''' The Chase, Astolat
*'''Heraldry:''' Two red lions facing each other before a black gate
*'''Colours:''' White, Red, and Black
House Lionsgate was founded in 283YE by descendants of the disgraced House Lyongate, who disbanded shortly after the disastrous loss of the original [[Gryphon's Pride]] army in a failed attempt to capture the Barrens. The founders attracted a number of knights-errant and questing knights, and slowly rebuilt their house - although they never again enjoyed the prominence they had lost along with the army.
The Lionsgate estates in Astolat are small but well maintained, and lie in The Chase. In recent years, the House has reclaimed some of its prominence as it has forged closer ties with a number of smaller noble houses - especially the cunning de Coyne of Dawnguard and the proud de Helios of Astolat. In 379E, then earl Lady Cassandra contacted several Dawnish nobles active in Imperial politics and offered aid in the re-establishment of the Gryphon's Pride. The loose coalition of smaller houses managed to secure a number of wains of mithril to help with the mustering of the fourth Dawnish army, seeing in this endeavour an opportunity to reclaim some of the pride they had lost over a century before. it remains to be seen if, now the army has been completed, they will continue to involve themselves in Dawnish politics or retreat to their estates.

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==Houses of Astolat==
Well defended, civilized and beautiful, [[Astolat]] is the heartland of the nation.
===House de Coeurdefer===
'''House Colours:''' Black and silver<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Silver armoured fist gripping a crescent moon, flanked by a crescent moon on either side on a field of black. <br>
'''Location:''' Astolat, Winterbourne <br> <br>
One of the ancient Houses of Dawn, House De Coeurdefer have been led by Draughir Earls for as long as anyone can recall. They settled in Winterbourne and built Ironheart Keep, a castle crafted from stone, bone, and iron where it is said that the chill of Winter never really leaves any of its halls. Their furnishings are constructed from the bones of enemies, a constant reminder of past Glory and victories and below in their crypts lay the bones of their fallen heroes.
The scions of the House have a reputation for ruthless Ambition and unwavering Loyalty to any they regard worthy and no mercy for those they call their enemies. Their current Earl has sworn an oath of loyalty to House De Rondell, promising to answer any call for aid
The House has spent recent years fighting in the Barrens, conducting raids and assaults on the Druj that occupied the lands, almost all of the House's resources were used to prosecute the fight against the Orcs and reclaim territory for Dawn and the Empire, nearly bringing ruin to the Coeurdefer name. As such they are now smaller and less prominent than they have been but their return to Anvil looks to stop the rot and restore the House to its former Glory.
===House Cordraco===
{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseCordraco.jpg|title=Newly formed, proud of their ferocious love of life.|caption=House Cordraco|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Gold and Purple<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Two dragons facing each other, their tails intertwined. <br>
'''Location:''' Astolat, Oldheart <br> <br>
Cordraco is a recently formed House that completed a test to become officially recognised at the Spring Equinox of 380YE, slaying a mighty [[Mundane_beasts#Drakes|drake]] to claim their place among the noble houses.
They are the result of a glorious amalgamation of several old noble houses of Dawn, L'Oreal, Bascombe, and Arwood, whose fine knights and yeofolk formerly fought together in the Lance of the Dragon Heart, and realised that the path to true glory was to unite, and to see themselves strengthen as a result.
Led by the glorious, and forward speaking Earl Geraint Cordraco, they pride themselves on their camaraderie, ferocity in battle and their love of life. A house that truly values all that it means to be Dawnish.
{{CaptionedImage|file=De Rondell Heraldry.png|title=House de Rondell|caption=House de Rondell|align=right|width=250}}
===House de Rondell===
'''House Colours:''' Blue and Silver<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Three crescent moons around a gryphon<br>
'''Location:''' Astolat, Laroc <br><br>
An ancient house existing from before the founding of the Empire, that has had its fortunes rise and fall many times over the centuries but proximity to the [[Astolat#The_Castle_of_Thorns|Castle of Thorns]] in Astolat has always kept them near to the political heart of Dawn (indeed there is some evidence that the castle itself was designed by a de Rondell in the earliest days of the Dawnish presence on the Bay of Catazar). This house has returned [[Senator|senators]], [[general|generals]] and [[cardinal|cardinals]] again and again over the centuries.
Serving Dawn by forming links with those outside of Dawn. As such the household places an ongoing emphasis on questing in other parts of the Empire and gaining the regard of others in this way, long after many houses expect their office holders to focus in other areas. 
The House uses virtues as the inspiration behind their deeds and ancestral achievements, these virtues are immortalised in the three silver crescent moons on a blue background surrounding the house heraldry of a gryphon rampant or in the case of the other icons chosen by individual Nobles. The moons represent [[Pride]] in one's own worth and that which one's ancestors have won; [[Ambition]] to constantly reach out and grasp every situation and turn it the advantage of the house; and [[Courage]] to always step forwards into the fray or into the unknown.
<div style="float:right;"><quote by="Bohemond de Rondell">We have been there from the beginning of the Empire, we will be there at the ascension.<br/> Until that day we shall steer it towards greatness and Glory</quote></div>
House de Rondell's martial tests of mettle are quite difficult and can easily result in the death of the unwary; the other theme that runs through their tests is an emphasis on political acumen and the ability to influence others to act on their behalf and for the good of the empire.
===House du Soleil===
{{CaptionedImage|file=House du Soleil.jpg|title=.|caption=House du Soleil|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Orange and blue<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Black tower against rising sun<br>
'''Location:''' Astolat, Oldheart<br><br>
Du Soleil is an ancient house pre-dating the Empire. Ancient records show members active within the ancient order of the Venatores Illustres Hunters, indeed the first earl, Alberic, may have been partly responsible for the formation of the order.
Based in Castle Soleil near Oldheart in Astolat, with extensive vineyards and orchards, du Soleil is famed for its red wine and calvados.
Earl Roger is rebuilding the house to its former glory, following the death of most of the house’s warriors in a surprise ambush by the Druj during a defence of the Towers of Dawn. A tower was added to the house sigil to commemorate the deaths of those brave folk.
Currently the house holds nobles and yeofolk of all ilk but battlefield skills are highly prized in House du Soleil.
===House Vandale===
'''House Colours:''' Purple and black<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Rampant wolf on argent<br>
'''Location:''' Astolat, <br><br>
A proud and ancient house of historic influence, formally found at the vanguard of every major military campaign that Dawn has taken part in.
The Vandale star burned brightly for centuries only to wane in the rule of Empress Britta; where their most prominent Nobles and finest soldiers were all but wiped out in Britta's final stand.
Unbowed in the face of adversity the remaining Vandale swore to rebuild. Fiercely proud of their ancient Glory, this process is a slow one as any test set will be sure to drive the knight-errant to surpass their limits.
==Houses of Semmerholm==
Becoming part of the Empire during the reign of [[Empress Richilde]], after a protracted war against the orcs, [[Semmerholm]] has always had a fiercely martial aspect.
===House Dromond===
'''House Colours:''' Sea-green, silver and gold<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A silver sea serpent beneath a golden chalice, on sea-green. <br>
'''Location:''' Semmerholm, Causse <br> <br>
The keep of House Dromond is a well defended harbour and shipyard, it is sometimes known as the Anchorage by the far-flung ships of the Dromond nobles. Looking to the Semmerlak and the seas beyond, this house are either naval enthusiasts or brutal raiders, depending on your point of view.
Traders and enchanters, wanderers and privateers, the Dromonds have a tendency to search beyond the horizon, finding trouble and riches in equal measure.
They invested heavily in the fleets of Emperor Barabbas, and were almost ruined with them. An unusual attitude to money and a house dedicated to Prosperity have seen a recent rise in their fortunes, and the current earl, Argent has ruled the house since 378YE and is set on balancing Glory and Prosperity for his house and nation.
===House Devereux===
'''House Colours:''' Emerald green and silver <br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A silver tree on green field <br>
'''Location:''' Semmerholm, Semmer's Rose <br> <br>
House Devereux is a small noble house which was established in the reign of Emperor Nicovar. Its main seat of residence is a medium size, moated castle near the banks of the Semmerlak, surrounded by a couple of hamlets. It’s just slightly north of Semmer’s Rose.
Since the death of the current Earl’s wife, the House has been rather reclusive. The Earl has remarried twice, but never recovered from the death of his first love, leaving him to be exceedingly over protective of his house. Perhaps this is because, unusually, a lot of its members are related by blood, and are either children or assorted relatives of the current Earl. The house has a long standing rivalry with a bandit clan, led by the disgraced Mariot Devereux, who lost a test of resolve with her sister, the former Earl, many years ago. The bandits have somehow managed to evade capture, and continue to plague the House relentlessly.
Despite the earl’s misgivings, the younger members of the house are eager for glory, and in 379 YE House Devereux forged an alliance with House Cordraco, and for the first time in years, sent representatives to the summit at Anvil.
===House de Lusignan===
'''House Colours:''' Black and red<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Bare White Tree <br>
'''Location:''' Semmerholm, Axmure<br><br>
A cabal of magicians, primarily practitioners of [[Winter magic]], the house was founded in the pre-Imperial past by the legendary Gui I, an enchantress. Many years later, Gui II fought alongside Empress Richilde in the conquest of [[Semmerholm]]. She was rewarded with ample lands in the dark forests of [[Semmerholm#Axmure|Axmure]].
<div style="float:right;"><quote by="Anon">They may not have been virtuous, but you cannot say they were not glorious.</quote></div>
The house tended to remain quiet and involved in its own affairs - its proximity to the Barrens mean that although many tried to make it a "last friendly house" on their journey - they have never found it particularly friendly.
The most recent enchantress, Isolde, a [[draughir]], was known for setting particularly difficult tests and being insular and spiteful. She did not make many friends, and was not particularly successful in making fostering agreements with other houses either. Her son Gui IX succeeded her following her death in 378YE and led the house out from the darkness of Axmure. However, it came to light in 380YE that Gui and most of his house were [[Freedom_Heresy|Freedom heretics]], who had been working against the Empire for some time, [[curse|cursing]] much of the Empire and almost bringing the Empire’s war efforts to its knees with famine.
The leaders of the house took their own lives at the Spring Equinox of 380YE – their name now looked on with disdain by most of the Dawnish. As a consequence, the status of the house is somewhat unclear.
===House Ossienne===
{{CaptionedImage|file=House Ossienne Heraldry.png|title=A house of dreaded knights and terrible witches.|caption=House Ossienne|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Orange,gold and white<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A crowned skull and golden rose with thorns<br>
'''Location:''' Semmerholm, Ulvenholm,<br><br>
Ossienne's home used to be in Astolat, but following Empress Richilde's conquests, moved to the forests of Ulvenholm near Arnet where they dwell in the Castle of Bones.<br><br>
There has always been a Castle of Bones, said to be built from the golden, gilded bones of their enemies. There has always been a family in the colours of the dawn who resided there. In their blood and bearing flows the riches of royalty. Their ranks of nobles made up of dread knights and beautiful but terrible witches.
<div style="float:left;"><quote>Glory crown the skull and glory pluck the rose<br>And let none call an enemy “friend”</quote></div>
They have always offered assistance to those in emotional turmoil, and provided great and terrible challenges to those seeking to prove their worth. To capture a golden rose from the Ossienne garden or a gilded bone from their art collection is to be sung in a tale that will live forever.<br><br><br>
===House Rylas===
'''House Colours:''' Red and blue <br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Gold boar's head surrounded by silver flowers, on red halved with blue.<br>
'''Location:''' Semmerholm, Axmure<br><br>
Located deep in the wilds of Axmure, House Rylas has always had a reputation for stubborn eccentricity, combined with great loyalty to their lands and people. The nobles of the house can as often be found patrolling the roads and trails of the region for threats and checking on the wellbeing of villages and settlements such as the great grey towers of Boar's Pike. Passing travellers can always find shelter at the castle and a quirky house tradition means that anyone travelling alone will receive an escort to their next stop - whether they want it or not.
However in recent years the House suffered a great setback - a vicious combination of disease and barbarian raiders further complicated by dire winter weather wiped out much of their fighting strength, including the earl and many brave knights. As a result the new earl has ordered the temporary relocation of all non-essential, non-combatants. The children have been fostered to other noble houses in Semmerholm and many adults have taken the opportunity to visit friends and relatives in other parts of the Empire. Where Boar's Pike was once a peaceful place full of families, it is now a stern garrison, looking south to the Barrens and the looming threat of the Druj.
===House Tamerlaine===
{{CaptionedImage|file=Tamerlaine_coat_of_arms.jpg ‎|title=.|caption=House Tamerlaine|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Green, black and silver<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Silver unicorn on black and green field <br>
'''Location:''' Semmerholm, Semmer's Rose<br><br>
Their lands lying near a sleepy hamlet to the south of Semmer’s Rose, House Tamerlaine is an old and small Dawnish house that faded and became more inactive over time. Both nobles and yeofolk of the House are very much focused on learning and perfecting their various arts, but have not much shared what they have learnt with the rest of the nation. When not ensconced in their compound, noble members tend to be travelling across the Empire, researching their arts.
<div style="float:left;"><quote by="House Motto">"If the bird will not sing, we shall make it sing”</quote></div>
They are currently lead by an Earl named Thérèse. While the house is not made up of the strictest of traditionalists, challenges must always be met. Tamerlaine are prominent in encouraging that not every duel is settled by sword, but by words, brushes or songs as well. The relations between yeofolk and nobles is more relaxed than many - nobles are expected to take the lead and act as instructors to the yeofolk, helping them develop their craft.
With the upheaval of the past decade, Tamerlaine have begun to re-think their isolating ways and slowly reaching out. There has been a disinclination towards the martial in the past, the House motto defines the steely determination of its members. <br>
==Houses of Weirwater==
The craggy hills of [[Weirwater]] are home of many weavers, and the noble houses here seem to have more than their fair share of witches.
===House de Celeste===
{{CaptionedImage|file=House_de_Celeste.jpg|title=A house born under the stars|caption=House de Celeste|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Purple and silver<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Silver star on purple background <br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater, Culwich<br><br>
House De Céleste is a relatively young Dawnish house, having existed for 87 years. It was formed by a splinter faction of the House Grotte, which was ruled with an iron fist by the so called tyrant, Enchanter Dorian Grotte.
His younger brother (and heir apparent) Alinar defied his brother, set forth with the a few loyal vassals, his new Urizen bride, and her family; who had come to settle in Dawn, thus House De Céleste was born, under the stars for all to see. Over the following years many in House Grotte defied Dorian's tyranny, and sought to join the rising House De Céleste. House Grotte, however, still clung to life. Forcing the young Earl Alinar to face Dorian in single combat. Though he lamented the act, Alinar slew his brother, ending his reign, and the House Grotte along with it.
Since that time House De Céleste has lacked an enchanter, but it is tradition for the ruling Earl to seek guidance from a witch, known to the house as 'Counsellor of Stars'.
House De Céleste had remained stable in the years since. Seeking the glory and adventure befitting a House of Dawn. However, in recent times the De Céleste finds itself again destabilised. A series of events saw leadership of the House change in recent years, and currently Earl Hannasmyth has stepped up to rule, vowing to strengthen her faltering House
===House Griffinsbane===
{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseGriffinsbane.png|title=The house of both the current egregores.|caption=House Griffinsbane|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Red and Black<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A red Griffin rampant on a Gold field<br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater, Weirmoor
House Griffinsbane are an old house, from the region of Weirmoor in [[Weirwater]]. It is thought by many that the house’s name comes from the tradition of the house where yeofolk, wishing to perform their test of mettle, must travel up the Weirmoor Mountains and slay one of the many griffins that dwell in its peaks on the [[Karov]] border. This is an important duty, for otherwise they will grow too large and be a danger to livestock and maybe children.
There are stories of the creation of the house, where a young noble of House de Casillon bested a herald of the [[eternal]] [[Hayaak]] to protect his cousin, [[Empress_Richilde|Richelle]]. He formed his own house to the north of [[Weirwater#Spiral_Castle|Spiral Castle]].
House Griffinsbane has been small and not very politically active for a long time.
===House De Ledure===
'''House Colours:''' Silver and Gold<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A gold star on an argent field<br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater <br><br>
A relatively new house that was once part of House de Rousillion, they split from that house in in 358YE, ten years after [[Emperor Hugh|Hugh de Rousillion]] took [[the Throne]]. Several knights of House de Rousillion and other knights who were after more action rather than tournaments joined the house.
The house’s estates are based in [[Weirwater]], and under Earl Hugh’s reign, the house was successful in having a [[senator]] twice - whilst they were at the peak of their power. Today the house is led by the Enchanter Geoffrey de Ledure, who is from a line of powerful summer witches. It is believed that the house has won some powerful boons from the eternal [[Hayaak]], and they generally refuse to deal with other [[eternal|eternals]].
In 378YE a marriage between House de Ledure and House Blyrale was disrupted when the youths involved ran off to join the Navarr. This act cemented a union between the two houses and House Blyrale joined House de Ledure. According to gossip, the two houses are partially united by their anger at the Dawnish nobles who encouraged their scions to abandon their duty and flee the nation.
'''OOC Note:''' House de Ledure is an NPC noble house.
===House Orzel===
{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseOrzel.jpg|title=House Orzel has roots in Varushka, but has flowered in Dawn.|caption=House Orzel|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Red and Black<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Eagle and Primroses<br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater, Sandling
House Orzel is a union of two migrations from Varushka to Dawn, blending bloodlines and customs but embracing the martial culture with great traditions of the Empress Richilde’s most noble people. With focus on martial training, warlike preparation and enthusiastic adoption of tests and trials which involve quest and adventure, House Orzel finds a natural home in Dawn and has welcomed an increasing number of native Dawnish knights-errant into its nobility through trials of mettle and achievement. <br>
The Orzel have always measured and tested themselves against competence and skill, giving respect where earned and laughing at pomposity, false claims and weak authority in equal measure. Generous with praise and friendship for the accomplished - the Orzel care more for talent and achievement than they do for name or family history alone. In youth children are encouraged to demand their elders "prove" their claims of skill or knowledge rather than taking such claims on trust or simple faith. A teacher is only respected if their knowledge is valuable, a tutor at arms needs to demonstrate superiority with blade to be worthy of attention. Orzel children are wild and reckless with tales of the youngest laughing at the snarls of invading wolves and hurling stones and chanting "Prove It!" to call the bluffs of ancient evil and bestial threat alike. Orzel youngsters grow up with battle-scars experience and confidence if they grow up at all. <br>
<div style="float:left;"><quote>Though sardonic humour and jokes still run strong with Orzel,<br/>none should be denied hospitality or chased out into the night.</quote></div>
Though wilful boldness, irreverence and challenge mark daytime traditions, Orzel hold hospitality and guest rights sacred when the sun sets, and friends gather to eat, drink and share tales of exploits and adventure. Music and song and storytelling are great pleasures of the hearth and all should be offered hospitality in the household of Orzel and none mistreated when it is accepted. This includes those of a monstrous disposition and the Orzel of northern descent remember well the tales of mora and wolves with mortal guise and though the house is bound by sacred oath to oppose the influence of Winter and volodny alike, darkness is a time for tales, wisdom and preparing for the hard battles to come. <br>
===House Rakshasa===
{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseRak.jpg|title=Strong in weaver magic.|caption=House Rakshasa|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Black and Teal <br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A Silver Rakshasa on a field of black, edged with teal <br>
'''Location:''' Weirwood, Weirwater<br><br>
A new house formed by Grave Enchantress Rheged Rakshasa at the Spring Equinox, 382YE, following a test set by the late Dread Enchantress Orlene de Ossienne, House Rakshasa calls a decrepit, but functional manor in Weirwater their home.
Formed from a group of Saker from Wintermark who traveled to Dawn, they helped to cleanse the land of an infestation of husks. House Rakshasa is a house strong in weaver magic, with a focus in the realm of Winter, though its character and interests are diverse.
With a burgeoning reputation for implacability, and a growing interest in the ancient weaver and guiser arts, the people of House Rakshasa are keen to make their mark and burn their glory across the skies.
===House de Roche===
'''House Colours:''' Blue, green and grey <br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A grey mountain overlooking a blue river, backed by green <br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater, Weirmoor <br>
House de Roche is an old and inward-looking Weirwater house. Proud of their motto ‘Roche Solide’, de Roche’s nobles are as stalwart – and sometimes as sombre – as the crags that surround the family’s stony castle. In the past they have tended to rely on their own children to take Tests of Mettle and join the house, caring little for expansion beyond the occasional Test of Ardour.
The House was ravaged in the recent battles against husks in Weirwater. Many of its yeomanry perished, as did the Earl’s heir apparent, her son Raymond de Roche. Rumours that Raymond’s corpse was later seen marching with the army of the dead chilled the once proud and haughty Earl to the bone. She has retreated into her library, leaving her daughter Segoline de Roche to look after the houses affairs.
Segoline now seeks to rebuild the House, looking beyond the walls of its dour fortress. To aid in this endeavour, she has sent a delegation to Anvil to support her interests - but as de Roche nobles are in short supply, the House is currently represented by its somewhat down-at-heel (but never downhearted) yeofolk.
===House Novarion===
'''House Colours:''' Red and gold <br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Phoenix in flames <br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater, Applefel
A house that fell to ruin four generations ago and now encourages its members to accomplish great deeds in distant lands or other parts of the Empire as an important part of its tests of mettle.
Formed in YE 52 by a young warrior named Novaria, she gathered like-minded warriors to her banner during battles around Semmerholm. In recognition of this feat she was granted land and many of her warriors remained by her side and pledged to form a new house. Using the wealth and slaves rescued from the orcs they built a fortress on one of the highest hills in [[Weirwater#Applefell|Applefell]] and were charged with its defence. The Novarion were popular with the [[troubadour|troubadours]] of the time and several of their deeds are remembered in traditional folk songs such as [[Sir_Isobel|Sir Isobel]] and [[The_Novarion_Phoenix|The Novarion Phoenix]] which are still sung today.
Years later, a large portion of the house died in a great fire following a strange magical event caused by their insular nature and only a handful escaped. The house's wealth and reputation were in ruins. The earl began the slow process of rebuilding the house, swearing to never again let those of his household grow to be weak closeted individuals.
From then on, tests of mettle were always written so that extensive foreign travel was required. Insulation and clannishness was dangerous and should be avoided at all costs by prompting its members to seek glory from distant lands. Any person seeking entry into the house is often set difficult tasks that require extensive travel and perseverance to complete, thus encouraging them to grow into headstrong individuals with allies in unusual places.
===House Tallstag===
'''House Colours:''' Green and Silver<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Silver stag's head on green background <br>
'''Location:''' Weirwater, Weirwoods <br>
In 380YE the house was formed by a young Dawnish nobleman, Earl Logan Tallstag, soon after his test of mettle. Choosing Weirwater as their home, he and his yeofolk built Keep Tallstag among the most infested woods in Dawn.
The people of House Tallstag work tirelessly to purge the Empire of vile beasts in courageous and challenging tests of mettle, taming the lands with an iron will, hunting beasts as close as their front door to monsters dwelling in the Weirwater Mountains. They take great pride in expanding their house's treasured bestiary and battling stronger and more vicious creatures.
Though young, the house already has sturdy traditions surrounding their hunts. The great halls of Tallstag are adorned by all manner of beast's heads, each one a trophy from a great hunt. Hung upon the walls surrounding the great hearth, many stories are told and drinks shared under their hollow eyes.
House Tallstag aims to bring all the people of Dawn the opportunity to rise and be heard among the older noble names.
==Houses of the Barrens==
The noble houses of [[The Barrens#Drycastle|Drycastle]] in [[the Barrens]] have been overrun by the [[Druj]]. Those few who remain must use magical means to prevent themselves being overrun by the [[orc|orcs]], and many have relocated to other Dawnish territories.
===House Aurelius===
{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseAurelius.jpg|title=Defenders of Drycastle, proud of the traditions that make Dawn glorious.|caption=House Aurelius|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' Azure and Gold<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' A Golden, antlered, crowned maned lion's head. <br>
'''Location:''' Barrens, Dawnguard<br><br>
An old house of Dawn, bordering on the Barrens, this house has been worn from its battles with the Empire's Barren foes. Now with a penchant for the old ways and traditions, this house is said to have a close affiliation with the [[eternal]] [[Eleonaris]]. The house's main seat within its Drycastle estates is festooned with flags, and called ''The House of Pennants''.
Much repaired after ceaseless attacks, the old traditions of Dawn can be seen in the abundant - albeit threadbare - heirlooms and adornments that bedeck the members of its house, their demesne, and their properties.
The house has a plenitude of [[changeling|changelings]] and is known for its impulsive, temperamental, playful and often haughty nature. Even more so than most Dawnish, they are known to never refuse a challenge.
===House de Carsenere===
'''House Colours:''' Royal Blue and Silver<br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Silver Chimera<br>
'''Location:''' Barrens, Dawnguard <br><br>
A young noble house having been formed in 330YE when a charismatic [[cambion]] named Aramis split from House Videre and convinced several knights of the house that the his [[ambition]] of conquering the Barrens could be realised. The house claimed estates in Drycastle, and engaged in eight years of bloody campaigns - with little gain being made - culminating in the earl's death in 338YE.
Aramis was succeeded by Hagan, a [[changeling]] woman, who led the house to [[glory]]. She worked on coordinating with the [[Navarr]], and defending Drycastle from the [[orc|orcs]]. Passing away in 373 YE she was replaced by Tristram de Carsenere who once again began pursuing more aggressive tactics.
Following the appointment of [[Empress Britta]] to [[the Throne]] the house began making preparations for a full campaign in the Barrens. Tragically the young Empress died before such a campaign could properly begin so Carsenere made their political movements to Anvil to push the agenda. They have been successful so far, providing a [[senator]] to the Empire twice since Britta’s death.
Following a mortal wound dealt to Earl Tristram, Lady Vivienne de Carsenere took up the mantle of enchantress. She was succeeded in her turn by the current Earl, Lord Escalados.
==Location Unclear==
===House Akella===
'''House Colours:''' White and Gold <br>
'''House Heraldry:''' Wolf's Head <br>
House Akella, a comparatively recent addition to the noble houses of Dawn, was formed in the winter of 379YE. Previously led by Soldier, a militaristic [[draughir]] knight with a vague and mysterious past he is reluctant to discuss, who fell in battle recently. They consist mostly of knights and [[yeofolk of Dawn|yeofolk]] who were present at Drycastle in [[The_Barrens#Dawnguard|Dawnguard]] during the early months of [[the Barrens]] [[crusade]].
They are a small, but ruthlessly aggressive house. Though the currently have no lands to call their own, they follow the [[Dawn_military_concerns#The_Gryphon.27s_Pride|Gryphon’s Pride]] banner into the Barrens to conquer fresh territory to call home.
===House Martel===
{{CaptionedImage|file=HouseMartel.png|caption=House Martel|align=right|width=250}}
'''House Colours:''' White and black<br>
'''House Heraldy:''' Three white stars on a black field<br>
'''Location:''' Barrens, Murderdale <br><br>
House Martel are an old house; they claim to have settled in the Barrens as the forebears of the other Dawnish houses were still traveling across land from overseas. They are composed of several families, including the Rookwood, who’s own family motto is "keep it in the family." They live in the Murderdale, on the edge of the forest of Peytaht, in a fortified estate called "the Rookery". The estate is said to be impenetrable, and has had many Druj adorn its trees. Rookwood and Martel fought against the [[Freedom Heresy]], concerned about the threat posed by Montane. It was seen as a matter of pride to take arms in this matter.
Rookwood and Martel joined as one house on the fateful night of the Battle of Sisters Causeway, whereby a wedding party, held by House Martel and guests, were ambushed by Druj. This wedding was an acknowledgement by Dawn of House Martel’s great import in fighting against the Freedom Heresy, and therefore the union was of politics as well as passion. However, all were slaughtered on that dread-filled gathering, including children. After this, Martel’s swore to never marry. Their heraldry also stands a reminder of this event, which strengthened union through blood. Nothing motivates this house more than securing the Barrens, avenging their forebears and covering themselves…in glory.

Revision as of 14:52, 4 July 2024


There are many important noble houses, knightly orders, and weaver cabals in Dawn. Despite the number, only a comparative handful are involved in the affairs of the Empire (that is, attend the seasonal summits at Anvil). Their influence can wax and wane, and involvement in Imperial affairs is not always a reflection of their prominence within the nation itself. This page presents in-character information about the groups that attend, or have attended, Anvil — the kind of thing that someone who asked about them might uncover from talking to their peers. In each case, the information is provided by the players and edited before being put on the wiki.

The majority of groups listed here are made up of player-characters. You should not create a character who is part of a group, or has personal history with one, without first clearing it with the appropriate players. You should also check before including other players' groups in your background. The background team are unlikely to approve a background that significantly impacts or involves another player character group without their permission. There are also a handful of prominent NPC groups included for completeness, but they are not intended for use by player characters.

Noble Houses

The noble houses of Dawn represent the best - and occasionally the worst - of what the nation has to offer.

Houses of Astolat

House Asterion.png
House Asterion

House Asterion

  • Location: Winterbourne, east of Boar's Hollow
  • Heraldry: A magpie reaching out to pluck a star from the sky on a field of blue and white
  • Colours: Black, royal blue and white - with gold accents
  • Earl: Vacant

“From Dust, Become Stars.” A young house, Asterion was founded in 383YE by Enchanter Kyriel Asterion - after having left their previous house Montrose behind following the disastrous actions of their father Earl Tomme Montrose. It was to be a house capable of recognising any individual capable of glorious deeds, no matter their story, and to allow those who had been abandoned elsewhere to follow their ambition and belong to a true family. It takes in those who are alone, cast off, abandoned or lost, and gives them a chance to rise above the hand that has been dealt to them.

The house has drawn many who practise magic; its heart known as Brambling Keep built upon mountain foothills deep in the woods near Boar’s Hollow, where mana crystals are abundantly found in natural hot spring caverns in the mountainside. It was founded to be a place of refuge, where the snow dusted pines soften the noise of the world and a soul might find reflection and tranquillity if they so desire it. Whole of heart and soul, one might chase virtue and glory with even greater dedication.

Since the death of Enchanter Kyriel in 384YE, the house is without any present nobles, so is maintained by its yeofolk and knights-errant.

House Brightstone.png
House Brightstone

House Brightstone

  • Location: Withy, on the River of Sighs
  • Heraldry: A mermaid holding aloft a white gemstone, on a field of golden yellow and teal blue
  • Colours: predominantly golden yellow and teal blue, accented with a small amount of orange and emerald green
  • Earl: Enchanter Ozilius Brightstone

House Brightstone was founded in 85YE when an impoverished knight-errant was tasked by a gloating earl to produce a gemstone more splendid than any in his esteemed collection. The seemingly insurmountable Test of Mettle was passed, however, when the determined knight carried a washtub from the Semmerholm village of Auvanne to a river in the north. Using his washtub as a crude boat, he voyaged hundreds of miles east along the river, all the way to the Semmerlak where, according to legend, he met a mysterious mermaid who swam to the bottom of the lake and retrieved for him the Brightstone - a glittering gemstone of beauty beyond description. Not content to serve an ill-mannered Earl, the newly-titled Lord instead travelled west to Astolat and there he restored the venerable, ruined castle of Respireau- an ancient stronghold built onto the River of Sighs on the southwestern border, and thus became the first Earl of House Brightstone. The Brightstone remains a cherished heirloom to this day and is brought to Anvil for all to admire.

Castle Respireau is famous for its underwater library and luxurious bathhouse, and the nobles of house Brightstone pride themselves on their hospitality. They eat and drink exceptionally well, due to an abundance of fish from the River of Sighs, as well as League river-trading barges that frequently stop by the castle. They enjoy a reasonably amicable relationship with their Navarri neighbours in Miaren and occasionally take leisure boats up and down the River of Sighs.

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House Caerleon

House Caerleon

  • Location: Winterbourne, southwest of Weaving
  • Heraldry: Two white dragons eating each other's tails creating a circle on a navy blue background with a gold chevron.
  • Colours: Navy blue and white, accented with gold
  • Earl: Lady Guinevere Caerleon

House Caerleon is a recent addition to Dawn's history, being founded in 307YE when the knight-errant Arthur Caerleon split from his adopted family after passing his Test of Mettle fighting and protecting a town from "draconic" beasts with other knights-errant, taking one of the beast's heads as a reward. Lord Caerleon travelled for miles trying to find the perfect location to settle, before finally coming across a hill with beautiful views, flanked by babbling brooks and overlooking the Hamlet of Strathmoor. It is here where he buried the beast's head on top of the hill and restored and expanded an old manor house close to the Hamlet and began to call it home.

Over the years the Caerleon grounds have grown to include Strathmoor, and it has developed into a thriving farming town well known for its apple orchards, and because of these, desserts such apple pie have become a town and house specialty. The hill, named Dragon’s Garden, that overlooks the manor and town has also become well known, for it grows a variety of colourful flowers and berries upon it almost all year round. Atop, it has grown a single large apple tree with bark that looks like scales, producing the sweetest apples around, apples are normally reserved only for the Earl or their honoured guests.

House Caerleon prides itself on being a found family and uses the virtues of loyalty, wisdom, and courage to resist hardships and assist members in pursuing goals in whatever path they walk.

House de Coeurdefer

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House Coeurdefer
  • Location: Winterbourne, just south of Weaving
  • Heraldry: Black, a gauntlet silver grasping a crescent moon, two crescent moons silver
  • Colours: Black and silver
  • Earl: Zadkiel de Coeurdefer

House de Coeurdefer predates the Empire; memory of its forming has fallen into a legend. It is claimed that a knightly band gathered to destroy a nest of Winter-touched drakes, with their leader giving her heart's blood and her life to seal a twisted regio. Troubadours sometimes say Castle Ironheart, their principal seat, was created magically out of dragon bones and her steel cestus to stand guard against the threat returning. Since the founding of the House, the Earls have traditionally been of Winter lineage, with a strong line of naga from the weaver cabal that lives and works with them, the Coven of Ouroboros Twining.

The House is known for Loyalty, Ambition, and Pride. Over the centuries, the House declined - numbers fell, as the dour draughir stayed at home with their packs of wolfhounds. They have a strong tie to their neighbours and cousins in House de Rondell, and the Earl de Rondell's call for support at Anvil following the death of Empress Britta brought them out of their towers. Most of the nobles who attend Anvil on behalf of their House are from the naga weaver cabal rather than the draughir House, and Earl Zadkiel is of their blood. If and when others ask him for a Test, he's likely to offer a simple-seeming puzzle or challenge to enact at Anvil or in battle. They are usually more complex in practice, and focus on clever planning or the recruitment and leading of allies in a challenging situation.

House Cordraco

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House Cordraco
  • Location: Withy, north of Oldheart
  • Heraldry: Twinned Dragons on a field of purple and gold
  • Colours: Purple and gold
  • Earl: Logan Olivier De Havilland Cordraco

House Cordraco was founded in 378 by a conglomeration of the ancient and venerable houses Arwood, Boscombe, Loriel and Martel. To do this they were set the test of slaying a dragon. They managed to fell a mighty drake but not before the beast feasted upon their first Earl; Johann Rookwood Martel Cordraco.

House Cordraco have been a great supporter of the arts and hospitality since its founding. The house most closely associates with the virtues of Ambition, Pride and Prosperity. The motto, "Not for us the straight and narrow" is taken from the house oath, read by nobles once they have been judged to have completed their tests of mettle. It epitomises the beliefs of the house; that there is no one path to Glory. House Cordraco aspires to great acts of Prosperity and Pride within Dawn and the Empire. After a tumultuous reorganisation following the deaths of multiple earls, House Cordraco looks to step back into the world of Anvil politics intent on having its name echo through the ages. The house is known to encourage civility, respect and cooperation between its members.

House de Gauvain

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House de Gauvain
  • Location: Caer Faucon
  • Heraldry: Golden phoenix on flames; nobles often have their own personal heraldry
  • Colours: Orange and black with red trim
  • Earl: Enchantress Rosalynne de Gauvain

Ser Edric de Gauvain is perhaps one of the most famous names in Dawn, thanks to a recent curse which befell the territory of Weirwater; but what of his House? Nestled in the bucolic Astolat countryside, the de Gauvains (pronounced gor-van) reside in the pleasant market town of Caer Faucon. It is far from the front lines of the Empire at war. Few monsters stalk their lands. Their keep looks out over sheep scudded hills, drooping orchards, and peace. Wealth breeds prosperity, and hospitality. Noble and yeofolk rub shoulders, and do so gladly; bloody experiences during the Marcher revolt taught them the error of their older, haughtier ways. The de Gauvains’ door is always open for travellers and wanderers, but one should never mistake warmth and generosity for placidity or cowardice. They have glorious deeds to match.

The house is best known for its weavers. Rich supplies of textiles, and a deep-seated love of glory, have led to a great interest in the Summer realm. This power in magic and realm-wisdom is matched on the battlefield; the House’s knights and war-witches march as part of the famous Winged Lion lance.

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House Goldvein

House Goldvein

  • Location: Stryxstone Keep, north of Weaving
  • Heraldry: A golden mandowla on an emerald field
  • Colours: Emerald and gold
  • Earl: Enchantress Pellinore Goldvein

Originally founded by a former guide of Navarr who found true love and her place in the great dance beside a knight-errant, House Goldvein has a long-held tradition of recording and sharing tales of love and glory. After the tragedy that ended the reign of Nicovar, this mission broadened to include the foundation of the Stryxstone Library as a repository of knowledge to protect against a similar loss of information. After more than 150 years of bad luck, sabotage and unexplained misfortune, the House finally found itself succeeding in this quest, but becoming more insular and cutting itself off from the wider Empire. Now with a new Earl in their ascendance, House Goldvein makes it return to Anvil, and the centres of learning and research across the Empire.

House Goldvein prides itself on the diversity of talent and knowledge it recruits and fosters, with artisans, warriors, troubadours, witches and physicks all held in equal prominence within the ranks of the House's nobles and yeofolk, and all who can share a tale or unrecorded knowledge will find a warm welcome to the estates surrounding the Stryxstone Keep.

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House Larmallevés

House Larmallevés

  • Location: Brightway, west of the De Warrenne Way
  • Heraldry: Crowned Phoenix in Gold on Field of Purple
  • Colours: Gold and Purple
  • Earl: Enchantress Areloe Larmallevés

The House Larmallevés traces its history back to before the rise of the Empire, founded by King Bréanainn who won the grand tourney with armour and arms of his own design. Ever since that early day the House has always sought to elevate to its ranks anyone who claims great skill, on the battlefield or as a creator; as such they have a tradition of setting Tests of Mettle aimed at the abilities the knight-errant claim to be best with. The current Enchantress is a cambion and as such their tests reward and encourage clever thinking in their completion.

Over the generations the house has seen repeating cycles of growth and prominence followed by an inevitable fall and in these days has receded to little more beyond the ancestral hall known as the "Chateau of the Second Dawn", named for its great ceremonial fire pit. The house now looks to be beginning a new rise to prominence under the leadership of the new Enchantress who is once more looking to recruit warriors, skilled artisans, mages, and healers into the house. The house has a focus on the Autumn realm with ritualists encouraged to join the Chain-Sworn Scales weaver cabal.

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House Lucentia

House Lucentia

  • Location: The plains below Boars Hollow
  • Heraldry: An outstretched hand, gently holding a star with a background of navy blue and purple
  • Colours: Blue, Purple and Silver
  • Earl: Enchanter Vesper Lucentia

A young house created by Enchanter Vesper upon passing their test of mettle in Summer 385YE. The house is known for its distinct approach to the Virtue of Wisdom. The house has a focus on welcoming all comers, including many who have joined Dawn later in their lives from other nations. It is also a house of travellers and wanderers; those who seek new horizons and greater understanding. It has gained something of a reputation as a house of "chain breakers", as many of its members have fought hard to save people under the yoke of oppressors.

"Virtute et valare luceo non uro"
House Meliora

House Meliora

  • Location: The Chase, south of Laroc
  • Heraldry: A golden unicorn facing left on a quartered cream and purple field
  • Colours: Purple, Cream and Gold
  • Earl: Earl Torag Meliora

House Meliora is a relatively young house, formed in the mist of 383YE, when a number of both nobles and yeofolk alike chose to break away from their previous house in the pursuit of a more virtuous and glorious life.

They built a house dedicated to achieving glory on and off the battlefield, their members split equally between both martial and magical pursuits. The house has since grown in size, welcoming members from other nations and magicians representing five of the six realms. The Earl of Meliora is committed to forming a place for his house to thrive wherever they choose to find themselves upon the quest for glory.

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House de Rondell

House de Rondell

  • Location: Laroc
  • Colours: Blue and silver
  • Heraldry: Three crescent moons around a gryphon
  • Earl: Bohemond de Rondell

An ancient house existing from before the founding of the Empire, its fortunes have risen and fallen many times over the centuries. Proximity to the Castle of Thorns in Astolat has always kept them near to the political heart of Dawn. There is evidence that the castle was designed by a de Rondell in the earliest days of the Dawnish presence on the Bay of Catazar.

This house has returned senators, generals and cardinals again and again over the centuries. As such the household places an ongoing emphasis on questing in other parts of the Empire and gaining the regard of others in this way, long after many houses expect their members to focus in other areas.

The House uses virtues as inspiration, immortalised in the three silver crescent moons in the house heraldry. They represent Pride in one's own worth and that which the House has won; Ambition to constantly reach out and grasp every opportunity, and Courage to always step forwards into the fray or into the unknown.

“We have been there from the beginning of the Empire, we will be there at the ascension. Until that day we shall steer it towards greatness and Glory” Bohemond de Rondell

House de Rondell's martial tests of mettle are quite difficult and can easily result in the death of the unwary; the other theme that runs through their tests is an emphasis on political acumen and the ability to influence others to act for the good of the Empire.

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House de Rosier

House de Rosier

  • Location: Winterbourne
  • Colours: Red, gold and white
  • Heraldry: A snake coiled inside a rose, surrounded by a radiant golden halo.
  • Earl: Cerys de Rosier

Long before the founding of the Empire, House De Rosier was forged amidst a cataclysmic event. Their home in the lowlands of the mountains in northern Astolat was threatened by a devastating landslide. House de Rosier rallied their kin and fled up the mountain, desperately seeking refuge from the relentless fury of the storm. They traversed the treacherous mountain until they arrived at a plateau, apparently guided by a mysterious snake that appeared amidst the chaos. There, the snake halted, its gaze fixed upon a radiant rose blooming amidst the mountain peaks. To the amazement of House de Rosier, the snake curled around the rose, protecting it from the surrounding chaos. Sensing the serenity emanating from this extraordinary flower, they realised it was a sign. The survivors had found their new home—a sanctuary upon the mountaintop that became the foundation of House de Rosier. Their ancestral crest, a majestic rose entwined with a serpent, is a symbol of their resilience and the eternal bond between their house and the land that sheltered them.

House de Rosier offers any citizen who wishes to join their ranks a test that has remained unchanged since its foundation. Knights are called to venture to a place hitherto unexplored. They are instructed to return with three significant elements—an extraordinary tale, a tangible souvenir, and a scar etched upon their body. It is a test that unites the house, binding generations together through shared experiences and a deep reverence for the unknown.

The land continues to be fertile and the house is famed for its beautiful gardens, overgrowing with strange blooms often brought back by questing knights. These rare flowers are distilled into perfumes which keep the estate, and its inhabitants, fragrant.

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House Sepulchre

House Sepulchre

  • Location: Winterbourne
  • Colours: Red, gold and black
  • Heraldry: Black hound
  • Earl: Loria Sepulchre

House Sepulchre traces its roots to Mira (later Rolande), a warden of Varushka who came to Dawn to bury her family and, eventually, the magician who killed them. Her bloodthirsty quest won her glory and land where she could mourn and remember in quiet contemplation. Over the years the graves and gardens spread further and further as House Sepulchre sought to collect tales and songs of the glorious dead as well as providing them with a fitting resting place (sometimes as statues stationed around the gardens and grounds). It suffered something of a decline when it was revealed that a heretical cult of Hope had spread throughout the ranks of the nobility. It was only thanks to the swift action of a newly ennobled knight that Sepulchre endured.

The house is known for having a string of draughir earls, but is now under the custody of Earl Loria Sepulchre, who seeks to rebuild Sepulchre’s ranks, and teach all of the house’s noble and yeofolk the value and importance of magic. Sepulchre accepts knights-errant from every walk of life, and its Tests of Mettle are often designed to encourage imaginative thinking, to test resolve, and to crush any lingering shreds of optimism in the aspiring noble. Particularly of note is the Sepulchre graveyard, upon which when a knight-errant passes their Test of Mettle, they dig their own grave, a symbolic burying of their old life to start anew.

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House Videre

House Videre

  • Location: The Chase, southeast of Laroc, near Rosered Woods
  • Heraldry: A golden gryphon passant, on a parted field of red and green
  • Colours: Green, Red and Gold
  • Earl: Vacant

House Videre traces its lineage back to royal retainers of ancient times, who served with distinction before the Empire's founding. Over the centuries, the name Videre has weathered trials and triumphs, enduring near destruction in 276YE during a failed campaign to capture the Barrens. Again in 330YE, the house faced internal strife with the split of House de Carsenere, casting doubt on its future. Despite these challenges, House Videre persists, determined to reclaim its legacy and honour the noble traditions it upholds.

Known for their strong affinity for magic, the Videres have always been led by powerful Enchanters, each dedicated to their principles of Love and Loyalty above all else. Their Tests of Mettle are renowned for challenging candidates' loyalties to their limits, earning both respect and wariness from their peers. Despite their dedication to the Way, relations with the Imperial Synod have often been strained, owing to their unique tradition of challenging both parties during Tests of Ardour, even when one of their own nobles departs for another household.

The seat of House Videre is a small hillside fortress located on the border between the Chase and Elvette. Once a strategic outpost during the Semmerholm conquest, it now guards the Hall of Blooms, a grand floral maze rumoured to house samples of flowers from across the Empire. However, the Hall of Blooms suffered significant damage in Spring 385YE as a consequence of the uncontrolled growth caused by the Imperial enchantment known as the Hallow of the Green World.

Following the disappearance of Lord Colborn Videre, the last Earl of House Videre, the leadership of the house remains in transition. Since Spring 386YE, Ludwig Barbadoro has been nominated as Castellan, assuming the role of seneschal and acting head of House Videre. Under his stewardship, the Hall of Blooms has been meticulously restored, symbolizing renewal and resilience within the house. The Videres eagerly await the day when a knight-errant successfully completes the Test of Mettle, ensuring the continuation of their noble line and the legacy of House Videre.

Houses of Semmerholm

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House D'Abeille

House d’Abeille

  • Location: Estmure
  • Heraldry: A Flower Crowned Bee on a Blue and Yellow field, parted with Black.
  • Colours: Black, Yellow and Blue
  • Earl: Earl Tarsus

A seemingly new House, only recently rising to prominence. House d’Abeille (pronounced da-bay) prides itself on Prosperity, Ambition and Loyalty to one another. Taking the heraldry of a bee, the house has a close, tight knit community, with each working for the good of the hive. Its members are easily recognised by the flower crowns which are staples of their outfits.

Situated in Semmerholm, to the north of the Adamant Gate, House d’Abeille focuses its efforts on reclaiming the Barrens. Since its founding, its members are always the first to take the fight to the Druj therein.

On the field, the House specialises in fighting on the front lines and battlefield support, cutting down Druj and ensuring everyone makes it home to tell the glorious story. The motto and battlecry on the lips of its members is “Si sapis, sis apis” - If you are wise, be a bee.

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House d'Acier

House d’Acier

  • Location: Estmure
  • Heraldry: Black Tower before a Golden Sun on a Green field
  • Colours: Green and Gold
  • Earl: Enchantress Vivienne d’Acier

An older, weathered House in the process of rebuilding itself, greater than ever. Following a recent period of unstable leadership that saw the House verging on collapse, a new Enchantress was chosen through the trials of the Iron Duke, bringing renewed Glory and purpose. Deeply Pride-aligned, House d’Acier draws from the life and lessons of Paragon Richilde to guide its way. Its members eschew direct martial might, instead leveraging their magical, medical, and diplomatic talents to steer the course of Dawnish politics.

D’Acier nobles and yeofolk are found on the fringes of great tourneys, elections, and other gatherings of note. They foster connections between Houses, provide healing and magical assistance, and help elevate those they believe will bring the most Glory to Dawn. Theirs is a Pride that speaks softly but looms large. Located near the Adamant Gate, House d’Acier’s once mighty stronghold was ravaged by recent Druj incursions and, much like the House itself, is currently being rebuilt. The House’s history is intimately tied to Dawn’s claim to the Barrens, and they work tirelessly so that one day, the Dawnish banner may fly over those lands. They are also heavily involved in the politics of the Summer Realm, helping to foster positive relations between Dawn and the eternals of Summer, particularly the Iron Duke. In recent years, the House has garnered a reputation as one of the historian Houses of Dawn and are currently the custodians of a great relic of Richilde.

House De Bois Gilbert

House de Bois Gilbert

  • Location: Lacuve
  • Heraldry: A black Sea Dragon surrounded by 3 silver suns (top left, top right, bottom middle) on a per pile red, gold and green (golden V on halved red and green)
  • Colours: Gold, red and green
  • Earl: Enchanter Morgan De Bois Gilbert

House de Bois Gilbert was formed in 52YE during the conquest of Semmerholm by a Knight Errant of House De Rondell as a reward for their glorious deeds.

In the early days of the house, its reputation became one of staunch protectors and defenders of the people from marauding beasts and barbarians, and of those who have heard of the house today, that reputation still stands, and the words of the house are "We are the shield." However the downsides of their zeal were clear - casualties were high and the house never grew much beyond a few dozen nobles, slowly declining in strength and influence over time. During the Druj invasion of 381YE the remaining nobles of the house were slain.

In 384YE, a knight-errant whose Loyalty to his house was unsurpassed succeeded at his quest to reinstate the nobility of the house and select a new Earl who now brings some selected retainers to Anvil to rebuild the glories of old.

House Cadwalon

  • Location: Axmure
  • Heraldry: A rampant golden unicorn with a green mane and tail, under a starry moonlit sky tinted gold against a violet field.
  • Colours: Violet, gold, and green
  • Earl: Lady Aneira 'Mawr' Harper Cadwalon

House Cadwalon is an ancient house, tasked with the protection of a parcel of land on the edge of the forest of Axmure. The house makes extensive use of heraldic magic in its girding, particularly invoking the unicorn in the house heraldry which lends its nobles a reputation for fierce passion for life and a strong protective streak resulting in the house motto "Passionate Hearts, Fearless Souls.". Fittingly enough, Cadwalon's tests of mettle often evoke one or both of those themes.

House Cadwalon is rather (in)famous for the close relationship its nobles share with the yeofolk under their care, often eschewing formality unless it is of the utmost importance. This bond was born in the house's earliest days, with knights often ordered to accompany yeo forresters into the woods to protect them from the barbarians, beasts, and bandits that stalk the glades of Axmure.

In the house's heyday, it was not uncommon to see their knights helping with manual labour - particularly where yeofolk had struggled mightily or even hurt themselves. More recently, the house has fallen on hard times, when the Druj invaded Semmerholm in 381YE, the knights and knights-errant of House Cadwalon fought a desperate rearguard action to buy precious time for their non-combatants and wounded to escape.

Bloodied, but unbowed, and with a small cadre of Ambitious young nobles at its core Cadwalon's Glory will burn bright, and its lands will know Prosperity once more.

House de Cendres

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House de Cendres
  • Location: Axmure
  • Heraldry: Solid gold chevron on black behind a dragon resplendent on a tower
  • Colours: Black and Gold
  • Earl: Earl Feroce Lupo de Cendres

House de Cendres was formed when the Ashen Tower, a military company from the League city of Holberg emigrated to Dawn, in 381YE. They claimed lands in Axmure in the wake of the Druj invasion and retreat from that province in the same year. Under the dynamic leadership of their changeling Earl Lupo, they have attracted new yeofolk and knights to their banner and rebuilt their lands. Their estates are a wide valley on the Drycastle road, with several villages and fortified manors, sometimes called the Hearthhold. Their primary concern is prosecuting the war with the Druj, and as such they are a martial and aggressive House. Most recently, their knights and companies have marched deep into Druj territory with the Dawnish armies invading Ossium and the Forest of Ulnak.

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House de Courtenay

House de Courtenay

  • Location: Semmer's Rose
  • Heraldry: Rampant Fox with a bee on its nose, Azure and Gold per chevron
  • Colours: Blue, Dark Teal and Gold
  • Earl: Earl Aodhán de Courtenay

The House de Courtenay was almost wiped out when the Hounds of Glory fell, with Earl Jules being on their last breaths as they issued a test of mettle to the now Earl Aodhán. The house now prides itself on helping the lost find their place in the Empire - with all the current members of the House having been displaced or unsure where they were before becoming Dawnish. The House live by the words "Nobody Left Alone" - to be a guiding light for those who have no clear way forward, and to support those who otherwise might find themselves alone.

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House du Maurisol

House du Maurisol

  • Location: Forests of Elvette
  • Heraldry: Three entwined bright blue calla lilies within a golden sun
  • Colours: Cream, gold, and bright blue
  • Earl: Galeas du Maurisol

Dedicated to Loyalty, the nobles of House du Maurisol are frequently priests and occasionally mages, but always warriors beneath it. They see it as their task to safeguard the Virtuous from dangers that might threaten to damage or shake their Loyalties, be this by the clever wordplay needed to encourage and guide, or a certain judicious application of a challenge to those involved. Most of the House's nobles fell with Britta, but it has recently been revived and hopes to stand in glory once again.

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House Medwood

House Medwood

  • Location: Axmure, Medwood Hall
  • Heraldry: A white tree on red and a black and white checked field
  • Colours: Red, black and white
  • Earl: Earl Harlow

House Medwood are a new house which wasn’t established until 381YE when the Druj swept through Axmure. Taking in the devastation of Medwood's lands the nobles of the House realised a need to visit Anvil to truly establish themselves. The house values itself on its Loyalty and gaining their friendship is gaining a steadfast ally.

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House de Rhya

House de Rhys

  • Location: Ferrond
  • Heraldry: A firebird on green and blue.
  • Colours: Green, blue, black, and white
  • Earl: Earl-Enchanter Ciagan de Rhys

An elder house refounded in Autumn 385YE after a powerful Empire-wide Day enchantment returned it to attention, House de Rhys was originally known for its powerful Night witches, before a sudden stop in Anvil attendance. Rumour has said the challenge of becoming Earl is often literally finding Castle de Rhys using riddles and puzzles left by the last Earl, with each making it more testing than the last. The difficulty in locating the castle may actually be based on its small size, but it is certainly home to many secrets that can be found in unexpected places.

House de Rhys is best known for its focus on glorious pursuits across every part of Anvil, encouraging the Loyalty to one's own heart and Ambitions. Whether this is to rise to a life in battles or the Synod, in an art studio or apothecary, or do something entirely new, House de Rhys is always prepared to offer support and guidance for the yeofolk and nobles that are part of it, and 'Rise', as their motto highlights, like a firebird from the ash.

House de Rhys is also now well known for its championing of Love. Many of the most popular songs performed by the troubadours of the house are focused on the topic. The castle is visited by people of all nations who wish to read the fantastic collection of love stories and poems, and often guests will sit in the hall until morning speaking of love. The castle's grounds are used for weddings and celebrations so the house is able to have a first-hand view of love in all its forms.

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House Summerstrong

House Summerstrong

  • Location: The Summerhold, Southern Elvette
  • Heraldry: A blue tree on a field of red, wrapped in a wreath of blackthorns
  • Colours: Red and Blue, often with black accenting
  • Earl: Lord Percival Summerstrong

House Summerstrong is an old house of Semmerholm, one that has regularly occupied the strange position of being one of the wealthiest of the least important houses of the territory. In recent history, the house has grown due to the marriage of the ex-earl Lord Gawain Summerstrong and his ex-Navarri wife Lady Penelope Summerstrong. With their marriage bringing many members of Penelope's striding to Dawn, House Summerstrong became known as a house with deep roots in both Dawn and Navarr. Their home, The Summerhold, is a physical representation of their ties to Navarr, resting along the trod that cuts through Elvette and serving as a stop-off point for those venturing south into Brocéliande. The Summerhold is instantly recognisable for its red stone walls, covered in an array of wild moss and flowers that give the illusion that the hamlet itself is a part of the woods around it. From their position in The Summerhold, House Summerstrong have pursued their ambition to fuel the mission against the Vallorn that occupy the areas so close to their home – with their tests of mettle often featuring a glorious hunt into Broceliande or a face-off with a dryad or marsh walker. The Vallorn is, in the eyes of House Summerstrong, the most dangerous threat to the empire and its members are driven by the tragedies that surround their house to remove it. It is a house built upon surviving tragedy, but their roots are deep and they stand strong against the storm - as captured in their motto, "Our Roots are Deep and Glorious".

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House Tamerlaine

House Tamerlaine

  • Location: Near the town of Semmer's Rose, on the edge of the Semmerlak
  • Heraldry: A Silver Unicorn rearing on a Green and Black saltire field
  • Colours: Viridian Green, Silver and Sable Black
  • Earl: Earl Ailsa Tamerlaine

An older, weathered House in the process of rebuilding itself, greater than ever. Following a recent period of unstable leadership that saw the House verging on collapse, a new Enchantress was chosen through the trials of the Iron Duke, bringing renewed Glory and purpose. Deeply Pride-aligned, House d’Acier draws from the life and lessons of Paragon Richilde to guide its way. Its members eschew direct martial might, instead leveraging their magical, medical, and diplomatic talents to steer the course of Dawnish politics.

With their main estate lying near a sleepy hamlet to the south of Semmer's Rose, House Tamerlaine is an old and small Dawnish house once thought faded, that is slowly and steadily blooming once more. Castle Tamerlaine and its accompanying grounds are a sprawling affair, with wild floral gardens, deep ponds, hot houses, and a large barn that has been turned into a studio for the inhabitants of the House. There is much pastoral and wild beauty to be found here.

The House is mainly concerned with arts of pen and plectrum as well as weaponry and the art of war. When not ensconced in their compound, developing their crafts, noble members are often questing across the Empire, researching their arts. While not bound under one singular Virtue, the House troubadours are often troubadours of the Way. There is a heavy emphasis to seek out new information, new stories, but bring this back to share with all of the House, and with their fellow Dawnish. Travellers are always welcome in these halls, especially if they bring with them news.

With the upheaval of the last decade, Tamerlaine have re-thought their isolated ways and begun to reach out at Anvil. This having been said, it would be foolish to assume that a focus on the arts would mean ignorance of defense and fighting. The House motto defines the steely determination of its members: "If the bird does not sing, we shall make it sing."

House Vexille

House Vexille
  • Location: Semmerholm, previously Barrens
  • Heraldry: Dagger crossing a key
  • Colours: Green, Gold & Black
  • Earl: Guissart Vexille

A centuries old house, previously based in the Barrens until the Druj forced them to flee in defeat, House Vexille have a reputation for their hard-line attitudes, extensive use of Night magic and a penchant for luxury and excess. Their methods in achieving Glory have often been questioned, especially actions which saw them declared as sorcerers for a time for their suggested abuse of magics…a measure which was only recently overturned.

House Vexille proudly declares that they "Hold the key to Glory" - considered metaphorical by many, they believe that their extensive pushing of boundaries is the key to true Glory. The Tests of Mettle set by the Vexille earls are notoriously difficult; the current earl, Guissart Vexille, takes great pride in the fact that dozens of those wishing to join his house have failed to meet the exacting demands he places upon them. To this end, the house supports a larger than average number of yeofolk who spend years testing themselves personally before attempting to bring their requests to the earl to join the household. Those nobles who have passed their test are usually arrogant as a result; inevitably embittered, grizzled individuals who display extreme character traits, their outlook on life influenced by the necessity of life on the Barrens' borders.

Most recently, several knights of the house have formed a band of questing knights, dedicated to the destruction of vallorn as a great and glorious quest, under interpretation of the Synod’s statements on these creatures - urging knights from other houses to join them.

House Verdantié

House Verdantié
  • Location: Ferrond
  • Heraldry: A white crystal decanter embraced by a grape vine, rested on a blue and purple base
  • Colours: Navy blue, royal purple, and white
  • Earl: Earl Lannus Verdantié

With a focus on the virtue of Wisdom, the nobles of House Verdantié consist primarily of physicks and magical healers alongside the support of front-line knights. Members of the house believe that every life saved results in another opportunity to fight for glory; whether this is by offering services within the hospital, taking the field and healing those in need, or taking the frontline and lending extra hands to those alongside them. House Verdantié is a noble house formed by Lannus Meadowkeep after they grew within House De Sarroi which sparked their desire to lead and assist.

Houses of Weirwater

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House Berinore

House Berinore

  • Location: Weirmoor
  • Heraldry: Two perytons, rampant before a gold chevron on a red field
  • Colours: Red and gold, with black.
  • Earl: Lady Tegwen Berinore

Those who dwell within Castle Gristimere's walls claim it to be one of the oldest castles in the Weirmoor, raised not long after the Dawnish first arrived in these lands, laying claim to the dangerous forests and mastering them. Despite their ancient claim, the House held no one of note until recently. House Berinore attended Anvil for the first time at the end of 383YE to pull itself from obscurity with the thought of true glory at the forefront, but since then, the House has been beset by tragedy after tragedy. From their very first attendance at Anvil, long beloved friends have fallen to barbarian blades, time and again.

This culminated in Spring 385YE, with all nobles of the House deceased, fallen in battle to reclaim either Zenith or the Barrens. A pair of knights-errant remained; one was able to pass her tests, calling a fallen Earl back through the Black Gate to confirm this. The newly minted Earl has sworn to learn from this and never leave the House in such a situation again, and the House has since focused on healing, on repair and unity. Alongside their allies in the Amber Lance, Berinore fights on the battlefield to ensure as many glorious heroes make the return to Anvil as possible, and works within Anvil with a focus on the same unity. True glory for those of House Berinore acknowledges the contributions of nobles and yeofolk alike, each bringing glory in their way.

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House Castellan

House Castellan

  • Location: Highwater Keep, Western Weirwater Vale
  • Heraldry: A white Hippocampus on a field of blue, with red accents.
  • Colours: Blue with red and white trim, and a red chevron, in various configurations.
  • Earl: Enchanter Baldwin Castellan

House Castellan was founded in the dim and distant past, at the foundation of Dawn as a nation in the pre-Imperial age. The first Earl, Lord Kaldwin Castellan, sought to bring law and safety to the wild frontier of Weirwater, and so established the Castellan Hunt, an order of questing knights, knights-errant, and yeofolk intended to travel and patrol the territory to keep honest people safe from monsters, bandits, orcs, and the trials of life in a wild land.

From the seat of Highwater Keep the house and the Hunt have kept to this duty diligently, striving to embody the very concept of knighthood and nobility in their deeds, but never previously taking an interest in Anvil, slowly sliding into forgotten obscurity as a result. Now, that isolation has ended. House Castellan looks from the deeds of the past toward the glories promised by the future, and its people step from the mists of Weirwater into the light of Anvil. The house is noteworthy for its extremely large numbers of knights-errant, resulting from a combination of challenging Tests of Mettle and strong dedication to the Hunt’s duties as wandering protectors of all that is virtuous and right. House Castellan’s nobles, knights-errant, and yeofolk are expected to bring virtue, determination, and skill to all they do, and match their deeds with honesty, kindness, and respect.

"Mercy, Goodness, Glory"
House de Clément

House de Clément

  • Location: Weirmoor
  • Heraldry: A golden Jackalope on a green field
  • Colours: Green and gold
  • Earl: Earl Percival de Clément

House de Clément is a pre-Imperial house founded by Ser Gwendolyn the Good. In recent years the house has withdrawn from the goings on of the nation and the Empire at large. Following the appointment of a new earl, however, the house has returned to Anvil in an attempt to re-join the fold. They pride themselves on producing fine healers, and on providing warm hospitality to any and all that cross their threshold.

The Clément estate is centred around Castle Brighthearth on the Weirmoor and is notable for the large glasshouse in its central court that allows them to grow a diverse range of exotic plant life.

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House duLac

House duLac

  • Location: Culwich
  • Heraldry: A golden fox on a blue and green field
  • Colours: Blue and green
  • Earl: Lady Laudine duLac

House duLac is one dedicated to watching the borders of Dawn, a bulwark that stands as the first line of defence of this Glorious nation, ever watchful particularly against the threat of Druj incursions across the Semmerlak and Varushkan monsters from across the northern border

The people of this house are often more subdued in their appearance compared to other Dawnish, in part due to their long distance from the rest of their people, and also due to their focus on military preparation. You will never see a member of House duLac unarmed, lest they be unprepared. They hold the Virtue of Vigilance close to their core, aiding them on their watch, and they greatly utilise they magic of Spring in their work, the trappings of which can be found all over their ancestral seat, The Hightower. Their motto, "Stand Fast, Stand Ready", expressed one of a house dedicated to watching the borders of Dawn, a bulwark that stands as the first line of defence of this Glorious nation, ever watchful particularly against the threat of Druj incursions across the Semmerlak and Varushkan monsters from across the northern border.

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House Gladewarden

House Gladewarden

  • Location: Weirmoor
  • Heraldry: A golden crest on a green field. The crest contains three swords pointed upwards, becoming trees whose boughs interweave.
  • Colours: Emerald and gold.
  • Earl: Earl Fintan Blackrock

Steadfast in their ideals of Loyalty, Courage, and Pride, members of House Gladewarden devote themselves to the study of the sword. Taking the words of their motto "Many trees, one forest", to heart, they are willing to face any threat or challenge for the good of their allies. House Gladewarden trains to master their specific sword forms, developed by the first earl Liam Gladewarden. In recent years knights-errant have been offered one of three paths when requesting a test of mettle from the current earl.

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House Mortére

House Mortére

  • Location: Weirmoor
  • Heraldry: A black rose inside a golden hourglass on a split field of red & black.
  • Colours: Black (Primary), Red and Gold.
  • Earl: Enchantress Morrigan Mortére

Founded by Vaela Mortére in the reign of Empress Varkula during the Druj invasion of Weirwater, House Mortére has been reclusive and quiet for many years since. House Mortére is an unusual noble house, but those who do meet and interact with them often claim them to be friendly and hospitable, if a little unsettling. Their estate is often called The Black Garden as many poisonous and dangerous plants and herbs are grown there, along with numerous natural black roses. House Mortére seems especially concerned with the concept of death. The house seems to yield many weavers talented in Winter magic, and many of the nobles and yeofolk of the house seem to be very comfortable around the dead or dying. Often the house members appear to help with funerals, the terminally ill, or sick, but also to help the living with matters of great joy and sorrow.

House Novarion

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House Novarion
  • Location: Applefell, Garthmoor
  • Heraldry: A phoenix in flames
  • Colours: Red and gold
  • Earl: Earl D'Eon Novarion

Formed in 52YE by a young warrior named Novaria, she gathered like-minded warriors to her banner during battles around Semmerholm. In recognition of this feat she was granted land and many of her warriors remained by her side and pledged to form a new house. Using the wealth and slaves rescued from the orcs they built a fortress on one of the highest hills in Applefell and were charged with its defence. House Novarion were popular with the troubadours of the time and several of their deeds are remembered in traditional folk songs such as Sir Isobel and The Novarion Phoenix which are still sung today.

Years later, a large portion of the house died in a great fire following a strange magical event caused by their insular nature and only a handful escaped. The house's wealth and reputation were in ruins. The earl began the slow process of rebuilding the house, swearing to never again let those of his household grow to be weak closeted individuals.

From then on, tests of mettle were always written so that extensive foreign travel was required. Insulation and clannishness was dangerous and should be avoided at all costs by prompting its members to seek glory from distant lands. Any person seeking entry into the house is often set difficult tasks that require extensive travel and perseverance to complete, thus encouraging them to grow into headstrong individuals with allies in unusual places.

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House Olor

House Olor

  • Location: North Sandling
  • Heraldry: A glorious swan adorned by 2 roses upon a blue and red background with a red chevron.
  • Colours: Blue, white and red
  • Earl: Earl Adrahil Olor

House Olor was rekindled by Earl Adrahil Olor and his 2 brothers. Nobles of Olor pride themselves on being furious to their enemies and bringing Glory to the House, Dawn, and the Empire and they adorn the sigil of the swan for this reason. The tales of House Olor often have mention of a swan offering assistance, often in a similar manner to the aspect_magic#Beast Magic in the Varuhskan sense.

Housed in woods north of Sandling and nestled alongside a river flowing into the Semmerlak. Many swans call this place home and any person keen on taking a feather home for the house would find many in abundance here.

Keen to remain true to their motto, the House is keen on front line combat, holding a glorious shield and a weapon of fury.

"Prove It!"
House Orzel

House Orzel

  • Location: Belletain Vale (Sandling)
  • Heraldry: The white eagle of Gnijezdo and Primroses of Zoria
  • Colours: Red and Black
  • Earl: Valentin Ivarovich Severyan Orzel

House Orzel is a union of two migrations from Varushka, blending bloodlines and customs but embracing martial culture with the great traditions of the Empress Richilde’s most noble people. Favouring tests and trials involving quest and strange adventure, House Orzel finds a natural home in Dawn and has welcomed an increasing number of native Dawnish knights-errant into its nobility through great deeds of mettle and achievement. The Orzel have always measured and tested themselves against competence and skill, giving respect to Pride earned and laughing at pomposity, false claims, and weak authority in equal measure.

Generous with praise and friendship for the accomplished, the Orzel care more for talent and achievement than they do for name or family history alone. In youth children are encouraged to demand their elders "prove" their claims of skill or knowledge rather than taking anything on faith alone. Orzel children are wild and reckless with tales of the youngest laughing at the snarls of invading wolves and hurling stones and chanting "Prove It!" to call the bluffs of ancient evil and bestial threat alike.

Though wilful boldness and challenge mark daytime traditions, the Orzel consider guest-right sacred when the sun goes down. Music, song, and storytelling are great pleasures of hearth and home, and all should be welcomed, and none mistreated, when it is accepted. Darkness is a time for kindness and tales, Wisdom and preparing for the hard battles to come. Though sardonic humour runs strong through the Orzel, none should be denied hospitality or chased out into the night.

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House Remys

House Remys

  • Location: Weirmoor
  • Heraldry: A snake coiled around a silver goblet, poison dripping from its fangs
  • Colours: Red and Silver
  • Earl: Enchantress Claudia Varkulova Remys

Chateau Remys stands on a windswept hillside on the edge of the Weirmoor forest. Once the land was fertile and produced fine wines but several generations ago the land was devastated by a sickness that wiped out many of the nobles and decimated the yeofolk. The house was founded by a Varushkan boyar who left Volodmartz during the reign of Emperor Barabbas. Strongly touched by the realm of Winter, she began the tradition of tasking all aspirants to take on the draughir lineage as part of their Test of Mettle - to this day no noble of the house has borne any other lineage.

The house is headed by the Enchantress Claudia Varkulova Remys who took over from her mother in YE382. The new Enchantress Remys has sworn to continue in her quest to restore House Remys to its former glory and show the Empire the power of the Winter Realm.

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House Rion

House Rion

  • Location: Wickmoor (Near the Weirwater Vales)
  • Heraldry: Gilded White Stag Rampant, emblazoned upon a blue field
  • Colours: Main colour royal blue, secondary colours silver and white, tertiary colour black
  • Earl: Andred Rion

House Rion is a moderately young house in comparison to the more established houses of Dawn. Founded during the reign of Empress Brannan by the first Lord Rion, a questing knight who had found his true love. Settling in Wickmoor, not far from the Weirwood Vales, Castle Rion was built, and the house grew around its foundations. Since then, most of House Rion’s Earls have been enchanters (including the “Mad Earl Rion”) specialising in Summer magic. The proximity of Castle Rion to the haunted Weirwood trees is to blame for many of the strange occurrences and events which seem to be commonplace on the House’ land.

During the re-taking of the Barrens, almost all of the houses’ Nobles and a sizeable force of the yeofolk under their command were slain by the Druj in a surprise attack, in which the previous Earl died. House Rion are most notable for having a higher-than-average number of war witches and enchanters in their house. Almost all their nobles are Summer mages, and more than half are battle mages. On campaign and in battles, House Rion are usually deployed as skirmish lances to support houses with heavier lances.

In recent years, the House has begun the brewing of ales and the distillation of fine wines and spirits.

House Tallstag

  • Location: The Aldergate, Wickmoor
  • Heraldry: A silver stag set in a field of green
  • Colours: Green and silver
  • Earl: Logan Tallstag

“Prepare for all, Yield to none” - The motto of House Tallstag sings to the Ambition and Pride that all Tallstags aspire to. Founded in 380YE, House Tallstag was originally founded as a knightly order by Lord Logan, with the simple aim of becoming the most reputable monster hunters in Anvil. This desire was quickly outgrown as their ambitions of hunting greater monsters rose to tackling the greatest challenges they could find.

House Tallstag prides itself on a reputation as one of the fiercest lances Dawn has. They reside in a once forgotten stronghold known as The Aldergate and they have tasked themselves with the complete destruction of the vallorn in its entirety, and work closely with Navarr stridings and steadings to achieve this great feat.

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House Tower de Risbanke

House Tower de Risbanke

  • Location: Hawksmoor (northwest of Hawthorn)
  • Heraldry: Argent Wolf on Azure field with Golden sun blazing in third quarter
  • Colours: Blue and yellow
  • Earl: Vacant

The Tower De Risbanke stands at the peak of a bleak & wild hillside near the border of Varushka within the Weirmoor forests. Surrounded by wolves, falcons and wild game this small household is a sanctuary for those needing food, drink, and a place to rest with a warm welcome. The house was founded with hospitality at its core, often believed to be due to its proximity of Varushka. The division between yeofolk & nobles can sometimes be quite blurred in this small household where both warriors and weavers seek out new alliances and friendships. Boisterous songs can often be heard in the Weavers Rest tea house with the motto In Vino Veritas - In wine is truth. Tests of mettle are as often be artistic or culinary banquets in the field. Tests of ardour also often focus on the expression in the food of love.

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House of the Twisted Rose

House of the Twisted Rose

  • Location: Weirmoor
  • Heraldry: A white rose/roses with twisted stems, The runes Rhyv and Lann flanking it.
  • Colours: Purple
  • Earl: Enchantress Mirella of the Twisted Rose

The House of the Twisted Rose was founded during 383YE. The Keep of the House, itself named Keepsake, was built out in the ruins of a fallen House, its name forgotten to time, its foundations nestled atop the peak of one the mountains near Delev. Though around the estate still sit statues of various nobles and in various states of disrepair, those within the House have a habit of asking these still forms for advice though they do not speak back.

Members of the House have a reputation of self-sacrifice and knowledge of costs to be paid, owing to The Twisted Rose’ ties to both the Autumn and Winter realm, of contracts and oaths. As well as raw passion. This led to the House’s motto being “Ma Vie; Par Amour” (My Life; For Love in Asavean). Much of the House’s Tests have been based around the ideals of Love and Loyalty, often seeking to teach as much as test the one undergoing it; to bring them deeper in line with the House’s beliefs.

House de Vere

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House de Vere
  • Location: North Hawksmoor
  • Heraldry: A silver owl displayed on a split field of wine red and gold.
  • Colours: Primarily wine red and gold, with silver secondary.
  • Earl: Vacant

House de Vere was founded in pre-Imperial times by a noble of a now forgotten house who completed a seemingly impossible Test of Mettle using a boon from the Lord of the Crossroads. House de Vere’s heraldry is a silver owl in honour of Barien and the story of the founder, and the house motto “In Blood Anointed” draws its origins from the story of the House’s founding. The house's estate sits at the border of Karov and Weirwater; where the forest meets the hills.

In 375YE the castle was left in ruins and the house was believed to have been wiped out following an attack from some unknown foe. In 385YE a knightly order made up of members of House de Vere that left the Empire shortly before the attack returned from questing in Asavea to find their house destroyed. The surviving members have since begun rebuilding the house and now look to reestablish the House and find a new purpose for the House to dedicate itself to.

Houses of the Barrens

House du Froste

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House du Froste
  • Location: Estmure, by lake Semmerlak
  • Heraldry: Golden jackalope on a field of black and red
  • Colours: Red, Gold & Black
  • Earl: Earl Gaston Wayfinder

The history of House du Froste stretches back to before the conquest and settling of Dawnguard.When Dawnguard fell the Earl Panthos Du Froste rushed to the aid of the civilians fleeing to Semmerholm. Ever since then waifs and strays looking to reclaim their homeland have flocked to their banner and their estate in the foothills of Estmure.

In Anvil they are known for their standard bearing the jackalope that often serves as a rallying point through the Sentinel Gate, and the round table that the nobles of Dawn occasionally gather around for Earls Council.

Our words have weight" is the house motto; being a house who believe wholeheartedly that actions are worth more than any number of words. Once a member has said something, they believe it should be binding to the core of their being.

House Primevère

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House Primevère
  • Location: Dawnguard
  • Heraldry: A mandowla surrounded by golden flames on a field of emerald green with a dusty light pink chevron.
  • Colours: Emerald Green, Dusty Light Pink, Gold
  • Earl: Enchantress Amelie Primevère

After the glorious death of her husband, the enchantress took her retainer and military unit to find her late husband’s ancestral home in the Barrens, to lay his body to rest. While there, she decided to complete his ambition by rebuilding the castle to its former glory and founding the new house in his honour.

The founders of House Primevère are powerful spring mages and briars, therefore they encourage their fellow house members to be prideful but vigilant in all that they do. House Primevère requires its members to be well educated in politics and the arts, as they know well that the gentle power of words and culture can bring just as much glory as martial might.

House De Tournesol

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House De Tournesol
  • Location: Dawnguard
  • Heraldry: A shield of dark pink with a large sunflower emblazoned in the bottom right corner, a small square of yellow emblazoned with a pink yale sits in the top left corner of the shield
  • Colours: Pink and Yellow
  • Earl: Brahmms De Tournesol

Founded after the 385YE Summer Solstice from the ruins of a keep on the edges of Dawnguard, the high walls of the De Tournesol estate defend its residents from the wilds of the Barrens whilst also offering a place of respite for the injured and the weary. Enclosed within is a rich garden of cultivated medicinal herbs littered with the house sunflower which grows determined in every corner of the keep. Its small but safe keep act as a basis for the house’s operations whilst also accommodating a space of respite for any traveller or wayward soul of the Empire.

House De Tournesol consists mainly of those who can aid or heal, be it through surgery or magic, however will happily welcome all those who share in their ambitions to see Dawn and the Empire prosper through providing protection and rejuvenation to all those who may need it. Although their tests of mettle are tailored to those who partake in them, they contain two key themes in their task, which are to stand out gloriously and to make a stand in the face of danger.

House Torawyr

House Torawyr
  • Location: Ruins of House Torawyr, Dawnguard
  • Heraldry: Blue and White quartering with a red gauntleted fist with cynogriffon wings in the centre.
  • Colours: Blue and White.
  • Earl: Enchanter Edmund Torawyr

House Torawyr was originally founded in southern Dawnguard near Murderdale. The house was primarily made up of apothecaries and fighters who tended and harvested their gardens to help Dawn fight the Druj and defend Dawnguard. When the Druj invaded in Summer 381YE, breaking the treaty, the fighters of House Torawyr were loyal until the last drop, laying down their lives to hold back the orcs as long as they could to allow as many people to flee as possible. In doing so all nobles of House Torawyr died or were taken as slaves.

The house reformed at the end of 382YE, as a group of loyal yeofolk ventured back into the Barrens on a Test of Mettle to retrieve the banner of their house. The group saw their beautiful gardens wrecked with a blight, their herbs picked clean to supply the Druj with poisons. With caution they were successful in retrieving their banner, reforming the house under a new Earl, Enchanter Edmund Torawyr.

After considerable effort, In 385YE House Torawyr returned to the Barrens with newfound loyal allies, resources, and magical might. The house with allies from the Amber Lance attacked the Spires of Dusk with the Hounds of Glory. Bringing with them over a hundred grim legionnaires of the eternal Kaela. Now the house has returned to its ruined land it must rebuild the gardens it once held with pride, and return the help given by those who helped take back Dawnguard.

House Veridaine

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House Veridaine
  • Location: Dawnguard
  • Heraldry: A black dagger, pointing downwards, with a black snake on either side, facing outward, all on a field of red.
  • Colours: Black and Red
  • Earl: Toriith

House Veridaine is a relatively new house, founded when the young Lord Toriith left House Orzel and journeyed to the Barrens in search of glory and renown. Priding itself on the loyalty and martial prowess of its nobles and yeofolk alike, House Veridaine focuses its efforts on the military and political Dawnish front. This focus on martial might is reflected heavily throughout the house and is seen in its test of mettle. "Glory Unbound", the House's words, are testament to its proclivity for frontline volunteer work.

The Veridaine estate, locally referred to as 'The Snake Pit', for its serpentine imagery, sits in the newly reconquered Dawnguard territory, just outside of Drycastle. The house has recently seen growth as young Dawnish knight-errants seek to pass its difficult trials.

Orders and Cabals

Knightly Orders

The knightly orders dedicate themselves to the pursuit of glory over all other considerations.

Order of the Amber Lance

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Order of the Amber Lance
  • Location: Welkin’s Weald, Weirmoor, Weirwater
  • Heraldry: a field, tawny, charged with a teardrop, amber, upon which is emblazoned the Blood rune, Rhyv, in sable.
  • Knight-Captain: Ser Guy Wooder

This proud young order was founded in the Autumn of 383YE by the briar Czernobog Stanislaus when he became a knight errant of House Castellan. A healer and steward of a herb garden, this first Captain's Ambition was to set Dawn on a par with other Imperial nations by founding a dedicated corps of combat physicks. In so doing, the Lance quickly managed to gain the Loyalty of several Weirwater houses, as well as questing knights and refugees from the Barrens.

The knights maintain a permanent presence in the waterlogged hamlet of Welkin’s Weald, at the heart of a carefully coppiced forest of willow. It is from the ambergelt cultivated here that they draw their heraldry – a substance that hardens and strengthens but also promotes healing and mending, running like blood when first drawn, tough and crystalline when set. This duality is echoed in their motto: to take blood from stone (to do the impossible) is a common aphorism amongst these knights.

In the first years of the Lance's existence, these Knights of Amber have committed themselves wholly to the Empire's war against the wretched Druj. They have sustained heavy losses in liberating Zenith and the Barrens, but remain steadfast in their commitment to preserve Imperial lives and bring succour and healing to all who need it. Bloodied though they may be, they proudly bear the rune of sacrifice upon their banners as they fight for a better world.

Order of the Blazing Dawn

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Order of the Blazing Dawn
  • Location: The Rose and Thorn tavern, Culwich, Weirwater
  • Heraldry: a blue field a yellow sun and orange rays beneath a winged sword supported
  • Motto: As Dawn Rises, the Sun Shall Set
  • Knight-Commander: Ser Tristan Ackerman

Founded in the wake of the armies of the Cold Sun invading the Empire in 385 YE, the Order of the Blazing Dawn is an order of knights-errant and exists to drive the scions of the eternal back to the day realm. Driven by a love for all things that make the empire the centre for love and beauty that it is, the order strives to protect all nations its nations from this threat. The order is primarily made up martial knights and war witches to engage the cold sun as a physical threat.

Knights of the Golden Mane

  • Location: South of Culwich, Sandling, Weirwater
  • Heraldry: A shield of azure with a white chief triangular. In the azure portion, a gold lion head facing forward within a gold wild rose. In the White portion the Jotra rune in azure.
  • Lord Commander: Leohnar Gildaryn

The Knights of the Golden Mane are dedicated to upholding Virtuous acts and aim to record and share stories of Virtue from around the Empire. The quests they undertake, individually or together, all lend towards telling the tale of the knightly order and how they pursue Glory through virtuous acts. The grand quest of the order is to aid and preserve stories of Virtue. The order hall sits within the Lionskeep, the seat of power of House Gildaryn in Lionsholme, a town in Weirwater south of Culwich.

Knights of the Golden Mane

The order structure is very loose, with two commanding individuals. The Lord Commander oversees the order, while a Knight-Captain serves to advise and act as the leader of its lance through the Sentinel Gate. Under this structure, knights often are bestowed a title by the Lord Commander befitting of their skills, such as Knight-Magus. These are not enforced as roles of leadership, but a way for the Lord Commander to classify where they believe the skills of a knight could be best applied. Strangely yeofolk and knights-errant are welcomed as equals rather than apprentices, and have equivalent say and reach in the order’s quest.

The main tradition the Knights of the Golden Mane hold is of the Night of Hallows. Each Winter Solstice, the knights come together to receive hallowings of Virtue which best tell their stories, and to have the provided aura aid them in their next year. The knights share stories of their achievements throughout the year in Anvil and beyond, and pledge their quest for the following year to the Lord Commander.

The Order of the Lance Restored

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Order of the Lance Restored
  • Location: Roaming, though with a chapel near Kethry's Grove in Astolat
  • Heraldry: argent, a lion sable sejant upon which rests a lance gules
  • Knight-Marshal: Ser Dindrane de Cantharos

The Order of the Lance Restored are - after a fashion - the remnants of an ancient order known as the Knights of the Feathered Spear, who are said to have guarded Kethry's Grove in the distant past. The original order fell into disgrace in 209YE when they aided Emperor Nicovar in destroying the libraries of the Empire, for reasons now forgotten to history. Following Nicovar's death, the Knights of the Feathered Spear disbanded, supposedly because during the chaos they lost a relic that they were sworn to protect - a spear believed to have been that of Makin the Red, a prominent figure in the story of the paragon Kethry. Two of their number were sentenced to death by penal military service; they fought in numerous battles thereafter, surviving and triumphing against all odds, and eventually attracted a cadre of questing knights who sought to redeem themselves of past dishonour. These knights eventually banded together under the banner of the Order of the Lance Restored.

Since then, the order has become something of a refuge for the disgraced, the outcast, and those who simply do not fit in with their Houses. Sworn to roam the Empire until the Feathered Spear is recovered - though most doubt that it ever will be - the knights of the order seek to overcome their past failings by taking on difficult, open-ended, and sometimes nigh-impossible quests.

Weaver Cabals

The weaver cabals master magic, maintaining a studied neutrality in the politics of the nation.

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Chain-Sworn Scales

Chain-Sworn Scales

The Chain-Sworn Scales are an Autumn focused weaver cabal with members from across the noble houses of Dawn. It was originally founded by a small group of yeofolk in Astolat who had an interest in enhancing the trade and business opportunities along the Blood Red Roads. At the end of 383YE they began to attend Anvil, eagerly recruiting new members and becoming one of the largest covens in Dawn. The cabal is named for the binding nature for the Autumn Realm along with all exchanges being of fair value and the heraldry represents the bonds, oaths, and trade that is inherit from exchanges with the Autumn realm.

Though originally founded with a focus on enchantments for businesses, fleets, and farms the focus has shifted with the growth of the cabal's influence and power, and now they also support the military units and armies of Dawn. They have an ambitious goal to study the arcane and make new rituals through arcane projections. A number of members work alongside the Imperial Military Council and the coven has performed the ritual Bound by Common Cause to support the armies of Dawn. Most of its weavers are members of the Golden Pyramid and work closely with those in the Conclave interested in the Autumn realm.

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Golden Leaf

Golden Leaf

Founded in 384YE, the Golden Leaf Cabal find their specialism in the realm of Autumn. Whilst their roots lie with yeofolk from across Dawn, many nobles have since flocked to join their ranks. Formed of a union of Noble Houses, they cast their sights towards the bigger picture, the cabal is operated by a council, where every bonded member has an equal vote in its work and goals.

The Golden Leaf does not operate in the shadows - their aims are clear and open, aiming to bolster the Prosperity of Dawn by enchanting both its people and territories. In turn, they try to further what they believe to be the Empire’s ambitions through engaging the complex relationships between Imperial bodies and the Autumn eternals operating under amity.

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Moon and Stars Cabal

Moon and Stars

The Moons and Stars cabal was formed in 377 as an ambitious attempt to create a cross-House Dawnish Night coven. The cabal aims to bring together Night mages from across the nation of Dawn to both aid the Empire and bring Glory to the individual weavers within the cabal. The cabal is named after the heraldic devices used by the Houses who were present at the founding of the endeavour. The cabal was originally formed, primarily, by mages belonging to House De Rondell and a house that has since fallen.

The members of the Moons and Stars cabal are active participants in the business of the Imperial Conclave. Weavers from the cabal have held many important positions in the Conclave. The Moons and Stars cabal are celebrated for using their arcane powers to gather information, provide protection, break curses, and deliver curses. They are also widely known to regularly employ a range of novel and innovative rituals to achieve unusual and original results. They often use heraldic magic in their rituals although individual styles are encouraged.

Other Groups

Other Player Groups

The Iris Covenant

  • Location: The Chase, Astolat
  • Heraldry: A golden iris flower encircled by a ring of interlocking silver leaves
  • Colours: Gold and silver, with accents of purple and blue

The Iris Covenant is a coalition of noble houses in Dawn, founded in Spring 386YE. It aims to foster collaboration and strength among its members, ensuring each house thrives both individually and collectively. The Covenant's "prosperity pact" centres around economic growth, mutual aid, and the cultivation of shared prosperity both within and outside of Anvil.

The Hall of Bloom, House Videre's most prized possession, was chosen as the central meeting place for its symbolic golden iris, reflecting the Covenant's commitment to renewal and beauty. This hall now serves as a vibrant centre for meetings and celebrations.

The Iris Covenant leverages its combined resources and talents to navigate political and economic challenges, remaining steadfast in its focus on the prosperity of its members without endorsing any external political agendas.

The Order of the Gryphon’s Quill

The Order of the Gryphon's Quill
  • Location: The Chase, Astolat
  • Heraldry: Golden Gryphon rampant clutching a Quill on a Red and Blue split field with crenulated black border at top displaying a gilded Quill
  • Colours: Gold, Red, Blue

The Order of the Gryphons Quill is a school and residence for troubadours and those wishing to further Dawnish arts and culture, led by Lady Kaywenn du Launcet and Lord Romande Remys. Located between the famous tourney ground of Laroc and the Kethry’s Grove it seeks to promote pride in Dawnish culture amongst its citizens and ensure that the most glorious tales are formed. Those of the order that attend anvil tend to be pride troubadours, performers or mages who specialise in magic to nudge stories in glorious directions. Order members whether noble or yeofolk seek to support each other in their endeavours to ensure Dawn weaves a glorious history. Those who wish to join the order can be from any house or any lineage as long as they are willing to ensure great legends last forever.

NPC Groups

These groups are made up of non-player characters; their members are portrayed by Profound Decisions NPC crew.

House de Casillon

  • Location: Castle Spiral, on Weirmoor, in Weirwater
  • Heraldry: A hand with fingers spread marked with a spiral
  • Colours: Azure, Gold, and Violet

The de Casillon are an old house who hail from Spiral Castle, a pre-Imperial keep that stands at the heart of a powerful Summer regio. Their estates lie in Weirmoor in the territory of Weirwater, and until very recently they lived in voluntary internal exile protected from the outside world by a wall of swirling magical mists.

House de Casillon

Many of the nobles of the de Casillon family claim descent from Empress Richilde, and are said to cultivate their bloodline in the way a vintner might cultivate a strain of fine grapes. They are usually possessed of a strong changeling lineage - it is very rare for anyone who is not a changeling to seek the Test of Mettle from the house and even rarer for them to succeed. Much of their business in the outside world is handled through the Castellan of Spiral Castle, an Imperial title re-established in Spring 380YE.

Almost all the de Casillon nobles are witches, and their earls have always been potent enchanters. Their yeofolk are likewise trained in magical arts, although many of them choose to embrace the path of the artisan. Even before their seclusion behind their wall of mist, they were known for hedonism and self-indulgence and it seems that several decades isolated in a Summer regio have merely heightened these tendencies - left to their own devices they would while away their lives in tourneys, in hunting, in feasting, and in other diverse amusements. There may be some weight to the concerns of some troubadours who worry that the de Casillon have become more like the inhabitants of the Summer realm than citizens of Dawn.

House De Ledure

  • Location: Weirwater
  • Heraldry: A gold star on an argent field
  • Colours: Silver and Gold
  • Earl: Enchanter Geoffrey de Ledure

A relatively new house that was once part of House de Rousillon, they split from that house in in 358YE, ten years after Hugh de Rousillon took the Throne. Several knights of House de Rousillon and other knights who were after more action rather than tournaments joined the house. The house’s estates are based in Weirwater, and under Earl Hugh’s reign, the house was successful in having a senator twice - whilst they were at the peak of their power. Today the house is led by the Enchanter Geoffrey de Ledure, who is from a line of powerful summer witches. It is believed that the house has won some powerful boons from the eternal Hayaak, and they generally refuse to deal with other eternals.

In 378YE a marriage between House de Ledure and the rival House Blyrale was disrupted when the youths involved ran off to join the Navarr. This act ultimately cemented a union between the two houses and House Blyrale joined House de Ledure. According to gossip, the two houses are partially united by their anger at the Dawnish nobles who encouraged their scions to abandon their duty and flee the nation.

House Lionsgate

House Lionsgate
  • Location: The Chase, Astolat
  • Heraldry: Two red lions facing each other before a black gate
  • Colours: White, Red, and Black

House Lionsgate was founded in 283YE by descendants of the disgraced House Lyongate, who disbanded shortly after the disastrous loss of the original Gryphon's Pride army in a failed attempt to capture the Barrens. The founders attracted a number of knights-errant and questing knights, and slowly rebuilt their house - although they never again enjoyed the prominence they had lost along with the army.

The Lionsgate estates in Astolat are small but well maintained, and lie in The Chase. In recent years, the House has reclaimed some of its prominence as it has forged closer ties with a number of smaller noble houses - especially the cunning de Coyne of Dawnguard and the proud de Helios of Astolat. In 379E, then earl Lady Cassandra contacted several Dawnish nobles active in Imperial politics and offered aid in the re-establishment of the Gryphon's Pride. The loose coalition of smaller houses managed to secure a number of wains of mithril to help with the mustering of the fourth Dawnish army, seeing in this endeavour an opportunity to reclaim some of the pride they had lost over a century before. it remains to be seen if, now the army has been completed, they will continue to involve themselves in Dawnish politics or retreat to their estates.


Any player character group in Dawn can submit an entry for this page. The entry should come from the out-of-character group leader and be emailed to plot@profounddecisions.co.uk.

It should contain the following information:

  • Group archetype (noble house, weaver cabal, knightly order). If your group doesn't have one of these archetypes, it will be listed in the "other" section.
  • Territory and region where the groups lands are physically located. Noble houses have estates, but both knightly orders and weaver cabals will be tied to a physical location that serves as their base of operations. If you are a group in exile that has fled the Barrens you can mention that
  • A description of your groups heraldry, with an image if desired. All noble houses have heraldry, as do most knightly orders and weaver cabals.
  • If your group has specific colours, you can mention them here.
  • If your knightly order has a publicly known oath you can include it in this section, bearing in mind that the best oaths of this nature are short and pithy
  • The name of your earl if you are a noble house. If there is someone in your knightly order or weaver cabal that serves as the in-character leader of the group, you can mention them and their title here

You should also include up to 250 words of description, detailing the kind of things that other characters might know about your group. Have a look at the description for a noble house, or at the archetype pages for weaver cabals and questing knights for ideas on the kind of information that is useful. You must also include a few sentences of history, especially around the circumstances of the house's formation or origin.

Some other questions to consider include:

  • If you are a noble house, do you have a particular Test of Mettle for which they are known, or a noteworthy method of choosing their earl?
  • Are there one or more particular archetypes the group is particularly associated with, either noble of yeofolk? Obviously knightly orders will contain questing knights, and weaver cabals are expected to have weavers among their number, but is there a noteworthy archetype that might be unexpected or has a special role?
  • Does your group have a particular ambition which helps unify your members?
  • Is there anything notable about the lands you claim, or about the physical buildings that serve as your home?

Things to avoid include:

  • Too much worldbuilding detail — this represents information other characters may know about your house. It's not a place to define elements of the game world
  • Lists of character names — this isn't a place for getting your name on the wiki
  • Too much emphasis on the past — while it's useful to have a few lines of history, what matters in Empire is what your house does on the field at events

It's possible to update the information on this page over time (for example if your earl changes) with an e-mail to plot@profounddecisions.co.uk.