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Brewing Potions

During the event players will come in to make potions. There are potion guides behind the desk - you don’t have to memorise the recipes!. There is a potion guide that can be lent to players making potions and there is also a GOD crew only guide with sensitive in-game information that must not be handed out.

1. The player will give the name of the potion. We don’t have a great way of checking if someone knows how to brew any given potion; use your discretion amongst the following options:

  • Use a nearby computer or tablet to look up the player’s character and see what potion skills that character has.
  • Ask the player to show you their passport. If a player has this, it will show you what potions their character knew how to make at the time the passport was printed, which is very likely to be the same as the potions their character knows how to make now.
  • Note down the player’s CID and the potions they’re making, then check them on the computers when you have free time later. This means that we might give out potions that we oughtn’t, but the vast majority of players are honest, so not being able to spot cheating until later in the day isn’t a big deal.
  • Just take the player’s word for it. The vast majority of players are honest, and particularly if you’re busy it may not be worth the effort of doing anything more involved (although we also don’t want to encourage the few players who do cheat to come in at our busiest times to take advantage of this…).

2. Check that the player has handed in the correct resources. If an item is being used to allow resource substitutions, check that the correct amounts have been substituted.

3. Pick the potions from the potions matrix.

4. Issue the player with their potions.

Making up more potions

1. Get one of the heads of department to print out the potions needed.

2. Use the guillotines to cut the potions down to size.

3. Fold the potion slips in half.

4. Place the potion slips into small laminator pouches, with the folded-over RIP HERE end sticking out.

5. Feed pouches through the laminator starting with the pre-sealed/connected end of the pouch.

  • Note: keep track of how many potions you’re feeding in vs getting out of the laminator! If a pouch doesn’t emerge, stop the laminator immediately and grab somebody (preferably Erin) to do emergency surgery.