1. Check favog is up well in advance. If it isn't, get Matt to start it
  2. Make sure Matt is available when you're planning to make the switch
  3. If you are planning to allow people to edit the wiki on favog, ask yourself if you really want to do that. If you do, ask Clive what to do. We don't do this any more because it takes forever to synch back to merple over 4G in a field.
  4. Get Matt to build the offline version of the website
  5. On gonzo, as root, run `~/server_synch` and make yourself comfortable. It takes a significant length of time
  6. Get Matt to deploy the offline version of the website to favog
  7. Get Matt to swap http/https over to `favog` on the router - leave ssh until you have confirmed everything is working
  8. Check it all
    1. Check the website is up.
    2. Check the wikis are up
    3. Check the wikis are editable
  9. Get Matt to swap ssh over
  10. Check ssh now connects to `favog`