General introduction
This section of the crew wiki contains useful information for all crew. Please take the time to read through this section of the wiki as it will help you get up to speed on what is involved in crewing a PD event. We want everyone who attends a PD event - both crew and players - to have a good time - and a little bit of preparation can help to make sure that happens.
New crew
This section is explicitly for any new crew who have never crewed a Profound Decisions event before. It explains the basics of what is involved and what to bring.
This is the core information that is applicable to all crew. Everyone should make sure they have read this and understand the basic procedures.
Crew protocol
Crew protocol is a handful of core principles that apply to all crew. These are general principles on how to efficiently handle problems and queries at an event.
Crew Organization
The crew organization tells you how the crew are organized, what the different departments do and who is in charge of the different areas of the crew.
Food and drink
There is free food and drink for all crew attending a PD event - this section explains what is provided and the meal ticket system we use for ensuring crew get fed.
Radio protocol
Radio protocol is essential for effective use of the radios at the events. If you are using a radio, or likely to do so, then please read these guidelines.
There are a large number of crew facebook groups. If you use facebook then joining the right groups will help you get involved and get to know the other crew.