Revision as of 15:47, 11 September 2024 by Gamma3000 (talk | contribs) (→‎Resource production and character income)
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This page lists things that are likely to affect GOD crew, because they're special for this event and change how we normally do things.

This doesn't try to cover everything in the Winds of Fortune: sometimes player ask for information about conjunctions, or about how certain titles or opportunities work. They're things we might be able to help with, but they're not covered here because they don't fundamentally change how GOD processes work.

General event information

This is the Autumn Equinox 386YE.

Character packs

Potions and similar

  • Shining like fire: Shimmering Echoes: Any mine that was enchanted with Revelation of the Jewel's Sparkling Heart during 2023 E4 will provide a single deepstone each event throughout 2024 in addition to other benefits. Green iron = warstones, weltsilver = bloodstones, tempest jade = spellstones, orichalcum = heartstones. If someone thinks they should have one, try to find out if they had that ritual cast on them at 2023 E4; if investigating that doesn't explain what's going on, escalate.

Resource production and character income

  • Broken Sword: Serpent's Curse: Urizeni congregations will be getting one fewer liao this event.
  • Say her name: Cold Winters: Anyone with a resource in Sermersuaq will get an extra 22 rings of income this season.
  • Beneath mithril spires: Asavean Envy: Imperial fleets trading with the Commonwealth will have a one rank advantage so will get slightly more income this season.
  • Hyenas and herbs: The Price of Doing Business: Imperial fleets trading with Sarcophan ports will have a one rank advantage so will get slightly more income this season.
  • A victory for diplomacy - Suranni Trade - fleets visiting Robec have a -1 penalty to effective rank and receive 2 bottles of Kobol’s Vigour in place of the 30 rings of luxuries
  • The tale that speaks to your heart - war in the west - a standard imperial fleet without any upgrades or enchantments that takes part in the adventure in the west will receive 96 rings, 3 doses of liao, an ingot each of Asavean orichalcum, tempest jade, and iridescent gloaming, and two bottles of Frygtede øglebryg, aka Oilybrag.
  • The tale that speaks to your heart - war in the west - Any trading vessel visiting the port of Zemeh will trade there as if it were one rank higher.

Synod votes

(Noted here because they're printed on character packs even if they're not things that go in character packs)