Out of the abyss
She settled her shawl carefully on her shoulders, and straightened her bun, before opening the door. The woman in the hall inclined her head in greeting and asked if she might come in. Sayana stepped back but did not explicitly invite her to enter. The cabalist pressed her lips together in amusement, and stepped into the room.
"You are settling in, I hope?" asked the cabalist as she settled herself on the chair Sayana had indicated.
"Thank you, yes. Everyone has been very hospitable." That, at least, was the literal truth. Everyone had been hospitable, but what they had not been was welcoming. The cabalists of Void had greeted her and her travelling companions with the same chilly politeness usually reserved for a drunken relative who could not hold down a job. Only the miners seemed at all pleased to see them, and even they had been at best standoffish.
"You've spoken with the workers already, I hear." The cabalist's gaze constantly roved around the room, never settling on anything for more than a moment, never quite making eye contact with Sayana. Everything she said was spoken in the same, neutral, somewhat indifferent tone as if she had better places to be and did not care if her "guest" knew it.
"Yes, they were our first priority. Several of them have already asked for and received an anointing. They seem quite relieved to see us, actually. Some of them were very concerned about things they have heard in the dark. Is it true they must work in complete-"
"They are well paid," The cabalist interrupted. Sayana began to become irritated but took a moment to calm herself.
"Some of them are worried that there are dangers they were-"
Again, the cabalist did not wait for her to finish her thought. "We are not paying them to worry. And for the amount we are paying them I would have expected a little more discretion. Who has been telling you about dangers in the dark, wise one?"
Sayana didn't answer her pointed question, but soldiered on regardless.
"I don't think that's relevant right now. But the reason I wanted to talk to you was to discuss when it would be possible for us to visit the Deep Chamber. To see the worksite as it were." The cabalist finally met her eyes. The unblinking golden-eyed stare was very unsettling, and Sayana found herself becoming flustered. "Not all of us at once of course, but we all have different specialities and..."
"Never," interrupted the cabalist with finality.
"...I beg your pardon?"
"It will never be possible for you to see the Deep Chamber, wise one." The naga had not blinked, still.
"But why?" Sayana broke eye contact, looked away, feeling like she had lost a fight.
"I do not have to give you reasons, but I will offer you two. Firstly, you will not be able to see the Deep Chamber for it is a place entirely lightless, and must remain that way. Secondly, because I do not plan to give you permission to visit it, or even to enter the upper mine workings. You may stay as long as you like, and as long as you limit your annoyance to hours when the workers are off duty, you may speak with them and bring them the comfort of your Wisdom as you wish. Attempt to interfere, however, and I will pack you a lunch for the road myself."
"This is outrageous rudeness! Who are you to talk to me this way? What gives you the right-"
"Wise One... If you were truly wise you would know what gives me the right." The Cabalist's voice had dropped almost to a whisper. "I belong to a tradition that was old when our ancestors first came to the woods and the hills, first came into the shadow of the peaks. A tradition whose roots predate Varushka itself as a nation. A tradition that was ancient when the first Highborn had their dreams of virtue, and wove a creed out of them. That is what gives me the right to talk to you like this, wise one."
"But you are playing with forces you cannot control! The peril to the souls of these workers! To your own soul!"
"Ah!" The cabalists face became animated for the first time. "Now we get to it. You are afraid for our souls. How noble of you, Wise One. And there I thought this was just an excuse to poke your nose into business that is very much not your own."
She leaned forward, her fangs just visible as she spoke intensely.
"Your concern is noted, but you must remember that there is nobody else in the whole of Creation to match a Varushkan bargainer when it comes to dealing with the forces of the dark. But more importantly, you must remember that we are Imperial citizens - even we cabalists out here on the very edge of the civilised world - and we are under no obligation to show you anything we do not wish to. Good evening, wise one."
The cabalist stood, smoothing her skirts. Sayana sputtered, trying to salvage her dignity.
"I shall speak to the Assembly..." she began weakly.
The cabalist smiled for the first time. "The Assembly? The same assembly that told us that it is not against the doctrines of the faith to bargain with sovereigns? By all means tell them what you wish. I am sure that I and my fellow bargainers will greet their words with the same rapt attention we view all their statements."
And then she was gone, the door closing quietly behind her. Sayana pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders, wondering where the sudden chill had come from. Probably, she thought, there is a draft. Which would explain why all but one of the candles had gone out.Overview
We the priests of Varushka call upon the builders of the Deep Chamber to dedicate to wisdom. We wish for priests of wisdom and wardens to go and ensure their safe return from the mines.
Marzanna, Varushkan Assembly, Autumn Equinox385YE, Vote: Greater Majority, 292-0 (Primacy)The Varushkan National Assembly expressed concern for the well-being of the miners working to create the Deep Chamber - whatever that is - in the mountains beneath the vale of Void. They upheld a statement of principle presented by Marzanna, urging the builders to dedicate to Wisdom and encouraging priests to go and ensure that they return safely from the mines.
Some of those who heard the words followed the advice, and offered support to the miners. Of those working in the deep places beneath the Mountains of Brez, a few sought dedications. A few more sought anointing. For the most part they weren't certain that spiritual aid would actually do anything. Those priests who followed the urging of the Assembly weren't actually allowed down to the site of the Deep Chamber - the cabalists were icily polite hosts but insistent that nothing disrupt the building work down there in the pitch blackness beneath the mountains of Brez.
Work is now complete, and the first Bredavoi Emissary will be appointed at the Winter Solstice. It seems that this is not the end of the matter, however.
Delving Deep
- There are further signs that a certain ancient horror has become more active
There is something in the darkness beneath the Mountains, a sovereign that some stories refer to as the Night Below. Others call it Blackdamp, Listening Dark, Haunter, Extinguished Sun and a dozen or more other names, each more fanciful and foreboding than the last. It has never been quiescent, but in the last year or so it has become noticeably more active. Indeed, there's some suggestion the disappearances around the Cave of Zoria might be the result of this entity (or its servants). It may well be the entity that some sense in the depths of the Granites of Veltsgorsk. Sensible Varushkan miners, in Miekarova and Volodmartz particularly, know the importance of carving watchful faces into pit props, and ensuring that they have plenty of lights. When the lamps start to burn out a little too quickly, when the lightstones begin to flicker, they either reinforce the tunnels with additional wards or else seal the affected passages and seek other veins. In the end it's maybe no wonder so many Varushkan miners in the north end up leaving the tunnels behind to become wagon-raiders or sell-swords.
In recent months, the shadow under the northern mountains seems to have roused itself further. Every miner seems to know someone with a story of someone who has gone missing in the middle of a shift. Travelers along the northern Iron Roads carry rumours of watchers in the darkness beneath the trees, or voices that try to entice them to leave the safety of the road when they pass near the foothills of the soaring peaks. The bats have been fluttering in the dreams of those visiting the Maze of Zoria, twittering tales of foolish bargains, the rolling night, and the dark beneath the hills.

Picks in the Dark
- Miners in the northern mountains share the concerns of the Varushkan assembly regarding their safety
- Disruption in Volodmartz and Karov has endangered the supply of good quality lighting
- Businesses in Varushka and Urizen can diversify for free following the Winter Solstice, to add 2 ingots of random metal to their resource
- A more ambitious proposal has been presented to address the demand for Urizeni light sources in Varushka
The touch of liao can only do so much. It can help miners face their fears, remembering their Courage or their Ambition, or the pursuit of Prosperity. But it is little help in the face of a fading lightstone or a burnt out torch. It offers comfort, but it cannot help a lost miner find their way out of a maze of passages become suddenly unfamiliar and hostile.
In many ways the problem for miners in Varushka is not one of virtue, but of light. There are wards that are effective against the Grasping Dark but the most effective way to keep it at bay - and to mark places where it may be gathering - is with large amounts of light. Especially lightstones. Unfortunately, the demand for good lightstone (and fine lamps) is in danger of outstripping the supply. The situation is particularly bad in Volodmartz where the presence of Cold Sun in the southern regions is proving disruptive to the import of good quality lightstones from Urizen. The mineral is found sparsely under the mountains of Varushka, of course, but that brought from the far south is particularly prized for its clarity, its purity, and most importantly its longevity.
After some discussion with priests and pilgrims dedicated to Wisdom, a scheme has been hatched. Mostly, the scheme amounts to "buy more lightstone from Urizen and ship it to Varushka", which is actually reasonably straightforward. Following the Winter Solstice any business in Varushka or Urizen can diversify for free. They lose 36 rings of income but permanently gain 2 ingots of whichever metal they like. This represents an arrangement with mines in northern Varushka to provide finest quality lightstones, lamp oil, torches, lanterns and the like.
ExpandHouse of Illumination and Light Market |
- A complex great work is proposed by the Wise of Varushka
- A House of Illumination could be built at Cargo in Redoubt, and a Light Market at Essk in Miekarova
- This would both solve the problems of acquiring good quality light, benefit the mines of Volodmartz and Miekarova, and provide additional money to the businesses of Redoubt and Morrow
- The opportunity is only available during the Winter Solstice 385YE
There is a second proposal, however, that represents a little more investment but would provide a lasting boon to the people of both Urizen and Varushka. A House of Illumination would be established at Cargo in Redoubt that would deal not only in lightstone but in all the other devices the Urizen have developed over the years exploring their fascination with illumination. Transported north via the Blood Red Roads, these materials would be brought to Dupadealuri in Miekarova, and a Light Market established at the walled town.
Establishing the two structures would require a single commission. It would be relatively cheap; a total of 75 white granite and 225 crowns in labour and take six months to complete. At the end of that time, it would raise the mine investment level in both Miekarova and Volodmartz to 2, and raise the investment level by 1 for businesses in Morrow and Redoubt where much of the nation's lightstone production is based. It would also significantly reduce the danger from Dark-Below-The-Mountain and its servants to the miners of Varushka. People would still make foolish bargains, but it would be much harder for Night Below to simply drag people off into the darkness and consume them.
ExpandArchitect of Illumination |
The commission would also create two Imperial titles to oversee the trade. The Architect of Illumination would be appointed by the mana site owners of Urizen. They would be responsible for protecting the House of Illumination, making decisions regarding it, and maintaining the trade in lightstones and other sources of illumination. They would also be responsible for securing Urizen's position as the foremost creators of illumination in the Empire. They'd receive an income of 10 crowns each season. They'd also receive two magical items that relate to light and illumination each year; in Spring a Fireglass and in Autumn a Brazier of Benediction. Finally, when each Architect of Illumination is appointed they will receive the ability to make an announcement in the Senate during that summit, to declare whether the traders of Urizen wish to be paid in coin or goods for their lighstone. If they pick coin, the investment will provide every business with 36 extra rings each season; if they pick goods, each business will receive two random ingots instead. This represents the "flavour" of the trade in light stones; it can only be changed when the title is appointed not every season.
ExpandMerchant Boyar of the Light Market |
The Merchant-Boyar of the Light Market would be appointed by mine and forest owners in Varushka. They would be responsible for maintaining the trade in lightstone, ensuring that miners across Varushka had access to the lights they need, and keeping an eye on the Night Below and its minions. They'd be expected to liaise with the various other positions such as the Warden of the Trees and Hills to help build Varushkan Prosperity. They'd receive an income of ingots from the mines of Varushka; 12 ingots of Tempest Jade in Spring, 12 ingots of Weltsilver in Summer, 12 ingots of Orichalcum in Autumn and 12 ingots of green iron in Winter. They would also have the ability when appointed to announce whether the lights provided should be used to seek out precious metals and jewels for trade, or to seeks deeper veins of ore. This would determine if the investment provided by the Light Market would grant mines 36 rings each season, or 2 additional ingots of base material. This represents the "flavour" of the trade in light stones; it can only be changed when the title is appointed not every season.
The Prosperous are not selfish, all that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. Last season, the Varushkan boyars donated the use of an Imperial Wayleave to ensure that the Gardens of Pallas could be built in Zenith. We the Urizen National Assembly Witness this act of sharing. Be it hearthside hospitality or uplifting their fellows at a time when much feels broken and uncertain, the Varushkan people have held out their hand to us, and we thank them from the depths of our souls. Despise those who take without giving - this act will not be forgotten by the people of Urizen.
Cassia Silkweaver, Autumn Equinox 385YE, Vote: Greater Majority 314-0The two titles, it is expected, would work together to keep the trade routes open and perhaps look to engineer further opportunities for Varushka and Urizen to work together. There is some interest in this especially in the light of the statement of principle by Cassia Silkweaver during the Autumn Equinox that spoke of the generosity of the Varushkan Boyars: "Be it hearthside hospitality or uplifting their fellows at a time when much feels broken and uncertain, the Varushkan people have held out their hand to us, and we thank them from the depths of our souls." This could be the beginning of closer ties between the two distant nations, and a step towards burying the lingering spectre of past deeds.
This opportunity is only available at the Winter Solstice; after that the situation will have moved on.
Blot out the Sun
- The Sovereign known as the Extinguished Sun has presented an offer to destroy the Shepherds of Ash
- It desires a meeting with several Varushkans during the Winter Solstice
- It has asked Frayderric Pyanytsyavich Vasiliev of Volodmartz to arrange a delegation including the cabalists of Varushka
- Desilav Sergeyevich Jesen, Ostrik Vulpe, and Marzanna Verchernyaya Zorya are all invited by name
Midway between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice a peculiar encounter takes place in the foothills of the mountains of Brez. A Wise One, a priest dedicated to Wisdom, reports encountering a shadowed figure stood patiently beside the road, barely illuminated by moonlight. The figure greatly resembled her father - despite him having died ten years prior. This phantasm spoke calmly, politely, friendly even. It bore a message from the Shadowdamp. A bargain, to be taken to Anvil.
The Dark Beneath the World has become aware of the scions of Cold Sun, due in part to their brief proximity to the Tallowman's Post in Karov. It finds them... unacceptable. That they should be in Volodmartz, walking around, bringing their corrupt illumination into the world? It cannot be allowed to continue.
At the moment, the Varushkan covens have them penned in at Livardz but the phantasm offers a bargain. It will claim the Shepherds of Ash. Take them into itself, into the darkness that no light can penetrate. For their part, all the Varushkans need to do is lure them into a place where the sovereign can enfold them. And meet its price...
The place the shadow has selected is the Star Caverns under Murupa. The caverns lie in the far north of that region, in the hills south of the Mountains of Brez where the sovereign has its places of power. The scions must first be led into position. This will require work by the Varushkan covens - or their allies. They will need to create a wall that leaves the scions no alternate route but to enter the forests of Murupa. This would be done by raising ice citadels in Opascari and weaving wards of living wood in Suvretz, but not in Murupa or Brez. The Shepherds of Ash will be unable to resist the lure of slaughtering the people of Murupa and Brez, of the chance to destroy Void, of the opportunity to claim the Granites of Veltsgorsk... of the teasing promise of the regio that lies at the heart of the Star Caverns. As soon as they reach the caves, however, the trap will close. The sovereign will take them.
All of them.
Or... perhaps only most of them, depending on how suspicious they are. Some might escape and require mopping up - but this is why a boyar has schlacta is it not? To deal with the stray beasts that go too far? The sovereign will easily claim enough of them to cause the army threatening Volodmartz to collapse, however.
Before this plan will work, however, the Senator of Volodmartz must consent to the Haunter claiming the Star Caverns. It was driven out centuries ago, long before the Empire was born, by the Ushkan bargainers. It wants the caverns, and this trap presents the perfect opportunity for both sovereign and Varushkan to get what they want. However, it also wants one thing more. It wants Berislav's Rest.
Berislav's Rest is a vale in Volodmartz. In 381YE, the Imperial Senate commissioned an expansion to the village to "house the growing vigilant population of a virtuous mine in Volodmartz." The Listening Dark doesn't really care about the people of the vale, but it wants the mine. It wants the wards removed, and to flow and pool into the tunnels and chambers as it did in "times before." This would be a severe blow to the Prosperity of the vale, but it would survive. It would no longer be able to support the sinecure however and the title of Keeper of Berislav's Rest would cease to exist. Before it can take the mine, however, it requires permission from someone who has dominion. Either the Keeper, Ostrik Vulpe, or if their position is vacant a unanimous decision of the Senators of Varushka.
Gift Giving (Conjunction)
ExpandCabalists of Varushka |
- A conjunction of the Sentinel gate allows passage to the Varyu Mets, Murupa, Volodmarts
- The conjunction will allow thirty people to visit the area near the Star Caverns
- This is a combat unlikely or contained encounter
- It opens at 23.30 on Friday evening
Granting the sovereign permission to claim the Star Caverns and the mines of Verislav is not a matter for the Senate, the Synod, or the Conclave. It is a matter for the people of Varushka. The cabalists have identified a conjunction of the Sentinel Gate that leads to the Varyu Mets, an area of woodland not far from the Star Caverns in northern Murupa.
The Night Below specifically asks Frayderric Pyanytsyavich Vasiliev to gather the cabalists of Varushka to come and meet it there. They should bring with them Desilav Sergeyevich Jesen the Senator for Volodmartz, and either Ostrik Vulpe the Keeper of Berislav's Rest, or the other four senators of Varushka if the title is for some reason vacant. It also cordially invites the wise one Marzanna Verchernyaya Zorya to attend should they so desire, but wishes to be clear that this is a matter of bargains rather than courtesy. If there are any others who wish to attend, then Frayderric, as a representative of the cabalists of Volodmartz, would have the final say, presumably in consultation with their peers.
The visitors should bring lights with them, of course. The woods are dark. When they reach the heart of the Varyu Mets the cabalists should form as large a circle as they may and call out to the Night Below three times, extinguishing all save one light as they do so. The sovereign will attend in the form of a phantasm; everyone will be safe as long as everyone remains hospitable.
If the Varushkans are amenable, they can make their bargain with the Heart of Darkness; place the citadels that will channel the Shepherds; and rest assured that the sovereign will do the rest and the scions of Cold Sun will learn fear.
Further Reading
- Night Below
- Speakers of the Void - 385YE Summer Wind of Fortune section presenting the Deep Chamber