(Redirected from Gloaming Road)
This title was abrogated by the Imperial Senate during the Autumn Equinox 386YE, and no longer exists
Brightly coloured fabrics are vital to Faraden culture, and iridescent gloaming is key to their production.


The Gloaming Road was a trade route that crossed the dusty Lasambrian hills between Faraden and Segura. Once just another nameless path through the arid wilderness, its prominence dramatically increased after a pernicious blight laid waste to the iridescent butterfly population of the forests of northern Faraden in Autumn 380YE. Merchants of that nation then brokered a trade deal with the Freeborn, exchanging precious mithril for vast amounts of iridescent gloaming from the Empire. The Gloaming Road bustled with caravans hauling valuable goods, and Faraden requested an overseer be appointed from among the Freeborn to manage the exchange.

When it was first created the position of overseer of the Gloaming Road was not an Imperial title; rather it represented a campaign resource appointed by the Ambassador to Faraden and their opposite number Lady Saretta of the Red Moon. During the Autumn Equinox 384YE, following the wishes of the newly appointed Liege of the Five Winds, Overseer of the Gloaming Road became an Imperial title, appointed by Auction of the Seats. This removed the current Overseer, and lead to the first auction taking place at the Winter Solstice and thereafter following the usual pattern of Autumn elections alongside the other mithril producing seats and ministries.

In the lead-up to the Autumn Equinox 386YE, then Ambassador to Faraden Ebenezer of the Marches passed on concerns about the profitability of the trade route. While the merchants participating in the Gloaming Road were unconcerned, Mistress Singua referenced the fact it would be much easier for the Empire to secure Faraden mithril via a port such as Caitun. In the end, the Imperial Senate voted to abrogate the Gloaming Road. Faraden merchants still make the risky trek through the Lasambrian hills to the Brass Coast, but they do so without any assurance that their mithril will be easily traded for iridescent gloaming.

Former Responsibilities

The change to Imperial title did not change the responsibilities of the Overseer. They were expected to ensure the continued exchange of iridescent gloaming with Faraden. Numerous minor, independent Imperial and Faraden merchants took advantage of the thriving trade route to do business, but it fell to the overseer to handle the bulk of the trade taking place - and to ensure that it continued unabated. This was further complicated by the presence of the Jotun in the Lasambrian hills - while there was an agreement to allow Faraden traders to pass unmolested, no such arrangement existed for Imperial merchants. As a consequence, Imperial gloaming traders congregated at the Kabalai Palace and dealt with the weary Faraden when they arrived in Segura.

Shortly before the Autumn Equinox 385YE, news reached Anvil of the renegotiation of the treaty between the Faraden and the Jotun allowing merchants to pass through the Lasambrian Hills. The price to purchase mithril was increased by a further fifth over what it was in previous seasons; the Faraden caravaners were having to pay through the nose to travel through the Lasambrian hills.


Ministry (Abrograted)

Total iridescent gloaming providedWains of mithril received
60 iridescent gloaming2 wains of mithril
138 iridescent gloaming4 wains of mithril
220 iridescent gloaming6 wains of mithril

The overseer could provide large stocks of iridescent gloaming to the merchants of Faraden, in return for which they received a significant amount of mithril. This functioned in the same manner as a traditional ministry. The production of the ministry was entirely dependent on Faraden's ongoing need for iridescent gloaming from outside its borders, and the continued provision of the magical material by the Empire.

The price of mithril fluctuated regularly during the time the Gloaming Road operated, being effected by the imposition of sanctions on trade with Faraden; the treaty with the Faraden that saw the Faraden returned to a mercantilist trading standards; and negotiations between the western merchants and the Jotun controlling the Lasambrian hills.

Following the Spring Equinox 383YE, Sadogua provided the Faraden with a number of blight resistant grubs, putting an end to the blight. The amount of mithril available for trade was reduced as the demand for gloaming from outside the borders of Faraden returned to what it was before the blight struck.

Previous Selection

As with the other mithril Bourse seats, the holder of the title was determined during the Autumn Equinox. As an Imperial seat, any Imperial citizen could participate in the auction and hold the title.

The Overseer of the Gloaming Road title was retained for a year, or until the citizen holding the seat dies, or steps down. As a title appointed through the Bourse they could not be revoked by the Imperial Synod.

Regarding the Gloaming Road
This title had some additional restrictions. The mithril it produced was provided by Faraden merchants eager to acquire Imperial iridescent gloaming. In the event relations with Faraden collapsed, or the Gloaming Road were to be closed, the title would still exist but would not be able to purchase mithril.

The Gloaming Road

During 380YE, a disease crept into Faraden from farther lands and swept through the iridescent butterfly populations therein. The results were disastrous for the carefully-cultivated forests where Faraden silk-harvesters worked, shattering the production of iridescent gloaming over a few short months. Desperate for gloaming, the Court of the Five Winds authorised merchants from several key families to approach the Brass Coast and discuss the large-scale trade of the material in return for mithril. An initial exchange during the Autumn Equinox of 380YE was successful, and an ongoing trade agreement between the two nations was formalised during the following Winter Solstice. Antonio i Carno i Guerra was appointed in Winter 380YE to serve as the first overseer of the Gloaming Road

Brightly coloured fabrics are vital to Faraden culture, and iridescent gloaming is key to their production. While the effects of the gloaming blight continued, the nation's hunger for iridescent gloaming remained strong. The situation changed with the ratification of the Liberty Pact which placed additional tariffs on Faraden mithril - but even that was nothing to the damage done to the profitability of the trade route when the Imperial Conclave effectively ended the gloaming blight in Summer 383YE.

In Autumn 384YE, following the ascension of Tchinua Ganbatar to the Seat of Five Winds, the Gloaming Road was made an Imperial title as part of the same treaty that saw trade sanctions for the Faraden lifted. This also made the Imperial Senate responsible for maintaining roads and bridges that form the western part of the route, incurring a cost to the Imperial Treasury of 5 thrones each season.

Ultimately, the Gloaming Road failed due to diplomatic and economic pressures. It remains to be seen what form the trade of mithril for iridescent gloaming takes in the future.

Autumn Equinox 386YENavarrOwain Farkas8 thrones 4 crowns
Autumn Equinox 385YEThe Brass CoastKhalil i Carno i Guerra5 thrones
Winter Solstice 384YEThe Brass CoastKhalil i Carno i Guerra5 rings
Summer Solstice 383YEThe Brass CoastSagremar i Zayden

Recent Elections

This tile is no longer being elected as the Bourse seat it oversaw is not in Imperial hands. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.

The Title in Play

The role does not provide additional information about events in the Empire, nor allow the player holding it to request special reports or downtime actions. These details are assumed to be below the abstraction layer. The title holder is encouraged to create their own stories about their activities within reasonable limits and to get involved in events appropriate to their title during the game, but they do not have any powers beyond those explicitly listed in the section on powers.

These details exist partly to provide context and character to the role - and partly to allow our writers to use the title as a plot hook. Plot that involves the position will be rare - but all the campaign positions in Empire have these details to create the potential for it to happen.