
These massive greatclubs are capable of striking especially powerful blows, designed to lift a foe off their feet. Verys, the Rune of Might commonly marks the striking surface of these weapons.

Marcher smiths claim the design is a tribute to a legendary figure known as Steeple Jack, a man said to be over seven feet tall. He was famed for going to battle armed with a small tree and could knock even the sturdiest warrior from their feet without spell or enchantment. Some stories even claim that Steeple Jack could even bowl over the now extinct horses with a single blow. Giant's Mauls were devised to let lesser humans replicate Jack's feats of strength.

The Giant's Maul is also popular in the cities of the League. There it is employed in the defence of the city walls in times of siege. Invaders stepping onto the walls from siege towers and ladders are often greeted with brutal strikes from these clubs, causing them to lose their footing and fall from the fortifications. This sequence of step, blow, stumble and long fall has become known as the Holberg Hustle among the defenders of the besieged city.


  • Form: Weapon. Takes the form of a great weapon. You must be wielding this weapon to use its magical properties.
  • Requirement: You must have the Weapon Master skill to bond to this item.
  • Effect: Once per day you may call STRIKEDOWN with this great weapon.
  • Materials: Crafting a Giant's Maul requires seven ingots of green iron and eight ingots of tempest jade. It takes one month to make one of these items.