To amend the title of Preceptor of the Warcaster College of Skarsind to include a ministry and to change how it is appointed to the Bourse voting style of the Imperial Orcs

Proposed Skarsind, Seconded Weirwater



  • Spring 384YE


  • As detailed in the wind of fortune
  • 12 wains of weirwood
  • 24 crowns in labour costs,
  • Three months to construct


  • 3 thrones and 4 wains of weirwood provided by Bloodcrow Yargol after Spring Equinox 384YE
  • 2 wains of weirwood provided by Vana after Spring Equinox 384YE
  • 2 wains of weirwood provided by Ghillihg after Spring Equinox 384YE
  • 2 wains of weirwood provided by Zerk after Spring Equinox 384YE
  • 2 wains of weirwood provided by Ringforge Kerath after Spring Equinox 384YE
