Arbiter of the Four Winds
The Arbiter of the Four Winds is an Imperial title awarded to a citizen of Urizen. The motion to convert the Temple of the Four Winds into the Monastery of the Four Winds was passed by the Imperial Senate in Autumn 386YE. The Arbiter of the Four Winds is expected to facilitate the discussion of the Way, encouraging debate and inquiry into spiritual matters across the Empire. The title was created as a result of an opportunity presented in the Thresher's summer wind of fortune.
Originally created when the Temple of the Winds was commissioned in Summer 382YE, construction was delayed during the invasion of the Druj the next season. The orcs sacked the building site, slaying a great many sword scholars in the process. The project was halted, and did not resume until the following year following the liberation of Peregro. The reconstruction was completed shortly before the Summer Solstice 383YE.
During the Spring Equinox 386YE the Senator for Kahraman, Delara i Fijadoz i Guerra, raised a motion to abrogate the original motion to construct the temple and create the title which was upheld by the Imperial Senate. More information on the circumstances leading up to the abrogation can be found in the Broken sword wind of fortune.
The Arbiter of the Four Winds serves to ensure the safety of the monastery and its guests and facilitate the discussion of the Way, encouraging debate and inquiry into spiritual matters. If the Monastery of the Four Winds, or those visiting the monastery, were to be threatened then it would be the responsibility of the Arbiter to deal with those threats.
A Portion of Liao
The sinecure provides twelve doses of liao to the Arbiter of the Four Winds each season.
Prosperous Gardens
The Monastery of the Four Winds has extensive orchards and gardens tended by Marcher monks drawn to the monastery by vigorous debate. Fruit crops as well as flowers and herbs from the gardens are sold across Peregro, and the Arbiter receives eight crowns a season from the profits.
The Monastery of the Four Winds benefits from a synergy with the Landskeeper's Study. For as long as the study remains in good standing the income from the orchards and surrounding gardens is increased by four crowns, included above.
The Arbiter of the Four Winds is appointed at the Winter Solstice by the Urizen National assembly.
The title can be held by any Urizen citizen. The Arbiter of the Four Winds serves until the next election, or until they die, step down, or are revoked. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Urizen National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.
Summit | Elected | Votes |
Summer Solstice 385YE | Herminius of the House of the Wanderer | 235 Votes |
Summer Solstice 384YE | Cato Hypation | 92 Votes |
Summer Solstice 383YE | Aspar | 26 Votes |
Recent Elections
This title is vacant and will be reelected at the next summit. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.