Motion to dredge the Westmere at Meade March, Mitwold. This commission will result in the creation of 2 ministries. The first, a mithril ministry in Meade, to be held by the 'Alder of Meade' liaison to the Tseriyn family of Faraden. This would be an annually elected Marcher Bourse position. The second, an ilium ministry in Fisk, Kallavesa, to be held by the 'Mediator of Fisk'. Both to be appointed by the tally of votes. We have secured funding.

Proposed: Mitwold, Seconded: Kallavesa



  • Autumn 385YE


  • Costs as per the wind of fortune
  • 50 wains of weirwood
  • 30 wains of white granite
  • 30 thrones
  • Six months to complete


  • 20 thrones, 22 wains of weirwood and 15 wains of white granite provided by Henry Birchsmith after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 3 wains of weirwood provided by Watkin after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 3 crowns provided by Kostjya after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Fintan Nighthaven after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 9 thrones 3 crowns 13 rings, 25 wains of weirwood and 15 wains of white granite provided by Henry Birchsmith after Winter Solstice 385YE
  • 7 rings in small donations provided after Winter Solstice 385YE
