To commission the Inn of the Granite Stag in Veltsgorsk, a folly establishing a ministry that will allow the holder of the Granites of Veltsgorsk to purchase additional white granite, up to a maximum of 12 wains a season. Fully self funded by the seat holder.

Proposed: Volodmartz, Seconded: Ossium



  • Spring 386YE


  • Costs as per opportunity
  • 10 weirwood
  • 30 crowns
  • Three months to complete


  • 3 thrones 5 crowns and 10 wains of weirwood provided by Blazh Zbignev after Spring Equinox 386YE
  • 1 crown provided by Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov after Spring Equinox 386YE


  • Now complete, the Custodian of the Granite of Veltsgorsk is able to directly fund storytellers and miners to visit the inn - represented by a ministry.