To construct the Abbey of Reconciliation, a 10 weirwood herb sinecure in Necropolis and part of the Network of the Proffered Hand. Elected by the Highborn National Assembly. Revocable by the Highborn, General, and Assembly of the Nine. To be overseen by the Abbess of Reconciliation with the responsibility to: support ex-slaves and refugees; bring them into the Way; and provide them opportunity to work and recover in the Empire.

Proposed: Necropolis, Seconded: Bastion



  • Summer 385YE


  • Standard costs apply
  • 10 wains of weirwood
  • 20 crowns in labour costs
  • Three months to construct


  • 2 thrones 2 crowns and 10 wains of weirwood provided by Sister Rosa after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Fintan Nighthaven after Summer Solstice 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov after Summer Solstice 385YE
