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The current plot spreadsheet will be available as a link from the Plot FB group and on the plot wiki - it's deliberately not here because this wiki is available to players! Please do not helpfully edit a link to it into this page :-).

TL;DR: Add your plot link, in hyperlink format - that's

=HYPERLINK("","Your Plot Name")

- to whichever slot you want to book; if you want field (non-fighty) NPCs, add a number of field NPCs in the box under that.

Currently skirmish team booking (and skirmish field location booking) is handled by asking James Crollie for a quest slot on the Plot FB group / by FB PM. The quest timetable information on the spreadsheet is for information only - please don't edit it unless you've been told to by James Crollie or Michelle Taylor.

More details:

'Anvil' slots are for sending field-NPC crew out onto the main field. If these columns have all filled up but there are still NPCs available, please ask ChessyPig / Michelle Taylor for a new column to be added - we're just trying to avoid massive side-scrolling death for everyone, there isn't a magic number of columns here.

'PLV Tent' and 'Env Tent' are physical locations you can book. You should talk to their organisers about your requirements before booking them! Add a number of NPCs as above.

'Makeup' is for booking makeup jobs that you'll need the attention of the makeup team for - this is an attempt to make sure we don't have e.g. two Eternals in prep at the same time :-). You should add an NPC number for the number of NPCs who are going to be sitting around being made up at the time.

'Sentinel Gate' is for booking a time for people to leave Anvil through the Sentinel Gate. This will go on the conjunctions list that the plot desk will use to answer Detect Magic requests from the portal. Don't put an NPC number here - book a number of field NPCs under the physical location you're using at the other end of the gate (generally one of the tents).

If you've booked a Gate slot, you must have near the top of your plot wiki page the Sentinel Gate details: the IC location the Gate is pointing to (preferably in the format Specific Location, Region, Territory) and the type of gate (Quest gate, player limit N; Skirmish gate, character nationality X; Battle gate).

If you're planning a fighty encounter using a skirmish team, please abide by their advice on gate numbers :-).