Outdoors Environmental Considerations

As mentioned in the slips, trips and falls page there is an uncreased risk whilst playing outdoors due to many factors caused by the weather, being sensible you can take steps to minimise this risk and ensure your own fun.

Appropriate clothing

  • In hot temperatures please wear loose fitting and light clothing as much as possible. Where duties or encounters require the use of heavy clothing or costume ensure you hydrate, take to shade and take breaks.
  • In cold temperatures please wear warm clothing, consider hats and gloves which can be easily removed for duties and encounters.


  • Remain hydrated.
  • Take breaks out of the sun where possible.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of dehydration in yourself and others. If you feel unwell please report to first aid or welfare.

Cold and Wet

  • Keep warm.
  • Take breaks in warm/sheltered places where possible.
  • Consider clothing and sleeping arrangements. Do you have water proof layers to go over your clothing/costume?
  • Keep and eye out for signs of hypothermia in yourself and others. If you feel unwell please report to first aid or welfare.

Before encounters where there are additional considerations such as light levels, slippery surfaces or drops you will receive additional briefings. We will also have safety refs in place on battles and skirmishes, you MUST listen to them and follow their instructions.